119 results on '"Cafeína"'
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2. Consumo de cafeína, índice de massa corporal e qualidade do sono
- Author
Rodrigo Fernandes, Ana Maria Pereira, and António Fernandes
- Subjects
cafeína ,índice de massa corporal ,qualidade do sono ,Medicine - Abstract
Introdução: A literatura tem demonstrado cada vez mais a relação entre a qualidade do sono e fatores como o consumo de cafeína e o índice de massa corporal (IMC). Objetivo: Verificar a existência de correlações estatisticamente significativas do consumo de cafeína e do IMC com a qualidade do sono dos indivíduos que compõem a amostra. Material e Métodos: Desenvolveu-se um estudo com 220 indivíduos, tendo sido aplicado o índice de qualidade do sono de Pittsburgh (PSQI), recolhidos os dados antropométricos e realizada uma avaliação do consumo de cafeína. Resultados: Verificou-se a existência de uma correlação estatisticamente significativa entre as variáveis “consumo de cafeína” e “qualidade do sono” (p-value < 0,05). A duração do sono e o consumo de cafeína correlacionaram-se negativamente (p-value = 0,002; Ró = -0,207), indicando que o aumento na quantidade de cafeína consumida levaria a uma menor duração do sono. Contrariamente, não se verificaram correlações estatisticamente significativas na qualidade do sono considerando o IMC (p-value > 0,05). Conclusão: Ao contrário do IMC, o consumo de cafeína correlacionou-se com a qualidade do sono. Face à importância da qualidade do sono, torna-se essencial a continuidade no desenvolvimento de estudos nesta área.
- Published
- 2023
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3. Efeito da cafeína e testes cognitivos na avaliação hemodinâmica cerebral em jovens estudantes da Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias
- Author
Marizete Pires, Gil Nunes, Francisco Rodrigues, Patrícia Coelho, and Joana Pires
- Subjects
Cafeína ,Triplex scan transcraniano ,Testes cognitivos ,Artérias cerebrais ,Medicine - Abstract
Introdução – A cafeína induz alterações fisiológicas, como o aumento da pressão arterial, que se refletem na hemodinâmica cerebral. Objetivos – Avaliar o efeito da cafeína nas velocidades de fluxo das artérias cerebrais, bem como relacionar o seu efeito com testes cognitivos. Método – Estudo observacional, prospetivo, em 35 estudantes, dos 18 aos 25 anos, da Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias. Os voluntários foram distribuídos em dois grupos, sendo que o grupo 1 consumiu um café normal e o grupo 2 um descafeinado de marca branca, sem adição de açúcar. Os dados foram recolhidos através da realização do exame triplex scan transcraniano e do teste cognitivo MoCa, após realizado consentimento livre e esclarecido. O procedimento foi dividido em duas fases, pré e pós-estimulante. No decorrer do estudo foram assegurados os princípios da declaração de Helsínquia. Na correlação das variáveis foram utilizados os testes não paramétricos Wilcoxon, Spearman e Mann-Whitney. Resultados – Comparativamente ao basal, na condição de cafeína houve um aumento nas velocidades de fluxo das artérias cerebrais médias (p=0,0001), o mesmo sucedeu com a pontuação do MoCa Teste (p=0,0001). Discussão – Na análise das velocidades de fluxo das principais artérias cerebrais e aquando da realização de testes cognitivos constata-se um aumento significativo das velocidades de fluxo sob efeito da cafeína, apesar de esta ser mais notória na artéria cerebral média. Conclusão – A artéria cerebral média é a artéria mais suscetível a alterações; no entanto, estas não diferem entre o café normal e descafeinado; o mesmo acontece aquando da realização do MoCa Teste.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Consumo de psicoestimulantes como potenciadores cognitivos por estudiantes de Medicina de Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
- Author
María Florencia Martins, Susana Vanoni, and Valeria Paola Carlini
- Subjects
estimulantes del sistema nervioso central ,cafeína ,modafinilo ,metilfenidato ,estudiantes ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Objetivos: Determinar prevalencia del consumo de psicoestimulantes (PS) por estudiantes de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC) buscando mejorar su concentración y nivel de alerta al estudiar, y potenciales factores asociados. Métodos: Estudio epidemiológico observacional, analítico, prospectivo, de corte transversal con abordaje cuali-cuantitativo. La población estuvo conformada por todos los estudiantes de Medicina de la UNC de 2018. Se elaboró una encuesta anónima de 23 preguntas. Se determinó frecuencia absoluta y porcentual para las variables cualitativas y para las cuantitativas se obtuvo media, moda, mediana y rango. Se empleó el programa InfoStat y se aplicaron las pruebas Chi-cuadrado y t de Student según correspondiera. Resultados: El 99,15% consumió algún PS con predominio de café en el 93,05%, mate 91,02%, té 74,75%, chocolate 70%, gaseosas colas 58,64%, bebidas energizantes 37,97%, tabaco 22,71%, Cafiaspirina® 13%, Arriba!quenotebochen® 9%, hojas de coca 8%. El 8,3% refirió consumo de modafinilo y/o metilfenidato y el 45% de estos percibió que sus resultados académicos mejoraron tras el consumo. El consumo de estos fármacos se asoció con sexo masculino (p=0,0275), mayor edad (p˂0,0001), no practicar ninguna religión (p=0,0004), mayor avance en la carrera (p˂0,0001), mayor dificultad académica (p˂0,0001), atraso en la carrera (p=0,0009), menos de 4 horas de sueño pre-examen (p=0,0002), diagnóstico psicológico o psiquiátrico (p=0,0017), trastorno ansioso (p=0,0068), trastorno depresivo (p=0,0275) y mayor consumo de cafeína (p˂0,0268). No se encontró asociación con trabajo, deporte o convivientes. Conclusiones: El consumo de PS como potenciadores cognitivos es una práctica habitual entre los estudiantes que conformaron la muestra.
- Published
- 2020
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5. O consumo de bebidas energéticas e seus efeitos à saúde
- Author
Maurício Yonamine and Tatiana K. Teng
- Subjects
bebidas energéticas ,cafeína ,taurina ,consumo ,riscos ,Medicine - Abstract
Introdução: Acredita-se que as bebidas energéticas possam trazer benefícios físicos e mentais, e são cada vez mais populares entre jovens. No entanto, o seu consumo gera preocupações quanto aos riscos para a saúde, pelo excesso de cafeína ingerida, interação desconhecida de seus ingredientes e seus efeitos adversos. Objetivo: essa revisão tem como objetivo investigar na literatura os efeitos das bebidas energéticas e seus padrões de consumo na atualidade. Material e Métodos: foram pesquisados estudos nas bases de dados PubMed, Scopus e Web of Science, datados entre 2006 a 2019. Resultados: Bebidas energéticas podem apresentar benefícios ao desempenho físico e mental, porém, mais estudos devem ser conduzidos para confirmar tais efeitos. Os eventos adversos do consumo agudo de bebidas energéticas incluem sintomas do sistema nervoso, cardiovasculares e gastrointestinais e a ingestão de bebidas energéticas com álcool também podem gerar riscos. O consumo excessivo e crescente de cafeína preocupa muitas instituições e órgãos governamentais, levando a medidas de regulamentação do consumo e venda de bebidas energéticas. Conclusões: as bebidas energéticas podem oferecer benefícios, mas os riscos de seu consumo devem ser levados em consideração. O consumo excessivo de bebidas energéticas por populações cada vez mais jovens é preocupante, e é importante que os países adotem políticas efetivas de controle de vendas e consumo para evitar eventos adversos graves.
- Published
- 2019
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6. Discinesia paroxística não cinesiogênica
- Author
Lara Godela Delatore, Renato Arantes Lima Simões, Roberta Molinari Gazola, Regina Celia Ajeje Pires de Albuquerque, and Débora de Cássia Tomaz Fernandes
- Subjects
Discinesias ,Transtornos dos Movimentos ,Anticonvulsivantes ,Coreia ,Cafeína ,Diagnóstico Clínico ,Medicine - Abstract
Modelo do estudo: Relato de caso. Importância do problema e comentários: A discinesia paroxística não cinesiogênica é um tipo de discinesia paroxística. É caracterizada por movimentos involuntários unilaterais ou bilaterais, do tipo coreico, distônico, balístico ou misto. É uma desordem rara e o diagnóstico precoce é crucial para seu tratamento e melhoria na qualidade de vida do indivíduo. O presente estudo relata um caso de Discinesia Paroxística Não Cinesiogênica e seus achados clínicos, além de apresentar breve revisão da literatura.
- Published
- 2019
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7. Insomnio, latencia al sueño y cantidad de sueño en estudiantes universitarios chilenos durante el periodo de clases y exámenes
- Author
Samuel Durán Agüero, Giovanni Rosales Soto, Cristóbal Moya Cantillana, and Paula García Milla
- Subjects
estado nutricional ,estudiantes ,insomnio ,sueño ,somnolencia diurna ,cafeína ,Medicine ,Nursing ,RT1-120 ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Objetivo:Determinar los factores asociados a la cantidad de horas de sueño, somnolenciadiurna e insomnio antes y durante un periodo de clases y exámenes.Material y métodos:Se evaluó a 384 alumnos de ambos sexos (74,1% mujeres), quienesreportaron su peso y estatura. A cada estudiante se le aplicó el Cuestionario de Insomnio y laEscala De Somnolencia de Epworth en el periodo de clases y periodo de exámenes.Resultados:Al comparar la somnolencia diurna, insomnio, latencia al sueño y cantidad dehoras de sueño entre periodo de clases y exámenes se observó un incremento en la latencia alsueño (p
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Gabriela Ildikó Zonda, Andreea Avasiloaiei, Mihaela Moscalu, and Maria Stamatin
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apnee ,prematuritate ,metilxantine ,cafeină ,Medicine ,Pediatrics ,RJ1-570 - Abstract
Scop. Evaluarea eficienţei cafeinei comparativ cu aminofilina în tratamentul apneei de prematuritate. Material şi metodă. Am realizat un studiu retrospectiv comparativ pe două loturi de nou-născuţi prematuri admişi în Centrul Regional de Terapie Intensivă Neonatală din cadrul Spitalului Clinic de Obstetrică şi Ginecologie „Cuza-Vodă“, Iaşi, în perioada iunie 2012 – iunie 2015. Rezultate. La nou-născuţii care au primit cafeină s-a înregistrat o reducere semnificativă statistic a numărului crizelor de apnee în ziua a 3-a, respectiv a 14-a de tratament comparativ cu cei care au fost trataţi cu aminofilină. Tratamentul cu cafeină s-a asociat o uşoară scădere a necesităţii instituirii CPAP şi a ventilaţiei mecanice comparativ cu aminofilina, dar diferenţele nu au fost semnificative statistic. Anemia, hemoragia intraventriculară, persistenţa de canal arterial şi boala pulmonară cronică s-au corelat cu creşterea duratei tratamentului pentru apnee de prematuritate. Nou-născuţii din lotul cu cafeină au prezentat mai multe episoade de agitaţie, tahicardie şi intoleranţă digestivă, însă o incidenţă mai mică a enterocolitei ulcero-necrotice, a scăderii ponderale şi a HTA, faţă de cei care au primit aminofilină. Durata de spitalizare a fost mai redusă la nou-născuţii trataţi cu cafeină, comparativ cu cei din lotul cu aminofilină. Concluzii. Avantajele terapeutice ale cafeinei sunt remarcabile prin incidenţa scăzută a efectelor adverse semnificative şi raportul cost/beneficiu pe termen lung, pledând pentru recomandarea acesteia ca tratament de elecţie pentru apneea de prematuritate. Aceste aspecte justifică iniţierea unui studiu multicentric la nivel naţional care să includă un număr mult mai semnificativ de nou-născuţi prematuri pentru evaluarea eficienţei tratamentului cu cafeină la toate categoriile de vârstă gestaţională.
- Published
- 2016
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9. Consumo de cafeína durante a gestação e transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH): uma revisão sistemática da literatura
- Author
Bianca Del Ponte da Silva, Luciana Anselmi, Vera Schmidt, and Iná S. Santos
- Subjects
Cafeína ,Embarazo ,Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad ,Medicine ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar, mediante revisão sistemática da literatura, as evidências acerca da associação entre consumo materno de cafeína durante a gestação e transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) na infância. A busca na literatura ocorreu de forma sistemática, em múltiplas etapas, nas bases PubMed, LILACS, BIREME e PsycINFO, com limites para artigos publicados em português, inglês e espanhol, realizados em humanos. Foram encontradas 373 referências. Dessas, somente cinco foram mantidas, por atenderem ao objetivo deste estudo. Os cinco trabalhos foram realizados em países desenvolvidos; a maioria utilizou delineamento longitudinal e foi publicada nos últimos cinco anos. Apenas um estudo encontrou associação positiva. Estudos sobre o consumo de cafeína na gestação e TDAH são escassos, com resultados controversos e se deparam com várias dificuldades metodológicas, como falta de padronização na definição do desfecho
- Published
- 2015
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10. Yerba Mate: efectos sobre la vigilia y el sueño
- Author
Pablo Torterolo, Atilio Falconi, Luciana Benedetto, Alejandro Rodríguez-Haralambides, Caterina Rufo, and Nelson Bracesco
- Subjects
sueño NREM ,sueño REM ,cafeína ,teobromina ,productos naturales ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Actualmente, son cada vez más utilizados diversos estimulantes para aumentar la vigilia y su rendimiento. La yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) ingerida como infusión, es una bebida tradicional de América del Sur, de amplio consumo en Uruguay, y popularmente reconocida como estimulante o activadora. Recientemente hemos publicado un trabajo preclínico donde estudiamos los efectos de Ilex paraguariensis sobre distintos parámetros del ciclo sueño-vigilia, demostrando por primera vez el efecto promotor de la vigilia de este producto. En la presente revisión se analiza el efecto activador de la Ilex paraguariensis y se discute el probable mecanismo de acción sobre los sistemas neurales activadores y somnogénicos. También se discute un posible papel de la Ilex paraguariensis en el tratamiento de la somnolencia excesiva y se sugiere contraindicarla en diversas condiciones que cursan con dificultad para conciliar el sueño.
