1. Physics of particle collisions at high energies: limits to phenomenology, Part 3
- Author
Sau, Goutam, Biswas, S.K., De, Bhaskar, Guptaroy, P., Bhattacharya, A., and Bhattacharyya, S.
- Subjects
Collisions (Physics) -- Analysis ,Physics ,Quotations ,Analysis ,Research - Abstract
In continuation of our series of works on the phenomenological studies on production of particles in various high-energy collisions, we attempt here to deal exclusively with some very crucial aspects of Au-Au collisions at RHIC-BNL. With emphasis on understanding the qualitative and quantitative properties of several important observables related to Au-Au interactions at RHIC, we have also endeavored to analyze and assess, if possible, the limits to the successes and failures of such absolutely phenomenological approaches. As all the models in the domain of high-energy physics are invariably and essentially phenomenological in nature, we have also tried to pinpoint the main and major constrictions of and constraints on these approaches-cum-models. By this yardstick, even the so-called Standard Model (SM), which is too greatly lauded and taken for granted ,cannot escape our critical remarks that are cast on the general framework of what is termed 'phenomenology', in the realm of physics in particular and of science in general. PACS Nos.: 25.75.-q, 13.60.Hb, 13.60.Le, 13.85.Ni Pour continuer notre serie d'articles qui etudient la production de particules dans differentes collisions de haute energie, nous nous penchons ici sur des aspects cruciaux des collisions Au-Au observees au RHIC-BNL. Insistant sur la comprehension des proprietes qualitatives et quantitatives de plusieurs observables relies aux interactions Au-Au au RHIC, nous nous sommes employes a analyser et a evaluer, si possible, les limites des succes et des echecs de telles approches totalement phenomenologiques. Comme tous les modeles en physique des hautes energies sont essentiellement phenomenologiques en nature, nous avons aussi essaye de circonscrire les contraintes et restrictions les plus importantes et centrales de ces approches et modeles. Selon ce point de vue, meme le celebre Modele Standard qui est loue au dela de toute proportion et pris comme acquis ne peut echapper a ce type de critique dans un cadre general des theories phenomenologiques en physique en particulier et en sciences en general. [Traduit par la Redaction], It's not what you don't know that gets you in trouble, it's what you think you know.--Mark Twain. 1. Introduction This study is set in the context of a controversy [...]
- Published
- 2009