3 results on '"pedagogiska insatser"'
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2. Safer, happier, healthier and smarter : A mix method study on mental health in high school
- Author
Jonsson Berglund, Leonard
- Subjects
Secondary school students ,Pedagogy ,Gymnasieelever ,Pedagogik ,Psykisk hälsa ,Mental health ,Educational efforts ,Pedagogiska insatser - Abstract
Mot bakgrunden av att ungdomar mår psykiskt allt sämre som hindrar skolarbete och vardagsliv var studiens syfte att göra en triangulering mellan vad som står i skoldokument om insatser för att förebygga, främja och stärka elevers psykiska hälsa och hur elever upplever sin psykiska hälsa för att kunna förbättra insatserna utifrån elevernas erfarenheter. Urvalsgruppen var gymnasieelever i årskurs 2-3. Frågeställningarna gällde hur skolans pedagogiska insatser såg ut beträffande elevers psykiska hälsa och hur frekventa elevernas erfarenheter var av problemgrupperna psykosomatiska besvär, depressiva symptom, kränkningar, mobbning och diskriminering, identitetsproblem utifrån kroppsuppfattning samt problem med lärarsupport samt hur framstod förhållandet vid en jämförelse mellan resultaten. För att bättre kunna anpassa insatserna på ett meningsskapande sätt för elevernas psykiska hälsa utifrån eleverna, situation och kontext kan studien ge kunskaper om behovet av diskussion och kartläggning för bättre insikter om elevernas problem, känslor och behov av pedagogiska insatser för psykisk hälsa. Genom mix metod kombinerades kvalitativ innehållsanalys av text i skolans dokument med kvantitativ metod utifrån deskriptiv statistik grundad på elevernas enkätsvar om självupplevda problem. Resultaten visade att de pedagogiska insatserna var olika handlingar, förhållningssätt och rekommendationer. Erfarenheter fanns i samtliga problemgrupper med olika frekvens. Flickor var mer drabbade än pojkar. Majoriteten av eleverna upplevde stress, koncentrations- och sömnsvårigheter och många hade känt nedstämdhet samt igångsättningssvårigheter. Kränkningar, mobbning och diskriminering var begränsade och ingen kände sig diskriminerad på grund av handikapp eller sexuell läggning. Triangulering av resultaten i övriga problemgrupper kunde tyda på en diskrepans mellan de pedagogiska insatserna och elevernas erfarenheter. Slutsatsen var att jämförelsen tydde på en kunskapslucka rörande lärarsupport och behov av att beakta könsskillnader för rätta insatser samt att skolor behöver testa kunskapen om sina elevers olika problem för att få en helhetsbild som kan visa att resurserna används rätt efter elevernas behov och problemfrekvens. Studien har genererat teorin att en satsning på att öka förmågan till kommunikation och empati genom att höja mental och emotionell medvetenhet skulle förbättra möjligheterna till elevers psykiska hälsa för en långsiktig hållbar utveckling. With the background knowledge of the psychological deterioration of adolescents which hinder school work and everyday life was the study’s aim to make a triangulation between what is stated in the school document on measures to prevent, promote and strengthen the mental health of students and how students experience their mental health in order to improve the efforts based on students experiences. The study group was secondary school students in grades 2-3. The questions were about how the school's educational efforts directed towards student's mental health was demonstrated and how frequent the students experiences of psychosomatic disorders, depressive symptoms, violations, bullying and discrimination, identity problems based on body perception as well as problems with teacher support and how the relationship was perceived when comparing the results. In order to better adapt the efforts in a meaningful way to the mental health of students based on the students, situation and context could the study provide knowledge about the need for discussion and mapping for better insight into the students problems, feelings and needs for educational efforts for mental health. Through mix method was qualitative content analysis of text in the school's documents combined with quantitative method based on descriptive statistics from students questionnaire about self-perceived problems. The results showed that the educational efforts were different actions, practical approaches and recommendations. Experiences was found in all of the above mentioned problem groups at different frequencies. Girls were more affected than boys. The majority of the students experienced stress, concentration and sleep difficulties and many had low mood as well as startup difficulties. Violations, bullying and discrimination were limited and no one felt discriminated because of disability or sexual orientation. Triangulation of the results in other problem groups could indicate a discrepancy between the educational efforts and the students experiences. The conclusion was that the comparison indicated a knowledge gap, both regarding teacher support and the need to consider gender differences for correct educational efforts and that schools need to test their knowledge of their students different problems in order to get a holistic picture that can show that the resources are used correctly according to students needs and problem frequencies. The study has generated the theory that an effort to increase the capacity for communication and empathy by raising mental and emotional awareness would improve the prospects for students mental health for long-term sustainable development.
- Published
- 2018
3. Elever med ADHD i klassrummet : hur påverkas vi?
- Author
Andersson, Christoffer and Bergman, Lisa
- Subjects
pedagog ,Pedagogy ,Pedagogik ,ADHD ,överaktivitet ,impulskontroll ,pedagogiska insatser - Abstract
Today there are many students in schools with a wide variety of different behavioral disorders. Among these disorders you can find ADHD. We have selected to research how pedagogues respond to students with ADHD. The essay will address the issues concerning the pedagogues own knowledge about ADHD. This essay will problematize if pedagogues find their knowledge about ADHD sufficient enough to respond to students with ADHD and other students without diagnoses of one of the class equivalent manner. This essay will show different pedagogical methods which pedagogues use in classrooms to adapt their teaching to students who have ADHD in a proper way according to Lpo 94. In order to develop an understanding for this, we have chosen to do interviews which include five different teachers, in different schools in the same community in Sweden. As a result of our studies, we have concluded that teachers face a lot of different adversities regarding students with ADHD. Lpo 94 states that “every student is entitled to an equal education, an education that is tailored to student's abilities and skills”. This requires that teachers have the right skills and tools to adjust their pedagogue to fore fill this demand in the best possible way. Gillberg declares that one must take into consideration that every individual is different from the other. Our essay will show why this can be problematic for teachers, especially when they have students with ADHD-diagnosis in their classroom.
- Published
- 2010
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