17 results on '"Reprezentacija"'
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- Author
Šestak, Nikita and Vlajić, Milica
- Subjects
SOCIAL impact ,DISCOURSE analysis ,PHILOSOPHICAL analysis ,SOCIAL reality ,CRIME ,MENTAL representation ,COLLECTIVE representation - Abstract
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- Published
- 2020
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3. Reprezentacije starosti v slovenskih dnevnih časopisih
- Author
Gerdina, Otto and Kurdija, Slavko
- Subjects
mediji ,content analysis ,udc:316.346.32-053.9:070(043.2) ,longitudinalna študija ,representation ,ageism ,media ,longitudinal study ,starost ,analiza vsebin ,starizem ,reprezentacija ,old age - Abstract
Sodobni demografski, družbeni in ekonomski trendi spodbujajo zanimanje družbene in kulturne gerontologije za raziskovanje medijskih reprezentacij starosti, ki so za družboslovce zanimive zaradi njihove narave pa tudi njihovih vplivov na družbene odnose in strukture ter vrednote. V Sloveniji do zdaj ni bilo raziskave, ki bi preučila, kako se skozi daljše obdobje medijske reprezentacije starosti spreminjajo in vplivajo na odnos družbe do starih. Da bi dobil vpogled v družbeno konstrukcijo starosti v enaindvajsetem stoletju in z njo povezanih trendov, sem opravil longitudinalno analizo časopisnega poročanja v volilnih letih od 2004 do 2018. Najprej sem na vzorcu 3.800 prispevkov, zbranih iz treh tiskanih dnevnih časopisov – Delo, Slovenske novice in Večer – s kvantitativno analizo vsebin raziskal spremembe medijskih reprezentacij starosti. Nato sem na namenskem vzorcu 80 prispevkov dnevnega časopisa Delo iz istega obdobja raziskavo poglobil s kvalitativno analizo poročanja o 309 problemih starih in 144 rešitvah zanje. Ugotovil sem, da so bili v volilnih letih od 2004 do 2018 v dnevnih časopisih najbolj poudarjeni politični in ekonomski vidiki staranja ter da se v analiziranem obdobju povečuje družbena občutljivost za s starostjo povezane tematike. Ugotovitve nadalje kažejo, da pri poročanju o problemih, s katerimi se spoprijemajo stari, prevladujejo trije s starizmom povezani principi reprezentacije: normalizacija, drugačenje in homogenizacija. Največ problemov, s katerimi se srečujejo stari ljudje, in rešitev zanje opredelijo predstavniki države in interesnih skupin. V nasprotju z drugimi raziskavami medijskih reprezentacij ta raziskava ni potrdila trenda individualizacije odgovornosti za probleme, s katerimi se spoprijemajo stari. Contemporary demographic, social, and economic trends stimulate the interest of social and cultural gerontology in exploring the nature and potential influences of media representations of old age. Media representations of old age are of special importance for social scientists because they are related to social relations and reflect the structure of society and its values. So far, there has been no research that would examine how media representations of old age change over time and effect society's attitude towards the older people in Slovenia. In order to gain understanding of the social construction of old age and related trends in the early twenty-first century we implemented longitudinal study, which encompassed the 2004‒2018 election years. First, we analysed coverage of topics related to old age on a sample size of 3,800 articles collected from the three printed daily newspapers Delo, Slovenske novice and Večer using quantitative content analysis. Further we selected a sample of 80 articles of the daily newspaper Delo and analysed the newspaper coverage of 309 problems that people face in old age and 144 related solutions using qualitative content analysis. Our results showed that in the election years from 2004 to 2018, the political and economic aspects of aging were most prominent in daily newspapers, and that social sensitivity to age-related topics increased in the analysed period. Our findings further revealed that three principles related to ageism prevail in representation of older people: normalization, differentiation, and homogenization. Moreover, findings of our study indicate, that most problems and solutions in the newspaper are reported by representatives of the state and interest groups. In contrast to other studies of media representations, our inquiry did not confirm the trend of individualizing responsibility for the problems of older people.
