Once has been completed the algorithmization that gives rise to the definitive passage of the disciplinary societies to the control societies, we are transiting post-control paths of a serial nature. We would like to see the manifestation of such a transit in the serial production of academic papers, in the context of the loss of expressive force and governance of platforms such as Law and Literature, and the emergence of new expressive government platforms such as Netflix or Spotify. We also try to offer alternatives for writing and government to those of the serial society, starting from the notion of "prose of thought" by Miguel Morey. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
abnt, pesquisa, metodologia da pesquisa, fichamento, paper, resenha, artigo, trabalhos acadêmicos, Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence, K1-7720
O texto tem por objeto os trabalhos em geral utilizados nas disciplinas de cursos e programas integrantes da educação superior. Seus principais objetivos são apresentar e explicar o fichamento, o paper, a resenha e o artigo, indicando suas principais espécies e também sua estrutura formal, bem como sistematizar as mais importantes normas da ABNT aplicáveis aos trabalhos acadêmicos.