Bernard Taverne, Eric Delaporte, Ahidjo Ayouba, Muriel Rabilloud, Thierno Alimou Barry, Aboubacar Hawa Sylla, Charlotte Laniece-Delaunay, Mariama Djouldé Sall, Alseny Balde, Moriba Povogui, Ibrahima Camara, Yazdan Yazdanpanah, Amara Bamba, Cécé Kpamou, Fabien Subtil, Emile Souro Kamano, Christelle Butel, Amadou Yalla Camara, Martine Peeters, Alpha Kabinet Keita, Guillaume Thaurignac, Maou Sakouvogui, Mamadou Saliou Diallo, Saran Doumbouya, Mamadou Saliou Sow, Philippe Msellati, Abdoulaye Touré, Amadou Bailo Diallo, Jean Louis Monemou, Aboubacar Mamy Conte, René Ecochard, Joel Balle Koivogui, Yves Levy, Abdoul Karim Soumah, Jean-François Etard, Jean-François Delfraissy, Sandrine Leroy, Ibrahima Balde, Diaby Aboubacar, Recherches Translationnelles sur le VIH et les maladies infectieuses endémiques er émergentes (TransVIHMI), Université Cheikh Anta Diop [Dakar, Sénégal] (UCAD)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Université de Yaoundé I-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université de Montpellier (UM)-Université Montpellier 1 (UM1), Université Gamal Abdel Nasser de Conakry, Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive - UMR 5558 (LBBE), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria)-VetAgro Sup - Institut national d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche en alimentation, santé animale, sciences agronomiques et de l'environnement (VAS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL), Université de Lyon, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Université de Yaoundé I-Université Cheikh Anta Diop [Dakar, Sénégal] (UCAD)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université de Montpellier (UM), CCSD, Accord Elsevier, and Recherches Translationnelles sur le VIH et les maladies infectieuses endémiques et émergentes (TransVIHMI)
Funding Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Reacting, the French Ebola Task Force, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, and Montpellier University Of Excellence-University of Montpellier.; International audience; BACKGROUND : The prevalence of Ebola virus infection among people who have been in contact with patients with Ebola virus disease remains unclear, but is essential to understand the dynamics of transmission. This study aimed to identify risk factors for seropositivity and to estimate the prevalence of Ebola virus infection in unvaccinated contact persons.METHODS : In this retrospective, cross-sectional observational study, we recruited individuals between May 12, 2016, and Sept 8, 2017, who had been in physical contact with a patient with Ebola virus disease, from four medical centres in Guinea (Conakry, Macenta, N'zérékoré, and Forécariah). Contact persons had to be 7 years or older and not diagnosed with Ebola virus disease. Participants were selected through the Postebogui survivors' cohort. We collected self-reported information on exposure and occurrence of symptoms after exposure using a questionnaire, and tested antibody response against glycoprotein, nucleoprotein, and 40-kDa viral protein of Zaire Ebola virus by taking a blood sample. The prevalence of Ebola virus infection was estimated with a latent class model.FINDINGS : 1721 contact persons were interviewed and given blood tests, 331 of whom reported a history of vaccination so were excluded, resulting in a study population of 1390. Symptoms were reported by 216 (16%) contact persons. The median age of participants was 26 years (range 7-88) and 682 (49%) were male. Seropositivity was identified in 18 (8·33%, 95% CI 5·01-12·80) of 216 paucisymptomatic contact persons and 39 (3·32%, 5·01-12·80) of 1174 (2-4) asymptomatic individuals (p=0·0021). Seropositivity increased with participation in burial rituals (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2·30, 95% CI 1·21-4·17; p=0·0079) and exposure to blood or vomit (aOR 2·15, 1·23-3·91; p=0·0090). Frequency of Ebola virus infection varied from 3·06% (95% CI 1·84-5·05) in asymptomatic contact persons who did not participate in burial rituals to 5·98% (2·81-8·18) in those who did, and from 7·17% (3·94-9·09) in paucisymptomatic contact persons who did not participate in burial rituals to 17·16% (12·42-22·31) among those who did.INTERPRETATION : This study provides a new assessment of the prevalence of Ebola virus infection among contact persons according to exposure, provides evidence for the occurrence of paucisymptomatic cases, and reinforces the importance of closely monitoring at-risk contact persons.