- Published
- 2022
4. Deviant women in the edia: Bbtween reality and fiction
- Author
Gaičevskytė-Savickė, Rimantė
- Subjects
Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Moterys / Women ,Naujienos ,Reprezentacija ,media ,crime news ,female crime ,representation of female offender ,News ,Viešoji nuomonė / Public opinion ,Medijos / Media ,Nusikaltimai / Crimes ,Representation - Abstract
Medijos konstruoja alternatyvų visuomenės nusikaltimų pajautimą, kuris teisėsaugos institucijų pateikiamus statistinius rodiklius nustumia į perpasakotų kriminalinių istorijų paraštes. Dažnai nesaugios, potencialų pavojų keliančios kasdienybės vaizdiniai sukuriami pasitelkiant gąsdinančias, negatyvias emocijas paaštrinančias antraštes. Kai įtariamoji arba kaltinamoji yra moteris, tokia naujiena sulaukia dar daugiau medijų dėmesio. Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgiama kriminalinių naujienų raida, o analizuojant oficialiąją statistiką ir atliekant naujienų portalo DELFI publikacijų turinio analizę, ieškoma atsakymų, kokių nusikalstamų veikų moterys įvykdo daugiausia, kurios iš jų dažniausiai patenka į kriminalinių naujienų rubriką ir koks nusikaltusios moters paveikslas konstruojamas naujienų portalo publikacijose. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: medijos, kriminalinės naujienos, moterų nusikaltimai, nusikaltusios moters įvaizdis. Media has the power not only to determine the main issues, but also to reflect crime statistics. It’s common that fear of crime is constructed using eye-catching headlines and sensational narratives. This is especially the case when the crime is committed by women. In addition to its main aim - to examine how deviant women are portrayed - the article also focuses on the evolution of crime news, analyses female crime data and its treatment on the Lithuanian news portal DELFI. Keywords: media, crime news, female crime, representation of female offender.
- Published
- 2021
5. Medijske reprezentacije suvremenog iseljavanja Hrvata u Irsku
- Author
Palčić, Antonija and Božić-Vrbančić, Senka
- Subjects
virtualna zajednica ,representation ,diskurs ,media ,migration ,migracija ,reprezentacija ,virtual community ,mediji ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Ethnology and Anthropology ,migracija, Irska, virtualna zajednica, reprezentacija, diskurs, mediji ,discourse ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Etnologija i antropologija ,Ireland ,Irska - Abstract
Ulaskom Hrvatske u EU 2013. godine dolazi do širenja tržišta rada unutar Europe. Kao najpopularnija destinacija u koju se Hrvati iseljavaju se u medijima navodi Irska. Rad “Medijske reprezentacije suvremenog iseljavanja Hrvata u Irsku” se bavi problematikom iseljavanja u Irsku kroz analizu digitalnih medija poput online novinskih portala, te Facebook grupe Idemo u Irsku. U prvom dijelu rada pruža se kraći uvid u valove iseljavanja, a zatim sagledava suvremeni kontekst koji dovodi do iseljavanja kao i reprezentacija Irske i Hrvatske u digitalnim novinskim člancima. Osim toga, rad pruža uvid u pitanja koje otvara proces migracije, a to su dom, domovina, osjećaji nepripadanja i mit povratka. Istraživanje pokazuje kako se kroz virtualne zajednice kao što je Facebook grupa Idemo u Irsku navedeni termini pregovaraju, te se olakšava psihički i emotivan aspekt procesa migriranja. The labor market inside Europe has expanded through Croatia joining the EU in 2013. In the media, Ireland is portrayed as the most popular emigration destination for Croats. The thesis “Media Representations of the Contemporary Emigration of Croats to Ireland” deals with the issue of emigration to Ireland through the analysis of the digital media such as online news portals, and the Facebook group Let’s go to Ireland. The first part of the thesis gives a brief insight into the waves of emigration and then looks at the contemporary context which leads to emigration. It also deals with the representation of Ireland and Croatia in digital news articles. Furthermore, this thesis provides an insight into the questions raised by the migration process, which are the question of home, homeland, lack of a sense of belonging, and the myth of return. Research shows how through virtual communities such as the Facebook group Let’s go to Ireland the aforementioned questions are being negotiated, and the psychological and the emotional aspect of the migration process is being facilitated.
