12 results on '"Storch, M."'
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2. Etablierung eines In-vitro-Monitoringsystemes zur Begrenzung des bohrlärminduzierten Hörschadens
- Author
Storch, M, Fleischer, M, Bornitz, M, and Zahnert, T
- Subjects
ddc: 610 ,610 Medical sciences ,Medicine - Abstract
Hintergrund: Klinische Beobachtungen sowie Analyse der vorliegenden Literatur zeigen, dass durch Bohrarbeit während Operationen am Schädel, insbesondere dem Felsenbein, lärminduzierte Innenohrschäden entstehen können. Eigene Messungen konnten hier bisher Schallpegel bis ca. [for full text, please go to the a.m. URL], 83. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie
- Published
- 2012
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3. Evaluation eines komplexen Interventionsprogramms für Patienten mit Agoraphobie in der Primärversorgung – ein RCT-Studienprotokoll
- Author
Thiel, P, Hiller, T, Storch, M, Schneider, N, and Gensichen, J
- Subjects
ddc: 610 ,610 Medical sciences ,Medicine - Abstract
Zielsetzung: Das Störungsbild der Agoraphobie ist epidemiologisch weit verbreitet, subjektiv stark beeinträchtigend und verursacht hohe gesundheitsökonomische Kosten [ref:1], [ref:2]. Internationale Studien zeigten die Effektivität von Angst-Behandlungen durch[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL], Komplexe Interventionen – Entwicklung durch Austausch; 13. Jahrestagung des Deutschen Netzwerks Evidenzbasierte Medizin
- Published
- 2012
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4. Therapieoption bei granulomatöser Entzündung nach Nasentrauma und Revisionsrhinoplastik
- Author
Storch, M, Beleites, T, and Zahnert, T
- Subjects
ddc: 610 ,610 Medical sciences ,Medicine - Abstract
Einleitung: Persistierende oder neu auftretende Schwellungen nach Rhinoplastik werden in der hierzu raren Literatur meist postoperativen Zysten zugeordnet. Fallbeschreibung: Wir berichten über eine Patientin, die sich vor 15 Jahren einer Rhinoplastik und einer Revisionsrhinoplastik unterzog. Nach einem Trauma gegen die äußere Nase 2010 entwickelte sich bei der Patientin im Bereich des Nasenrückens/der Glabella eine ausgedehnte, solide, schmerzhafte und persistierende Schwellung. Histologisch zeigte sich eine granulomatöse Entzündungsreaktion im Bereich der ehemaligen Osteotomien. Ergebnis: Eine niedrigdosierte Langzeitcortisontherapie führte zur vollständigen Regredienz der Beschwerden der Patientin. Schlussfolgerung: Aufgrund des seltenen Vorkommens granulierender Entzündungs-reaktionen im Bereich von Frakturen oder Osteotomien gibt es bisher keine klare Behandlungsrichtlinie. Die Behandlung mit Cortison scheint hierbei jedoch eine sinnvolle Option zu sein., GMS Current Posters in Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery; 7:Doc11; ISSN 1865-1038
- Published
- 2011
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5. Natalizumab plus interferon beta-1a reduces lesion formation in relapsing multiple sclerosis
- Author
Ernst Wilhelm, Radue, William, H. Stuart, Peter, A. Calabresi, Christian, Confavreux, Steven, L. Galetta, Richard, A. Rudick, Fred, D. Lublin, Bianca, Weinstock Guttman, Daniel, R. Wynn, Elizabeth, Fisher, Athina, Papadopoulou, Frances, Lynn, Michael, A. Panzara, Alfred, W. Sandrock, For, the SENTINEL Investigators including F. Fazekas, Enzinger, C., Seifert, T., Storch, M., Strasser Fuchs, S., Berger, T., Dilitz, E., Egg, R., Deisenhammer, F., Decoo, D, Lampaert, J., Bartholome, E., Bier, J., Stenager, E., Rasmussen, M., Binzer, M., Shorsh, K., Christensen, M., Ravnborg, M., Soelberg Sørensen, P., Blinkenberg, M., Petersen, B., Hansen, H. J., Bech, E., Petersen, T., Kirkegaard, M., Finland:, J. Eralinna, Ruutiainen, J., Soilu Hänninen, M., Säkö, E., Laaksonen, M., Reunanen, M., Remes, A., Keskinarkaus, I., Moreau, T., Noblet, M., Rouaud, O., Couvreur, G., Edan, G., Lepage, E., Drapier, S., De Burghgraeve, V., Yaouanq, J., Merienne, M., Cahagne, V., Gout, O., Deschamps, R., Le Canuet, P., Moulignier, A., Vermersch, P., De Seze, J., Stojkovic, T., Griffié, G., Engles, Ferriby, D., Debouverie, M., Pittion Vouyouvitch, S., Lacour, J. C., Pelletier, J., Feuillet, L., Suchet, L., Dalecky, A., Tammam, D., Lubetzki, C., Youssov, K., Mrejen, S., Charles, P., Yaici, S., Clavelou, P., Aufauvre, D., Renouil Guy, N., Cesaro, P., Degos, F., Benisty, S., Rumbach, L., Decavel, P., Confavreux, C., Blanc, S., Aubertin, P., Riche, G., Brochet, B., Ouallet, J. C., Anne, O., Menck, S., Grupe, Guttman, Lensch, E., Fucik, E., Heitmann, S., Hartung, H. P., Schröter, M., Kurz, F. M. W., Heidenreich, F., Trebst, C., Pul, R., Hohlfeld, R., Krumbholz, M., Pellkofer, H., Haas, J., Segert, A., Meyer, R., Anagnostou, P., Kabus, C., Poehlau, D., Schneider, K., Hoffmann, V., Zettl, U., Steinhagen, V., Adler, S., Steinbrecher E. Rothenfusser Körber, A. Steinbrecher E. Rothenfusser Körber, Zellner, Baum, K., Günther, A., Bläsing, H., Stoll, G., Gold, R., Bayas, A., Kleinschnitz, C., Limmroth, V., Katsarava, Z., Kastrup, O., Haller, P., Stoeve, S., Höbel, D., Oschmann, P., Voigt, K., Burger, C. V., Israel:, O. Abramsky, Karusiss, D., Achiron, A., Kishner, I., Stern, Y., Sarove Pinhas, I., Dolev, M., Magalashvili, D., Pozzili, : C., Lenzi, D., Scontrini, A., Millefiorini, E., Buttinelli, C., Gallo, P., Ranzato, F., Tiberio, M., Perini, P., Laroni, Alice, Marrosu, M., Cocco P. Marchi, E. Cocco P. Marchi, Spinicci, G., Massole, S., Mascia, M., Floris, G., Trojano, M., Bellacosa, A., Paolicelli, D., Bosco Zimatore, G., Simone, I. L., Giorelli, M., Di Monte, E., Mancardi, GIOVANNI LUIGI, Pizzorno, M., Murialdo, A., Narciso, E., Capello, A., Comi, G., Martinelli, V., Rodegher, M., Esposito, F., Colombo, B., Rossi, P., Polman, C. H., Jasperse, M. M. S., Zwemmer, J. N. P., Nielsen, J., Kragt, J. J., Jongen, P. J. H., De Smet, E., Tacken, H., Frequin, S. T. F. M., Siegers, H. P., Mauser, H. W., Fernandez