Tauziède-Espariat, A., Debily, M-A, Castel, D., Grill, J., Puget, S., Roux, A., Saffroy, R., Pagès, M., Gareton, A., Chrétien, F., Lechapt, E., Dangouloff-Ros, V., Boddaert, N., and Varlet, P.
Recent genomic and epigenomic analyses have pointed out the heterogeneity of tumors from a same histopathological group and have identified key oncogenic alterations that enabled the description of novel tumor entities. Thus, pediatric high-grade gliomas (HGG) comprise a heterogeneous group of tumors, including H3 K27M-mutant, H3 G34-mutant, I IDH- i mutant and H3/ I IDH i -wildtype HGG. Therefore, we analyzed clinical, histopathological and molecular data of pediatric supratentorial HGG-MYCN and compared them to their pontine counterparts [[9]] and did a systematic review of four groups of supratentorial pediatric HGG (including 62 H3 K27M-mutant gliomas, 31 H3-G34 mutant gliomas, 44 HGG-RTKI and 16 HGG-RTKII) [[1]-[8], [10]]. The mean/median overall survival (OS) was 16.4/16.5 months for HGG-MYCN, 12.0/11.5 months for HGG-RTKI, 13.9/12.0 months for supratentorial HGG-K27M and 17.6/15.0 months for HGG-G34 without significant differences in univariate analysis ( I p i = 0.109) (Fig. [Extracted from the article]