- Published
- 2020
6. Feminisma tēmas reprezentācija Latvijas nacionālajos laikrakstos (1995.-2005.gads)
- Author
Grabe, Lelde, Zitmane, Marita, and Latvijas Universitāte. Sociālo zinātņu fakultāte
- Subjects
mediji ,feminism ,media ,feminisms ,Komunikācijas zinātne ,reprezentācija - Abstract
“Feminisma tēmas reprezentācija Latvijas nacionālajos laikrakstos (1995.-2005.gads)” ir pētījums par feminisma jēdziena nozīmi Latvijas medijos, kad to sistēma bija mainīga un strauji attīstoša. Darbā autore apskata teoriju par mediju efektu ietekmi, kā arī izskata feminisma jēdziena pirmsākumus, kā arī tā nozīmi pētāmajā laika periodā, lai ar kontentanalīzes un vēsturiskā diskursa analīzes metodi spētu analizēt feminisma jēdziena reprezentāciju un mainīšanos 10 gadu laikā. Pētījumam tiek atlasīti trīs nacionālie laikraksti, kuri pastāvēja laikā no 1995.gada līdz 2005.gadam un bija ar ievērojami augstām tirāžām. Atslēgas vārdi: feminisms, mediji, reprezentācija, “Representation of subject of feminism in national newspaper in Latvia (1995-2005)” means a study of the importance of the concept of feminism in Latvian media, when their system was changing and rapidly evolving. In work, the author examines the theory of the effects of media effects as well as the origins of the concept of feminism, as well as its importance during the period of study, so that the method of analysis of concessionism and historical discourse can analyse the representation and changing of the concept of feminism within 10 years. The study selected three national newspaper in Latvia, that existed between 1995 and 2005 and were significantly high typified. Key words: feminism, media, representation
- Published
- 2020
7. Young delinquent: Inquiry into several aspects of identity construction in mass media
- Author
Šestak, Nikita and Vlajić, Milica
- Subjects
mediji ,delinkvencija ,youth ,representation ,media ,identitet ,delinquency ,mladi ,identity ,reprezentacija - Abstract
Predmet ovog rada je ispitivanje procesa konstrukcije pojma "mladi delinkvent" u medijima masovnog opštenja, prema njegovim genetičkim, socijalnim, ali i aspektima relevantnim za otvaranje određenih pitanja u okvirima analize diskursa i filozofije medija. Stoga, naše razmatranje - u konstantnoj oscilaciji između makroi mikro-plana - se neće ograničiti isključivo na razumevanje veze između medijske reprezentacije delinkvencije i njenih potencijalnih posledica po društvenu stvarnost, već i na elaboraciju diskurzivnih procesa koji predstavljaju jezgro simboličke potencije ovog pojma. The subject of this paper is the enquiry into the process of constructing the notion of "young delinquent" within mass media discourse, according to its genetic, social, as well as aspects relevant to the opening of certain issues within the framework of discourse analysis and philosophy of media. Therefore, our consideration - oscillating constantly between relevant macro and micro-levels of analysis - will not be limited solely to the understanding of the link between representation of delinquency and its potential consequences for social reality, but also the elaboration of some discursive processes, which represent the core aspects of this notion's symbolic potency.
- Published
- 2020
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UNDOCUMENTED immigrants , *AFRICANS , *EMIGRATION & immigration - Abstract
The article presents a study on illegal African immigrants who consider European Union (EU) member countries as their new homeland. Data employed in the study were from in-depth interviews with illegal immigrants to EU from Africa as well as Somalia and Nigeria who have false images of EU lifestyle and success before leaving their countries. It notes the imaginaries of the EU and the illegal immigration to Italy. Findings indicated the prevailing myth that Europe is a place where Africans can succeed as presented by the media.