Fernandez, O., León, A., Romero, F., Alonso, A., Tamayo, J., Montalban, X., Nos, C., Pelayo, R., Tellez, N., Rio, J., Tintore, M., Arbizu, T., Romero, L., Moral, E., Martinez, S., Switzerland:, L. Kappos, Achtnichts, L., Wilmes, S., Turkey:, R. Karabudak, Kurne, A., Erdem, S., Siva, A., Saip, S., Altintas, A., Atamer, A., Eraksoy, M., Bilgili, F., Topcular, B., Giovannoni, G., Lim, E. T., Lava, N., Murnane, M., Dentinger, M., Zimmerman, E., Reiss, M., Gupta, V., Scott, T., Brillman, J., Kunschner, L., Wright, D., Perel, A., Babu, A., Rivera, V., Killian, J., Hutton, G., Lai, E., Picone, M., Cadivid, D., Kamin, S., Shanawani, M., Gauthier, S., Morgan, A., Buckle, G., Margolin, D., Weinstock Guttman, B., Kwen, P. L., Garg, N., Munschauer, F., Khatri, B., Rassouli, M., Saxena, V., Ahmed, A., Turner, A., Fox, E., Couch, C., Tyler, R., Horvit, A., Fodor, P., Humphries, S., Wynn, D., Nagar, C., O'Brien, D., Allen, N., Turel, A., Friedenberg, S., Carlson, J., Hosey, J., Crayton, H., Richert, J., Tornatore, C., Sirdofsky, M., Greenstein, J., Shpigel, Y., Mandel, S., Adbelhak, T., Schmerler, M., Zadikoff, C., Rorick, M., Reed, R., Elias, S., Feit, H., Angus, E., Sripathi, N., Herbert, J., Kiprovski, K., Qu, X., Del Bene, M., Mattson, D., Hingtgen, C., Fleck, J., Horak, H., Javerbaum, J., Elmore, R., Garcia, E., Tasch, E., Gruener, G., Celesia, G., Chawla, J., Miller, A., Drexler, E., Keilson, M., Wolintz, R., Drasby, E., Muscat, P., Belden, J., Sullivan, R., Cohen, J., Stone, L., Marrie, R. A., Fox, R., Hughes, B., Babikian, P., Jacoby, M., Doro, J., Puricelli, M., Rossman, H., Boudoris, W., Belkin, M., Pierce, R., Eggenberger, E., Birbeck, G., Martin, J., Kaufman, D., Stuart, W., English, J. B., Stuart, D. S., Gilbert, R. W., Kaufman, M., Putman, S., Diedrich, A., Follmer, R., Pelletier, D., Waubant, E., Cree, B., Genain, C., Goodin, D., Guarnaccia, J., Patwa, H., Rizo, M., Kitaj, M., Blevins, J., Smith, T., Mcgee, F., Honeycutt, W., Brown, M., Isa, A., Nieves Quinones, D., Krupp, L., Smiroldo, J., Zarif, M., Perkins, C., Sumner, A., Fisher, A., Gutierrez, Jacoby, R., Svoboda, S., Dorn, D., Groeschel, A., Steingo, B., Kishner, R., Cohen, B., Melen, O., Simuni, T., Zee, P., Cohan, S., Yerby, M., Hendin, B., Levine, T., Tamm, H., Travis, L. H., Freedman, S. M., Tim, R., Ferrell, W., Stefoski, D., Stevens, S., Katsamakis, G., Topel, J., Ko, M., Gelber, D., Fortin, C., Green, B., Logan, W., Carpenter, D., Temple, L., Sadiq, S., Sylvester, A., Sim, G., Mihai, C., Vertino, M., Jubelt, B., Mejico, L., Phillips, J. T., Martin, A., Heitzman, D., Greenfield, C. F., Riskind, P., Cabo, A., Paskavitz, J., Moonis, M., Bashir J. Brockington, K. Bashir J. Brockington, Nicholas, A., Slaughter, R., Archer S. Harik, R. Archer S. Harik, Haddad, N., Pippenger, M. A., Van den Noort, S., Thai, G., Olek, M., Demetriou, M., Shin, R., Calabresi, P., Rus, H., Bever, C., Johnson, K., Sheremata, W., Delgado, S., Sherbert, R., Herndon, R., Uschmann, H., Chandler, A., Markowitz, C., Jacobs, D., Balcer, L., Mitchell, G., Chakravorty, S., Heyman, R., Stauber, Z., Goodman, A., Segal, B., Schwid, S., Samkoff, L., Levin, M., Jacewicz, M., Menkes, D., Pulsinelli, W., Frohman, E., Racke, M., Hawker, K., Ulrich, R., Panitch, H., Hamill, R., Tandon, R., Dulaney, E., Simnad, V., Miller, J., Wooten, G. F., Harrison, M., Bowen, J., Doherty, M., Wundes, A., Garden, G. A., Distad, J., Kachuck, N., Berkovich, R., Burnett, M., Sahai, S., Bandari, D., Weiner, L., Storey, J. R., Beesley, B., Hart, D., Moses, H., Sriram, S., Fang, J., O'Duffy, A., Kita, M., Taylor, L., Elliott, M., Roberts, J., Jeffery, D., Maxwell, S., Lefkowitz, D., Kumar, S., Sinclair, M., Neurology, and NCA - Multiple Sclerosis and Other Neuroinflammatory Diseases
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Multiple Sclerosis ,Adolescent ,Relapsing-Remitting ,Placebo ,Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized ,Gastroenterology ,Antibodies ,Central nervous system disease ,Pharmacotherapy ,Natalizumab ,Multiple Sclerosis, Relapsing-Remitting ,pathology/therapy ,Drug Therapy ,Internal medicine ,Monoclonal ,Medicine ,Humans ,Immunologic Factors ,Humanized ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Multiple sclerosis ,Patient Selection ,Interferon beta-1a ,Antibodies, Monoclonal ,Brain ,Magnetic resonance imaging ,Interferon-beta ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Surgery ,Treatment Outcome ,Neurology ,therapeutic use ,Combination ,Drug Therapy, Combination ,pathology ,Female ,Neurology (clinical) ,Adolescent, Adult, Antibodies ,Humanized, Antibodies ,therapeutic use, Brain ,pathology, Drug Therapy ,Combination, Female, Humans, Immunologic Factors ,therapeutic use, Interferon-beta ,therapeutic use, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Male, Middle Aged, Multiple Sclerosis ,pathology/therapy, Patient Selection, Treatment Outcome ,business ,medicine.drug - Abstract
The SENTINEL study showed that the addition of natalizumab improved outcomes for patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS) who had experienced disease activity while receiving interferon beta-1a (IFNbeta-1a) alone. Previously unreported secondary and tertiary magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures are presented here. Patients received natalizumab 300 mg (n=589) or placebo (n=582) intravenously every 4 weeks plus IFNbeta-1a 30 microg intramuscularly once weekly. Annual MRI scans allowed comparison of a range of MRI end points versus baseline. Over 2 years, 67% of patients receiving natalizumab plus IFNbeta-1a remained free of new or enlarging T2-lesions compared with 30% of patients receiving IFNbeta-1a alone. The mean change from baseline in T2 lesion volume over 2 years decreased in patients receiving natalizumab plus IFNbeta-1a and increased in those receiving IFNbeta-1a alone (-277.5mm(3) versus 525.6mm(3); p0.001). Compared with IFNbeta-1a alone, add-on natalizumab therapy resulted in a smaller increase in mean T1-hypointense lesion volume after 2 years (1821.3mm(3) versus 2210.5mm(3); p0.001), a smaller mean number of new T1-hypointense lesions over 2 years (2.3 versus 4.1; p0.001), and a slower rate of brain atrophy during the second year of therapy (-0.31% versus -0.40%; p=0.020). Natalizumab add-on therapy reduced gadolinium-enhancing, T1-hypointense, and T2 MRI lesion activity and slowed brain atrophy progression in patients with relapsing MS who experienced disease activity despite treatment with IFNbeta-1a alone.
