19 results on '"Gay-Balmaz, P."'
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2. Variational integrators for stochastic Hamiltonian systems on Lie groups: properties and convergence
- Author
Gay-Balmaz, François and Wu, Meng
- Subjects
Mathematics - Numerical Analysis ,Mathematics - Dynamical Systems ,Mathematics - Symplectic Geometry - Abstract
We derive variational integrators for stochastic Hamiltonian systems on Lie groups using a discrete version of the stochastic Hamiltonian phase space principle. The structure-preserving properties of the resulting scheme, such as symplecticity, preservation of the Lie-Poisson structure, preservation of the coadjoint orbits, and conservation of Casimir functions, are discussed, along with a discrete Noether theorem for subgroup symmetries. We also consider in detail the case of stochastic Hamiltonian systems with advected quantities, studying the associated structure-preserving properties in relation to semidirect product Lie groups. A full convergence proof for the scheme is provided for the case of the Lie group of rotations. Several numerical examples are presented, including simulations of the free rigid body and the heavy top.
- Published
- 2024
3. A Discrete Exterior Calculus of Bundle-valued Forms
- Author
Braune, Theo, Tong, Yiying, Gay-Balmaz, François, and Desbrun, Mathieu
- Subjects
Mathematics - Differential Geometry ,Mathematics - Numerical Analysis ,53A70 - Abstract
The discretization of Cartan's exterior calculus of differential forms has been fruitful in a variety of theoretical and practical endeavors: from computational electromagnetics to the development of Finite-Element Exterior Calculus, the development of structure-preserving numerical tools satisfying exact discrete equivalents to Stokes' theorem or the de Rham complex for the exterior derivative have found numerous applications in computational physics. However, there has been a dearth of effort in establishing a more general discrete calculus, this time for differential forms with values in vector bundles over a combinatorial manifold equipped with a connection. In this work, we propose a discretization of the exterior covariant derivative of bundle-valued differential forms. We demonstrate that our discrete operator mimics its continuous counterpart, satisfies the Bianchi identities on simplicial cells, and contrary to previous attempts at its discretization, ensures numerical convergence to its exact evaluation with mesh refinement under mild assumptions., Comment: 58 pages, 20 figures, Fix erroneous line break
- Published
- 2024
4. Koopmon trajectories in nonadiabatic quantum-classical dynamics
- Author
Bauer, Werner, Bergold, Paul, Gay-Balmaz, François, and Tronci, Cesare
- Subjects
Mathematics - Numerical Analysis ,Mathematical Physics ,Physics - Chemical Physics ,Quantum Physics - Abstract
In order to alleviate the computational costs of fully quantum nonadiabatic dynamics, we present a mixed quantum-classical (MQC) particle method based on the theory of Koopman wavefunctions. Although conventional MQC models often suffer from consistency issues such as the violation of Heisenberg's principle, we overcame these difficulties by blending Koopman's classical mechanics on Hilbert spaces with methods in symplectic geometry. The resulting continuum model enjoys both a variational and a Hamiltonian structure, while its nonlinear character calls for suitable closures. Benefiting from the underlying action principle, here we apply a regularization technique previously developed within our team. This step allows for a singular solution ansatz which introduces the trajectories of computational particles - the koopmons - sampling the Lagrangian classical paths in phase space. In the case of Tully's nonadiabatic problems, the method reproduces the results of fully quantum simulations with levels of accuracy that are not achieved by standard MQC Ehrenfest simulations. In addition, the koopmon method is computationally advantageous over similar fully quantum approaches, which are also considered in our study. As a further step, we probe the limits of the method by considering the Rabi problem in both the ultrastrong and the deep strong coupling regimes, where MQC treatments appear hardly applicable. In this case, the method succeeds in reproducing parts of the fully quantum results., Comment: Second version. 40 pages, 15 figures
- Published
- 2023
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5. Variational and thermodynamically consistent finite element discretization for heat conducting viscous fluids
- Author
Gawlik, Evan S. and Gay-Balmaz, François
- Subjects
Mathematics - Numerical Analysis - Abstract
