Introduction: In Hungary vaccination against Hepatitis B is mandatory in 7th grade (age 12-13) and is given by the school doctor. In this pilot study, following the best practices for patient-centered communication, a program was organized when the school doctor met the classes prior to immunization for an interactive conversation. The aim of the program was to minimize the possible fears of the students about vaccination, to seek their assent to immunization, to get the adolescents involved in disease prevention, and to expand the protective effect of immunization by means of health education. Indirect aims were to facilitate responsible health behaviour and to improve vaccine adherence in the future. In association with the immunization against Hepatitis B, the program was focused on protecting the liver and health gen-erally. With the active participation of the students and a natural flow of questions several issues of health protection were reached. Method: To evaluate the success of the program described in the article, a question-naire was used. Results: Participation on the evaluation 8, 20 and 32 months after the program was 85%, 65% and 30% respectively, showing that it has reached the attention of the adolescents. On the question how the program influenced their attitude towards immunization, 63% of the answers indicated positive effect, 33% negated any change in attitude and 4 % had remaining questions or was still stressed about the immunization. Conclusion: At the mandatory vaccination of 7th graders against hepatitis B by the school doctor, the school setting provides efficient circumstances for interactive communication; vaccination against hepatitis B provides a unique starting point for health education. The pilot study has demonstrated that the program was able to raise the adolescents’ interest in topics of health protection with a lasting memory and that it could facilitate their assent to immunization. However, it has also proved that adolescents can be often stressed - and do have questions - about immunization and emphasises the need for programs to alleviate their stress and to answer their ques-tions. It might be an important factor to prevent vaccine hesitancy and improve vac-cine adherence in the future. Bevezetes: Magyarorszagon a Hepatitis B elleni vedőoltast iskolai kotelező kampanyoltas kereteben 7. osztalyos tanuloknak (12-13 eves kor) adjak az iskolaorvosok. Ebben a probakutatasban a paciens-kozpontu kommunikacio legjobb gyakorlatat kovetve olyan programot szerveztunk, melyen az iskolaorvos az oltas előtt egy interaktiv beszelgetesre talalkozott az osztallyal. A program celjai voltak, hogy minimalizalja a tanulok lehetseges felelmet az oltassal kapcsolatban, hogy megnyerje az ő tudatos bele-egyezesuket az oltashoz, hogy bevonja a fiatalokat a betegsegmegelőzesbe, es hogy kiterjessze az immunizacio vedő hatasat az egeszsegneveles modszere altal. Indirekt celok voltak, hogy elősegitse a felelős egeszseg-magatartast es javitsa a jovőbeni oltas-elfogadast. A Hepatitis B oltashoz kotődően a program fokusza a maj es altalaban az egeszseg vedelme volt. A diakok aktiv reszvetelevel es a kerdesek osszefuggő lancolataval a program az egeszsegvedelem szamos teruletet erintette. Modszer: A cikkben leirt program eredmenyessegenek vizsgalatara kerdőives felmerest hasznaltam. Eredmenyek: A kerdőives felmeresben valo reszvetel 8, 20 es 32 honappal a program utan 85%, 65% illetve 30% volt, ami azt mutatja, hogy sikerult felkelteni a diakok figyelmet. Arra a kerdesre, hogy hogyan befolyasolta a program az oltashoz valo hozzaallasukat, a valaszok 63%-ban pozitiv hatast mutattak, 33% tagadta, hogy valtozott volna a hozzaallasa, 4%-nak tovabbi kerdesei maradtak, vagy igy is stressznek eltek meg az oltast. Kovetkeztetesek: A 7. osztalyosok Hepatitis B elleni kampanyoltasa soran az iskola hatekony kornyezetet teremt az iskolaorvossal valo interaktiv kommunikaciora; a Hepatitis B elleni vedőoltas egyedulallo kiindulopontot nyujt az egeszsegneveleshez. A probakutatas bebizonyitotta, hogy a program felkeltette a diakok erdeklődeset az egeszsegmegőrzes temajaval kapcsolatban maradando emleket hagyva, es elősegitette a vedőoltashoz valo tudatos beleegyezesuket. Azt is igazolta azonban, hogy a serdulők sokszor stresszkent elik meg a vedőoltast es kerdeseik vannak ezzel kapcsolatban. Nyomatekositja tovabba olyan programok szuksegesseget, amelyek ezt a stresszt csokkentik, es a felmerulő kerdeseket megvalaszoljak. Utobbi fontos tenyező lehet a jovőbeni oltasellenesseg megelőzeseben es az oltasi hajlandosag javitasaban.