- Published
- 2010
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6. Simultane bilaterale Cochlea Implantation im Säuglings- und Kleinkindalter – retrospektive Analyse des operativen Vorgehens
- Author
Storch, M, Mürbe, D, and Zahnert, T
- Subjects
ddc: 610 ,610 Medical sciences ,Medicine - Abstract
Hintergrund: Durch das Neugeborenen-Hörscreening mit zeitnah initiierter pädaudiologischer Konfirmationsdiagnostik bestehen verbesserte Möglichkeiten einer frühzeitigen bilateralen CI-Versorgung prälingual ertaubter Kinder. Im Säuglings- und Kleinkindalter wurde ein simultanes[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL], 81. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie
- Published
- 2010
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7. The incidence and significance of anti-natalizumab antibodies: results from AFFIRM and SENTINEL
- Author
Calabresi, Pa, Giovannoni, G, Confavreux, C, Galetta, Sl, Havrdova, E, Hutchinson, M, Kappos, L, Miller, Dh, O'Connor, Pw, Phillips, Jt, Polman, Ch, Radue, Ew, Rudick, Ra, Stuart, Wh, Lublin, Fd, Wajgt, A, Weinstock Guttman, B, Wynn, Dr, Lynn, F, Panzara, Ma, Affirm, Investigators, Fazekas, SENTINEL Investigators including: F., Enzinger, C., Seifert, T., Storch, M., Strasser Fuchs, S., Berger, T., Dilitz, E., Egg, R., Eisenhammer, F., Decoo J. Lampaert, D. Decoo J. Lampaert, Bartholome J. Bier, E. Bartholome J. Bier, Stenager, E., Rasmussen, M., Binzer, M., Shorsh, K., Christensen, M., Ravnborg, M., Soelberg Sørensen, P., Blinkenberg, M., Petersen, B., Hansen, H. J., Bech, E., Petersen, T., Kirkegaard, M., Eralinna, J., Ruutiainen, J., Soilu Hänninen, M., Säkö, E., Laaksonen, M., Reunanen, M., Remes, A., Keskinarkaus, I., Moreau, T., Noblet, M., Rouaud, O., Couvreur, G., Edan, G., Lepage, E., Drapier, S., De Burghgraeve, V., Yaouanq, J., Merienne, M., Cahagne, V., Gout, O., Deschamps, R., Le Canuet, P., Moulignier, A., Vermersch, P., De Seze, J., Stojkovic, T., Griffié, G., Engles, A., Ferriby, D., Debouverie, M., Pittionvouyouvitch, S., Lacour, J. C., Pelletier, J., Feuillet, L., Suchet, L., Dalecky, A., Tammam, D., Lubetzki, C., Youssov, K., Mrejen, S., Charles, P., Yaici, S., Clavelou, P., Aufauvre, D., Renouil Guy, N., Cesaro, P., Degos, F., Benisty, S., Rumbach P. Decavel, L. Rumbach P. Decavel, Confavreux, C., Blanc, S., Aubertin, P., Riche, G., Brochet, B., Ouallet, J. C., Anne, O., Menck, S., Grupe, A., Guttman, E., Lensch, E., Fucik, E., Heitmann, S., Hartung, H. P., Schröter, M., Kurz, F. M. W., Heidenreich, F., Trebst, C., Pul, R., Hohlfeld, R., Krumbholz, M., Pellkofer, H., Haas, J., Segert, A., Meyer, R., Anagnostou, P., Kabus, C., Poehlau, D., Schneider, K., Hoffmann, V., Zettl, U., Steinhagen, V., Adler, S., Steinbrecher, A., Rothenfusser Körber, E., Zellner, R., Baum, K., Günther, A., Bläsing, H., Stoll, G., Gold, R., Bayas, A., Kleinschnitz, C., Limmroth, V., Katsarava, Z., Kastrup, O., Haller, P., Stoeve, S., Höbel, D., Oschmann, P., Voigt, K., Burger, C. V., Abramsky D. Karusiss, O. Abramsky D. Karusiss, Achiron, A., Kishner, I., Stern, Y., Sarove Pinhas, I., Dolev, M., Magalashvili, D., Pozzili, C., Lenzi, D., Scontrini, A., Millefiorini, E., Buttinelli, C., Gallo, P., Ranzato, F., Tiberio, M., Perini, P., Laroni, Alice, Marrosu, M., Cocco P. Marchi, E. Cocco P. Marchi, Spinicci, G., Massole, S., Mascia, M., Floris, G., Trojano, M., Bellacosa, A., Paolicelli, D., Bosco Zimatore, G., Simone, I. L., Giorelli, M., Di Monte, E., Mancardi, GIOVANNI LUIGI, Pizzorno, M., Murialdo, A., Narciso, E., Capello, A., Comi, G., Martinelli, V., Rodegher, M., Esposito, F., Colombo, B., Rossi, P., Polman, C. H., Jasperse, M. M. S., Zwemmer, J. N. P., Nielsen, J., Kragt, J. J., Jongen, P. J. H., De Smet, E., Tacken, H., Frequin, S. T. F. M., Siegers, H. P., Mauser, H. W., Fern ez Fern ez, O., León, A., Romero, F., Alonso, A., Tamayo, J., Montalban, X., Nos, C., Pelayo, R., Tellez, N., Rio, J., Tintore, M., Arbizu, T., Romero, L., Moral, E., Martinez, S., Kappos, L., Achtnichts, L., Wilmes, S., Karabudak, R., Kurne, A., Erdem, S., Siva, A., Saip, S., Altintas, A., Atamer, A., Eraksoy, M., Bilgili, F., Topcular, B., Giovannoni ET Lim, G. Giovannoni E. T. Lim, Lava, N., Murnane, M., Dentinger, M., Zimmerman, E., Reiss V. Gupta, M. Reiss V. Gupta, Scott, T., Brillman, J., Kunschner, L., Wright, D., Perel A. Babu, A. Perel A. Babu, Rivera, V., Killian, J., Hutton, G., Lai, E., Picone, M., Cadivid, D., Kamin, S., Shanawani, M., Gauthier, S., Morgan, A., Buckle, G., Margolin, D., Weinstock Guttman, B., Kwen, P. L., Garg, N., Munschauer, F., Khatri, B., Rassouli, M., Saxena, V., Ahmed, A., Turner, A., Fox, E., Couch, C., Tyler, R., Horvit, A., Fodor S. Humphries, P. Fodor S. Humphries, Wynn, D., Nagar, C., O’Brien, D., Allen, N., Turel, A., Friedenberg, S., Carlson, J., Hosey, J., Crayton, H., Richert, J., Tornatore, C., Sirdofsky, M., Greenstein, J., Shpigel, Y., S. M, El, Adbelhak, T., Schmerler, M., Zadikoff, C., Rorick, M., Reed, R., Elias, S., Feit, H., Angus, E., Sripathi, N., Herbert, J., Kiprovski, K., Qu, X., Del Bene, M., Mattson, D., Hingtgen, C., Fleck, J., Horak, H., Kaiser, J. Javerbaum, Elmore, R., Garcia, E., Tasch, E., Gruener, G., Celesia, G., Chawla, J., Miller, A., Drexler, E., Keilson, M., Wolintz, R., Drasby, E., Muscat, P., Belden, J., Sullivan, R., Cohen, J., Stone, L., Marrie, R. A., Fox, R., Hughes, B., Babikian, P., Jacoby, M., Doro, J., Puricelli, M., Rossman, H., Boudoris, W., Belkin, M., Pierce, R., Eggenberger, E., Birbeck, G., Martin, J., Kaufman, D., Stuart, W., English, J. B., Stuart, D. S., Gilbert, R. W., Kaufman, M., Putman, S., Diedrich, A., Follmer, R., Pelletier, D., Waubant, E., Cree, B., Genain, C., Goodin, D., Guarnaccia, J., Patwa, H., Rizo, M., Kitaj, M., Blevins, J., Smith, T., Mcgee, F., Honeycutt, W., Brown, M., Isa, A., Nieves Quinones, D., Krupp, L., Smiroldo, J., Zarif, M., Perkins, C., Sumner, A., Fisher, A., Gutierrez, A., Jacoby, R., Svoboda, S., Dorn, D., Groeschel, A., Steingo R. Kishner, B. Steingo R. Kishner, Cohen, B., Melen, O., Simuni, T., Zee, P., Cohan M. Yerby, S. Cohan M. Yerby, Hendin, B., Levine, T., Tamm, H., Travis, L. H., Freedman, S. M., Tim, R., Ferrell, W., Stefoski, D., Stevens, S., Katsamakis, G., Topel, J., KoD Gelber C. Fortin, M. K. o. D. Gelber C. Fortin, Green, B., Logan, W., Carpenter, D., Temple, L., Sadiq, S., Sylvester, A., Sim, G., Mihai, C., Vertino, M., Jubelt, B., Mejico, L., Phillips, J. T., Martin, A., Heitzman, D., Greenfield, C. F., Riskind, P., Cabo, A., Paskavitz, J., Moonis, M., Bashir, K., Brockington, J., Nicholas, A., Slaughter, R., Archer, R., Harik, S., Haddad, N., Pippenger, M. A., Van den Noort, S., Thai, G., Olek, M., Demetriou, M., Shin, R., Calabresi, P., Rus, H., Bever, C., Johnson, K., Sheremata, W., Delgado, S., Sherbert, R., Herndon, R., Uschmann, H., Ch ler, A., Markowitz, C., Jacobs, D., Balcer, L., Mitchell, G., Chakravorty, S., Heyman, R., Stauber, Z., Goodman, A., Segal, B., Schwid, S., Samkoff, L., Levin, M., Jacewicz, M., Menkes, D., Pulsinelli, W., Frohman, E., Racke, M., Hawker, K., Ulrich, R., Panitch, H., Hamill, R., R. T, On, Dulaney, E., Simnad, V., Miller, J., Wooten, G. F., Harrison, M., Bowen, J., Doherty, M., Wundes, A., Garden, G. A., Distad, J., Kachuck, N., Berkovich, R., Burnett, M., Sahai, S., Ari, D. B, Weiner, L., Storey, J. R., Beesley, B., Hart, D., Moses, H., Sriram, S., Fang, J., O’Duffy, A., Kita, M., Taylor, L., Elliott, M., Roberts, J., Jeffery, D., Maxwell, S., Lefkowitz, D., Kumar, S., Sinclair EW Radue, M. S. i. n. c. l. a. i. r. E. W. Radue, de Vera, A., Bacelar, O., Kuster, P., and Kappos, L. .