- Published
- 2010
9. Reprezentacija smučarskih skokov in percepcija športa (primer filma Matti hell is for heroes)
- Author
Sušnik, Urban and Luthar, Breda
- Subjects
mediji ,ski jumping ,športni zvezdnik ,movie ,media ,sport celebrity ,Matti Nykänen ,sport ,smučarski skoki ,reprezentacija - Abstract
V svoji diplomski nalogi sem s pomočjo fokusne skupine preučeval pomen medija – filma, kako vliva na percepcijo športa oziroma ene športne panoge ter na predstavitev športnika kot zvezdnika. V svoji nalogi izhajam iz filma Matti hell is for heroes, ki po resničnih dogodkih opisuje življenje enega največjih zvezdnikov smučarskih skokov. S sodelujočimi v fokusni skupini sem preveril njihovo percepcijo športa in smučarskih skokov pred in po ogledu filma. Ugotovil sem, da je Matti Nykänen pravi zvezdnik smučarskih skokov, saj je s svojim početjem prepričal ljudi, da so začeli sprejemati neko vedenje, ki je pred tem veljalo za prepovedano v športu nasploh. Sodelujoči so spremenili mnenje o smučarskih skokih in ugotovil sem, da ima Matti slab vpliv na reprezentacijo tega športa. In my bachelor dissertation I try to find out what is the impact of media – movie to the perception of sport or just one exact sport discipline and how does some media represend one sports celebrity. I started my work with opinion that media is the most important source of people oppinions about something. Everyone who is not interested in sport makes his opinion about it based on what he saw or heard in anykind of media. Movie Matii hell is for heroes is based on a true story and represend Matti as a big celebrity of a sport named ski jumping. But Matti had a lot of behavior truble during his carer, but becouse he was so successful people start to accept his bahavior as normal. In my resarch I find out that Matt Nykänen was true celebrity and had the power to change oppinions and he had bad influence to representation of ski jumping sport at all.
- Published
- 2019
10. Reprezentacija telesa v medijih na primeru resničnostnega šova The Biggest Loser Slovenija
- Author
Dorić, Nikolina and Jontes, Dejan
- Subjects
mediji ,representation ,telo ,media ,The Biggest Loser Slovenija ,body ,reprezentacija - Abstract
Diplomsko delo raziskuje, na kakšen način mediji prikazujejo telo posameznikov. Resničnostna televizija s svojimi vsebinami nemalokrat sovpada s pomembnostjo zunanjega izgleda, ki je podrejen kulturi vitkosti. Telo posameznikov, ki je prekomerno prehranjeno ali debelo, je posledično množično videno kot neprivlačno in zatorej obsojano ter nujno potrebno korenitih sprememb. Številni mediji se te »problematike« med drugim lotevajo tudi v obliki številnih resničnostnih šovov, ki tekmovalcem obljubljajo korenito življenjsko spremembo tako v načinu življenja kot pri transformaciji telesa, ki bo družbeno sprejemljivo. Nelagodnost, ki jo na takšen način vršijo, je upravičljiva s tem, da delajo za posameznikovo splošno dobro. Z analizo slovenskega resničnostnega šova The Biggest Loser Slovenija (TBLS) sem raziskovala, na kakšen način mediji predstavljajo telo posameznikov s prekomerno telesno težo. My thesis covers the way in which media represents the body. Reality TV often, coincides with the importance of the physical appearance, which is subordinated to, so called »culture of slim people«. The body of those who are overweight or obese, is therefore, massively viewed as unattractive, thus subjected to judgement and in need of a radical change. Media, in large extent, covers this »issue«, among other things, in form of reality shows, that promise contestants radical life change in their lifestyle, as well as in transforming their body in the way that is socially acceptable. Uneasiness, that they cause doing so, is justifiable in the name of acting for their own well-being. By analysing the reality show The Biggest Loser Slovenija (TBLS), I researched, in which way the media represents the body of individuals with excess body weight.
