The present study was carried out for nutritional evaluation of different value added products viz. biscuits, cup cakes, laddu, chapaties and noodles prepared by using sorghum (CSV-9, HC-136), chickpea (HC-96-99) and wheat (WH-711) flours in different proportions. Chickpea is not merely a good source of lysine (deficient in cereals), but a good source of riboflavin, also generally deficient in predominantly cereal-based diets. Supplementation has improved the nutrient composition, sugars and mineral content of the products. The protein content increased in biscuits, chapattis, cup cakes and noodles. Calcium, copper, iron and zinc content increased in biscuits, chapattis, cup cakes and noodles. Supplemented products have acceptability as good as control product. Therefore, these value added products should be included in the diet of vulnerable groups in order to improve their nutritional status. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]