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Multiple Sclerosis ,Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay ,Relapsing-Remitting ,Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized ,Gastroenterology ,Antibodies ,law.invention ,Disability Evaluation ,Natalizumab ,Multiple Sclerosis, Relapsing-Remitting ,Randomized controlled trial ,Double-Blind Method ,law ,Antibody Specificity ,Internal medicine ,Monoclonal ,medicine ,Secondary Prevention ,Humans ,Adverse effect ,Antibodies, Blocking ,Humanized ,Antibodies, Monoclonal ,Brain ,Flow Cytometry ,Interferon-beta ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Placebo Effect ,Treatment Outcome ,Neuroscience (all) ,Expanded Disability Status Scale ,business.industry ,Multiple sclerosis ,Incidence (epidemiology) ,Interferon beta-1a ,medicine.disease ,Blocking ,Multiple sclerosis functional composite ,Immunology ,Neurology (clinical) ,business ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Objective: To determine the incidence and clinical effects of antibodies that develop during treatment with natalizumab. Methods: In two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies (natalizumab safety and efficacy in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis [MS, AFFIRM] and safety and efficacy of natalizumab in combination with interferon β-1a [INFβ1a] in patients with relapsing remitting MS [SENTINEL]) of patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis, blood samples were obtained at baseline and every 12 weeks to determine the presence of antibodies against natalizumab. Antibodies to natalizumab were measured using an ELISA. Patients were categorized as “transiently positive” if they had detectable antibodies (≥0.5 μg/mL) at a single time point or “persistently positive” if they had antibodies at two or more time points ≥6 weeks apart. Results: In the AFFIRM study, antibodies were detected in 57 of 625 (9%) of natalizumab-treated patients: Twenty (3%) were transiently positive and 37 (6%) were persistently positive. Persistently positive patients showed a loss of clinical efficacy as measured by disability progression ( p ≤ 0.05), relapse rate ( p = 0.009), and MRI ( p ≤ 0.05) compared with antibody-negative patients. In transiently positive patients, full efficacy was achieved after approximately 6 months of treatment, the time when patients were becoming antibody negative. The incidence of infusion-related adverse events was significantly higher in persistently positive patients. Results of SENTINEL were similar to AFFIRM, except with regard to sustained disability progression; differences between persistently positive and antibody-negative patients were not statistically significant. Conclusions: The incidence of persistent antibody positivity associated with natalizumab is 6%. Reduced clinical efficacy is apparent in persistently positive patients. Patients with a suboptimal clinical response or persistent infusion-related adverse events should be considered for antibody testing. GLOSSARY: BLQ = below the limit of quantification; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; Gd+ = gadolinium enhancing; IFNβ1a = interferon β-1a; MS = multiple sclerosis; MSFC = multiple sclerosis functional composite; OD = optical density.
- Published
- 2007
8. Health-related quality of life in multiple sclerosis: Effects of natalizumab
- Author
Rudick, R. A., Miller, D., Hass, S., Hutchinson, M, Calabresi, P. A., Confavreux, C., Galetta, S. L., Giovannoni, G., Havrdova, E., Kappos, L., Lublin, F. D., Miller, D. H., O'Connor, P. W., Phillips, J. T., Polman, C. H., Radue, Ew, Stuart, W. H., Wajgt, A., Weinstock Guttman, B., Wynn, D. R., Lynn, F., Panzara, M. A., Affirm, Macdonell, SENTINEL Investigators including: R., Hughes, A., Taylor, I., Lee, Y. C., Ma, H., King, J., Kilpatrick, T., Butzkueven, H., Marriott, M., Pollard, J., Spring, P., Spies, J., Barnett, M., Dehaene, I., Vanopdenbosch, L., D’Hooghe, M., Van Zandijcke, M., Derijck, O., Seeldrayers, P., Jacquy, J., Piette, T., De Cock, C., Medaer, R., Soors, P., Vanroose, E., Vanderhoven, L., Nagels, G., Dubois, B., Deville, M. C., D’Haene, R., Jacques, F., Hallé, D., Gagnon, S., Likavcan, E., Murray, T. J., Bhan, V., Mackelvey, R., Maxner, C. E., Christie, S., Giaccone, R., Guzman, D. A., Melanson, M., Esfahani, F., Gomori, A. J., Nagaria, M. H., Grand’Maison, F., Berger, L., Nasreddine, Z., Duplessis, M., Brunet, D., Jackson, A., Pari, G., O’Connor, P., Gray, T., Hohol, M., Marchetti, P., Lee, L., Murray, B., Sahlas, J., Perry, J., Devonshire, V., Hooge, J., Hashimoto, S., Oger, J., Smyth, P., Rice, G., Kremenchutzky, M., Stourac, P., Kadanka, Z., Benesova, Y., Niedermayerova, I., Meluzinova, E., Marusic, P., M, Bojar, Zarubova, K., Houzvicková, E., Piková, J., Talab, R., Faculty, Hospital Olomouc, Olomouc, B. Muchova, Urbánek, K, Kettnerova, Z., Mares, J., Otruba, P., Zapletalová, O., Hradilek, P., Ddolezil, D. Dolezil, Woznicova, I., Höfer, R., Ambler J. Fiedler, Z. Ambler J. Fiedler, Sucha, J., Matousek, V., Rektor, I., Dufek, M., Mikulik, R., Mastik, J., Tyrlikova, I., General, Teaching