- Published
- 2014
11. Caffeine slows heart rate autonomic recovery following strength exercise in healthy subjects
- Author
Cicero Jonas Rodrigues Benjamim, Larissa Raylane Lucas Monteiro, Vitor Engrácia Valenti, Amanda Alves Marcelino da Silva, Thays Kallyne Marinho de Souza, Yasmim Mota de Moraes Pontes, Taisy Cinthia Ferro Cavalcante, David M. Garner, University of Pernambuco, School of Juazeiro do Norte, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), and Oxford Brookes University
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Exercício ,Physical exercise ,Heart Rate ,Internal medicine ,One-repetition maximum ,Caffeine ,Heart rate ,medicine ,Heart rate variability ,Humans ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,Autonomic nervous system ,Prospective Studies ,Volunteer ,Exercise ,Cardiovascular physiology ,Sistema cardiovascular ,General Environmental Science ,Cross-Over Studies ,business.industry ,Healthy Volunteers ,Fisiologia cardiovascular ,Cardiovascular system ,Blood pressure ,Cafeína ,RC666-701 ,Cardiology ,Sistema nervoso autônomo ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
Introduction and objectives: Studies assessing the effects of caffeine (CAF) on the cardiovascular system have demonstrated that CAF can delay cardiac recovery following exercise. This study intended to assess the impact of CAF intake before physical exercise on heart rate variability (HRV) and cardiovascular parameters. Methods: This is a prospective, crossover, controlled clinical trial conducted at the University of Pernambuco, Petrolina, PE, Brazil. The experimental protocol was split into three stages with a minimum of 48 hours between them. Exercises intensity was standardized based on the one repetition maximum test (1RM), obtaining the load of each volunteer for the intensity of 75% of 1RM. In the second and third phases, the control protocols were applied and 300 mg caffeine was given 45 minutes before training. HRV indices were determined at the subsequent times: 0 to 5 minutes of rest (before) and during 30 minutes of recovery (Rec) (after exercise), divided into six intervals, each of 5 minutes. Results: The final sample involved 30 volunteers. CAF delayed HRV recovery after resistance exercise. In general, CAF impaired recovery of HRV after resistance exercise. Significant changes were observed in the RMSSD, SDNN, TINN, SD1, low frequency and high frequency indices between the control and CAF group. Conclusion: CAF protocol delayed parasympathetic regulation of heart rhythm following exercise, slowing recovery of HR, blood pressure and HRV indices after exercise. Resumo: Introdução e objetivos: Estudos avaliando os efeitos da cafeína (CAF) sobre o sistema cardiovascular mostraram que a CAF pode retardar a recuperação dos batimentos cardíacos ao estado de repouso após o exercício. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto da ingestão de cafeína (CAF) antes do exercício físico de força sobre variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) na recuperação. Metodologia: Trata-se de um ensaio clínico prospetivo, controlado por cruzamento, realizado na Universidade de Pernambuco, em Petrolina, PE. Está registrado no ClinicalTrials.gov (Number NCT03899675). O procedimento experimental foi dividido em três etapas com um mínimo de 48 horas entre elas. A intensidade do exercício foi padronizada com base no teste de 1 repetição máxima (1RM), obtendo-se a carga de cada voluntário para a intensidade de 75% de 1RM. Na segunda e terceira fase da pesquisa, os protocolos de controle e cafeína (300 mg) foram aplicados. A ingestão de cafeína aconteceu 45 minutos antes do treinamento. Os índices de VFC foram determinados nos seguintes tempos: 0 a 5 minutos de repouso (antes) e durante 30 minutos de recuperação (Rec) (após o exercício), divididos em seis intervalos de 5 minutos cada. Resultados: A amostra final foi composta por 30 voluntários. No geral, a cafeína prejudicou a recuperação da VFC no período de recuperação após o exercício resistido. Diferenças significativas foram observadas nos índices RMSSD, SDNN, TINN, SD1, LF e HF entre o grupo controle e o grupo CAF. Conclusão: O protocolo CAF foi capaz de intensificar reduções na atividade parassimpática após o exercício, causando atraso na recuperação da FC, pressão arterial e índices de VFC após o exercício.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Débora Mendes LOPES, João Lúcio CARDOSO, Ronilson Ferreira FREITAS, Vanessa de Andrade ROYO
- Subjects
Cafeína ,consumo ,dose ,associação medicamentosa ,Medicine ,Pharmacy and materia medica ,RS1-441 - Abstract
A cafeína é uma metilxantina de origem natural consumida mundialmente em alimentos e em associações medicamentosas, porém seus efeitos bem como o seu mecanismo de ação não são bem definidos de acordo com a literatura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os benefícios e riscos ligados à associação da cafeína em medicamentos, bem como fazer comparação das doses citadas pela literatura com as encontradas nos medicamentos mais comercializados e nos alimentos mais consumidos no cotidiano da população. Foi feito levantamento de trinta e cinco medicamentos associados à cafeína mais vendidos em uma farmácia comercial de dispensação. Observou-se que a cafeína está associada a três classes de medicamentos mais utilizadas pela população, classificados farmacologicamente como analgésicos, antiinflamatórios e miorrelaxantes, sendo que 69% da dispensação destes medicamentos estava associada a busca espontânea por parte dos pacientes, 91% dos medicamentos apresentavam dose sub-terapêutica conforme literatura e em 75% dos casos a dose contida era inferior a 50 mg, dose esta consumida em alimentos por pessoa/dia. Assim, conclui-se que o emprego da cafeína em medicamentos ainda necessita de comprovação científica sobre seus benefícios e de estudos que definam critérios semelhantes aos de medicamentos para o uso da cafeína.
- Published
- 2013
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13. Uso de la cafeína en el ejercicio físico: ventajas y riesgos
- Author
César Augusto Ramírez Montes and José Henry Osorio
- Subjects
Bebidas Energéticas ,Cafeína ,Esfuerzo Físico ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Objetivo. El presente artículo de revisión tiene como objetivo analizar la información científica disponible y actualizar al lector con relación al uso de la cafeína como sustancia ergogénica para el ejercicio. Materiales y métodos. Se analizó la literatura disponible de los últimos 50 años en las bases de datos BBCSLILACS, IB-PsycINFO, IB-SSCI, IB-SciELO, Scopus y Scirus, al igual que artículos históricos, textos y referencias citadas en trabajos públicos. Resultados. Se obtuvo información pertinente relacionada con los objetivos propuestos en la presente revisión, en la que se relaciona la farmacología básica (absorción, mecanismos de acción, metabolismo, efectos, tolerancia, reacciones adversas, toxicidad) y su utilidad como sustancia ergogénica para ejercicios de predominio aeróbico y para ejercicios de predominio anaeróbico. Conclusión. Es recomendable la utilización de la cafeína como sustancia ergogénica en ejercicios de larga duración y mediana intensidad, mientras que su uso en ejercicios de corta duración y alta intensidad es controversial. Se recomienda una cuidadosa evaluación médica antes de su utilización con el fin de minimizar las reacciones adversas y su toxicidad.
- Published
- 2013
14. Padrões de consumo de bebidas energéticas e suplementos alimentares à base de cafeína por frequentadores de academias
- Author
João Carlos Bouzas Marins, Vinicius Fernandes Paris, Iago Pedrosa, and Hamilton Henrique Teixeira Reis
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lcsh:RT1-120 ,lcsh:R5-920 ,lcsh:Nursing ,business.industry ,Attendance ,academias de ginástica ,Academias ,dietary supplements ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Suplementos alimentares ,chemistry ,suplementos nutricionais ,Gyms ,cafeína ,Environmental health ,fitness centers ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Medicine ,desempenho atlético ,athletic performance ,lcsh:Medicine (General) ,business ,Caffeine ,caffeine ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Objetivo: Avaliar o nível de conhecimento, hábitos, e prevalência de consumo de energéticos e suplementos à base de cafeína por praticantes de exercícios físicos em academias. Métodos: Foi empregado um questionário autoaplicável de 27 perguntas no Google® Forms, divulgado em mídias sociais entre setembro e outubro de 2018. Resultados: Participaram 200 frequentadores de academias, 71% adultos jovens, 52% tendo mais de 2 anos de prática e frequência regular de 5 - 6 vezes por semana. A maioria da amostra era mulher (58,5%), praticante de musculação (61,6%) de MG (62,5%). O consumo sem orientação profissional foi de 81,6% nos energéticos e 53,9%para suplementos à base de cafeína. 73,3% dos consumidores de energéticos tinham objetivos relacionados com atividades sociais, preferindo a marca RedBul®(40,4%). Entre os consumidores de suplementos de cafeína houve preferência por termogênicos (32,7%) e cafeína pura (29,9%), com objetivo principal a melhora de performance (28,7%), apresentando respostas ergolíticas de taquicardia e palpitações como registrado nos energéticos. Não houve registro de efeitos adversos em 19,2% dos consumidores de cafeína e 40,8% de energéticos. As dosagens de consumo dos produtos estavam dentro da faixa de segurança (< 6 mg/kg).Conclusão: O consumo de ambos produtos foi feito sem orientação profissional, porém, com dosagens dentro da faixa de segurança. O consumo de bebidas energéticas esteve voltado para atividades sociais e melhora da performance esportiva. Foram registrados efeitos ergolíticos. Objective:Evaluate the level of knowledge, habits, and prevalence of consumption of energy drinks and supplements based on caffeine by practitioners of physical exercises in gyms. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire of 27 topics was used on Google® Forms, published on social media between September and October 2018. Results: 200 gym goers participated, 71% young adults, 52% having more than two years of practice, and attendance regular 5 - 6 times a week. Most were women (58.5%), bodybuilders (61.6%), and from Minas Gerais State (62.5%). Consumption without professional guidance was 81.6% for energy drinks and 53.9% for caffeine-based supplements. Most energy consumers (73.3%) had goals related to social activities, preferring the RedBul® brand (40.4%). Among consumers of caffeine supplements, there was a preference for thermogenic (32.7%) and pure caffeine (29.9%), with the primary objective of improving performance (28.7%), presenting ergolytic responses of tachycardia and palpitations as recorded in energy drinks. There was no record of adverse effects in 19.2% of caffeine consumers and 40.8% of energy drinkers. The consumption dosages of the products were within the safety range (< 6 mg/kg). Conclusion: The consumption of both products was made without professional guidance, however, with dosages within the safety range. The consumption of energy drinks aimed at social activities and improved sports performance. Ergolytic effects have been reported.
- Published
- 2020
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15. Consumo de cafeína en estudiantes de medicina y su coexistencia con sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva
- Author
Jorge Enrique Osada Liy, Miguel Oswaldo Rojas Villegas, César Eduardo Rosales Vásquez, and Johann Vega Dienstmaier
- Subjects
Cafeína ,depresión ,ansiedad ,estudiantes ,Medicine - Abstract
Objetivo: Determinar el consumo de cafeína y su relación con sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva en estudiantes de medicina de una universidad privada en Lima, Perú. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal. Participaron 384 personas de cuatro años de estudio de la facultad de medicina de una universidad privada en Lima, Perú; excluyéndose a 6. Se utilizó una encuesta estructurada para la evaluación de consumo de cafeína, y la Escala de Ansiedad y Depresión de Goldberg -EADG, siendo los puntos de corte 4 para ansiedad y 3 para depresión. Resultados: El 96,3% de participantes consumen cafeína en un nivel promedio de 147,35 mg/día, 34,13% presentó sintomatología ansiosa, 29,89% depresiva y 20,63% síntomas de ambas. No se encontró relación entre el grado de consumo de cafeína y la presencia de sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva. Conclusiones: El consumo de cafeína en estudiantes de medicina resultó igual o inferior a lo descrito en otros estudios. No se encontró relación entre el consumo de cafeína y la presencia de sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva. (Rev. Med Hered. 2008;19:102-107)
- Published
- 2008
16. Consumo de cafeína entre gestantes e a prevalência do baixo peso ao nascer e da prematuridade: uma revisão sistemática Caffeine consumption during pregnancy and prevalence of low birth weight and prematurity: a systematic review
- Author
Alice Helena de Resende Nóra Pacheco, Nathália Silva Raposo Barreiros, Iná S. Santos, and Gilberto Kac
- Subjects
Cafeína ,Gravidez ,Recém-Nascido de Baixo Peso ,Prematuridade ,Caffeine ,Pregnancy ,Low Birth Weight Infant ,Prematurity ,Medicine ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Realizou-se revisão sistemática sobre o consumo de cafeína em gestantes na ocorrência de baixo peso ao nascer e prematuridade, enfocando métodos para quantificação deste consumo e confundimentos controlados na análise. A revisão consistiu na busca de artigos publicados de 1996 a 2006 nas bases MEDLINE, LILACS e PubMed, utilizando-se as palavras-chave: "caffeine", "coffee", "low birth weight", "birth weight", "preterm", "premature" e "prematurity". Dez artigos foram selecionados. Os métodos utilizados para quantificar o consumo de cafeína foram: questionário de freqüência alimentar semiquantitativo - da dieta ou apenas de produtos cafeinados, sendo um do tipo auto-aplicado; recordatório alimentar; perguntas sobre tipo e modo de preparo; análise de amostras; e dosagens urinária e plasmática. Em três estudos revisados, o consumo elevado de cafeína associou-se com baixo peso ao nascer e/ou prematuridade. Contradições nos achados devem-se a dificuldades na mensuração do consumo de cafeína; às fontes abordadas; a variações no preparo e na quantidade consumida; e ao tamanho amostral. Não foi demonstrada associação entre ingestão moderada de cafeína e crescimento fetal, sendo necessária uma avaliação mais precisa do consumo dessa substância.This article reports on a systematic review of studies on caffeine intake during pregnancy and prevalence of low birth weight and prematurity, focusing on methods to quantify intake and control for confounding. The review consisted of an article search from 1996 to 2006 in MEDLINE, LILACS, and PubMed, using the key words: "caffeine", "coffee", "low birth weight", "birth weight", "preterm", "premature", and "prematurity". Ten articles were selected. Methods used to quantify caffeine consumption were: semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaires for diet or only caffeinated products, including one self-applied questionnaire; food recall; questions on type and method of preparation; analysis of samples; and urine and plasma caffeine levels. In three studies, high caffeine consumption was associated with low birth weight and/or prematurity. Contradictions between studies may be due to difficulties in measuring caffeine consumption; assessment of different caffeine sources; variations in the mode of preparation and amount consumed; and sample size. Association between moderate caffeine consumption and fetal growth was not demonstrated, so a more precise measurement of caffeine intake is necessary.