- Published
- 2019
11. Od rudarja kot simbola ponosa do »delomrzneža«: medijska slika Labinske stavke leta 1987
- Author
Šaina, Veronika Foška and Pušnik, Maruša
- Subjects
mediji ,discourse ,representation ,rudarji ,media ,Labinska stavka ,mit ,diskurz ,myth ,Labin strike ,reprezentacija ,miners - Abstract
Pričujoča magistrska naloga se osredotoča na medijsko sliko Labinske stavke rudarjev iz leta 1987, in sicer kako sta jo reprezentirala hrvaška dnevna lista Vjesnik in Glas Istre v času stavke in v tednih po koncu stavke. Teoretski okvir sestoji iz konceptov mita (Barthes, 2015), reprezentacije (Hall, 2004) in diskurza (Foucault, 2001, ipd.). S pomočjo metode kritične analize diskurza sem skušala dekonstruirati diskurzivno konstruiran mit o rudarju »delomrznežu« v omenjenih dnevnih listih in odgovoriti na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Zanimalo me je, kako se je stavka prikazovala v analiziranih dnevnih listih, čigav glas se je slišal v poročanju o stavki in kako se je zgodil obrat v medijih – od glorifikacije do demonizacije delavca v socialističnem sistemu, v katerem je delavec na splošno veljal za simbol ponosa (Kuzmanić, 1988). Analiza empiričnih podatkov je odkrila, da so bile medijske zgodbe poglavitno podprte s prisvojenimi glasovi (Hartley, 1982) moči (uprava, lokalna oblast, voditelji, Sindikati ipd.), medtem ko je bil glas rudarjev v poročanju zanemarjen. V ospredju informiranja o stavki v Glasu Istre in Vjesniku so bila vprašanja finančnih izgub zaradi stavke in antagonizem med »nami« in »njimi« – rudarji, ki so postavljali neracionalne zahteve. The present master thesis brings into focus the media picture of the miners' strike in Labin in 1987, how it was represented by the Croatian daily newspapers Vjesnik and Glas Istre at the time of the strike and in the weeks after the end of the strike in 1987. The theoretical framework consists of the concepts of myth (Barthes, 2015), representation (Hall, 2004) and discourse (Foucault, 2001, etc.). Using the method of critical discourse analysis, I tried to deconstruct the discursively constructed myth of the miner as a "shirker" in the mentioned daily newspapers and answer the research questions. I was interested in how the strike appeared in the analysed daily newspapers, whose voice was heard in the reporting of the strike, and how the media turned up from glorification to the demonization of a worker in a socialist system in which the worker was regarded as a symbol of pride. The analysis of empirical data revealed that media stories were mainly supported by accessed voices (Hartley, 1982) of power (administration, local government, leaders, trade unions, etc.), while the voice of miners was neglected in reporting. In the forefront of informing about the strike in Glas Istre and Vjesnik, there were issues of financial losses due to strike and antagonism between »us« and »them«, miners who posed irrational requirements.
- Published
- 2018
12. Rodna analiza teksta u online štampanim medijima u Srbiji
- Author
Višnjić, Jelena, Valić-Nedeljković, Dubravka, Savić, Svenka, Gordić, Petković Vladislava, Tomin, Svetlana, and Gordić Petković, Vladislava
- Subjects
novi mediji ,žena ,representation ,diskurs ,media ,discourse strategies ,reprezentacija ,mediji ,power ,Identity ,woman ,gender ,identitet ,štampani mediji ,moć ,discourse ,internet ,diskursne strategije ,new media ,rod ,identitet, reprezentacija, žena, rod, mediji, štampani mediji, novi mediji, internet, moć, diskurs, diskursne strategije ,Identity, representation, woman, gender, media, printed media, new media, internet, power, discourse, discourse strategies ,printed media - Abstract
Politike predstavljanja ženskih identiteta ujavnom i medijskom diskursu mogu seposmatrati kao izraz odnosa moći u određenomdruštvu i istorijskom razdoblju, i da je u tomsmislu pozicija «ženskog» konstruisana ioznačena kao figura «drugog», kao figura ukojoj se ogledaju dominantni društveni odnosi.Žena je ovdje kategorija, dakle, riječ je o tomeda je ono što se pripisuje ovoj kategorijiodnosno ženskom principu drugo,drugorazredno, nepoželjno, manje vrednovano uvladajućim ideologijama i njima svojstvenimmedijskim praksama. Jedan od problema kojimase bavim u ovom radu je istraživanje da li novemedijske tehnologije i novi oblici komunikacijai prenošenja medijskog sadržaja, kao iformiranje dinamičnog su/odnosa medijskogteksta i medijskih publika doprinose promjenireprezentacije i konstruisanja ženskih identitetau medijskim diskursima ili naprosto ponavljajupatrijarhalne diskriminatorne obrasce u novommedijskom okruženju.Cilj istraživanja je da pokaže kako se konstruišurazličiti identiteti žena u reprezentacijskimpraksama online (onlajn) izdanja štampanihmedija, kao da li su na dijelu, i ako jesu na kojinačin djeluju, strategije isključivanja žena umedijskoj praksi kroz konstrukcije stvarnosti,getoizacije i stereotipizacije žena u medijima.Metodološki okvir istraživanja ”Rodna