Palma-Ramos, Alejandro, Castrillón-Rivera, Laura E., Espinosa-Antúnez, Violeta Karen, Becerril-Parra, Diana Emma, Padilla-Desgarennes, María del Carmen, Vega-Memije, María Elisa, and Arenas-Guzmán, Roberto
Background: The mycetoma is a clinical inlammatory syndrome with sinus tracts draining a seropurulent exudates and affecting skin and subcutaneous tissue and bones. In Mexico, actinomycetomas are the most common in 97.9% and eumycetomas only in 2.1%. Nocardia has a high incidence with 86.5% of these etiological agents N. brasiliensis is the most important one, followed by Actinomadura madurae with 10%. Grains in actinomycetoma are composed of bacteria amalgamated by a polysaccharide and surrounded by polymorphonuclear which are producing enzymes in their pellets specific such as collagenase, alkaline phosphatase, lysozyme, and lactoferrin, the latter is important for its bacteriostatic, bactericide and immunomodulatory action. Objective: To demonstrate the presence of the enzyme lactoferrin in grains of patients with actinomycetomas in humans. Material and method: Eight biopsies of patients with diagnosis of actinomycetoma from Dermatological Center Dr. Ladislao de la Pascua and General Hospital Dr. Manuel Gea González were done. Two cuts were made by biopsy, one for H-E and the other for the marking of the lactoferrin enzyme. We used the commercial kit Cell and tissue staining kit goat kit HRP-AEC system (catalog no. CTS009) R&D systems, and the primary antibody that was used was the IgG polyclonal anti-human lactoferrin made in goat by Santa Cruz Biotechnology laboratories. Results: In general the actinomycetomas showed the presence of lactoferrin from activated neutrophil polymorphonuclear. In actinomycetomas by A. madurae, we found a 66.6% of high concentration of lactoferrin in the grain, and 33.3% of low concentration. To analyze the actinomicetomas produced by N. brasiliensis 60% of high concentration of lactoferrin in the grains, 20% of moderate concentration and 20% of low concentration. Lactoferrin is released within the actinomycetoma grain, on the way the cell inside them during the inlammatory process, releasing the contents of their granules side (or specific) directly to the environment, to try to eliminate and control the infection. Conclusion: Lactoferrin is present and attached in the grains of the actinomycetomas, with a high or signiicant concentration according to our assessment, suggesting that it exerts its bactericidal or bacterio-static action participating as one of the mechanisms of innate immune resistance in this pathology. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]