- Published
- 2007
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17. Ensaio clínico randomizado, duplo-cego, comparativo entre a associação de cafeína, carisoprodol, diclofenaco sódico e paracetamol e a ciclobenzaprina, para avaliação da eficácia e segurança no tratamento de pacientes com lombalgia e lombociatalgia agudas A randomized, double-blind clinical trial, comparing the combination of caffeine, carisoprodol, sodium diclofenac and paracetamol versus cyclobenzaprine, to evaluate efficacy and safety in the treatment of patients with acute low back pain and lumboischialgia
- Author
Reynaldo Jesus Garcia Filho, Marcos Korukian, Francisco Prado Eugênio dos Santos, Dan Carai Maia Viola, and Eduardo Barros Puertas
- Subjects
Diclofenaco ,Carisoprodol ,Cafeína ,Acetaminofen ,Ensaios clínicos ,Ensaios controlados aleatórios ,Método duplo-cego ,Dor lombar ,Diclofenac ,Caffeine ,Acetaminophen ,Clinical trial ,Randomized controlled trials ,Double-blind method ,Low back pain ,Medicine ,Orthopedic surgery ,RD701-811 - Abstract
OBJETIVO: Testar eficácia e segurança da associação de diclofenaco, paracetamol, carisoprodol e cafeína, no tratamento da lombalgia e lombociatalgia agudas, comparadas à eficácia e segurança da ciclobenzaprina. DESENHO DO ESTUDO: Ensaio clínico unicêntrico, randomizado, duplo-cego, comparativo. MÉTODO: As medicações foram administradas 3 vezes ao dia por um período de 7 dias. GRUPO ESTUDADO: 108 pacientes com diagnóstico de lombalgia e lombociatalgia agudas nos últimos 7 dias foram randomizados, sendo 54 em cada grupo. DESFECHO: Os critérios de eficácia primários selecionados para o estudo foram escala visual analógica para dor e questionário de Roland Morris, cujos resultados de antes e depois do tratamento foram comparados. Os secundários foram avaliação global do tratamento pelo paciente e pelo investigador e uso da medicação analgésica de resgate. Os critérios de segurança foram análise de tolerabilidade, interrupção da medicação por evento adverso e exames laboratoriais. RESULTADO: Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos, em relação à eficácia, em nenhum dos desfechos analisados. Ambas as medicações mostraram-se seguras e toleráveis no tratamento da lombalgia e da lombociatalgia agudas. A análise estatística rigorosa mostrou diferença nos dois grupos apenas no que se refere aos eventos adversos, sendo mais freqüentes no grupo que foi tratado com a ciclobenzaprina.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the combination of diclofenac, paracetamol, carisoprodol, and caffeine in the treatment of acute low back pain and lumboischialgia, compared to the efficacy and safety of cyclobenzaprine. STUDY DESIGN: Single-center, comparative, randomized, double-blind clinical trial. METHOD: Drugs were administered t.i.d. for a period of 7 days. STUDY POPULATION: 108 patients with a diagnosis of acute low back pain and lumboischialgia in the last 7 days were randomized, being included 54 patients in each group. ENDPOINTS: The primary efficacy endpoints selected for the study were the pain visual analog scale and the Roland-Morris questionnaire, the results of which were compared before and after treatment. The secondary endpoints were the patient's and the investigator's overall assessment of the treatment, as well as the use of the analgesic rescue medication. The safety criteria were the tolerability analysis, the medication discontinuation due to adverse events, and laboratory tests. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences among the groups regarding efficacy in any of the endpoints examined. Both medications have been shown to be safe and tolerable in the treatment of acute low back pain and lumboischialgia. The thorough statistical analysis revealed a difference between the two groups only concerning adverse events, which were more frequent in the group treated with cyclobenzaprine.
- Published
- 2006
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18. Caffeine as an environmental indicator for assessing urban aquatic ecosystems Cafeína como indicador ambiental prospectivo para avaliar ecossistemas aquáticos urbanos
- Author
Aldo Pacheco Ferreira
- Subjects
Ambiente Aquático ,Poluição ,Cafeína ,Toxicologia ,Aquatic Environment ,Pollution ,Caffeine ,Toxicology ,Medicine ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
This study aimed to evaluate the co-occurrence of caffeine and the extent of its influence as compared to other traditional water quality parameters (microbiological and physico-chemical) in order to characterize it as an efficient indicator of anthropic pollution of urban aquatic environments. Caffeine is an ingredient in a variety of beverages (coffee, tea, and caffeinated soft drinks) and numerous food products (chocolate, pastries, and dairy desserts). Although the human body metabolizes this stimulant efficiently, between 0.5 and 10.0% is excreted, mostly in the urine. Analysis of water samples from the Leopoldina Basin and Guanabara Bay revealed a significant difference between areas not commonly affected by nutrient enrichment or sewage inputs and areas chronically influenced by sewage discharges and elevated eutrophication. Monitoring caffeine will be fundamental in stressed urban aquatic environments where frequent accidental ruptures of sewer lines and discharges of untreated effluents impede effective water quality evaluation with traditional indicators.Este estudo visou avaliar a co-ocorrência de cafeína e a extensão de sua influência frente a outros parâmetros tradicionais de qualidade de água (microbiológicos e físico-químicos), de modo a caracterizá-la como um eficiente indicador de poluição de origem antrópica em ambientes aquáticos urbanos. Cafeína é um componente de uma variedade de bebidas (café, chá e bebidas cafeinadas) e de numerosos produtos alimentícios (chocolate, massas e sobremesas). Embora o corpo humano seja eficiente na metabolização deste estimulante, entre 0,5-10,0% são excretados, principalmente na urina. A análise de amostras da Bacia Hidrográfica da Leopoldina e Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, revelou uma significante diferença entre áreas não comumente afetadas por enriquecimento de nutrientes ou esgoto, contra áreas cronicamente influenciadas por descargas de esgoto e eutrofização elevada. O monitoramento de cafeína será fundamental em ambientes aquáticos urbanos estressados, onde freqüentes rupturas acidentais de linhas de esgoto e descargas de efluentes não-tratados impedem a efetividade de avaliação da qualidade hídrica com os indicadores recomendados.
- Published
- 2005
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19. Does caffeine consumption during pregnancy increase the risk of fetal mortality? A literature review O consumo de cafeína durante a gestação aumenta o risco de mortalidade fetal? Uma revisão da literatura
- Author
Alicia Matijasevich, Iná S. Santos, and Fernando C. Barros
- Subjects
Cafeína ,Mortalidade Fetal ,Gravidez ,Caffeine ,Fetal Death ,Pregnancy ,Medicine ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate the available epidemiological evidence of the effect of caffeine consumption during pregnancy on fetal mortality. A systematic qualitative review of observational studies that referred to any source of exposure to caffeine from food in pregnancy and to fetal mortality as the outcome was conducted in the databases MEDLINE and LILACS. Studies published between January 1966 and September 2004 were searched. The following descriptors were used: "caffeine", "coffee", "tea", "cola", and "cacao" to define the exposure and "fetal death", "stillbirth", "fetal demise", and "fetal loss" to define the outcome. The search strategy retrieved 32 publications, but only six met the inclusion criteria and three were included. One more article was found using "see related articles" feature in PubMed. A total of four publications were included in the review. The small number of publications addressing this subject, methodological limitations, inaccurate exposure assessment in all the studies, overall risks only marginally significant in most cases, and the possibility of publication bias preclude stating with certainty that caffeine consumption is actually associated with fetal death.O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a evidência epidemiológica existente a respeito do efeito do consumo de cafeína durante a gravidez sobre a mortalidade fetal. Foi realizada uma revisão qualitativa sistemática dos estudos observacionais que utilizaram como exposição qualquer fonte alimentar de cafeína durante a gestação e como desfecho, mortalidade fetal. A revisão foi conduzida no MEDLINE e LILACS para estudos publicados entre janeiro de 1966 e setembro de 2004. Foram usados os seguintes descritores: "caffeine", "coffee", "tea", "cola" and "cacao" para definir a exposição e "fetal death", "stillbirth", "fetal demise" e "fetal loss" para definir o desfecho. Foram recuperadas 32 publicações, mas somente seis preencheram os critérios de inclusão e três foram incluídas na revisão. Um artigo mais foi encontrado usando o recurso dos "artigos relacionados" do PubMed. Um total de quatro publicações foram incluídas na revisão. O pequeno número de artigos abordando o tema, as limitações metodológicas, a avaliação inacurada da exposição, os riscos marginalmente significativos na maioria dos casos e a possibilidade de viés de publicação impedem que se afirme que o consumo de cafeína esteja associado a morte fetal.
- Published
- 2005
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20. Consumo de cafeína e de alimentos-fonte de cafeína e prematuridade: um estudo caso-controle Caffeine intake and food sources of caffeine and prematurity: a case-control study
- Author
Rita Adriana Gomes de Souza and Rosely Sichieri
- Subjects
Cafeína ,Gravidez ,Trabalho de Parto Prematuro ,Caffeine ,Pregnancy ,Premature Labor ,Medicine ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
A cafeína (1,3,7-trimetilxantina) é um alcalóide que facilmente atravessa a barreira placentária podendo interferir no crescimento e desenvolvimento das células fetais e comprometer a oxigenação fetal. Considerando o amplo consumo de alimentos que contêm cafeína no Brasil, o objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a associação entre o consumo total de cafeína e de alimentos-fonte de cafeína com a prematuridade. Um estudo caso-controle de 140 casos (recém-nascidos com idade gestacional inferior a 37 semanas de gestação) e 162 controles (recém-nascidos com 37 semanas ou mais) avaliou o consumo de cafeína durante a gravidez. Para se medir o consumo utilizou-se um questionário de freqüência alimentar, semi-quantitativo, baseado nos seguintes alimentos: café, chá mate e chocolate em pó. O consumo total de cafeína e de alimentos-fonte de cafeína durante a gravidez não foram associados à prematuridade, com a maioria das mulheres tendo consumido menos que 300mg/dia. O consumo de cafeína observado no presente estudo não suporta recomendações contra o consumo de cafeína em gestantes brasileiras.Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) is an alkali that easily crosses the placental barrier and can interfere in the growth and development of fetal cells and compromise fetal oxygenation. Considering the widespread consumption of foods containing caffeine in Brazil, the aim of this study was to evaluate the association between total caffeine consumption (including its food sources) and prematurity. A case-control study of 140 cases (newborns with gestational age less than 37 weeks) and 162 controls (newborns with 37 weeks gestational age or greater) evaluated caffeine consumption during pregnancy. Intake measurement used a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire based on the following foods: coffee, tea, and powdered chocolate. Total caffeine consumption (including food sources) during pregnancy was not associated with prematurity, and most intakes were less than 300mg/ day. Caffeine consumption in the present study does not support guidelines against caffeine consumption by Brazilian pregnant women.
- Published
- 2005
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21. Caracterização dos registros eletrocorticográficos, eletromiográficos e eletrocardiográficos após uso de cafeína em ratos Wistar
- Author
Diego Arthur Castro Cabral, Vanessa Jóia de Mello, Moisés Hamoy, Fernanda Myllena Sousa Campos, Maria Clara Pinheiro da Silva, João Paulo do Vale Medeiros, Jéssica Lígia Picanço Machado, Leonardo Giovanni Castro Cabral, Giovanna Coutinho Jardim, and Paula dos Santos Batista
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Eletrocorticografia ,Intraperitoneal injection ,Wistar ,Alpha (ethology) ,Electromyography ,Sistema nervoso central ,QRS complex ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Gastrocnemius muscle ,Electrocardiography ,Ratos Wistar ,Internal medicine ,Caffeine ,medicine ,Animals ,Rats, Wistar ,Muscle, Skeletal ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Artigo Original ,Skeletal muscle ,Eletrocardiografia ,General Medicine ,Rats ,Eletromiografia ,Endocrinology ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Cafeína ,chemistry ,Central nervous system ,Medicine ,Original Article ,Electrocorticography ,medicine.symptom ,business ,Muscle Contraction ,Muscle contraction - Abstract
Objective: To describe electrocorticographic, electromyographic and electrocardiographic profiles to report the electrophysiological effects of caffeine in Wistar rats. Methods: Male adult Wistar rats weighing 230g to 250g were used. Rats were allocated to one of two groups, as follows: Group 1, Control, intraperitoneal injection of 0.9% saline solution (n=27); and Group 2, treated with intraperitoneal injection of caffeine (50mg/kg; n=27). The rats were submitted to electrocorticographic, electromyographic and electrocardiographic assessment. Results: Brain oscillations (delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma) in the frequency range up to 40Hz varied after caffeine administration to rats. Powers in delta and theta oscillations ranges were preponderant. The contractile force of the skeletal striated and cardiac muscles increased. Electrocardiogram analysis revealed shorter RR, QRS and QT intervals under the effect of caffeine. Conclusion: In the central nervous system, there was an increase in the delta, theta and alpha amplitude spectrum, which are related to memory encoding and enhanced learning. With regard to skeletal muscle, increased contraction of the gastrocnemius muscle was demonstrated, a clear indication of how caffeine can be used to enhance performance of some physical activities. Electrocardiographic changes observed after caffeine administration are primarily related to increased heart rate and energy consumption. RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever os perfis eletrocorticográficos, eletromiográficos e eletrocardiográficos para relatar os efeitos eletrofisiológicos da cafeína em ratos Wistar. Métodos: Foram utilizados ratos Wistar, machos, adultos, pesando de 230g a 250g. Os animais foram divididos nos seguintes grupos: Grupo 1, Controle com solução fisiológica 0,9% por via intraperitoneal (n=27), e Grupo 2, Tratado com Cafeína (50mg/kg intraperitoneal; n=27). Foram realizadas avaliações por eletrocorticograma, eletromiograma e eletrocardiograma. Resultados: Houve variações nas oscilações cerebrais (delta, teta, alfa, beta e gama) na faixa de frequência de até 40Hz após a aplicação de cafeína em ratos. Observou-se que as potências nas faixas das oscilações delta e teta foram preponderantes. A força de contração nos músculos estriado esquelético e cardíaco aumentou. A avaliação do eletrocardiograma demonstrou que a duração dos intervalos RR, QRS e QT foram menores na presença da cafeína. Conclusão: No sistema nervoso central, houve aumento dos espectros de amplitude delta, teta e alfa, que auxiliam na codificação das memórias e estão relacionados à melhora do aprendizado. Em relação à musculatura esquelética, demonstrou-se aumento da contração do músculo gastrocnêmio, uma clara indicação de como a cafeína pode ser usada para aumentar o desempenho em algumas atividades físicas. As alterações eletrocardiográficas observadas após a administração de cafeína estiveram relacionadas principalmente ao aumento da frequência cardíaca e do consumo de energia.
- Published
- 2021
22. Efeitos in vitro da cafeína na cartilagem de crescimento de ratos
- Author
Amanda Maria Sena Reis, Raquel Viana Raad, Natália de Melo Ocarino, and Rogéria Serakides
- Subjects
Cafeína ,Cartilagem ,Proliferação de células ,Diferenciação celular ,Apoptose ,Medicine ,Orthopedic surgery ,RD701-811 - Abstract
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos in vitro da cafeína na proliferação, apoptose e expressão de transcriptos gênicos de diferenciação condrogênica na cartilagem de crescimento. MÉTODO: As epífises cartilaginosas de fêmures de ratos neonatos foram divididas em dois subgrupos: os tratados com cafeína e o grupo controle, ambos observados nos tempos de 0, 7, 14 e 21 dias. As epífises cartilaginosas de fêmures de cada subgrupo e de cada tempo foram submetidas à histomorfometria, análise imunoistoquímica, técnica de túnel e RT-PCR em tempo real. RESULTADO: A diminuição da atividade proliferativa e o aumento de condroblastos em apoptose aos 21 dias foram encontrados em ambos os subgrupos. Entretanto a diminuição da proliferação celular causada pela cafeína foi menor quando comparada ao grupo controle e aumentou significativamente a expressão de transcriptos gênicos para diferenciação condrogênica, representada pelo SOX-9 e pelo RUNX-2. Entretanto o cultivo in vitro com cafeína demostrou efeitos antagônicos: apesar dos efeitos positivos na proliferação e diferenciação de condroblatos, cafeína aumentou a apoptose, caracterizada pelo aumento da expressão de caspase-3 e do numero de células em apoptose (p< 0.05). CONCLUSÃO: A cafeína apresenta efeitos antagônicos in vitro na cartilagem em crescimento, aumentando a proliferação, diferenciação e apoptose celular. Estudo experimental.