Hospital, Prague, E. Havrdová, Horakova, D., Kalistová, H., Týblová, M., Ehler, E., Novotná, A., Geier, P., Soelberg Sorensen, P., Ravnborg, M., Petersen, B., Blinkenberg, M., Färkkilä, M., Harno, H., Kallela, M., Häppölä, O., Elovaara, I., Kuusisto, H., Ukkonen, M., Peltola, J., Palmio, J., Pelletier, J., Feuillet, L., Suchet, L., Dalecky, A., Tammam, D., Edan, G., Le Page, E., Mérienne, M., Yaouanq, J., Clanet, M., Mekies, C., Azais Vuillemin, C., Senard, A., Lau, G., Steinmetz, G., Warter V. Wolff, J. Warter V. Wolff, Fleury, M., Tranchant, C., Stark, E., Buckpesch Heberer, U., Henn, K. H., Skoberne, T., Schimrigk, S., Hellwig, K., Brune, N., Weiller, C., Gbadamosi, J., Röther, J., Heesen, C., Buhmann, C., Karageorgiou, C., Korakaki, D., Giannoulis, D. r., Tsiara, S., Thomaides, T., Thomopoulos, I., Papageorgiou, H., Armakola, F., Komoly, S., Rózsa, C., Matolcsi, J., Szabó, G. y., Molnár, B., Lovas, G., Dioszeghy, P., Szulics, P., Magyar, Z., Incze, J., Farkas, J., Clemens, B., Kánya, J., Valicskó, Z. s., Bense, E., Nagy, Z. s., Geréby, G., Perényi, J., Simon, Z. s., Szapper, M., Gedeon, L., Csanyi, A., Rum, G., Lipóth, S., Szegedi, A., Jávor, L., Nagy, I., Adám, I., Szirmai, I., Simó, M., Ertsey, C., I, Amrein, Kamondi, A., Harcos, P., Dobos, E., Szabó, B., Balas, V., Guseo, A., Fodor, E., Jófejü, E., Eizler, K., Csiba, L., Csépány, T., Pallagi, E., Bereczki, D., Jakab, G., Juhász, M., Bszabó, B. Szabó I. Mayer, Katona, G., Hutchinson, M., O’Dwyer, J., O’Rourke, K., Sanders, E. A. C. M., Rijk van Andel, J. F., Bomhof, M. A. M., van Erven, P., Hintzen I. Hoppenbrouwers, R. Q. Hintzen I. Hoppenbrouwers, Neuteboom, R. F., Zemel, D., van Doorn, P. A., Jacobs, B. C., Munster, E. T. h. L. Van, ter Bruggen, J. P., Bernsen, R., Jongen, P. J. H., de Smet, E. A. A., Tacken, H. F. H., Polman, C., Zwemmer, J., Nielsen, J., Kalkers, N., Kragt, J., Jasperse, B., Willoughby, E., Anderson, N. E., Barber, A., Anderson, T., Parkin, P. J., Fink, J., Avery, S., Mason, D., Kwiecinski, H., Zakrzewska Pniewska, B., Kaminska, A., Podlecka, A., Nojszewska, M., Czlonkowska, A., Zaborski, J., Wicha, W., Kruszewska Ozimowska, J., Darda Ledzion, L., Selmaj, K., Mochecka Thoelke, A., Pentela Nowicka, J., Walczak, A., Stasiolek, M., Stelmasiak, Z., Bartosik Psujek, H., Mitosek Szewczyk, K., Belniak, E., Chyrchel, U., Maciejowski, M., Strzyzewska Lubos, L., Lubos, L., Matusik, E., Maciejek, Z., Niezgodzinska Maciejek, A., Sobczynska, D., Slotala, T., Wawrzyniak, S., Kochanowicz K. Kuczynski, J. Kochanowicz K. Kuczynski, Zimnoch, R., Pryszmont, M., Drozdowski, W., Baniukiewicz, E., Kulakowska, A., Borowik, H., Lewonowska, M., Szczudlik, A., Róg, T., Gryz Kurek, E., Pankiewicz, J., Furgal, J., Kimkowicz, A., Fryze, W., Wierbicki, T., Michalak, L., Kowalewska, J., Swiatkiewicz, J., Hillert, J., Åkesson, E, Fredrikson, S., Diener, P, Olsson, T., Wallström, E., Fpiehl, F. Piehl L. Hopia, Brundin, L., Marta, M., Andersson, M., Lycke, J., Runmarker, B., Malmeström, C., Vaghfeldt, P., Skoog, B., Schluep, M., Bogousslavskyr, J., Du Pasquier, R., Achtnichts, L., Kuhle, J., Buitrago Telez, C., Schläger, R., Naegelin, Y., Eraksoy, M., Bebek, N., Akman Demir, G., Topcuoglu, B., Kurtuncu, M., Istanbul, University, Istanbul:, A. Siva, Saip, S., Altintas, A., Kiyat, A., Sharief, M., Kasti, M., Lim, E. T., Rashid, W., Silber, E., Saldanha, G., Hawkins, C., Mamutse, G., Woolmore, J., Hawkes, C., Findley, L., Dasilva, R., Gunasekara, H., Palace, J., Cader, Z., Littleton, E., Burke, G., Sharrack O. Suliman, B. Sharrack O. Suliman, Klaffke, S., Swash, M., Dhillon, H., Bates, D., Westwood, M., Nichol, P., Barnes, D., Wren, D., Stoy, N., Robertson, N., Pickersgill, T., Pearson, O., Lawthom, C., Young, C., Mills, R., Lecky, B., Ford, C., Katzman, J., Rosenberg, G., Cooper, J., Wrubel, B., Richardson, B., Lynch, S., Ridings, L., Mcvey, A., Nowack, W., Rae Grant, A., Mackin, G. A., Castaldo, J. E., Spikol, L. J., Carter, J., Wingerchuk, D., Caselli, R., Dodick, D., Scarberry, S., Bailly, R., Garnaas, K., Haake, B., Rossman, H., Belkin, M., Boudouris, W. D., Pierce, R. P., Mass, M., Yadav, V., Bourdette, D., Whitham, R. H., Heitzman, D., Martin, A., Greenfield, C. F., Agius, M., Richman, D. P., Vijayan, N., Wheelock, V. L., Reder, A., Arnason, B., Noronha, A., Balabanov, R., Ray, A., Sheremata, W., Delgado, S., Shebert, B., Maldonado, J., Bowen, J., Garden, G. A., Distad, B. J., Carrithers, M., Rizzo, M., Vollmer, T., Reiningerova, J., Guarnaccia, J., Lo, A., Richardson, G. B., Fazekas, F., Enzinger, C., Seifert, T., Storch, M., Strasser Fuchs, S., Berger, T., Dilitz, E., Egg, R., Deisenhammer, F., Decoo, : D, Lampaert, J., Bartholome, E., Bier, J., Stenager, : E., Rasmussen, M., Binzer, M., Shorsh, K., Christensen, M., Soelberg Sørensen, P., Hansen, H. J., Bech, E., Petersen, T., Kirkegaard, M., Eralinna, : J., Ruutiainen, J., Soilu Hänninen, M., Säkö, E., Laaksonen, M., Reunanen, M., Remes, A., Keskinarkaus, I., Moreau, : T., Noblet, M., Rouaud, O., Couvreur, G., Lepage, E., Drapier, S., De Burghgraeve, V., Merienne, M., Cahagne, V., Gout, O., Deschamps, R., Le Canuet, P., Moulignier, A., Vermersch, P., De Seze, J., Stojkovic, T., Griffié, G., Engles, Ferriby, D., Debouverie, M., Pittion