Respecting the laws of thermodynamics is crucial for ensuring that numerical simulations of dynamical systems deliver physically relevant results. In this paper, we construct a structure-preserving and thermodynamically consistent finite element method and time-stepping scheme for heat conducting viscous fluids, with general state equations. The method is deduced by discretizing a variational formulation for nonequilibrium thermodynamics that extends Hamilton's principle for fluids to systems with irreversible processes. The resulting scheme preserves the balance of energy and mass to machine precision, as well as the second law of thermodynamics, both at the spatially and temporally discrete levels. The method is shown to apply both with insulated and prescribed heat flux boundary conditions, as well as with prescribed temperature boundary conditions. We illustrate the properties of the scheme with the Rayleigh-B\'enard thermal convection. While the focus is on heat conducting viscous fluids, the proposed discrete variational framework paves the way to a systematic construction of thermodynamically consistent discretizations of continuum systems., Comment: 37 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables
- Published
- 2022
6. Variational discretization of the Navier-Stokes-Fourier system
- Author
Couéraud, Benjamin and Gay-Balmaz, François
- Subjects
Mathematics - Differential Geometry ,Mathematics - Dynamical Systems ,Mathematics - Numerical Analysis - Abstract
This paper presents the variational discretization of the compressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier system, in which the viscosity and the heat conduction terms are handled within the variational approach to nonequilibrium thermodynamics as developed by one of the authors. In a first part, we review the variational framework for the Navier-Stokes-Fourier (NSF) system in the smooth setting. In a second part, we review a discrete exterior calculus based on discrete diffeomorphisms then proceed to establish the spatially discretized variational principle for the NSF system through the use of this discrete exterior calculus, which yields a semi-discrete nonholonomic variational principle, as well as semi-discrete evolution equations. In order to avoid important technical difficulties, further treatment of the phenomenological constraint is needed. In a third part we discretize in time the spatial variational principle underlying the NSF system by extending previous work of the authors, which at last yields a nonholonomic variational integrator for the NSF system, as well as fully discrete evolution equations.
- Published
- 2022
7. Unified discrete multisymplectic Lagrangian formulation for hyperelastic solids and barotropic fluids
- Author
Demoures, François and Gay-Balmaz, François
- Subjects
Mathematics - Numerical Analysis - Abstract
We present a geometric variational discretization of nonlinear elasticity in 2D and 3D in the Lagrangian description. A main step in our construction is the definition of discrete deformation gradients and discrete Cauchy-Green deformation tensors, which allows for the development of a general discrete geometric setting for frame indifferent isotropic hyperelastic models. The resulting discrete framework is in perfect adequacy with the multisymplectic discretization of fluids proposed earlier by the authors. Thanks to the unified discrete setting, a geometric variational discretization can be developed for the coupled dynamics of a fluid impacting and flowing on the surface of an hyperelastic body. The variational treatment allows for a natural inclusion of incompressibility and impenetrability constraints via appropriate penalty terms. We test the resulting integrators in 2D and 3D with the case of a barotropic fluid flowing on incompressible rubber-like nonlinear models., Comment: 37 pages, 11 figures
- Published
- 2021
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8. Selective decay for the rotating shallow-water equations with a structure-preserving discretization
- Author
Brecht, Rüdiger, Bauer, Werner, Bihlo, Alexander, Gay-Balmaz, François, and MacLachlan, Scott
- Subjects
Mathematics - Numerical Analysis - Abstract
Numerical models of weather and climate critically depend on long-term stability of integrators for systems of hyperbolic conservation laws. While such stability is often obtained from (physical or numerical) dissipation terms, physical fidelity of such simulations also depends on properly preserving conserved quantities, such as energy, of the system. To address this apparent paradox, we develop a variational integrator for the shallow water equations that conserves energy, but dissipates potential enstrophy. Our approach follows the continuous selective decay framework [F. Gay-Balmaz and D. Holm. Selective decay by Casimir dissipation in inviscid fluids. Nonlinearity, 26(2):495, 2013], which enables dissipating an otherwise conserved quantity while conserving the total energy. We use this in combination with the variational discretization method [D. Pavlov, P. Mullen, Y. Tong, E. Kanso, J. Marsden and M. Desbrun. Structure-preserving discretization of incompressible fluids. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 240(6):443-458, 2011] to obtain a discrete selective decay framework. This is applied to the shallow water equations, both in the plane and on the sphere, to dissipate the potential enstrophy. The resulting scheme significantly improves the quality of the approximate solutions, enabling long-term integrations to be carried out.