- Published
- 2013
23. Efeito fisiológico da cafeína em estudos neurológicos com base na ponderação em susceptibilidade ferromagnética (SWI)
- Author
Ana Rita Caseiro, Paulo Sousa, Rui Manaças, and Pedro M. Gonçalves Pereira
- Subjects
SWI ,Cafeína ,CNR ,Vasculatura venosa ,Medicine - Abstract
Introdução – O presente estudo avaliou o efeito da cafeína no valor da razão contraste ruído (CNR) em imagens SWI. Objetivos – Avaliar o efeito da cafeína qualitativamente e quantificado pelo cálculo do valor CNR em imagens de magnitude e MIP para as estruturas: veia cerebral interna, seio sagital superior, tórcula e artéria cerebral média. Metodologia – A população do estudo incluiu 24 voluntários saudáveis que estiveram pelo menos 24h privados da ingestão de cafeína. Adquiriram-se imagens SWI antes e após a ingestão de 100ml de café. Os voluntários foram subdivididos em quatro grupos de seis indivíduos/grupo e avaliados separadamente após decorrido um intervalo de tempo diferente para cada grupo (15, 25, 30 ou 45min pós-cafeína). Utilizou-se um scanner Siemens Avanto 1,5 T com bobine standard de crânio e os parâmetros: T2* GRE 3D de alta resolução no plano axial, TR=49; TE=40; FA=15; FOV=187x230; matriz=221x320. O processamento de imagem foi efetuado no software OsiriXâ e a análise estatística no GraphPadPrismâ. Resultados e Discussão – As alterações de sinal e diferenças de contraste predominaram nas estruturas venosas e não foram significantes na substância branca, LCR e artéria cerebral média. Os valores CNR pré-cafeína diferiram significativamente do pós-cafeína nas imagens de magnitude e MIP na veia cerebral interna e nas imagens de magnitude do seio sagital superior e da tórcula (p
- Published
- 2014
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24. Consumption of caffeinated beverages and kidney function decline in an elderly Mediterranean population with metabolic syndrome
- Author
Josep Vidal, José Lapetra, Raul Ramallal, Aurora Bueno-Cavanillas, José I. González, Lidia Daimiel, Verónica Ruiz, Montse Fitó, Rosa Casas, Julia Wärnberg, María Rosa Bernal-López, Dolores Corella, Jose Lopez-Miranda, Miguel Delgado-Rodríguez, Ramon Estruch, Estefanía Toledo, Itziar Abete, Tania Fernández Villa, Xavier Pintó, Vicente Martín Sánchez, Maria Angeles Zulet, Antonio Garcia-Rios, Indira Paz-Graniel, José V. Sorlí, Francisco Javier Barón-López, Jessica Vaquero Luna, Andrés Díaz-López, Jesús Vioque, Nerea Becerra-Tomás, Pilar Matía-Martín, Luis Serra-Majem, Nancy Babio, J. Alfredo Martínez, Dora Romaguera, Laura Torres-Collado, Sonia Eguaras, Marga Morey, Adela M Navarro, Clotilde Vázquez, José Manuel Santos-Lozano, María Dolores Zomeño, Ángel M. Alonso-Gómez, Emilio Ros, Lucas Tojal Sierra, Josep A. Tur, Jordi Salas-Salvadó, Francisco J. Tinahones, Albert Goday, Olga Castañer, European Commission, Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición (España), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, European Research Council, Junta de Andalucía, Generalitat Valenciana, AstraZeneca, Govern de les Illes Balears, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (España), and Institución Catalana de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados
- Subjects
Male ,0301 basic medicine ,Síndrome metabòlica ,obesity ,tea ,population decline ,Kidney ,regression analysis ,Cohort Studies ,0302 clinical medicine ,030212 general & internal medicine ,caffeine ,2. Zero hunger ,glomerular filtration rate ,education.field_of_study ,Multidisciplinary ,European research ,creatinine ,1. No poverty ,Middle Aged ,kidney diseases ,3. Good health ,Nephrology ,Medicine ,Female ,epidemiology ,Christian ministry ,kidneys ,beverages ,Research groups ,Dried fruit ,Science ,coffee ,Population ,Drinking Behavior ,Body weight ,Article ,metabolic syndrome ,body weight ,03 medical and health sciences ,Coffee drink ,Political science ,Lifestyle intervention ,medicine ,Humans ,overweight ,metabolic disorders ,education ,Aged ,030109 nutrition & dietetics ,medicine.disease ,Cafè (Beguda) ,Risk factors ,Cafeïna ,Spain ,Malalties del ronyó ,epidermal growth factor receptors ,Metabolic syndrome ,Humanities - Abstract
We thank all the volunteers for the participation and personnel for the contribution in the PREDIMED-Plus trial. CIBEROBN, CIBERESP and CIBERDEM are initiatives of ISCIII, Madrid, Spain. The authors also thank the PREDIMED-Plus Biobank Network as a part of the National Biobank Platform of the ISCIII for storing and managing the PREDIMED-Plus biological samples. This work was supported by the official Spanish Institutions for funding scientific biomedical research, CIBER Fisiopatologia de la Obesidad y Nutricion (CIBEROBN) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), through the Fondo de Investigacion para la Salud (FIS), which is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (five coordinated FIS projects leaded by JS-S and JVi, including the following projects: PI13/00673, PI13/00492, PI13/00272, PI13/01123, PI13/00462, PI13/00233, PI13/02184, PI13/00728, PI13/01090, PI13/01056, PI14/01722, PI14/00636, PI14/00618, PI14/00696, PI14/01206, PI14/01919, PI14/00853, PI14/01374, PI14/00972, PI14/00728, PI14/01471, PI16/00473, PI16/00662, PI16/01873, PI16/01094, PI16/00501, PI16/00533, PI16/00381, PI16/00366, PI16/01522, PI16/01120, PI17/00764, PI17/01183, PI17/00855, PI17/01347, PI17/00525, PI17/01827, PI17/00532, PI17/00215, PI17/01441, PI17/00508, PI17/01732, PI17/00926, PI19/00957, PI19/00386, PI19/00309, PI19/01032, PI19/00576, PI19/00017, PI19/01226, PI19/00781, PI19/01560, PI19/01332, PI20/01802, PI20/00138, PI20/01532, PI20/00456, PI20/00339, PI20/00557, PI20/00886, PI20/01158); the Especial Action Project entitled: Implementacion y evaluacion de una intervencion intensiva sobre la actividad fisica Cohorte PREDIMED-Plus Grant to JS-S; the European Research Council (Advanced Research Grant 2014-2019; Agreement #340918) granted to MaM-G.; the Recercaixa (Number 2013ACUP00194) grant to JS-S; grants from the Consejeria de Salud de la Junta de Andalucia (PI0458/2013, PS0358/2016, PI0137/2018); the PROMETEO/2017/017 grant from the Generalitat Valenciana; the SEMERGEN grant; funds from the European Regional Development Fund (CB06/03); International Nut & Dried Fruit Council - FESNAD (Long-term effects of an energy-restricted Mediterranean diet on mortality and cardiovascular disease 2014 -2015, No. 201302) (PI: MaM-G); the AstraZeneca Young Investigators Award in Category of Obesity and T2D 2017 (PI: DR); grant of support to research groups no. 35/2011 (Balearic Islands Gov.; FEDER funds) (JAT and CB); the JR17/00022 (ISCIII) grant to OC; the Boosting young talent call grant program for the development of IISPV research projects 2019-2021 (Ref.: 2019/IISPV/03 grant to AD-L); the Societat Catalana d'Endocrinologia i Nutricio (SCEN) Clinical-Research Grant 2019 (IPs: JS-S and AD-L). Collaborative Nutrition and/or Obesity Project for Young Researchers 2019 supported by CIBEROBN entitled: Lifestyle Interventions and Chronic Kidney Disease: Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and Metabolomic Profile (LIKIDI study) grant to AD-L. IP-G receives a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (FPU17/01925). Jordi Salas-Salvado, the senior author of this work, gratefully acknowledges the financial support by ICREA under the ICREA Academia programme. None of the funding sources took part in the design, collection, analysis, interpretation of the data, or writing the report, or in the decision to submit the manuscript for publication., It remains unclear whether caffeinated beverages could have deleterious renal effects in elderly population with underlying comorbid conditions. We investigated the associations between coffee, tea, or caffeine intake and 1-year changes in glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in a large Spanish cohort of overweight/obese elderly with metabolic syndrome (MetS). This prospective analysis includes 5851 overweight/obese adults (55-75 years) with MetS from the PREDIMED-Plus study. We assessed coffee, tea, and caffeine consumption from a validated food-frequency questionnaire and creatinine-based eGFR using the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation. Multivariate-adjusted regression models were applied to test associations between baseline coffee, tea, or caffeine intake and 1-year eGFR changes. Caffeinated coffee (> 2 cups/day) and tea (at least 1 cup/day) drinkers had 0.88 and 0.93 mL/min/1.73 m(2) greater eGFR decrease respectively, compared to those with less than 1 cup/day of coffee consumption or non-tea drinkers. Furthermore, caffeinated coffee consumption of > 2 cups/day was associated with 1.19-fold increased risk of rapid eGFR decline > 3 mL/min/1.73 m(2) (95% CI 1.01-1.41). Similarly, individuals in the highest (median, 51.2 mg/day) tertile of caffeine intake had a 0.87 mL/min/1.73 m(2) greater eGFR decrease. Decaffeinated coffee was not associated with eGFR changes. In conclusion, higher consumption of caffeinated coffee, tea, and caffeine was associated with a greater 1-year eGFR decline in overweight/obese adults with MetS., CIBER Fisiopatologia de la Obesidad y Nutricion (CIBEROBN), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), through the Fondo de Investigacion para la Salud (FIS) - European Regional Development Fund PI13/00673 PI13/00492 PI13/00272 PI13/01123 PI13/00462 PI13/00233 PI13/02184 PI13/00728 PI13/01090 PI13/01056 PI14/01722 PI14/00636 PI14/00618 PI14/00696 PI14/01206 PI14/01919 PI14/00853 PI14/01374 PI14/00972 PI14/00728 PI14/01471 PI16/00473, European Research Council (ERC) European Commission 340918, La Caixa Foundation 2013ACUP00194, Junta de Andalucia PI0458/2013 PS0358/2016 PI0137/2018, Generalitat Valenciana European Commission PROMETEO/2017/017, European Commission CB06/03, International Nut & Dried Fruit Council - FESNAD (Long-term effects of an energy-restricted Mediterranean diet on mortality and cardiovascular disease 2014 -2015) 201302, SEMERGEN grant, AstraZeneca, Balearic Islands Gov.; FEDER funds 35/2011, (ISCIII) grant JR17/00022, Boosting young talent call grant program for the development of IISPV research projects 2019-2021 2019/IISPV/03, Societat Catalana d'Endocrinologia i Nutricio (SCEN) Clinical-Research Grant 2019, Collaborative Nutrition and/or Obesity Project for Young Researchers 2019 - CIBEROBN, Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports FPU17/01925, ICREA, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), through the Fondo de Investigacion para la Salud (FIS) - European Regional Development Fund PI17/01441 PI17/00508 PI17/01732 PI17/00926 PI19/00957 PI19/00386 PI19/00309 PI19/01032 PI19/00576 PI19/00017 PI19/01226 PI19/00781 PI19/01560 PI19/01332 PI20/01802 PI20/00138 PI20/01532 PI20/00456 PI20/00339 PI20/00557 PI20/00886 PI20/01158, 'Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), through the Fondo de Investigacion para la Salud (FIS) - European Regional Development Fund' PI16/00662 PI16/01873 PI16/01094 PI16/00501 PI16/00533 PI16/00381 PI16/00366 PI16/01522 PI16/01120 PI17/00764 PI17/01183 PI17/00855 PI17/01347 PI17/00525 PI17/01827 PI17/00532 PI17/00215
- Published
- 2021
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25. Effect of caffeine gel and caffeine gel associated with iontophoresis in women gynoidlipodystrophy: A pilot randomized trial
- Author
Rodrigo Antonio Carvalho Andraus, Alana Roberta F. Quessada, Audrey Alesandra Stinghen Garcia Lonni, André Lucino Pinto, Ovídia Ignêz Pires, Thainá Bessa Alves, and Karina Couto Furlanetto
- Subjects
Lipodistrofia ginóide ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Termografía ,Urology ,030226 pharmacology & pharmacy ,law.invention ,030207 dermatology & venereal diseases ,03 medical and health sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,Dermis ,Randomized controlled trial ,law ,Iontoforesis ,Tratamiento ,Caffeine ,medicine ,Buttocks ,Treatment ,General Environmental Science ,Cellulite ,Iontoforese ,Iontophoresis ,business.industry ,Gynoid lipodystrophy ,Celulite ,Lipodistrofia ginoidea ,medicine.disease ,Tratamento ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Cafeína ,chemistry ,Celulitis ,Thermography ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Lipodystrophy ,business ,Termografia ,Subcutaneous tissue - Abstract
Caffeine has been widely used to treat gynoid lipodystrophy (GLD). Despite caffeine has been considered as a promise treatment, there is a lack of scientific evidences regarding its effect on GLD when associated with iontophoresis or others equipment. We aimed to evaluate the effects of a caffeine gel alone and associated with iontophoresis in GLD treatment. In a single-blind randomized clinical trial, women with mild/moderate GLD in the buttocks were randomized to topical caffeine gel group (CG; n=10); caffeine gel plus iontophoresis group (CIG; n=11) or iontophoresis group (IG; n=10). The groups were treated with 10 sessions, two times/week, 20 min/session. The subjects were evaluated pre and post treatment by photonumeric GLD severity scale, ultrasound image, thermography and quality of life questionnaire with a blind evaluator. There were statistical reduction in subcutaneous tissue thickness (P≤0.046) as well as in subcutaneous tissue plus dermis thickness (P≤0.044) in buttocks both in CG and CIG. GLD reduction was similar between CG and CIG, and these reductions were more pronounced than in IG (P
- Published
- 2021
26. Caffeine intake and pregnancy outcomes: a meta-analytic review Consumo de cafeína na gravidez e desfechos perinatais
- Author
Iná S. Santos, Cesar Gomes Victora, Sharon Huttly, and Saul Morris
- Subjects
Cafeína ,Baixo Peso ao Nascer ,Retardo do Crescimento Fetal ,Prematuro ,Caffeine ,Low Birth Weight ,Fetal Growth Retardation ,Premature Infant ,Medicine ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Epidemiological publications on the relationship of caffeine to birth weight and duration of human pregnancy, from 1966 to 1995, were searched through Medline. Each study was treated as the stratification variable, and its weight in the weighted average was proportional to the inverse of its variance. Twenty-six studies were located. Among the twenty-two studies on birth weight, eleven were on mean birth weight, nine on low birth weight (LBW), and four on intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). Combined analysis of mean birth weigh study results showed a significant decrease in birth weight of nearly 43g among newborns of the heaviest caffeine-consuming mothers. LBW, IUGR, and preterm delivery displayed significant homogeneity in the test results, indicating that a pooled estimate should not be taken as an adequate measure. The high heterogeneity of the available literature on the effects of caffeine on LBW, IUGR, and preterm delivery prevents estimation of reliable pooled estimates through meta-analysis. Further assessment of caffeine intake during pregnancy is needed in future research.Foram rastreadas as publicações epidemiológicas de 1966 a 1995 sobre a associação entre cafeína e peso ao nascer e duração da gestação humana através de pesquisa em Medline. Cada estudo foi tratado como uma categoria de uma variável e seu peso foi proporcional ao inverso de sua variância. Foram localizados vinte e seis estudos. Entre os vinte e dois estudos sobre peso ao nascer, onze foram sobre peso médio ao nascer, nove sobre baixo peso ao nascer (BPN) e quatro sobre retardo do crescimento intra-uterino (RCIU). O efeito agregado sobre o peso médio ao nascer mostrou uma redução estatisticamente significativa de 43 gramas entre os recém-nascidos de mães que consumiam maiores quantidades de cafeína. A análise agregada do efeito sobre BPN, RCIU e nascimentos pré-termos apresentou teste de homegeneidade estatisticamente significativo, indicando que uma estimativa combinada não seria confiável. A grande heterogeneidade da literatura disponível quanto ao efeito da cafeína sobre o BPN, RCIU e partos pré-termo não permite o cálculo confiável de estimativas agrupadas através de meta-análise. Torna-se necessária uma avaliação mais cuidadosa do consumo de cafeína durante a gestação em estudos futuros.