Vouyouvitch, S., Lacour, J. C., Lubetzki, C., Youssov, K., Mrejen, S., Charles, P., Yaici, S., Clavelou, P., Aufauvre, D., Renouil Guy, N., Cesaro, P., Degos, F., Benisty, S., Rumbach, L., Decavel, P., Blanc, S., Aubertin, P., Riche, G., Brochet, B., Ouallet, J. C., Anne, O., Menck, : S., Grupe, A., Gutmann, E., Lensch, E., Fucik, E., Heitmann, S., Hartung, H. P., Schröter, M., Kurz, F. M. W., Heidenreich, F., Trebst, C., Pul, R., Hohlfeld, R., Krumbholz, M., Pellkofer, H., Haas, J., Segert, A., Meyer, R., Anagnostou, P., Kabus, C., Poehlau, D., Schneider, K., Hoffmann, V., Zettl, U., Steinhagen, V., Adler, S., Steinbrecher E. Rothenfusser Körber, A. Steinbrecher E. Rothenfusser Körber, Zellner, R., Baum, K., Günther, A., Bläsing, H., Stoll, G., Gold, R., Bayas, A., Kleinschnitz, C., Limmroth, V., Katsarava, Z., Kastrup, O., Haller, P., Stoeve, S., Höbel, D., Oschmann, P., Voigt, K., Burger, C. V., Abramsky, : O., Karusiss, D., Achiron, A., Kishner, I., Stern, Y., Sarove Pinhas, I., Dolev, M., Magalashvili, D., Pozzili, : C., Lenzi, D., Scontrini, A., Millefiorini, E., Buttinelli, C., Gallo, P., Ranzato, F., Tiberio, M., Perini, P., Laroni, Alice, Marrosu, M., Cocco P. Marchi, E. Cocco P. Marchi, Spinicci, G., Massole, S., Mascia, M., Floris, G., Trojano, M., Bellacosa, A., Paolicelli, D., Bosco Zimatore, G., Simone, I. L., Giorelli, M., Di Monte, E., Mancardi, GIOVANNI LUIGI, Pizzorno, M., Murialdo, A., Narciso, E., Capello, A., Comi, G., Martinelli, V., Rodegher, M., Esposito, F., Colombo, B., Rossi, P., Polman, : C. H., Jasperse, M. M. S., Zwemmer, J. N. P., Kragt, J. J., De Smet, E., Tacken, H., Frequin, S. T. F. M., Siegers, H. P., Mauser, H. W., Fernandez Fernandez, : O., León, A., Romero, F., Alonso, A., Tamayo, J., Montalban, X., Nos, C., Pelayo, R., Tellez, N., Rio, J., Tintore, M., Arbizu, T., Romero, L., Moral, E., Martinez, S., Kappos, : L., Wilmes, S., Karabudak, : R., Kurne, A., Erdem, S., Siva, A., Atamer, A., Bilgili, F., Topcular, B., Giovannoni, : G., Lava, : N., Murnane, M., Dentinger, M., Zimmerman, E., Reiss, M., Gupta, V., Scott, T., Brillman, J., Kunschner, L., Wright, D., Perel, A., Babu, A., Rivera, V., Killian, J., Hutton, G., Lai, E., Picone, M., Cadivid, D., Kamin, S., Shanawani, M., Gauthier, S., Morgan, A., Buckle, G., Margolin, D., Kwen, P. L., Garg, N., Munschauer, F., Khatri, B., Rassouli, M., Saxena, V., Ahmed, A., Turner, A., Fox, E., Couch, C., Tyler, R., Horvit, A., Fodor, P., Humphries, S., Wynn, D., Nagar, C., O’Brien, D., Allen, N., Turel, A., Friedenberg, S., Carlson, J., Hosey, J., Crayton, H., Richert, J., Tornatore, C., Sirdofsky, M., Greenstein, J., Shpigel, Y., Mandel, S., Adbelhak, T., Schmerler, M., Zadikoff, C., Rorick, M., Reed, R., Elias, S., Feit, H., Angus, E., Sripathi, N., Herbert, J., Kiprovski, K., Qu, X., Del Bene, M., Mattson, D., Hingtgen, C., Fleck, J., Horak, H., Javerbaum, J., Elmore, R., Garcia, E., Tasch, E., Gruener, G., Celesia, G., Chawla, J., Miller, A., Drexler, E., Keilson, M., Wolintz, R., Drasby, E., Muscat, P., Belden, J., Sullivan, R., Cohen, J., Stone, L., Marrie, R. A., Fox, R., Hughes, B., Babikian, P., Jacoby, M., Doro, J., Puricelli, M., Boudoris, W., Pierce, R., Eggenberger, E., Birbeck, G., Martin, J., Kaufman, D., Stuart, W., English, J. B., Stuart, D. S., Gilbert, R. W., Kaufman, M., Putman, S., Diedrich, A., Follmer, R., Pelletier, D., Waubant, E., Cree, B., Genain, C., Goodin, D., Patwa, H., Rizo, M., Kitaj, M., Blevins, J., Smith, T., Mcgee, F., Honeycutt, W., Brown, M., Isa, A., Nieves Quinones, D., Krupp, L., Smiroldo, J., Zarif, M., Perkins, C., Sumner, A., Fisher, A., Gutierrez, A., Jacoby, R., Svoboda, S., Dorn, D., Groeschel, A., Steingo, B., Kishner, R., Cohen, B., Melen, O., Simuni, T., Zee, P., Cohan, S., Yerby, M., Hendin, B., Levine, T., Tamm, H., Travis, L. H., Freedman, S. M., Tim, R., Ferrell, W., Stefoski, D., Stevens, S., Katsamakis, G., Topel, J., Ko, M., Gelber, D., Fortin, C., Green, B., Logan, W., Carpenter, D., Temple, L., Sadiq, S., Sylvester, A., Sim, G., Mihai, C., Vertino, M., Jubelt, B., Mejico, L., Riskind, P., Cabo, A., Paskavitz, J., Moonis, M., Bashir J. Brockington, K. Bashir J. Brockington, Nicholas, A., Slaughter, R., Archer S. Harik, R. Archer S. Harik, Haddad, N., Pippenger, M. A., Van den Noort, S., Thai, G., Olek, M., Demetriou, M., Shin, R., Calabresi, P., Rus, H., Bever, C., Johnson, K., Sherbert, R., Herndon, R., Uschmann, H., Chandler, A., Markowitz, C., Jacobs, D., Balcer, L., Mitchell, G., Chakravorty, S., Heyman, R., Stauber, Z., Goodman, A., Segal, B., Schwid, S., Samkoff, L., Levin, M., Jacewicz, M., Menkes, D., Pulsinelli, W., Frohman, E., Racke, M., Hawker, K., Ulrich, R., Panitch, H., Hamill, R., Tandon, R., Dulaney, E., Simnad, V., Miller, J., Wooten, G. F., Harrison, M., Doherty, M., Wundes, A., Distad, J., Kachuck, N., Berkovich, R., Burnett, M., Sahai, S., Bandari, D., Weiner, L., Storey, J. R., Beesley, B., Hart, D., Moses, H., Sriram, S., Fang, J., O’Duffy, A., Kita, M., Taylor, L., Elliott, M., Roberts, J., Jeffery, D., Maxwell, S., Lefkowitz, D., Kumar, S., Sinclair, M., Radue, E. W., de Vera, A., Bacelar, O., and Kuster, P.
