1. Introduction 2. Hypotheses about translation universals (by Chesterman, Andrew) 3. Probabilistic explanations in Translation Studies: Universals - or a challenge to the very concept? (by Toury, Gideon) 4. A thousand and one translations: Revisiting retranslation (by Paloposki, Outi) 5. Creating "presence" in translation (by Stolze, Radegundis) 6. Ready-made language and translation (by Heltai, Pal) 7. Les attributs indirects en francais et en danois: Differences typologiques et problemes de traduction (by Korzen, Hanne) 8. Kontrastive Linguistik und sprachenpaarbezogene Translationswissenschaft (by Schreiber, Michael) 9. Translating non-segmental features of textual communication: The case of metaphor within a binary-branch analysis (by Zabalbeascoa, Patrick) 10. Challenging the myth of native speaker competence in translation theory: The results of a questionnaire (by Pokorn, Nike K.) 11. Expectativas y evaluacion en la traduccion de folletos turisticos (by Nobs, Marie-Louise) 12. Censorship or error: Mary Howitt and a problem in descriptive TS (by Malmkjaer, Kirsten) 13. Of holy goats and the NYPD: A study of language-based screen humour in translation (by Schroter, Thorsten) 14. The .gure of the factory translator: University and professional domains in the translation profession (by Milton, John) 15. Migrating from translation to technical communication and usability (by Risku, Hanna) 16. From raw data to knowledge representation: Methodologies for user-interactive acquisition and processing of multilingual terminology (by Dragsted, Barbara) 17. The translator as a creative genius: Robert Schumann (by Azenha, Jr., Joao) 18. Ubersetzung zwischen Nationalismus und Internationalismus (by van Doorslaer, Luc) 19. Non-verbal phenomena in simultaneous interpreting: Causes and functions (by Ahrens, Barbara) 20. Simultaneous interpreting A-B vs. B-A from the interpreters' standpoint (by Bartlomiejczyk, Magdalena) 21. The interpreters' notes: On the choice of form and language (by Dam, Helle V.) 22. Expressing a well-founded fear: Interpreting in convention refugee hearings (by Fenton, Sabine) 23. Cross-cultural dynamics in community interpreting. Troubleshooting (by Rudvin, Mette) 24. The child in the middle: Agency and diplomacy in language brokering events (by Hall, Nigel) 25. The editorial process through the looking glass (by Gile, Daniel) 26. Name index 27. Concept index