- Published
- 1998
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27. Caffeine ingestion improves specific artistic swimming tasks
- Author
R. Bertuzzi, Adriano Eduardo Lima-Silva, Cintia de Lourdes Nahhas Rodacki, Ana C. Santos-Mariano, F Dall'Acqua, and Gislaine Cristina-Souza
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Medicine (General) ,CAFFEINE INGESTION ,Physiology ,QH301-705.5 ,Performance ,Immunology ,Biophysics ,Ocean Engineering ,Athletic Performance ,Placebo ,Biochemistry ,03 medical and health sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Eating ,0302 clinical medicine ,Physical medicine and rehabilitation ,R5-920 ,Caffeine ,Barracuda ,medicine ,Humans ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics ,Biology (General) ,Child ,Swimming ,CAFEÍNA ,biology ,Athletes ,General Neuroscience ,Muscular Endurance ,Bayes Theorem ,Cell Biology ,General Medicine ,biology.organism_classification ,humanities ,Improved performance ,030104 developmental biology ,chemistry ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Child, Preschool ,Power ,Female ,Strength ,Flexibility ,Psychology ,Research Article - Abstract
The main movements of artistic swimming demand various physical capacities such as flexibility, strength, power, and muscular endurance. The use of ergogenic resources to potentialize performance in this sport, however, is underexplored and deserves investigation. In the present study, we tested whether caffeine ingestion would improve the execution of movements that are essential in a typical figure competition or routines in artistic swimming (i.e., amplitude in the Ariana, height in the Boost and Barracuda, and time maintained in the Stationary Scull techniques). Sixteen experienced female athlete artistic swimmers (17.4±3.2 years of age, 5.6±2.8 years of artistic swimming practice) performed several movements of artistic swimming after having ingested a capsule containing caffeine (5 mg/kg body mass) or cellulose (placebo). Compared to the placebo, caffeine improved latero-lateral amplitude during the Ariana (P=0.035), the height of the Boost and Barracuda (P=0.028 and 0.009), and maintained duration in Stationary Sculling (P=0.012). Bayes factor analysis, however, indicated substantial evidence of a positive effect of caffeine only on the Barracuda and Stationary Scull techniques. These findings indicated that caffeine improved performance during specific artistic swimming movements. Coaches and athletes should consider caffeine ingestion in their supplementation plans.
- Published
- 2021
28. Caffeine intake reduces sedentary time and increases physical activity predisposition in obese police officers
- Author
G.A. Ferreira, L. Wagner, R. Maziero, T. Ataide-Silva, N.A. Silva, R. Bertuzzi, and A.E. Lima-Silva
- Subjects
Medicine (General) ,CAFFEINE INGESTION ,QH301-705.5 ,Physiology ,Immunology ,Biophysics ,Physical activity ,Ocean Engineering ,Placebo ,Biochemistry ,Eating ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,R5-920 ,Caffeine ,Humans ,Medicine ,Obesity ,Biology (General) ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics ,Exercise ,Cardiometabolic risk ,Sedentary time ,CAFEÍNA ,Physical inactivity ,business.industry ,General Neuroscience ,Cell Biology ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Police ,Light physical activity ,chemistry ,Health ,Caffeine intake ,Sedentary Behavior ,business ,Research Article - Abstract
Sedentary time is associated with increased obesity in police officers. Caffeine intake may reduce sedentary time but it has not been extensively investigated. In the present study, the effect of caffeine ingestion on sedentary time was investigated in obese police officers. Fourteen obese police officers ingested either 5 mg/kg of caffeine or cellulose (placebo) for six days. Information on inactivity time, time spent with physical activities, self-reported perception of tiredness, and physical activity disposition was obtained daily during the intervention period. Sedentary and physical activity times were divided into two intraday periods (T1: 08:00 am-02:00 pm and T2: 02:00 pm-08:00 pm). Caffeine intake decreased the sedentary time in both T1 (79.2±2.2%) and T2 (79.1±2.5%), when compared with T2 of the placebo condition (81.1±3.6%, P0.05), but it increased the self-reported physical activity disposition compared to the placebo condition (4.5±2.7 vs 3.2±2.3 units, P
- Published
- 2021
29. In silico Evaluation of Cucurbit[6]uril as a Potential Detector for Cocaine and Its Adulterants Lidocaine, Caffeine, and Procaine
- Author
Vitor B. P. Leite, Aline Thaís Bruni, Caio Henrique Pinke Rodrigues, Natalia J. Pedrina, Jorge E. Hernández-González, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Inst Nacl Ciencia & Tecnol Forense INCT Forense, and Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
- Subjects
CAFEÍNA ,in silico methods ,Lidocaine ,Chemistry ,Austin Model 1 ,In silico ,cocaine ,General Chemistry ,Gas phase ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Procaine ,Positive response ,Computational chemistry ,lidocaine ,medicine ,Parametric methods ,procaine ,Caffeine ,cucurbit[6]uril ,caffeine ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Made available in DSpace on 2021-06-25T12:39:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2021-04-01. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2021-07-15T15:06:17Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 S0103-50532021000400800.pdf: 5035489 bytes, checksum: 680db78654a402895ccf02f459e91309 (MD5) Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) Illicit drugs and their trafficking require worldwide efforts in investigation, detection, and control. Colorimetric tests are often applied to identify drugs. Cocaine has some well-known adulterants that can provide a false positive response. Cucurbit[6]uril (CB[6]) has been suggested as a potential detector for cocaine and other illicit drugs. This work uses in silico methods to evaluate the use of CB[6] to detect cocaine and these interfering substances. More specifically, this work analyzes different possibilities of CB[6] complexation with cocaine, lidocaine, caffeine, and procaine and compares the results achieved for cocaine and its adulterants. Different methodologies were employed: quantum chemistry was investigated through DFT B3LYP/TZVP (density functional theory-Becke, three-parameter, Lee-Yang-Parr with triple zeta valence plus polarization basis set) and the semi-empirical methods Austin model 1 (AM1), parametric methods 3, 6, and 7 (PM3, PM6, PM7), and Recife model 1 (RM1). We used these methodologies intending to compare the reasonability and reproducibility of the results in the gas phase condition. Solvent influence was studied by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Results showed that CB[6] does not bind to these substances, as judged from the positive values of binding free energy obtained with all methods. DFT and MD were the most reliable methods whereas semiempirical ones were not reproductible in describing these systems. Results also showed that interactions are not specific, so CB[6] does not provide a good response for cocaine detection. Univ Sao Paulo, Fac Filosofia Ciencias & Letras Ribeirao Preto, Dept Quim, Ave Bandeirantes 3900, BR-14040901 Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil Inst Nacl Ciencia & Tecnol Forense INCT Forense, Ave Bandeirantes 3900, BR-14040901 Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil Univ Estadual Paulista, Inst Biociencias Letras & Ciencias Exatas, Dept Fis, Rua Cristovao Colombo 2265, BR-15054000 Sao Jose Do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil Univ Estadual Paulista, Inst Biociencias Letras & Ciencias Exatas, Dept Fis, Rua Cristovao Colombo 2265, BR-15054000 Sao Jose Do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil CNPq: 465450/2014-8 FAPESP: 2016/19766-1 FAPESP: 2016/24587-9 CAPES: 001
- Published
- 2021
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30. Effects of Habitual Caffeine Intake, Physical Activity Levels, and Sedentary Behavior on the Inflammatory Status in a Healthy Population
- Author
Aina Riera-Sampol, Sonia Martínez, Antoni Aguiló, Lluis Rodas, and Pedro Tauler
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Male ,humanos ,Anti-Inflammatory Agents ,adolescente ,physical activity ,ejercicio físico ,Body fat percentage ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,interleucina-6 ,siting time ,tejido adiposo ,mediana edad ,caffeine ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,adiponectina ,dieta ,Interleukin ,café ,adulto ,Middle Aged ,proteína C reactiva ,Interleukin-10 ,adulto joven ,body fat ,C-Reactive Protein ,Adipose Tissue ,interleucina-10 ,Tumor necrosis factor alpha ,Female ,Adiponectin ,medicine.symptom ,Caffeine ,Bioelectrical impedance analysis ,lcsh:Nutrition. Foods and food supply ,Adult ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Adolescent ,coffee ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,Inflammation ,lcsh:TX341-641 ,Article ,03 medical and health sciences ,Young Adult ,Internal medicine ,cafeína ,inflamación ,medicine ,Humans ,Pathological ,Exercise ,030109 nutrition & dietetics ,business.industry ,Interleukin-6 ,antiinflamatorios ,Diet ,Endocrinology ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,chemistry ,Spain ,inflammation ,Sedentary Behavior ,business ,Biomarkers ,Food Science ,estudios transversales - Abstract
Low-grade chronic inflammation is associated with many chronic diseases and pathological conditions. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of regular caffeine intake, physical activity levels, and sedentary behavior on the inflammatory status in healthy participants. In total, 112 men and 132 women aged 18 to 55 years and belonging to the staff and student population of the University of the Balearic Islands volunteered to participate in this descriptive cross-sectional study. Plasma concentrations of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory markers were measured. Weight, height, and body composition (bioelectrical impedance) were determined. Caffeine intake, physical activity levels and sitting time, and diet quality were determined using questionnaires. Statistical regression analysis showed that caffeine intake was a negative predictor of C-reactive protein (CRP) (p = 0.001). Body fat percentage was positively associated with CRP (p <, 0.001) and inversely associated with adiponectin (p = 0.032) and interleukin (IL)-10 levels (p = 0.001). Visceral fat was the main predictor for IL-6 (p <, 0.001) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-&alpha, (p <, 0.001). Sitting time was found to be the main, inverse, predictor for IL-10 (p <, 0.001), and a positive predictor for TNF-&alpha, 0.001). In conclusion, regular caffeine consumption induced very limited anti-inflammatory effects. Sedentary behavior and body fat accumulation induced significant pro-inflammatory effects.
- Published
- 2020
31. Caffeine Compromises Proliferation of Human Hippocampal Progenitor Cells
- Author
Claudine Manach, Mireia Urpi-Sarda, Andrea Du Preez, Raúl González-Domínguez, Vikki Houghton, Chiara De Lucia, Barbara Altendorfer, Cécilia Samieri, Ludwig Aigner, Cristina Andres-Lacueva, Sandrine Thuret, Sophie Lefèvre-Arbogast, Dorrain Yanwen Low, Aniko Korosi, Silvie R. Ruigrok, Paul J. Lucassen, King‘s College London, Université de Bordeaux (UB), Bordeaux population health (BPH), Université de Bordeaux (UB)-Institut de Santé Publique, d'Épidémiologie et de Développement (ISPED)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Unité de Nutrition Humaine (UNH), Université Clermont Auvergne [2017-2020] (UCA [2017-2020])-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE), Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS), University of Amsterdam [Amsterdam] (UvA), Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität = Paracelsus Medical University (PMU), Technische Universität Dresden = Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden), Medical Research Council UK (MRC) MR/N030087/1French National Research Agency (ANR)ANR-15-HDHL-0002-05PCIN-2015-229-MINECOJPI-HDHL (CiberFES-Cofund by FEDER Program from EU) 2017SGR1546JPI-HDHL (ICREA 2018 Academia Award from the Generalitat de Catalunya) BMWFW BMWFW-10.420/0009-WF/V/3c/2015Urban Mental Health RPA from the University of Amsterdam, and Structural and Functional Plasticity of the nervous system (SILS, FNWI)
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,hippocampal progenitor proliferation ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Immunocytochemistry ,[SDV.BC]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Cellular Biology ,Hippocampal formation ,LEHA ,03 medical and health sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,Internal medicine ,Caffeine ,medicine ,Metabolites ,Cognitive decline ,Progenitor cell ,lcsh:QH301-705.5 ,Progenitor ,caffeine ,Biochemical markers ,Cell Biology ,Metabòlits ,adult hippocampal neurogenesis ,Neural stem cell ,3. Good health ,030104 developmental biology ,Endocrinology ,lcsh:Biology (General) ,chemistry ,Apoptosis ,Cafeïna ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Marcadors bioquímics ,hippocampal progenitor integrity ,diet ,Developmental Biology - Abstract
International audience; The age-associated reduction in the proliferation of neural stem cells (NSCs) has been associated with cognitive decline. Numerous factors have been shown to modulate this process, including dietary components. Frequent consumption of caffeine has been correlated with an increased risk of cognitive decline, but further evidence of a negative effect on hippocampal progenitor proliferation is limited to animal models. Here, we used a human hippocampal progenitor cell line to investigate the effects of caffeine on hippocampal progenitor integrity and proliferation specifically. The effects of five caffeine concentrations (0 mM = control, 0.1 mM ∼ 150 mg, 0.25 mM ∼ 400 mg, 0.5 mM ∼ 750 mg, and 1.0 mM ∼ 1500 mg) were measured following acute (1 day) and repeated (3 days) exposure. Immunocytochemistry was used to quantify hippocampal progenitor integrity (i.e., SOX2- and Nestin-positive cells), proliferation (i.e., Ki67-positive cells), cell count (i.e., DAPI-positive cells), and apoptosis (i.e., CC3-positive cells). We found that progenitor integrity was significantly reduced in supraphysiological caffeine conditions (i.e., 1.0 mM ∼ 1500 mg), but relative to the lowest caffeine condition (i.e., 0.1 mM ∼ 150 mg) only. Moreover, repeated exposure to supraphysiological caffeine concentrations (i.e., 1.0 mM ∼ 1500 mg) was found to affect proliferation, significantly reducing % Ki67-positive cells relative to control and lower caffeine dose conditions (i.e., 0.1 mM ∼ 150 mg and 0.25 mM ∼ 400 mg). Caffeine treatment did not influence apoptosis and there were no significant differences in any measure between lower doses of caffeine (i.e., 0.1 mM, 0.25 mM, 0.5 mM) - representative of daily human caffeine intake - and control conditions. Our study demonstrates that dietary components such as caffeine can influence NSC integrity and proliferation and may be indicative of a mechanism by which diet affects cognitive outcomes.
