Maser, Daniel L., Hoenig, Eli, Wang, B. -Y., Rupasinghe, P. M., Porsev, S. G., Safronova, M. S., and Majumder, P. K.
We have completed a measurement of the $(6s^26p^2)\, ^3\!P_0 \rightarrow \, ^3\!P_2$ 939 nm electric quadrupole ($E2$) transition amplitude in atomic lead. Using a Faraday rotation spectroscopy technique and a sensitive polarimeter, we have measured this very weak $E2$ transition for the first time, and determined its amplitude to be $\langle ^3\!P_2 || Q || ^3\!P_0 \rangle$ = 8.91(9) a.u.. We also present an ab initio theoretical calculation of this matrix element, which agrees with experiment at the 0.5\% level. We heat a quartz vapor cell containing $^{208}$Pb to between 800 and 940 $^{\circ}$C, apply a $\sim \! 10 \, {\rm G}$ longitudinal magnetic field, and use polarization modulation/lock-in detection to measure optical rotation amplitudes of order 1 mrad with noise near 1 $\mu$rad. We compare the Faraday rotation amplitude of the $E2$ transition to that of the $^3\!P_0 -\, ^3\!P_1$ 1279 nm magnetic dipole ($M1$) transition under identical sample conditions.