Chronic ulcers are caused by the reduced blood supply and pressure in the body, causing an unbalanced blood flow and thus, hampering tissue healing. Among the physiotherapeutic resources for healing we can highlight LED therapy, with benefits in the three healing stages: inflammatory, proliferative and remodeling of injuries. Along with LED therapy, growth factors prevent or promote the genetic performance of target cells through proliferation, differentiation, migration and adherence. The topical use of these factors has demonstrated an advantage in healing. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of a physical therapy protocol using LED associated with topical growth factors in the treatment of venous ulcers. This is a multiple case study that included a sample of six participants, with one loss. Data were collected through careful anamnesis, photo documentation and visual analogue scale of pain with a ten-session protocol combining the LED with the topical growth factors. The results show that the combination of LED and the growth factor are favorable in the reduction and appearance of the wound, but the self-care of the participants with their injury directly affects the evolution of the condition. Therapy proved to be a promising therapeutic modality for the treatment of vascular ulcers with good results for analgesia, accelerated healing and reduced wound extension. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]