- Published
- 2020
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32. Photoelectrocatalytic degradation of caffeine using bismuth vanadate modified with reduced graphene oxide
- Author
Fernando L. Silva, Thiago M. Prado, Fernando C. Moraes, Amanda Carrico, Marcos R.V. Lanza, and Orlando Fatibello-Filho
- Subjects
Photocurrent ,CAFEÍNA ,Materials science ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,Graphene ,Mechanical Engineering ,Oxide ,Condensed Matter Physics ,law.invention ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,symbols.namesake ,chemistry ,Chemical engineering ,Mechanics of Materials ,law ,Bismuth vanadate ,Spectrophotometry ,Linear sweep voltammetry ,symbols ,medicine ,Degradation (geology) ,General Materials Science ,Raman spectroscopy - Abstract
Bismuth vanadate modified with reduced graphene oxide (BiVO 4 /rGO) was synthesized with the aim of applying this semiconductor material in advanced oxidative processes (AOPs) using the photoelectrocatalytic properties of the material for caffeine degradation. The semiconductor material was characterized by Scanning electronic microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and UV–Vis Diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry. Photo-assisted linear sweep voltammetry experiments were carried out in order to evaluate the photocurrent generated in the processes. BiVO 4/rGO was found to exhibit relatively better photoelectrocatalytic performance compared to bare BiVO4 ; this result confirms the fundamental role of the carbon-based material when it comes to photoanode construction. With regard to caffeine degradation by high performance liquid chromatography through the application of BiVO 4/rGO photoanode, the signal used for monitoring the presence of the analyte exhibited a decrease of 100% of caffeine concentration from the original concentration, indicating the efficient removal of the compound from the sample.
- Published
- 2022
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33. Coffee is protective against oral and pharyngeal cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Author
José Pacheco, José A López-López, Luís Monteiro, S. Warnakulasuryia, Miranda J, Rui Albuquerque, and Zahid Khan
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,MEDLINE ,Dentistry ,Review ,Coffee ,03 medical and health sciences ,Coffee drink ,0302 clinical medicine ,Caffeine ,Pharyngeal cancer ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,General Dentistry ,UNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICAS ,Mouth neoplasm ,Oral Medicine and Pathology ,business.industry ,Oral cancer ,Pharyngeal Neoplasms ,030206 dentistry ,Publication bias ,Càncer de boca ,Cafè (Beguda) ,Meta-analysis ,Pharyngeal Neoplasm ,Otorhinolaryngology ,Cafeïna ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Surgery ,Observational study ,Mouth Neoplasms ,business ,Metaanàlisi ,Cohort study - Abstract
Objectives: Certain Coffee is one of the most popular and consumable drinks worldwide. However, there are conflicting results on the influence of this drink in oral and pharyngeal cancer risk. To clarify this, we aimed to systemically review and carry out a meta-analysis of the relevant literature on the association between coffee and oral and pharyngeal cancer. Study Design: We carried out an electronic search of publications up to August 2016 from PubMed, National Library of Medicines Medline, Embase, Science Direct and the Cochrane Central Register. The Newcastle–Ottawa scale was used to address the quality of the studies a meta-analysis was carried out using random-effects models. Results: From the 22,515 entries identified in the search, 13 case-control and 4 cohort studies were selected. With regards to quality on the Newcastle-Ottawa scale, an overall value of 6.06 was obtained. The analysis for oral and pharyngeal cancer grouped together indicated a pooled OR of .69 (95% CI of .57-.84; p
- Published
- 2017
34. Insomnia, sleep latency and quantity of sleep in chilean university students during a periods of classes and exam
- Author
Giovanni Rosales Soto, Paula García Milla, Cristobal Moya Cantillana, and Samuel Durán Agüero
- Subjects
sueño ,medicine.medical_specialty ,students ,business.industry ,insomnia ,daytime somnolence ,somnolencia diurna ,General Medicine ,Audiology ,Sleep in non-human animals ,nutritional status ,estado nutricional ,cafeína ,insomnio ,Insomnia ,medicine ,estudiantes ,medicine.symptom ,Latency (engineering) ,business ,caffeine - Abstract
Resumen Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados a la cantidad de horas de sueño, somnolencia diurna e insomnio antes y durante un periodo de clases y exámenes. Material y métodos: Se evaluó a 384 alumnos de ambos sexos (74,1% mujeres), quienes reportaron su peso y estatura. A cada estudiante se le aplicó el Cuestionario de Insomnio y la Escala De Somnolencia de Epworth en el periodo de clases y periodo de exámenes. Resultados: Al comparar la somnolencia diurna, insomnio, latencia al sueño y cantidad de horas de sueño entre periodo de clases y exámenes se observó un incremento en la latencia al sueño (p
- Published
- 2017
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35. Caffeine supplementation induces higher IL-6 and IL-10 plasma levels in response to a treadmill exercise test
- Author
Antoni Aguiló, Sonia Martínez, Pedro Tauler, and Lluis Rodas
- Subjects
Male ,Hydrocortisone ,medicine.medical_treatment ,humanos ,ejercicio físico ,Leukocyte Count ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,interferón gamma ,0302 clinical medicine ,interleucina-6 ,Cyclic AMP ,Whole blood ,Cross-Over Studies ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,prueba de esfuerzo ,adulto ,Interleukin-10 ,Interleukin 10 ,Cytokine ,interleucina-10 ,Cytokines ,Analysis of variance ,medicine.symptom ,lcsh:RC1200-1245 ,Caffeine ,lcsh:Nutrition. Foods and food supply ,Research Article ,Adult ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Epinephrine ,lcsh:TX341-641 ,Inflammation ,Performance-Enhancing Substances ,Placebo ,estudios cruzados ,Adrenaline ,Interferon-gamma ,03 medical and health sciences ,Double-Blind Method ,recuento de leucocitos ,interleucinas ,cafeína ,Internal medicine ,sustancias para mejorar el rendimiento ,medicine ,Humans ,método con doble ocultación ,lcsh:Sports medicine ,Exercise ,hidrocortisona ,Interleukin-6 ,business.industry ,Interleukins ,Repeated measures design ,030229 sport sciences ,Endocrinology ,chemistry ,Exercise Test ,business ,epinefrina ,AMP cíclico ,030215 immunology ,Food Science - Abstract
Background An acute bout of exercise induces an inflammatory response characterized by increases in several cytokines. Caffeine ingestion could modify this inflammatory response. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of caffeine supplementation on plasma levels of cytokines, mainly IL-10 and IL-6, in response to exercise. Methods In a randomized, crossover, double-blinded study design, thirteen healthy, well-trained recreational male athletes performed, on two different occasions, a treadmill exercise test (60 min at 70% VO(2)max) after ingesting 6 mg/kg body mass of caffeine or placebo. Blood samples were taken before exercising, immediately after finishing and 2 h after finishing the exercise. Plasma concentrations of IL-10, IL-6, IL-1 beta, IL-1ra, IL-4, IL-8, IL-12 and IFN-gamma, adrenaline, cortisol and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) were determined. The capacity of whole blood cultures to produce cytokines in response to endotoxin (LPS) was also determined. Changes in blood variables were analyzed using a time (pre-exercise, post-exercise, recovery) x condition (caffeine, placebo) within-between subjects ANOVA with repeated measures. Results Caffeine supplementation induced higher adrenaline levels in the supplemented participants after exercise (257.3 +/- 53.2 vs. 134.0 +/- 25.7 pg center dot mL(- 1),p = 0.03) and higher cortisol levels after recovery (46.4 +/- 8.5 vs. 32.3 +/- 5.6 pg center dot mL(- 1),p = 0.007), but it did not influence plasma cAMP levels (p = 0.327). The exercise test induced significant increases in IL-10, IL-6, IL-1ra, IL-4, IL-8, IL-12 and IFN-gamma plasma levels, with IL-6 and IL-10 levels remaining high after recovery. Caffeine supplementation influenced only IL-6 (3.04 +/- 0.40 vs. 3.89 +/- 0.62 pg center dot mL(- 1),p = 0.003) and IL-10 (2.42 +/- 0.54 vs. 3.47 +/- 0.72 pg center dot mL(- 1),p = 0.01) levels, with higher concentrations after exercise in the supplemented condition. No effect of caffeine was observed on the in vitro stimulated cytokine production. Conclusions The results of the present study indicate a significant influence of caffeine supplementation increasing the response to exercise of two essential cytokines such as IL-6 and IL-10. However, caffeine did not influence changes in the plasma levels of other cytokines measured and the in vitro-stimulated cytokine production., We acknowledge the Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO), the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) and the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) for its support to the project DEP2013-45966-P (MINECO/AEI/ERDF, EU).
- Published
- 2020
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36. Efectos fisiológicos y cognitivos de la cafeína en la infancia: revisión sistemática de la literatura
- Author
Angélica Romero-Palencia, Yeyetzi Citlali Torres-Ugalde, and Alma Delia Román-Gutiérrez
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,RC620-627 ,Population ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Preescolar ,Medicine ,TX341-641 ,Effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance ,education ,Psychiatry ,Nutritional diseases. Deficiency diseases ,Apnea of prematurity ,education.field_of_study ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,business.industry ,Nutrition. Foods and food supply ,Cognition ,Lactante ,medicine.disease ,Crecimiento y Desarrollo ,Cafeína ,chemistry ,Caffeine citrate ,Niño ,Autism ,Observational study ,business ,Caffeine ,Medición de Riesgo ,Food Science ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Introducción: La cafeína es el psicoestimulante más consumido en el mundo. Su uso entre los niños es controvertido, aunque produce un aumento en la actividad cerebral, podría obstaculizar el crecimiento y el desarrollo en los consumidores jóvenes. El objetivo de esta revisión fue identificar cuáles son los efectos físicos y cognitivos del consumo de cafeína por niños. Materiales y métodos: Los detalles del protocolo para esta revisión sistemática se registraron en PROSPERO y se puede acceder a ellos en www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/display_record.asp?ID=CRDXXXXXXXXXXX. Los motores de búsqueda utilizados, fueron EBSCO, ScienceDirect, Pub Med y Clarivate analytics. Los criterios de elegibilidad fueron sujetos menores de 12 años con ingesta o administración de cafeína que manifestaran cambios físicos o cognitivos. Resultados: Inicialmente, se encontraron 5.453 artículos, de los que se seleccionaron 20 estudios experimentales u observacionales (transversales y longitudinales) para esta revisión, siguiendo la metodología PRISMA. Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que el consumo de cafeína en esta población, puede provocar alteraciones en el crecimiento, al producir alteraciones en el ciclo del sueño, debido a que interfiere con la secreción de la hormona del crecimiento. Por otro lado, el rendimiento cognitivo fue mejor en niños con historial de uso de citrato de cafeína en casos de apnea del prematuro. Para las alteraciones paidopsiquiátricas, se encontró evidencia de que la caféína produce una mejor distribución de la energía cerebral, aunque puede exacerbar la sintomatología en el TDAH y el autismo.
- Published
- 2020
37. Caffeine increases motor output entropy and performance in 4 km cycling time trial
- Author
Flávio de Oliveira Pires, Gabriel S. Trajano, Bruno Ferreira Viana, and Carlos Ugrinowitsch
- Subjects
Central Nervous System ,Male ,Physiology ,Entropy ,Electromyography ,Nervous System ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,Time trial ,Medicine and Health Sciences ,Ingestion ,Public and Occupational Health ,Fatigue ,Mathematics ,Multidisciplinary ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,Physics ,Sports Science ,Chemistry ,Bioassays and Physiological Analysis ,Physical Sciences ,Thermodynamics ,Medicine ,Anatomy ,Cycling ,Caffeine ,Muscle Electrophysiology ,Research Article ,Adult ,Science ,Athletic Performance ,Research and Analysis Methods ,03 medical and health sciences ,Alkaloids ,Signs and Symptoms ,Animal science ,medicine ,Humans ,Power output ,Sports and Exercise Medicine ,Inverse correlation ,Exercise ,CAFEÍNA ,Electrophysiological Techniques ,Chemical Compounds ,Biology and Life Sciences ,Correction ,Physical Activity ,030229 sport sciences ,Placebo Effect ,Bicycling ,chemistry ,Physical Fitness ,Motor unit recruitment ,Physical Endurance ,Central Nervous System Stimulants ,Clinical Medicine ,Physiological Processes ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
Caffeine improves cycling time trial performance through enhanced motor output and muscle recruitment. However, it is unknown if caffeine further increases power output entropy. To investigate the effects of caffeine effects on cycling time trial performance and motor output entropy (MOEn), nine cyclists (VO2MAX of 55 ± 6.1 mL.kg.-1min-1) performed a 4 km cycling time trial (TT4km) after caffeine and placebo ingestion in a counterbalanced order. Power output data were sampled at a 2 Hz frequency, thereafter entropy was estimated on a sliding-window fashion to generate a power output time series. A number of mixed models compared performance and motor output entropy between caffeine and placebo every 25% of the total TT4km distance. Caffeine ingestion improved power output by 8% (p = 0.003) and increased MOEn by 7% (p = 0.018). Cyclists adopted a U-shaped pacing strategy after caffeine ingestion. MOEn mirrored power output responses as an inverted U-shape MOEn during the time trial. Accordingly, a strong inverse correlation was observed between MOEn and power output responses over the last 25% of the TT4km (p < 0.001), regardless of the ingestion, likely reflecting the end spurt during this period (p = 0.016). Caffeine ingestion improved TT4km performance and motor output responses likely due to a greater power output entropy.
- Published
- 2020
38. Prolonged caffeine intake decreases alveolar bone damage induced by bingelike ethanol consumption in adolescent female rats
- Author
Maria Karolina Martins Ferreira, Manoela Domingues Martins, Gabriela de Souza Balbinot, Deiweson Souza-Monteiro, Carla Cristiane Soares da Silva, Bruno G. Pinheiro, Fabrício Mezzomo Collares, Cristiane Socorro Ferraz Maia, Tuany Rafaeli Schmidt, Rodrigo A. Cunha, and Rafael Rodrigues Lima
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Etanol ,Adenosine A2A receptor ,Binge drinking ,Bone remodeling ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,Bone Density ,Ratos ,Metabolismo ,Perda óssea alveolar ,Alveolar bone loss ,Alveolar bone los ,General Medicine ,Adenosine A2 Receptor Antagonists ,Adolescence ,Neuroprotective Agents ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Female ,Doenças periodontais ,Caffeine ,medicine.medical_specialty ,RM1-950 ,03 medical and health sciences ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Animals ,Saúde bucal ,Rats, Wistar ,Periodontitis ,Dental alveolus ,Pharmacology ,Ethanol ,business.industry ,X-Ray Microtomography ,Triazoles ,medicine.disease ,Adenosine receptor ,Rats ,Pyrimidines ,030104 developmental biology ,Endocrinology ,Cafeína ,chemistry ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,business - Abstract
Ethanol consumption has been reported to negatively impact on periodontal disease. In particular, oral cavity disorders occur upon ethanol exposure during adolescence, a life period associated with particular patterns of short and intense ('binge-like') ethanol consumption that is most deleterious to oral health. The hazardous central effects of ethanol have been linked to the overfunction of adenosine receptors, which are antagonized by caffeine, a bioactive substance present in numerous natural nutrients, which can also modify bone metabolism. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of caffeine on alveolar bone damage induced by an ethanol binge drinking paradigm during adolescence. Female Wistar rats (35 days old; n = 30) were allocated to six groups: control (vehicle), ethanol (3 g/kg/day; 3 days On-4 days Off challenge), caffeine (10 mg/kg/day), caffeine plus ethanol, SCH58261 (0.1 mg/kg/day, an antagonist of A2A receptors), and SCH58261 plus ethanol. Bone micromorphology and vertical bone loss were analyzed by computed microtomography. Our data showed that ethanol binge drinking reduced alveolar bone quality, with repercussion on alveolar bone size. This ethanol-induced alveolar bone deterioration was abrogated upon treatment with caffeine, but not with SCH58261. This shows that caffeine prevented the periodontal disorder caused by ethanol binge drinking during adolescence, an effect that was not mediated by adenosine A2A receptor blockade.
