In addition to known ecdysteroids (2-deoxy-α-ecdysone and 2-deoxyecdysterone) fromSilene praemixta (Caryophyllaceae) we have isolated new ones — premixisterone and selenosterone (I), C27H42O7, mp 115–117°C (from MeOH), [α]D28 +86.9 ± 2° (c 0.92, MeOH), yield 0.003%. The acetylation of (I) with (CH3CO)2O in Py gave 22-acetyl-selenosterone (II), C29H44O6, mp 210–212°C (MeOH-C6H14), [α]D27 +45.5 ± 3° (c 0.16; MeOH). On the basis of physiocochemical and spectral characteristics it has been established that (I) has the structure of 14α,22R,25-trihydroxy-5β-cholest-7-ene-3,6-dione. The IR, PMR, and mass spectra of (I) and (II) are presented.