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Multiple Sclerosis ,Visual analogue scale ,Health Status ,Population ,Pain ,Comorbidity ,Placebo ,Antibodies ,law.invention ,Natalizumab ,Randomized controlled trial ,Quality of life ,Double-Blind Method ,law ,Internal medicine ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Monoclonal ,medicine ,Prevalence ,Humans ,Longitudinal Studies ,education ,Humanized ,education.field_of_study ,Expanded Disability Status Scale ,Neuroscience (all) ,business.industry ,Antibodies, Monoclonal ,Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized ,Female ,Patient Satisfaction ,Treatment Outcome ,United States ,Quality of Life ,Multiple sclerosis ,medicine.disease ,Neurology ,Physical therapy ,Neurology (clinical) ,business ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Objective To report the relationship between disease activity and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in relapsing multiple sclerosis, and the impact of natalizumab. Methods HRQoL data were available from 2,113 multiple sclerosis patients in natalizumab clinical studies. In the Natalizumab Safety and Efficacy in Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (AFFIRM) study, patients received natalizumab 300mg (n = 627) or placebo (n = 315); in the Safety and Efficacy of Natalizumab in Combination with Interferon Beta-1a in Patients with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (SENTINEL) study, patients received interferon beta-1a (IFN-β-1a) plus natalizumab 300mg (n = 589), or IFN-β-1a plus placebo (n = 582). The Short Form-36 (SF-36) and a subject global assessment visual analog scale were administered at baseline and weeks 24, 52, and 104. Prespecified analyses included changes from baseline to week 104 in SF-36 and visual analog scale scores. Odds ratios for clinically meaningful improvement or worsening on the SF-36 Physical Component Summary (PCS) and Mental Component Summary were calculated. Results Mean baseline SF-36 scores were significantly less than the general US population and correlated with Expanded Disability Status Scale scores, sustained disability progression, relapse number, and increased volume of brain magnetic resonance imaging lesions. Natalizumab significantly improved SF-36 PCS and Mental Component Summary scores at week 104 in AFFIRM. PCS changes were significantly improved by week 24 and at all subsequent time points. Natalizumab-treated patients in both studies were more likely to experience clinically important improvement and less likely to experience clinically important deterioration on the SF-36 PCS. The visual analog scale also showed significantly improved HRQoL with natalizumab. Interpretation HRQoL was impaired in relapsing multiple sclerosis patients, correlated with severity of disease as measured by neurological ratings or magnetic resonance imaging, and improved significantly with natalizumab. Ann Neurol 2007
- Published
- 2007
9. Natalizumab plus interferon beta-1a for relapsing multiple sclerosis
- Author
Richard, A. Rudick, William, H. Stuart, Peter, A. Calabresi, Christian, Confavreux, Steven, L. Galetta, Ernst Wilhelm, Radue, Fred, D. Lublin, Bianca, Weinstock Guttman, Daniel, R. Wynn, Frances, Lynn, Msc, M. S. c., Michael, A. Panzara, Alfred, W. Sandrock, For, the SENTINEL Investigators including: F. Fazekas, Enzinger, C., Seifert, T., Storch, M., Strasser Fuchs, S., Berger, T., Dilitz, E., Egg, R., Eisenhammer, F., Decoo J. Lampaert, D. Decoo J. Lampaert, Bartholome J. Bier, E. Bartholome J. Bier, Stenager, E., Rasmussen, M., Binzer, M., Shorsh, K., Christensen, M., Ravnborg, M., Soelberg Sørensen, P., Blinkenberg, M., Petersen, B., Hansen, H. J., Bech, E., Petersen, T., Kirkegaard, M., Eralinna, J., Ruutiainen, J., Soilu Hänninen, M., Säkö, E., Laaksonen, M., Reunanen, M., Remes, A., Keskinarkaus, I., Moreau, T., Noblet, M., Rouaud, O., Couvreur, G., Edan, G., Lepage, E., Drapier, S., De Burghgraeve, V., Yaouanq, J., Merienne, M., Cahagne, V., Gout, O., Deschamps, R., Le Canuet, P., Moulignier, A., Vermersch, P., De Seze, J., Stojkovic, T., Griffié, G., Engles, A., Ferriby, D., Debouverie, M., Pittionvouyouvitch, S., Lacour, J. C., Pelletier, J., Feuillet, L., Suchet, L., Dalecky, A., Tammam, D., Lubetzki, C., Youssov, K., Mrejen, S., Charles, P., Yaici, S., Clavelou, P., Aufauvre, D., Renouil Guy, N., Cesaro, P., Degos, F., Benisty, S., Rumbach P. Decavel, L. Rumbach P. Decavel, Confavreux, C., Blanc, S., Aubertin, P., Riche, G., Brochet, B., Ouallet, J. C., Anne, O., Menck, S., Grupe, A., Guttman, E., Lensch, E., Fucik, E., Heitmann, S., Hartung, H. P., Schröter, M., Kurz, F. M. W., Heidenreich, F., Trebst, C., Pul, R., Hohlfeld, R., Krumbholz, M., Pellkofer, H., Haas, J., Segert, A., Meyer, R., Anagnostou, P., Kabus, C., Poehlau, D., Schneider, K., Hoffmann, V., Zettl, U., Steinhagen, V., Adler, S., Steinbrecher, A., Rothenfusser Körber, E., Zellner, R., Baum, K., Günther, A., Bläsing, H., Stoll, G., Gold, R., Bayas, A., Kleinschnitz, C., Limmroth, V., Katsarava, Z., Kastrup, O., Haller, P., Stoeve, S., Höbel, D., Oschmann, P., Voigt, K., Burger, C. V., Abramsky D. Karusiss, O. Abramsky D. Karusiss, Achiron, A., Kishner, I., Stern, Y., Sarove Pinhas, I., Dolev, M., Magalashvili, D., Pozzili, C., Lenzi, D., Scontrini, A., Millefiorini, E., Buttinelli, C., Gallo, P., Ranzato, F., Tiberio, M., Perini, P., Laroni, Alice, Marrosu, M., Cocco P. Marchi, E. Cocco P. Marchi, Spinicci, G., Massole, S., Mascia, M., Floris, G., Trojano, M., Bellacosa, A., Paolicelli, D., Bosco Zimatore, G., Simone, I. L., Giorelli, M., Di Monte, E., Mancardi, GIOVANNI LUIGI, Pizzorno, M., Murialdo, A., Narciso, E., Capello, A., Comi, G., Martinelli, V., Rodegher, M., Esposito, F., Colombo, B., Rossi, P., Polman, C. H., Jasperse, M. M. S., Zwemmer, J. N. P., Nielsen, J., Kragt, J. J., Jongen, P. J. H., De Smet, E., Tacken, H., Frequin, S. T. F. M., Siegers, H. P., Mauser, H. W., Fern ez Fern ez, O., León, A., Romero, F., Alonso, A., Tamayo, J., Montalban, X., Nos, C., Pelayo, R., Tellez, N., Rio, J., Tintore, M., Arbizu, T., Romero, L., Moral, E., Martinez, S., Kappos, L., Achtnichts, L., Wilmes, S., Karabudak, R., Kurne, A., Erdem, S., Siva, A., Saip, S., Altintas, A., Atamer, A., Eraksoy, M., Bilgili, F., Topcular, B., Giovannoni ET Lim, G. Giovannoni E. T. Lim, Lava, N., Murnane, M., Dentinger, M., Zimmerman, E., Reiss V. Gupta, M. Reiss V. Gupta, Scott, T., Brillman, J., Kunschner, L., Wright, D., Perel A. Babu, A. Perel A. Babu, Rivera, V., Killian, J., Hutton, G., Lai, E., Picone, M., Cadivid, D., Kamin, S., Shanawani, M., Gauthier, S., Morgan, A., Buckle, G., Margolin, D., Weinstock Guttman, B., Kwen, P. L., Garg, N., Munschauer, F., Khatri, B., Rassouli, M., Saxena, V., Ahmed, A., Turner, A., Fox, E., Couch, C., Tyler, R., Horvit, A., Fodor S. Humphries, P. Fodor S. Humphries, Wynn, D., Nagar, C., O’Brien, D., Allen, N., Turel, A., Friedenberg, S., Carlson, J., Hosey, J., Crayton, H., Richert, J., Tornatore, C., Sirdofsky, M., Greenstein, J., Shpigel, Y., S. M, El, Adbelhak, T., Schmerler, M., Zadikoff, C., Rorick, M., Reed, R., Elias, S., Feit, H., Angus, E., Sripathi, N., Herbert, J., Kiprovski, K., Qu, X., Del Bene, M., Mattson, D., Hingtgen, C., Fleck, J., Horak, H., Kaiser, J. Javerbaum, Elmore, R., Garcia, E., Tasch, E., Gruener, G., Celesia, G., Chawla, J., Miller, A., Drexler, E., Keilson, M., Wolintz, R., Drasby, E., Muscat, P., Belden, J., Sullivan, R., Cohen, J., Stone, L., Marrie, R. A., Fox, R., Hughes, B., Babikian, P., Jacoby, M., Doro, J., Puricelli, M., Rossman, H., Boudoris, W., Belkin, M., Pierce, R., Eggenberger, E., Birbeck, G., Martin, J., Kaufman, D., Stuart, W., English, J. B., Stuart, D. S., Gilbert, R. W., Kaufman, M., Putman, S., Diedrich, A., Follmer, R., Pelletier, D., Waubant, E., Cree, B., Genain, C., Goodin, D., Guarnaccia, J., Patwa, H., Rizo, M., Kitaj, M., Blevins, J., Smith, T., Mcgee, F., Honeycutt, W., Brown, M., Isa, A., Nieves Quinones, D., Krupp, L., Smiroldo, J., Zarif, M., Perkins, C., Sumner, A., Fisher, A., Gutierrez, A., Jacoby, R., Svoboda, S., Dorn, D., Groeschel, A., Steingo R. Kishner, B. Steingo R. Kishner, Cohen, B., Melen, O., Simuni, T., Zee, P., Cohan M. Yerby, S. Cohan M. Yerby, Hendin, B., Levine, T., Tamm, H., Travis, L. H., Freedman, S. M., Tim, R., Ferrell, W., Stefoski, D., Stevens, S., Katsamakis, G., Topel, J., KoD Gelber C. Fortin, M. K. o. D. Gelber C. Fortin, Green, B., Logan, W., Carpenter, D., Temple, L., Sadiq, S., Sylvester, A., Sim, G., Mihai, C., Vertino, M., Jubelt, B., Mejico, L., Phillips, J. T., Martin, A., Heitzman, D., Greenfield, C. F., Riskind, P., Cabo, A., Paskavitz, J., Moonis, M., Bashir, K., Brockington, J., Nicholas, A., Slaughter, R., Archer, R., Harik, S., Haddad, N., Pippenger, M. A., Van den Noort, S., Thai, G., Olek, M., Demetriou, M., Shin, R., Calabresi, P., Rus, H., Bever, C., Johnson, K., Sheremata, W., Delgado, S., Sherbert, R., Herndon, R., Uschmann, H., Ch ler, A., Markowitz, C., Jacobs, D., Balcer, L., Mitchell, G., Chakravorty, S., Heyman, R., Stauber, Z., Goodman, A., Segal, B., Schwid, S., Samkoff, L., Levin, M., Jacewicz, M., Menkes, D., Pulsinelli, W., Frohman, E., Racke, M., Hawker, K., Ulrich, R., Panitch, H., Hamill, R., R. T, On, Dulaney, E., Simnad, V., Miller, J., Wooten, G. F., Harrison, M., Bowen, J., Doherty, M., Wundes, A., Garden, G. A., Distad, J., Kachuck, N., Berkovich, R., Burnett, M., Sahai, S., Ari, D. B, Weiner, L., Storey, J. R., Beesley, B., Hart, D., Moses, H., Sriram, S., Fang, J., O’Duffy, A., Kita, M., Taylor, L., Elliott, M., Roberts, J., Jeffery, D., Maxwell, S., Lefkowitz, D., Kumar, S., Sinclair EW Radue, M. S. i. n. c. l. a. i. r. E. W. Radue, de Vera, A., Bacelar, O., Kuster, P., and Kappos, L. .