analizaonlajn štampanih medija u Srbiji” predstavljakombinaciju kvantitativnih i kvalitativnihpristupa u procesu dokazivanja postavljenihhipoteza, jedne opšte i tri specifične, proizašleiz nje.Opšta hipotezaŽenski identitet nezavisno od globalnetransformacije medijskih žanrova i načinakomunikacije u savremenom tranzicionomdruštva u Srbiji je uvijek reprezentovan krozfiguru „drugog” i „drugosti”, i to bez obzira naidentitetsku poziciju koju zauzima u društvenojraspodjeli moći.Hipoteza 1Različita distribucija moći i vidljivosti u odnosuna različite ženske identitete je prisutna umedijskom diskursu (žene iz javne sferenaspram marginalizovanih).Hipoteza 2Medijski tekst prepoznaje temu nasilja nadženama kao ključnu koja se odnosi na životežena, odnosno kada su u pitanju medijskereprezentacije žena u društvenom kontekstu,one su u najvećem broju predstavljene kaožrtve.Hipoteza 3Žene iz manjinskih i marginalizovanih grupa sunevidljive u medijskom diskursu onlajn izdanjaštampanih medija.Provjera hipoteza se realizuje kroz istraživanjekoje uključuje monitoring onlajn izdanjaštampanih medija (tekstova i komentara čitalacai čitateljki): četiri nacionalna: Blic, Politika,Kurir, Danas i jednog lokalnog ‒ novosadskiDnevnik. Istraživački ciklus je obuhvatio periodod 5 mjeseci (od novembra 2013. do marta2014.). Selektovani su tekstovi o ženama koji suna web stranicama: www.blic.rs; ww.politika.rs;www.kurir-info.rs; www.danas.rs;www.dnevnik.rs u sljedećim danima:07.11.2013.; 25.11.2013.; 10.12.2013.;18.12.2013.; 27.01.2014.; 31.01.2014.;14.02.2014.; 28.02.2014.; 08.03.2014.;13.03.2014.Ukupan broj pregledanih tekstova je 184, dokbroj pregledanih komentara iznosi 980.Onlajn sadržaj štampanih medija proizvodiistovjetne strategije isključivanja žena i njihovugetoizaciju, kako u samom tekstu tako i ukomentarima nove interaktivne publike, kojapostaje ko-autor/ka u procesu promocije ilegitimizacije mizoginije kao javnog govora.Ovaj rad je pokazao da informacijskokomunikacijsketehnologije same po sebi nemjenjaju nejednakosti i da je neophodnouspostaviti nove modele upotrebe savremenihtehnologija, koje će žene i drugemarginalizovane grupe koristiti za socijalnopozicioniranje na internetu, ali i obrazovanjekoje implicira novo oblikovanje rodnih uloga ipraktičan rad (programiranje, veb-dizajn) kakobi stvorile orodnjeni i pravedniji sajber prostor(gendered syber space)., Policies of representation of female identities inpublic and media discourse can be seen as theexpression of the relations of power in a certainsociety and historical period. In that sense, theposition of „feminine“ is constructed andlabeled as „the other“, the figure reflectingprevailing social relations. Thus, woman is acategory and things attributed to this category,i.e. to the feminine principle, are other, secondrated,unwelcome, less worth within thedominant ideologies and media practices typicalfor them. One of the issues I deal with in thiswork is the research on whether the new mediatechnologies and new forms of communicationand conveying media content, as well as thedynamic relationship between media contentsand media audiences, contribute to the changeof representing and constructing feminineidentities in media discourses, or they justrepeat the patriarchal discriminatory patterns ina new media setting.Aim of the research is to show how differentidentities of women are being constructed in therepresentation practices of the online editionsof the printed media, as well as to determine ifthese media practices include the strategies ofexcluding women through certain constructionsof reality, ghettoization and stereotyping ofwomen in the media, and if they do, to examinehow these strategies work.Methodological framework of the research„Gender Analysis of the Online Editions ofPrinted Media in Serbia“ includes combinationof quantitative and qualitative approaches to theprocess of proving hypotheses – one generaland three specific hypotheses derived from thegeneral one.General HypothesisUnrelated to the global transformation of mediagenres and ways of communication, femaleidentity in the contemporary transitional societyof Serbia is always represented as „the other“and through „otherness“, regardless of theposition an identity has in the social distributionof power.Hypothesis 1In the media discourse there is unevendistribution of power and visibility of differentfemale identities (women from the public spherevs. marginalized women).Hypothesis 2Media texts recognize the subject of violenceagainst women as the crucial subject of the livesof women, i.e. it is crucial in the mediarepresentations of women in the social context –and the majority of women are presented asvictims.Hypothesis 3Women from minority and marginalized groupsare invisible in the media discourse of the onlineeditions of printed media.Hypotheses were tested through the researchbased on monitoring online editions of theprinted media (texts and comments of readers):four national – Blic, Politikа, Kurir, Dаnаs, andone local – Dnevnik from Novi Sad. Researchcycle covered 5 months (from November 2013to March 2014). I selected texts about womenpublished at web pages www.blic.rs;www.politika.rs; www.kurir-info.rs;www.danas.rs; www.dnevnik.rs on thefollowing dates: 07.11.2013.; 25.11.2013.;10.12.2013.; 18.12.2013.; 27.01.2014.;31.01.2014.; 14.02.2014.; 28.02.2014.;08.03.2014.; 13.03.2014.Total number of examined texts was 184, whilethe total number of examined comments was980.Online content of the printed media producesthe identical strategies of excluding andghettoizing women, both in the texts and in thecomments of the new interactive audience thatbecomes the co-author of the promotion andlegitimization of misogyny in the publicdiscourse.This work showed that informationalcommunicationaltechnologies by themselves donot change inequalities, and that it would benecessary to establish new models of use ofcontemporary technologies, so that women andother marginalized groups could use them forsocial positioning on the Internet, but also forthe education that would imply reshaping ofgender roles and practical work (programming,web-design) for the purpose of creating moregendered and equitable cyber space.
- Published
- 2016
13. TKO JE PUBLIKA PUBLICI? Medijske reprezentacije književne publike
- Author
Ivana Žužul
- Subjects
literary audience ,readers ,perusal ,representation ,media ,književna publika ,čitatelj ,čitanje ,reprezentacija ,mediji - Abstract
Tekst se bavi kulturološkim učincima medijskih reprezentacija književne publike i međuoodnosa književnog teksta i publike. Poznato je u suvremenoj kulturnoj teoriji da se o književnoj publici ne može misliti tek kao o adresiranoj skupini konstruiranoj medijskim industrijama. Već nas Gramscijev model hegemonijske moći u medijima uči da moć nije isključivo nametnuta „odozgo”, nego podrazumijeva i dobrovoljno pristajanje „odozdo”. U konačnici svrha je rada upozoriti na šire posljedice pristajanja na jednostrano čitanje književne publike ili čitanje koje se obično nameće u masovnim medijima., The text deals with the culturological effects of media representations of literary audience and an interrelation between a literary text and audience. In a contemporary cultural theory, it is known that a literary audience cannot be opined of merely in terms of an addressed group construed by the media industries. Gramsci’s hegemonic power model in the media has already taught us that the power is not exclusively „superimposed” but that it also implies a voluntary „bottom-up” consent. Eventually, the paper’s purpose is to warn against broader consequences of the acquiescence to a unilateral literary audience’s perusal or to a perusal that is usually imposed in the mass media.
- Published
- 2016
14. Reprezentacija popivanja in alkoholizma v tekstih slovenske narodno zabavne glasbe
- Author
Butina, Miroslav Jurij and Zupanc Ećimović, Paula
- Subjects
mediji ,medijski teksti in narodnozabavna glasba ,slovenska kultura ,alcoholism ,udc:613.81:78(497.4)(043.2) ,representation ,Slovenian culture ,media ,alkoholizem ,media texts and Slovenian folk music ,diplomska dela ,reprezentacija - Published
- 2013
15. Religinės įvairovės reprezentavimas Lietuvos internetinėje žiniasklaidoje
- Author
Markauskaitė, Gintarė, Ališauskienė, Milda, Davidavičius, Algirdas, and Vytautas Magnus University
- Subjects
Religion ,Media ,Communication and Information ,Reprezentacija ,Religija ,Religinė įvairovė ,Religious diversity ,Žiniasklaida ,Representation - Abstract
Darbe kalbama apie religinės įvairovės reprezentavimą Lietuvos internetinėje erdvėje: diskutuojama apie religinės įvairovės procesą šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje ir ypatumus Lietuvoje. Taip pat kalbama apie žiniasklaidos ir religijos santykius bei konfliktus. Pristatomi ir analizuojami tyrimo, kurio metu buvo nagrinėjami dviejų lietuviškų internetinių naujienų portalų publikuojami straipsniai apie įvairias religines bendruomenes, duomenys. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, jog pasirinkti internetiniai naujienų portalai tinkamai nereprezentuoja religinės įvairovės, daugiausiai teigiamai vaizduoja dominuojančią religinę bendruomenę ir itin neigiamai reprezentuoja naujuosius religinius judėjimus. This paper presents various aspects of representation of religious diversity in Lithuanian online media. There is a discussion about religious diversity process in today's society and various aspects of this process in Lithuania. Also there is spoken about media and religions cooperation and conflicts. Paper presents the results of a study, which analyzed two Lithuanian online news portals. Study showed, that the religious diversity in the selected online news portals are not adequately represented. Also, it is important to note that the dominant religious community were portrayed more positively than negatively and new religious movements were portrayed very negatively.
