Objective: This study aimed to ascertain what should be considered in the "Guideline for Clinical Trials with Herbal Medicinal Products for Liver Cancer," by analyzing existing guidelines and clinical trials. Methods: Committee for the development of a guideline, consisting of 6 Korean medicine doctors, reviewed guidelines and clinical trials on using herbal medicine for treating liver cancer. The trials were analyzed in terms of inclusion and exclusion of participants, intervention, comparators, outcomes, and trial design. We then compared the results of our analysis with the guidelines to identify issues we must to consider when following the "Guideline for Clinical Trials with Herbal Medicinal Products for Liver Cancer." Several guidelines for antitumor agents and clinical trials on herbal medicine were obtained from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety homepage, etc. The search terms were as follows: "liver neoplasms"; "herbal medicine"; "medicine, Korean traditional"; and "medicine, Chinese Traditional.". Results: Ten articles were obtained from pubmed and Embase. There was no guideline for clinical trials on using herbal medicine for treating liver cancer. All the participants in the reviewed articles had primary liver cancer, and the type of intervention varied (e.g., decoction, patches, and capsules. The comparators included placebos and conventional treatments such as chemotherapy. The outcome assessment methods were tumor response, quality of life, survival, and liver function tests. Adverse events occuring during the trial were also evaluated. Conclusion: Findings were derived by reviewing existing guidelines and comparing them with clinical trials on liver cancer and herbal medicinal products. These results will be utilized in the development of the "Guideline for Clinical Trials with Herbal Medicinal Products for Liver Cancer."