- Published
- 2021
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9. A structure-preserving finite element method for compressible ideal and resistive MHD
- Author
Gawlik, Evan S. and Gay-Balmaz, François
- Subjects
Mathematics - Numerical Analysis - Abstract
We construct a structure-preserving finite element method and time-stepping scheme for compressible barotropic magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) both in the ideal and resistive cases, and in the presence of viscosity. The method is deduced from the geometric variational formulation of the equations. It preserves the balance laws governing the evolution of total energy and magnetic helicity, and preserves mass and the constraint $ \operatorname{div}B = 0$ to machine precision, both at the spatially and temporally discrete levels. In particular, conservation of energy and magnetic helicity hold at the discrete levels in the ideal case. It is observed that cross helicity is well conserved in our simulation in the ideal case., Comment: 6 figures
- Published
- 2021
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10. Multisymplectic variational integrators for barotropic and incompressible fluid models with constraints
- Author
Demoures, François and Gay-Balmaz, François
- Subjects
Mathematics - Numerical Analysis ,Physics - Fluid Dynamics - Abstract
We present a structure preserving discretization of the fundamental spacetime geometric structures of fluid mechanics in the Lagrangian description in 2D and 3D. Based on this, multisymplectic variational integrators are developed for barotropic and incompressible fluid models, which satisfy a discrete version of Noether theorem. We show how the geometric integrator can handle regular fluid motion in vacuum with free boundaries and constraints such as the impact against an obstacle of a fluid flowing on a surface. Our approach is applicable to a wide range of models including the Boussinesq and shallow water models, by appropriate choice of the Lagrangian.
- Published
- 2021
11. A Finite Element Method for MHD that Preserves Energy, Cross-Helicity, Magnetic Helicity, Incompressibility, and $\operatorname{div} B = 0$
- Author
Gawlik, Evan S. and Gay-Balmaz, François
- Subjects
Mathematics - Numerical Analysis ,Physics - Computational Physics ,65M60, 76M10, 76W05 - Abstract
We construct a structure-preserving finite element method and time-stepping scheme for inhomogeneous, incompressible magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The method preserves energy, cross-helicity (when the fluid density is constant), magnetic helicity, mass, total squared density, pointwise incompressibility, and the constraint $\operatorname{div} B = 0$ to machine precision, both at the spatially and temporally discrete levels.
- Published
- 2020
12. A Conservative Finite Element Method for the Incompressible Euler Equations with Variable Density
- Author
Gawlik, Evan S. and Gay-Balmaz, François
- Subjects
Mathematics - Numerical Analysis ,Physics - Computational Physics ,65M60, 76M10 - Abstract
We construct a finite element discretization and time-stepping scheme for the incompressible Euler equations with variable density that exactly preserves total mass, total squared density, total energy, and pointwise incompressibility. The method uses Raviart-Thomas or Brezzi-Douglas-Marini finite elements to approximate the velocity and discontinuous polynomials to approximate the density and pressure. To achieve exact preservation of the aforementioned conserved quantities, we exploit a seldom-used weak formulation of the momentum equation and a second-order time-stepping scheme that is similar, but not identical, to the midpoint rule. We also describe and prove stability of an upwinded version of the method. We present numerical examples that demonstrate the order of convergence of the method.
- Published
- 2019
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13. A Variational Finite Element Discretization of Compressible Flow
- Author
Gawlik, Evan S. and Gay-Balmaz, François
- Subjects
Mathematics - Numerical Analysis - Abstract
We present a finite element variational integrator for compressible flows. The numerical scheme is derived by discretizing, in a structure preserving way, the Lie group formulation of fluid dynamics on diffeomorphism groups and the associated variational principles. Given a triangulation on the fluid domain, the discrete group of diffeomorphisms is defined as a certain subgroup of the group of linear isomorphisms of a finite element space of functions. In this setting, discrete vector fields correspond to a certain subspace of the Lie algebra of this group. This subspace is shown to be isomorphic to a Raviart-Thomas finite element space. The resulting finite element discretization corresponds to a weak form of the compressible fluid equation that doesn't seem to have been used in the finite element literature. It extends previous work done on incompressible flows and at the lowest order on compressible flows. We illustrate the conservation properties of the scheme with some numerical simulations., Comment: 32 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables
- Published
- 2019
14. Variational integrator for the rotating shallow-water equations on the sphere
- Author
Brecht, Rüdiger, Bauer, Werner, Bihlo, Alexander, Gay-Balmaz, François, and MacLachlan, Scott
- Subjects
Mathematics - Numerical Analysis ,Physics - Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - Abstract
We develop a variational integrator for the shallow-water equations on a rotating sphere. The variational integrator is built around a discretization of the continuous Euler-Poincar\'{e} reduction framework for Eulerian hydrodynamics. We describe the discretization of the continuous Euler-Poincar\'{e} equations on arbitrary simplicial meshes. Standard numerical tests are carried out to verify the accuracy and the excellent conservational properties of the discrete variational integrator.