- Published
- 2020
39. Does caffeine ingestion before a short-term sprint interval training promote body fat loss?
- Author
R. Bertuzzi, Guilherme Assunção Ferreira, David Bishop, Adriano Eduardo Lima-Silva, Leandro C Felippe, I. S. Ramos, and Fernando Roberto De-Oliveira
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Male ,Medicine (General) ,CAFFEINE INGESTION ,Physiology ,High-Intensity Interval Training ,Biochemistry ,Body composition ,Interval training ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics ,Biology (General) ,General Neuroscience ,General Medicine ,Sprint ,Adipose Tissue ,Health ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Caffeine ,High-intensity interval training ,Fat loss ,Research Article ,Adult ,medicine.medical_specialty ,QH301-705.5 ,Immunology ,Biophysics ,Ocean Engineering ,Body fat distribution ,Placebo ,03 medical and health sciences ,Young Adult ,R5-920 ,Oxygen Consumption ,Double-Blind Method ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,Resting energy expenditure ,CAFEÍNA ,business.industry ,Cell Biology ,030104 developmental biology ,Endocrinology ,chemistry ,business ,Energy Metabolism - Abstract
We investigated the effect of caffeine ingestion combined with a 2-wk sprint interval training (SIT) on training-induced reductions in body adiposity. Twenty physically-active men ingested either 5 mg/kg of cellulose as a placebo (PLA, n=10) or 5 mg/kg of caffeine (CAF, n=10) 60 min before each SIT session (13×30 s sprint/15 s of rest). Body mass and skinfold thickness were measured pre- and post-training. Energy expenditure was measured at rest, during exercise, and 45 min after exercise in the first SIT session. Body fat was similar between PLA and CAF groups at pre-training (P>0.05). However, there was a significant decrease in body fat after training in the CAF group (−5.9±4.2%, P0.05). There was no difference in energy expenditure at rest and during exercise between PLA and CAF groups (P>0.05), but the post-exercise energy expenditure was 18.3±21.4% greater in the CAF than in the PLA group (P
- Published
- 2019
40. Nanoemulsion containing caffeine for cellulite treatment: characterization and in vitro evaluation
- Author
Michelli Ferrera Dario, Thamires Batello Freire, Alberto Vetore Neto, Maria Valéria Robles Velasco, Otávio Gil Mendes, Dalva Lúcia Araújo de Faria, Vânia Rodrigues Leite e Silva, André Rolim Baby, and Andressa Costa de Oliveira
- Subjects
Stability test ,Human skin ,030226 pharmacology & pharmacy ,01 natural sciences ,03 medical and health sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,Pharmacy and materia medica ,Nanoemulsion ,Caffeine ,medicine ,Cellulite ,CAFEÍNA ,Chromatography ,Chemistry ,Permeation ,medicine.disease ,In vitro ,Gynoid hydrolipodystrophy ,0104 chemical sciences ,RS1-441 ,010404 medicinal & biomolecular chemistry ,Membrane ,Anhydrous - Abstract
The Ginoide Hydrolipodystrophy (GHLD), commonly known as cellulite, occurs in 80-90% of the female population after the puberty period and comes from a metabolic modification in the cutaneous adipose tissue. Caffeine has been used in topical formulations due to its lipolytic action. We studied a nanoemulsion (F3) containing caffeine with two surfactants (oleth-3 and oleth-20) by emulsification method by phase inversion temperature inversion (PIT). The polydispersion indices (PDI) showed the reduced deviation of 0.1. The mean droplet size was ~ 40 nm. The evaluated constant of Ostwald, in the refrigerator condition was the most favorable during the stability test. In the In Raman spectroscopy assay, the caffeine bands found in F3 were compatible with those found in the caffeine solution (1337, 652.5 and 558.2 cm-1). There was no interaction of caffeine anhydrous with other ingredients in nanoemulsion. In the in vitro safety assay the result of 1.4 ranked the F3 as slightly irritating. In the natural membrane, cutaneous permeation test (human skin) permeate concentrations did not exceed the saturation concentration of the PBS buffer (48.96 µg/3 mL). The caffeine solution and F3 permeated statistically equal, but the nanoemulsion visually and sensorially improved the caffeine precipitation.
- Published
- 2019
41. Consumo de café como factor protector contra cáncer oral y faríngeo: análisis crítico de la literatura
- Author
Olga Patricia López-Soto, Raúl Aguilera-Eguía, and Brenda Yuliana Herrera-Serna
- Subjects
RC620-627 ,Protective factor ,Coffee consumption ,Riesgo ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Pharyngeal cancer ,Environmental health ,Medicine ,TX341-641 ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Nutritional diseases. Deficiency diseases ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,business.industry ,Nutrition. Foods and food supply ,Cancer ,medicine.disease ,Neoplasias Faríngeas ,Cafeína ,Neoplasias de la Boca ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Moderate evidence ,Café ,business ,Food Science - Abstract
RESUMEN La alta y desigual prevalencia de cáncer oral y faríngeo, junto al alto consumo de café a nivel mundial, hacen que se realicen estudios para analizar cómo contribuye el consumo de estas bebidas que contienen metilxantinas en el riesgo de estas neoplasias, aunque con resultados contradictorios. El objetivo del presente estudio fue comprobar la validez y la aplicabilidad de los resultados con respecto a la efectividad del alto consumo de café en adultos como factor protector del cáncer oral y faríngeo y responder al siguiente interrogante: ¿puede un alto consumo de café en bebida ser un factor protector contra el cáncer oral y faríngeo? Se analizó el artículo de Miranda et al. (2017): “El café es protector contra el cáncer oral y faríngeo: una revisión sistemática y metaanálisis”. Se encontró una asociación protectora significativa entre el consumo de café y el riesgo de cáncer oral, y faríngeo especialmente (z=2,34; p=0,019; OR=0,72), infiriendo que el desarrollo del cáncer oral en individuos que consumen grandes cantidades de café es 1,45 veces menor que en individuos que consumen poca cantidad o no consumen (OR=0,69; 95%IC=0,57-0,84). No obstante, con las limitaciones metodológicas de los estudios primarios incluidos en la revisión sistemática con metaanálisis, no consideramos suficiente la evidencia actual moderada para recomendar el consumo de altas cantidades de la bebida de café para prevenir cáncer oral o faríngeo en personas adultas.
- Published
- 2019
42. Caffeine improved cycling trial performance in mentally fatigued cyclists, regardless of alterations in prefrontal cortex activation
- Author
Florentina J. Hettinga, Raul Canestri, Paulo Estevão Franco-Alvarenga, Flávio de Oliveira Pires, Márcio Fagundes Goethel, Tony Meireles Santos, and Cayque Brietzke
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Mental fatigue ,Prefrontal Cortex ,Experimental and Cognitive Psychology ,Audiology ,Electroencephalography ,Athletic Performance ,Placebo ,03 medical and health sciences ,Behavioral Neuroscience ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,Time trial ,Cognition ,Double-Blind Method ,Caffeine ,medicine ,Ingestion ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,050102 behavioral science & comparative psychology ,Theta Rhythm ,Prefrontal cortex ,CAFEÍNA ,Motivation ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Mental Fatigue ,C600 ,Bicycling ,chemistry ,Physical Endurance ,Central Nervous System Stimulants ,Cycling ,business ,Arousal ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
Purpose: To verify whether caffeine (CAF) could increase the prefrontal cortex (PFC) activation\ud and improve 20 km cycling time trial (TT20km) performance in mentally fatigued cyclists. Methods:\ud After preliminary TT20km, twelve recreational cyclists (VO2MAX of 58.9 ± 6.2 mL∙kg∙min-1\ud )\ud performed a familiarization with a cognitive test to induce mental fatigue (MF) and psychological\ud scales. Thereafter, they performed: 2) a baseline TT20km; 3) a mentally fatigued TT20km (MF); 4 and\ud 5) a mentally fatigued TT20km after CAF (MF+CAF) or placebo (MF+PLA) ingestion, in a doubleblind, counterbalanced design. Performance and psychological responses were obtained throughout\ud the TT20km, while PFC electroencephalography (EEG) theta wave was obtained before and after the\ud mental fatigue test. Results: The mental fatigue-induced increase in EEG theta wave (↑ ~ 4.8 %)\ud was reverted with CAF (↓ 8.8 %) and PLA ingestion (↓ 4.8 %). CAF improved TT20km performance\ud in mentally fatigued cyclists by reducing time (p = 0.00; ↓ ~1.7 %) and increasing WMEAN (p = 0.00;\ud ↑ ~3.6%), when compared to MF+PLA. The RPE-power output ratio was lower (p = 0.01), but\ud affect (p = 0.018), motivation (p = 0.033) and emotional arousal (p = 0.001) were greater\ud throughout the TT20km in MF+CAF than in MF+PLA. Conclusions: CAF ingestion improved\ud TT20km performance and psychological responses in mentally fatigued cyclists, despite the unaltered\ud PFC activation.
- Published
- 2019
43. Does caffeine matter for arousal? Affective and autonomic responses induced by caffeine in coffee intake: evidence from a double-blind tasting task
- Author
Carla Rodrigues, Cláudia Figueira, Pedro J. Rosa, Fernando J. P. A. Rodrigues, and Julien Diogo
- Subjects
CAFFEINE ,CAFEÍNA ,FREQUÊNCIA CARDÍACA ,medicine.medical_specialty ,HEART RATE ,business.industry ,education ,technology, industry, and agriculture ,food and beverages ,PSICOLOGIA ,Audiology ,Arousal ,PSYCHOLOGY ,Autonomic nervous system ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,chemistry ,Heart rate ,Pupillary response ,medicine ,Heart rate variability ,Wine tasting ,Caffeine ,Reactivity (psychology) ,business - Abstract
Coffee is consumed worldwide, but there are different types of espresso blends, each with its unique concentration of caffeine, which can have different effects on the human being. The aim of this study was to understand the effect of the impact of caffeine on the autonomic nervous system, evaluating the physiological changes and subjective responses due to different levels of caffeine intake. A double-blind tasting task consisting of one within-subject factor design (caffeine level: high / double caffeine mixture (blend A) vs single-charge caffeine mixture (blend B) vs low-caffeine mixture (blend c) allowed us to assess participants’ autonomic responses using Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Pupillary Reactivity (PR). Arousal was also assessed through the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM). Results revealed statistically significant differences in HRV and PR between coffee blends, showing the blend A,a more pronounced autonomic response that blend C. However, no significant differences were found in arousal level among coffee blends. These results are similar to previous research that pointed out to a discordance between subjective and objective measures when caffeine is consumed.
- Published
- 2021
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44. Oocyte pre-IVM with caffeine improves bovine embryo survival after vitrification
- Author
Andrea Lucas-Hahn, Sandra Milena Bernal-Ulloa, Patrick Aldag, Heiner Niemann, Ulrich Baulain, Klaus-Gerd Hadeler, and Doris Herrmann
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Criopreservación ,Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors ,Biology ,Cryopreservation ,Embryo Culture Techniques ,Vitrificación ,Andrology ,03 medical and health sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,Food Animals ,Caffeine ,Bovina ,medicine ,Animals ,Inner cell mass ,Blastocyst ,Small Animals ,030219 obstetrics & reproductive medicine ,urogenital system ,Equine ,Embryo ,Bovine ,Oocyte ,Vitrification ,Óvulo ,In Vitro Oocyte Maturation Techniques ,In vitro maturation ,Cultivo de embriones ,Cafeína ,030104 developmental biology ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,chemistry ,embryonic structures ,Oocytes ,Cattle ,Female ,Animal Science and Zoology ,Pre-IVM ,Embryo quality - Abstract
Cryopreservation of in vitro produced bovine embryos is associated with significantly reduced survival rates, mainly due to insufficient quality of the embryos. Caffeine supplementation during IVM has been used to delay meiotic resumption and concomitantly also increased embryo quality. Here, we investigated the influence of pre-IVM with caffeine on oocyte maturation, intraoocyte cAMP concentration, developmental competence after IVF, and blastocyst cryotolerance. Oocytes were obtained by slicing of ovaries and were submitted to either 2 hours culture before IVM with or without caffeine (0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30 mM), or standard IVM (no pre-IVM). Oocytes were in vitro matured and fertilized and zygotes were cultured under standard in vitro conditions until Day 8. Expanded blastocysts derived from either standard control or the 10-mM caffeine treatments were submitted to vitrification. Caffeine delayed meiotic resumption after 9-hour IVM in a concentration-dependent manner. The cAMP levels were similar before and after IVM. Matured oocytes, cleavage, and blastocyst rates were reduced in the 30-mM caffeine concentration and were similar among the other treatment groups. Number and proportion of inner cell mass and trophectoderm cells in blastocysts did not differ among treatments. Forty-eight hours after thawing, hatching rates were higher in the 10-mM caffeine group (73.8%) compared with the standard control (59.7%). Reexpansion rates and total number of cells after 48 hours were similar in both treatments. The ratio of live/total cells was higher in the caffeine treatment. These results suggest that caffeine supplementation before IVM delayed meiotic resumption and improved blastocyst quality shown in higher cryotolerance.
