Objective. The article considers the axiopsychological substantiation of the use of short-term poetic psychotherapy with the works of moral-ethical and existential-spiritual orientation. The aim of the study was descriptive-phenomenological and experimental-statistical proof of the poetry therapy effectiveness in the short term. The study objectives are to substantiate the feasibility of poetry application as a means of harmonizing current mental states and facilitating the prolonged processes of spiritual transformation of the individual; presentation of axiopsychological (subject-value) format of organization and content of poetry therapy; experimental and statistical verification of the effectiveness of the applied poetic therapy format.Research methods: Spielberger and Y. Khanin scale of situational anxiety, G. Eisenko’s method of diagnostics of mental states, R. Eliot’s quality of life questionnaire; descriptive and statistical methods, correlation analysis. Formative experiment was conducted in the form of a poetic evening-training. 18 middle-class adults made up the experimental sample.Results. As a result of the research it has been proved that in the process of poetry therapy there is a harmonization of current mental states and facilitation of personality spiritual transformation in accordance with axiopsychological format of selection and presentation of the author’s texts, determined by the principle on the organic, psychosomatic (relative subject); individual, adaptive-activity (monosubject); interactional, moral and communicative (polysubject); authentic cultural (metasubject); universal, transcendent (absolute subject) levels. The spiritual-transformational potential of poetry is proved to be determined by the intensity and severity of the moral dilemmas embodied in it, and in the near future it is manifested in the dynamics of psycho-emotional states represented at different levels of subjectivity of the recipient of poetry. 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