- Published
- 2018
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15. Towards a geometric variational discretization of compressible fluids: the rotating shallow water equations
- Author
Bauer, Werner and Gay-Balmaz, François
- Subjects
Mathematics - Numerical Analysis ,Physics - Computational Physics - Abstract
This paper presents a geometric variational discretization of compressible fluid dynamics. The numerical scheme is obtained by discretizing, in a structure preserving way, the Lie group formulation of fluid dynamics on diffeomorphism groups and the associated variational principles. Our framework applies to irregular mesh discretizations in 2D and 3D. It systematically extends work previously made for incompressible fluids to the compressible case. We consider in detail the numerical scheme on 2D irregular simplicial meshes and evaluate the scheme numerically for the rotating shallow water equations. In particular, we investigate whether the scheme conserves stationary solutions, represents well the nonlinear dynamics, and approximates well the frequency relations of the continuous equations, while preserving conservation laws such as mass and total energy.
- Published
- 2017
16. Variational discretization of the nonequilibrium thermodynamics of simple systems
- Author
Gay-Balmaz, François and Yoshimura, H.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Numerical Analysis - Abstract
In this paper, we develop variational integrators for the nonequilibrium thermodynamics of simple closed systems. These integrators are obtained by a discretization of the Lagrangian variational formulation of nonequilibrium thermodynamics developed in \cite{GBYo2016a}, and thus extend the variational integrators of Lagrangian mechanics, to include irreversible processes. In the continuous setting, we derive the structure preserving property of the flow of such systems. This property is an extension of the symplectic property of the flow of the Euler-Lagrange equations. In the discrete setting, we show that the discrete flow solution of our numerical scheme verifies a discrete version of this property. We also present the regularity conditions which ensure the existence of the discrete flow. We finally illustrate our discrete variational schemes with the implementation of an example of a simple and closed system., Comment: 33 pages, 25 figures
- Published
- 2017
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17. Variational integrators for anelastic and pseudo-incompressible flows
- Author
Bauer, Werner and Gay-Balmaz, François
- Subjects
Mathematics - Numerical Analysis ,Physics - Computational Physics - Abstract
The anelastic and pseudo-incompressible equations are two well-known soundproof approximations of compressible flows useful for both theoretical and numerical analysis in meteorology, atmospheric science, and ocean studies. In this paper, we derive and test structure-preserving numerical schemes for these two systems. The derivations are based on a discrete version of the Euler-Poincar\'e variational method. This approach relies on a finite dimensional approximation of the (Lie) group of diffeomorphisms that preserve weighted-volume forms. These weights describe the background stratification of the fluid and correspond to the weighed velocity fields for anelastic and pseudo-incompressible approximations. In particular, we identify to these discrete Lie group configurations the associated Lie algebras such that elements of the latter correspond to weighted velocity fields that satisfy the divergence-free conditions for both systems. Defining discrete Lagrangians in terms of these Lie algebras, the discrete equations follow by means of variational principles. Descending from variational principles, the schemes exhibit further a discrete version of Kelvin circulation theorem, are applicable to irregular meshes, and show excellent long term energy behavior. We illustrate the properties of the schemes by performing preliminary test cases., Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures
- Published
- 2017
18. Multisymplectic Lie group variational integrator for a geometrically exact beam in R3
- Author
Demoures, François, Gay-Balmaz, François, Kobilarov, Marin, and Ratiu, Tudor S.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Numerical Analysis ,Mathematics - Dynamical Systems - Abstract
In this paper we develop, study, and test a Lie group multisymplectic integra- tor for geometrically exact beams based on the covariant Lagrangian formulation. We exploit the multisymplectic character of the integrator to analyze the energy and momentum map conservations associated to the temporal and spatial discrete evolutions., Comment: Article in press. 22 pages, 18 figures. Received 20 November 2013, Received in revised form 26 February 2014, Accepted 27 February 2014. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2014
- Published
- 2014
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19. Multisymplectic variational integrators and space/time symplecticity
- Author
Demoures, François, Gay-Balmaz, François, and Ratiu, Tudor S.
- Subjects
Mathematics - Numerical Analysis - Abstract
Multisymplectic variational integrators are structure preserving numerical schemes especially designed for PDEs derived from covariant spacetime Hamilton principles. The goal of this paper is to study the properties of the temporal and spatial discrete evolution maps obtained from a multisymplectic numerical scheme. Our study focuses on a 1+1 dimensional spacetime discretized by triangles, but our approach carries over naturally to more general cases. In the case of Lie group symmetries, we explore the links between the discrete Noether theorems associated to the multisymplectic spacetime discretization and to the temporal and spatial discrete evolution maps, and emphasize the role of boundary conditions. We also consider in detail the case of multisymplectic integrators on Lie groups. Our results are illustrated with the numerical example of a geometrically exact beam model.
- Published
- 2013
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