- Published
- 2016
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45. Effects of a Low Dose of Caffeine Alone or as Part of a Green Coffee Extract, in a Rat Dietary Model of Lean Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease without Inflammation
- Author
Roger Bentanachs, Maria Gené, Marta Alegret, Ana Magdalena Velázquez, Juan C. Laguna, Núria Roglans, Jose Rodríguez-Morató, Iolanda Lázaro, Aleix Sala-Vila, and Rosa M. Sánchez
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Receptor expression ,Suplements nutritius ,Rats, Sprague-Dawley ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,caffeine ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,Chemistry ,Malalties del fetge ,hepatic steatosis ,Fatty liver ,Dietary supplements ,Lipids ,Liver ,Green coffee extract ,Female ,030211 gastroenterology & hepatology ,Caffeine ,lcsh:Nutrition. Foods and food supply ,medicine.medical_specialty ,coffee ,lcsh:TX341-641 ,Fructose ,Diet, High-Fat ,Article ,dietary supplements ,03 medical and health sciences ,Coffee drink ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Animals ,Triglycerides ,Liver diseases ,Triglyceride ,Plant Extracts ,Lipogenesis ,non-alcoholic fatty liver disease ,Lipid metabolism ,Lipid Metabolism ,medicine.disease ,Dietary Fats ,Rats ,Cafè (Beguda) ,Disease Models, Animal ,030104 developmental biology ,Endocrinology ,Cafeïna ,Insulin Resistance ,Steatosis ,Food Science ,Lipoprotein - Abstract
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a highly prevalent condition without specific pharmacological treatment, characterized in the initial stages by hepatic steatosis. It was suggested that lipid infiltration in the liver might be reduced by caffeine through anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and fatty acid metabolism-related mechanisms. We investigated the effects of caffeine (CAF) and green coffee extract (GCE) on hepatic lipids in lean female rats with steatosis. For three months, female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a standard diet or a cocoa butter-based high-fat diet plus 10% liquid fructose. In the last month, the high-fat diet was supplemented or not with CAF or a GCE, providing 5 mg/kg of CAF. Plasma lipid levels and the hepatic expression of molecules involved in lipid metabolism were determined. Lipidomic analysis was performed in liver samples. The diet caused hepatic steatosis without obesity, inflammation, endoplasmic reticulum stress, or hepatic insulin resistance. Neither CAF nor GCE alleviated hepatic steatosis, but GCE-treated rats showed lower hepatic triglyceride levels compared to the CAF group. The GCE effects could be related to reductions of hepatic (i) mTOR phosphorylation, leading to higher nuclear lipin-1 levels and limiting lipogenic gene expression, (ii) diacylglycerol levels, (iii) hexosylceramide/ceramide ratios, and (iv) very-low-density lipoprotein receptor expression. In conclusion, a low dose of CAF did not reduce hepatic steatosis in lean female rats, but the same dose provided as a green coffee extract led to lower liver triglyceride levels.
- Published
- 2020
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46. Caffeine Supplementation and Physical Performance, Muscle Damage and Perception of Fatigue in Soccer Players: A Systematic Review
- Author
Diego Fernández-Lázaro, Aritz Urdampilleta, Juan Del Coso, Patxi León-Guereño, Julio Calleja-González, and Juan Mielgo-Ayuso
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Male ,football ,Team sport ,Supplementation ,Physical fitness ,Review ,Muscle damage ,Running ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,Fatigue ,media_common ,Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,Cross-Over Studies ,Physical Functional Performance ,Suplementación ,Sprint ,Female ,RPE ,Caffeine ,lcsh:Nutrition. Foods and food supply ,Adult ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Adolescent ,media_common.quotation_subject ,MEDLINE ,DOMS ,lcsh:TX341-641 ,Performance-Enhancing Substances ,Athletic Performance ,Placebo ,03 medical and health sciences ,Young Adult ,Perception ,Soccer ,medicine ,sport performance ,Humans ,Muscle, Skeletal ,ergogenic aids ,030109 nutrition & dietetics ,business.industry ,030229 sport sciences ,Cafeína ,chemistry ,Dietary Supplements ,supplementation ,Physical therapy ,business ,3206 Ciencias de la Nutrición ,human activities ,Food Science - Abstract
Producción Científica, Soccer is a complex team sport and success in this discipline depends on different factors such as physical fitness, player technique and team tactics, among others. In the last few years, several studies have described the impact of caffeine intake on soccer physical performance, but the results of these investigations have not been properly reviewed and summarized. The main objective of this review was to evaluate critically the effectiveness of a moderate dose of caffeine on soccer physical performance. A structured search was carried out following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines in the Medline/PubMed and Web of Science databases from January 2007 to November 2018. The search included studies with a cross-over and randomized experimental design in which the intake of caffeine (either from caffeinated drinks or pills) was compared to an identical placebo situation. There were no filters applied to the soccer players’ level, gender or age. This review included 17 articles that investigated the effects of caffeine on soccer-specific abilities (n = 12) or on muscle damage (n = 5). The review concluded that 5 investigations (100% of the number of investigations on this topic) had found ergogenic effects of caffeine on jump performance, 4 (100%) on repeated sprint ability and 2 (100%) on running distance during a simulated soccer game. However, only 1 investigation (25%) found as an effect of caffeine to increase serum markers of muscle damage, while no investigation reported an effect of caffeine to reduce perceived fatigue after soccer practice. In conclusion, a single and moderate dose of caffeine, ingested 5–60 min before a soccer practice, might produce valuable improvements in certain abilities related to enhanced soccer physical performance. However, caffeine does not seem to cause increased markers of muscle damage or changes in perceived exertion during soccer practice.
- Published
- 2019
47. Effect of Caffeine Supplementation on Sports Performance Based on Differences Between Sexes: A Systematic Review
- Author
Juan Del Coso, Julio Calleja-González, Diego Marqués-Jiménez, Juan Mielgo-Ayuso, Patxi León-Guereño, and Ignacio Refoyo
- Subjects
Male ,0301 basic medicine ,Time Factors ,Physical fitness ,Review ,Cochrane Library ,endurance performance ,state ,power ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,Medicine ,sprint performance ,media_common ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,biology ,Middle Aged ,Suplementación ,3. Good health ,Treatment Outcome ,Sprint ,Female ,Caffeine ,strength ,Anaerobic exercise ,lcsh:Nutrition. Foods and food supply ,Muscle Contraction ,Adult ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Medicina ,media_common.quotation_subject ,coffee ,lcsh:TX341-641 ,Performance-Enhancing Substances ,Placebo ,menstrual cycle ,Young Adult ,03 medical and health sciences ,recovery ,Sex Factors ,Humans ,skeletal-muscle ,Muscle Strength ,Muscle, Skeletal ,Menstrual cycle ,Deportes ,030109 nutrition & dietetics ,business.industry ,Athletes ,Suplementation ,030229 sport sciences ,biology.organism_classification ,Cafeína ,chemistry ,Dietary Supplements ,Physical Endurance ,ingestion ,Physical therapy ,business ,Food Science - Abstract
Producción Científica, Most studies that have shown the positive effects of caffeine supplementation on sports performance have been carried out on men. However, the differences between sexes are evident in terms of body size, body composition, and hormonal functioning, which might cause different outcomes on performance for the same dosage of caffeine intake in men vs. women. The main aim of this systematic review was to analyze and compare the effects of caffeine intake between men and women on sports performance to provide a source of knowledge to sports practitioners and coaches, especially for those working with women athletes, on the use of caffeine as an ergogenic aid. A structured search was carried out following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines in the Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Scopus databases until 28 July 2019. The search included studies in which the effects of caffeine supplementation on athletic performance were compared between sexes and to an identical placebo situation (dose, duration and timing). No filters were applied for participants’ physical fitness level or age. A total of 254 articles were obtained in the initial search. When applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the final sample was 10 articles. The systematic review concluded that four investigations (100% of the number of investigations on this topic) had not found differences between sexes in terms of caffeine supplementation on aerobic performance and 3/3 (100%) on the fatigue index. However, four out of seven articles (57.1%) showed that the ergogenicity of caffeine for anaerobic performance was higher in men than women. In particular, it seems that men are able to produce more power, greater total weight lifted and more speed with the same dose of caffeine than women. In summary, caffeine supplementation produced a similar ergogenic benefit for aerobic performance and the fatigue index in men and women athletes. Nevertheless, the effects of caffeine to produce more power, total weight lifted and to improve sprint performance with respect to a placebo was higher in men than women athletes despite the same dose of caffeine being administered. Thus, the ergogenic effect of acute caffeine intake on anaerobic performance might be higher in men than in women.
- Published
- 2019
48. Prevalencia y patrones de consumo de bebidas energizantes en estudiantes en una universidad colombiana
- Author
Mireya Romero Ortíz, Heidy Margarita Angulo Romero, Mónica Rocha Carrascal, Carlos Torres Madrid, Kelly García Petro, and Michelle Polo Martínez
- Subjects
Population ,Increased heart rate ,Energy drinks ,Adolescent health ,Bebidas energizantes ,Environmental health ,Caffeine ,Prevalence ,Medicine ,Estudiante ,education ,Consumption (economics) ,lcsh:R5-920 ,education.field_of_study ,Surgical instrumentation ,Salud del adolescente ,Toxicity ,business.industry ,Significant difference ,General Medicine ,Toxicidad ,Cafeína ,Student ,lcsh:Medicine (General) ,business ,Prevalencia ,Academic program - Abstract
Introducción. Las bebidas energizantes son preparaciones con contenido de sustancias estimulantes. En los últimos tiempos, la prevalencia de uso de estas bebidas entre adolescentes y adultos jóvenes ha ido en aumento Objetivo. Describir la prevalencia y los patrones de consumo de bebidas energizantes entre estudiantes universitarios de la Corporación Universitaria Rafael Núñez de Cartagena. Métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional, descriptivo y de corte transversal. Se utilizó un instrumento previamente validado y sometido a una prueba piloto, para caracterizar la frecuencia y los patrones de consumo de bebidas energizantes en 558 estudiantes de 10 programas profesionales de la Corporación Universitaria Rafael Núñez. Resultados. La prevalencia del consumo de bebidas energizantes fue de 35 %. En los programas de Bacteriología e Instrumentación Quirúrgica se encontró la mayor prevalencia de consumo. Se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre ser consumidor de bebidas energizantes y programa académico (p
- Published
- 2019
49. Effect of Consumption of Cocoa-Derived Products on Uric Acid Crystallization in Urine of Healthy Volunteers
- Author
Rafael M. Prieto, Paula Calvó, Antonia Costa-Bauzá, Adrian Rodriguez, and Felix Grases
- Subjects
Male ,humanos ,030232 urology & nephrology ,Urine ,Coffee ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Eating ,oxalatos ,0302 clinical medicine ,Food science ,Chocolate ,Volunteer ,mediana edad ,Oxalates ,anciano ,voluntarios sanos ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,dieta ,urolithiasis ,café ,ácido úrico ,Hydrogen-Ion Concentration ,Middle Aged ,adulto ,creatinina ,Healthy Volunteers ,adulto joven ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Creatinine ,cocoa ,Female ,Caffeine ,Crystallization ,lcsh:Nutrition. Foods and food supply ,medicine.drug ,Adult ,teobromina ,lcsh:TX341-641 ,Dark chocolate ,Article ,03 medical and health sciences ,Young Adult ,food ,uric acid ,concentración de iones hidrógeno ,cristalización ,cafeína ,medicine ,Humans ,Theobromine ,Aged ,therapy ,theobromine ,food.food ,Diet ,Milk Chocolate ,chemistry ,Uric acid ,ingestión de alimentos ,Food Science - Abstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of consumption of different cocoa-derived products on uric acid crystallization in urine of 20 healthy volunteers. Participants were requested to select the specific diet that they wished to follow during the 12 h prior to collection of urine. The only restriction was that the diet could not include any product with cocoa, coffee, or caffeine. On the first day, each volunteer followed their selected diet, and an overnight 12 h urine sample was collected as the baseline urine. After seven days on an unrestricted diet, each volunteer repeated the same diet with 20 g of milk chocolate, chocolate powder, or dark chocolate during breakfast and another 20 g during dinner. Overnight 12 h urine samples were then collected. Urine volume, pH, oxalate, creatinine, uric acid, theobromine, and a uric acid crystallization test were determined for each sample. The results for all 20 patients show that uric acid crystallization was significantly lower following the consumption of chocolate powder or dark chocolate relative to baseline or following the consumption of milk chocolate. The results indicated that increased concentrations of urinary theobromine reduced the risk of uric acid crystallization.
- Published
- 2018
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50. La reducción de los niveles de dopamina no altera la conducta de «atracón de comida» en ratones, pero la cafeína modula el consumo en función de los niveles de ansiedad
- Author
José Manuel Pérez García, Noemí San Miguel Segura, Régulo Olivares, Mercè Correa, and Joan Camañes Martorell
- Subjects
tetrabenazine ,obesity ,business.industry ,tetrabenazina ,Tetrabenazine ,atracón ,Tetrabenazina ,General Medicine ,adenosina ,binge eating ,adenosine ,cafeína ,dopamina ,Medicine ,dopamine ,business ,obesidad ,Humanities ,caffeine ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Introducción: La conducta de «atracón» consiste en consumir, en un período breve de tiempo, más cantidad de alimentos del que se consumiría normalmente en situaciones similares y en un plazo de tiempo igual. Es una conducta desadaptativa caracterizada por episodios compulsivos y que va acompañada por la sensación subjetiva de pérdida de control. Método: Con el objetivo de evaluar la implicación de los sistemas dopaminérgico y adenosinérgico en la conducta de atracón, y averiguar si el patrón de acceso a la comida dulce modifica los niveles de consumo compulsivo, se compararon dos grupos de animales con diferentes condiciones de acceso a pellets de comida dulce (50 % de sucrosa): condición de acceso diario y condición de acceso intermitente (lunes, miércoles y viernes). Los animales tenían una hora de acceso a un número ilimitado de pellets. El resto del tiempo, tuvieron acceso a comida estándar. A cada grupo se le administraron dos manipulaciones farmacológicas: tetrabenazina (inhibidor del transportador vesicular 2 de monoaminas que produce una reducción de los niveles de dopamina) y cafeína (antagonista de los receptores A1/A2A de adenosina). Resultados: Ambos regímenes de acceso a comida dulce produjeron un patrón de atracón. El peso de los animales de ambos grupos incrementó de igual manera. El consumo de comida estándar fue ligeramente superior en el grupo intermitente y el de comida dulce fue ligeramente mayor en aquellos que la consumían a diario. La depleción dopaminérgica, incluso a dosis altas, no produjo cambios en el consumo dulce, ni en condiciones familiares ni en situaciones ansiogénicas. Sin embargo, la cafeína a dosis altas incrementó el consumo de comida dulce en condiciones familiares y la redujo en condiciones ansiogénicas. Conclusiones: El sistema dopaminérgico no parece implicado en el atracón bajo condiciones que no requieren esfuerzo en la búsqueda de comida. El antagonismo adenosinérgico, sin embargo, ejerce una modulación bidireccional dependiendo de los niveles de ansiedad. Introduction: Binge eating is a maladaptative behavior characterized by the consumption of more food in a brief period of time, than would normally be consumed under similar conditions and within a similar period of time. It is accompanied by compulsive episodes and a sensation of loss of control. Method: To investigate the involvement of dopamine and adenosine systems in binge eating behavior, and assess the influence of different patterns of access to sweet food on levels of binge eating, we compared two groups of animals with different access conditions to sweet food pellets (50 % sucrose): daily access group and intermittent access group (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Mice had an hour of unlimited access to sweet pellets. The rest of the day they had free access to standard food pellets in the home cage. Each group recieved two pharmacological conditions: tetrabenazine (a dopamine depletor) and caffeine (an adenosine receptor antagonist). Results: Both groups of access to sweet food produced a pattern of binge eating. Mice body weight increased independently of the access pattern. Standard food consumption was higher in the intermittent group, but among the daily group, sweet pellets consumption was higher than among the intermittent group. Dopamine depletion, even at high doses, produced no changes in the amount of sweet food consumed, neither under familiar conditions nor under anxiogenic conditions. However, high doses of caffeine increased consumption of sweet pellets under familiar conditions and it reduced consumption under anxiogenic conditions. Conclusions: The dopaminergic system does not seem to be involved in binge eating when getting access to food does not require effort. However, adenosine antagonism has a bidirectional modulation depending on anxiety levels.
- Published
- 2016
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