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Joško Sindik, Milena Pavlović, Katarina Krile, and Anita Prizmić
- Subjects
psychologists ,non-psychologists ,media ,attitudes ,representation ,psiholozi ,ne-psiholozi ,mediji ,stavovi ,reprezentacija - Abstract
Uvidom u medijske sadržaje, može se zamijetiti razmjerno česta zastupljenost psihologijskih sadržaja, bilo posredstvom direktnog gostovanja psihologa u medijima ili pak tema koje se na ovaj ili onaj način elaboriraju. Tema ovog istraživanja provedenog na prigodnom uzorku ispitanika bila je ispitati kako sami psiholozi vide zastupljenost psihologije u različitim vrstama medija, u komparaciji s nepsiholozima. Potom, ispitano je u kojoj mjeri psiholozi sudjeluju na našim medijskim prostorima, i koliko su zadovoljni suradnjom s medijima. Za istraživanje su korištena dva upitnika, jedan namijenjen psiholozima a drugi nepsiholozima. Psiholozi i nepsiholozi se statistički značajno razlikuju u percepcijama zastupljenosti psihologije u različitim vrstama medija, ali ne i percepcijama zastupljenosti na pojedinim televizijskim programima. Psiholozi percipiraju da su u većini medija češće zastupljeni psihološki sadržaji u odnosu na nepsihologe. Percepcija zastupljenosti psihologije u pojedinim vrstama medija nije statistički značajno povezana s osobnim sudjelovanjem psihologa u tim medijima. Percepcija zastupljenosti psihologije u pojedinim vrstama medija nije statistički značajno povezana s zadovoljstvom psihologa nastupom u tim medijima. Zadovoljstvo nastupom u pojedinim vrstama medija je statistički značajno pozitivno povezano s osobnim sudjelovanjem psihologa u pojedinim vrstama medija. Premda istraživanje posjeduje niz metodoloških nedostataka, rezultati su indikativni., Insight into the media content, it can be observed relatively frequent representation psychological contents, either through direct guest psychologists in the media or through elaborating psychological issues. The theme of this research conducted on the chosen sample of respondents was to examine how psychologists see themselves representation of psychology in different types of media, in comparison with non -psychologists. We researched the extent to which psychologists participate in our media space, and how many are satisfied with the media. The survey also used two questionnaires, one for psychologists and others for non-psychologists. Psychologists and non -psychologists are statistically significantly different in their perceptions of the representation of psychology in different types of media, but not in their representation of perceptions on certain television programs. Psychologists perceived that most media often represented psychological activities in relation to non-psychologists. Perceptions of the representation of psychology in different types of media is not statistically significantly associated with the personal participation of psychologists in the media. Perceptions of the representation of psychology in different types of media is not statistically significantly associated with satisfaction psychologists performance in these media. Satisfaction with the performance in certain types of media is statistically significantly positively related with the personal participation of psychologists in certain types of media. While research holds a number of methodological shortcomings, the results are indicative.
- Published
- 2012
17. The comparative analysis of breakfast shows productions on televisions in Slovenia and Australia
- Author
Holc, Jasmina and Volčič, Zala
- Subjects
television production ,cultural identity ,televizijska produkcija ,representation ,media ,jutranji programi ,udc:654:659.3(043.2) ,reprezentacija ,mediji ,narration ,infotainment ,naracija ,kulturna identiteta ,breakfast shows - Published
- 2008
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