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Infusions ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Multiple Sclerosis ,Adolescent ,Combination therapy ,Integrin alpha4 ,Peripheral edema ,Progressive Multifocal ,Relapsing-Remitting ,Gastroenterology ,Antibodies ,Natalizumab ,Drug Therapy ,Leukoencephalopathy ,Internal medicine ,Monoclonal ,Secondary Prevention ,medicine ,Humans ,Humanized ,Proportional Hazards Models ,Expanded Disability Status Scale ,business.industry ,Antibodies, Monoclonal ,Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized ,Brain ,Cell Adhesion Molecules ,Disease Progression ,Drug Therapy, Combination ,Female ,Infusions, Intravenous ,Interferon-beta ,JC Virus ,Leukoencephalopathy, Progressive Multifocal ,Middle Aged ,Multiple Sclerosis, Relapsing-Remitting ,Medicine (all) ,Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy ,Multiple sclerosis ,Hazard ratio ,Interferon beta-1a ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,Combination ,medicine.symptom ,Intravenous ,business ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Background Interferon beta is used to modify the course of relapsing multiple sclerosis. Despite interferon beta therapy, many patients have relapses. Natalizumab, an α 4 integrin antagonist, appeared to be safe and effective alone and when added to interferon beta-1a in preliminary studies. Methods We randomly assigned 1171 patients who, despite interferon beta-1a therapy, had had at least one relapse during the 12-month period before randomization to receive continued interferon beta-1a in combination with 300 mg of natalizumab (589 patients) or placebo (582 patients) intravenously every 4 weeks for up to 116 weeks. The primary end points were the rate of clinical relapse at 1 year and the cumulative probability of disability progression sustained for 12 weeks, as measured by the Expanded Disability Status Scale, at 2 years. Results Combination therapy resulted in a 24 percent reduction in the relative risk of sustained disability progression (hazard ratio, 0.76; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.61 to 0.96; P = 0.02). Kaplan–Meier estimates of the cumulative probability of progression at two years were 23 percent with combination therapy and 29 percent with interferon beta-1a alone. Combination therapy was associated with a lower annualized rate of relapse over a two-year period than was interferon beta-1a alone (0.34 vs. 0.75, P
- Published
- 2006
10. Excessive iron storage in a patient with Wilson's disease
- Author
Hafkemeyer P, Häussinger D, Schupp M, Storch M, and Wolfgang Gerok
- Subjects
Adult ,Heterozygote ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Pediatrics ,Cirrhosis ,Iron ,Disease ,Iron storage ,Hepatolenticular Degeneration ,Internal medicine ,Drug Discovery ,medicine ,Humans ,Hemochromatosis Gene ,Genetics (clinical) ,Hemochromatosis ,biology ,business.industry ,Heterozygote advantage ,medicine.disease ,Ferritin ,Wilson's disease ,Endocrinology ,biology.protein ,Molecular Medicine ,Female ,business - Abstract
We report on an otherwise healthy female, mother of two children, with severe decompensated liver cirrhosis due to an iron overload and Wilson's disease. The patient was considered heterozygote for hemochromatosis on the basis of the autosomal recessive inheritance for hemochromatosis, the frequency of the hemochromatosis gene, and the laboratory parameters defining her iron overload. The case is interesting because of the coincidence of Wilson's disease and excessive iron storage.
- Published
- 1994
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11. Relapsing acute transverse myelitis: a specific entity.
- Author
Seifert, T., Enzinger, C., Ropele, S., Storch, M. K., Strasser-Fuchs, S., and Fazekas, F.
- Subjects
MYELITIS ,MEDICINE ,MAGNETIC resonance imaging ,NEUROLOGICAL disorders ,NEUROLOGY - Abstract
Acute transverse myelitis (ATM) not related to systemic disease may present in a relapsing manner. Data in the literature about this condition are scarce. We describe three patients suffering from relapsing myelitis in whom no association with systemic disease, i.e. infectious or connective tissue disease was found. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings were also distinctly different from multiple sclerosis and consistent with a necrotizing type of inflammation. Despite various treatment strategies, all patients became severely disabled. Relapsing ATM not related to systemic disease appears to be a specific entity which accounts for severe disability and currently lacks effective treatment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2005
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12. Psychoeducation in affect regulation for patients with eating disorders: a randomized controlled feasibility study
- Author
Maja Storch, Anja Spindler, Ferdinand Keller, Gabriella Milos, Julia Weber, University of Zurich, and Storch, M
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.medical_treatment ,education ,610 Medicine & health ,Affect regulation ,Treatment and control groups ,Feeding and Eating Disorders ,Alexithymia ,Patient Education as Topic ,medicine ,Psychoeducation ,Humans ,Autoregulation ,Affective Symptoms ,Psychiatry ,Psychiatric Status Rating Scales ,3203 Clinical Psychology ,Small sample ,General Medicine ,Feeding Behavior ,medicine.disease ,Psychotherapy ,Clinical Psychology ,Eating disorders ,Affect ,10057 Klinik für Konsiliarpsychiatrie und Psychosomatik ,Treatment Outcome ,Cognitive therapy ,Physical therapy ,Feasibility Studies ,Female ,Psychology - Abstract
This study examined the effects of a psychoeducational training program in affect regulation for patients with eating disorders. Nineteen female patients completed measures of affect regulation (ACS-90), alexithymia (TAS-26), and eating behavior (EDE-Q). Data were assessed at baseline and at 3 and 12 months posttreatment. Dependent on date of entering hospital, the patients were allocated consecutively to the control group (n =11), which received inpatient treatment as usual, or to the treatment group (n = 8), which received training in addition to usual inpatient treatment. At follow-up, the training was associated with statistically significant improvement in the skill of down-regulating negative affect and with a tendency towards less dietary restraint. Regarding alexithymia no clear results were found. Despite the small sample size, results showed that in addition to the general improvement due to the treatment usually provided in the clinical setting, the training program resulted in specific benefits for the patients with regard to their affect regulation skills.
- Published
- 2011
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