Ponera alisana Terayama, 1986 (Fig. 31: worker; Figs. 32, 33: dealate queen; Figs. 34, 35: male) Ponera alisana Terayama, 1986: 591 (w. q.). Type locality: Taiwan, Chiayi Hsien, Fenchihu. Yoshimura et al. 2009: 198 (w. q.). Type material examined: TAIWAN. Paratypes, 1 worker and 1 alate queen, Chiayi county, Fenchihu, ca. 1400 m alt., 3 III 1980, M Terayama leg (TARI), 1 worker and 1 alate queen, same collecting data (NIAES). Non-type material examined: TAIWAN. 3 workers, 6 alate queens and 1 male, Chiayi county, Fenchihu, ca. 1400 m alt., 8 X 1997, WH Tsai leg (NTU: CMPon046, CMPon047, CMPon048, CMPon049, CMPon050, CMPon051, CMPon052, CMPon053, CMPon054, CMPon055). Measurements (mm) and indices. Workers (n=4): HL 0.76���0.81; HW 0.62���0.65; SL 0.61���0.66; A06L 0.05; A07L 0.06; A08L 0.09; A09L 0.10; A10L 0.11; PrW 0.45���0.53; WL 1.05���1.16; PeH 0.45���0.49; PeNL 0.24���0.27; PeW 0.35���0.38; ATL 0.53���0.55; ATW 0.61���0.65; CI 78���83, SI 98���105, PeI 70���79, LPeI 51���60, DPeI 141���151, ATI 85���89. Queens (n=6): HL 0.82���0.84; HW 0.65���0.70; SL 0.64���72; A06L 0.06; A07L 0.07; A08L 0.09; A09L 0.10; A10L 0.12; PrW 0.60���0.65; WL 1.28���1.32; PeH 0.53���0.56; PeNL 0.25���0.29; PeW 0.42���0.43; ATL 0.62���0.64; ATW 0.72���79; CI 79���83, SI 103���106, PeI 66���72, LPeI 45���52, DPeI 146���171, ATI 81���87. Male (n=1): HL 0.62; HW 0.55; SL 0.06; PrW 0.77; WL 1.27; PeH 0.37; PeNL 0.20; PeW 0.30; ATL 0.62; ATW 0.60; CI 88, SI 11, PeI 39, LPeI 53, DPeI 151, ATI 104. Diagnosis (worker). This large species (HW: 0.58���0.65 mm) is characterized by a long antennal scape exceeding the posterior margin of the head; a clypeus with acute medial tooth; a subpetiolar process with large teeth; and a deeply incised metanotal groove. Ponera alisana presents similarities with P. nangonshan but can be distinguished from the latter by the long antennal scape, which exceeds the posterior margin of head and the presence of an acute medial tooth on the clypeus (blunt medial tooth in P. nangonshan). Description of worker. Head. In full-face view, head subrectangular and distinctly longer than broad (CI: 78���83), with concave posterior margin, convex lateral margins and strongly rounded posterolateral corners (Fig. 31C). Eye small; composed of a total of 3���4 indistinct facets. Anterior clypeal margin with strong and acute medial tooth. Masticatory margin of mandible with a series of about 15 indistinct denticles, and three large teeth on the apical part. Antennal scape, when laid backward, exceeding by about 10% of the scape length past the posterodorsal corner; average ratio of the length of antennomeres = 1.19: 1.93: 2.17: 2.26 (n=4). Mesosoma. Mesosomal dorsum in lateral view almost straight (Fig. 31A). Pronotum in dorsal view with acutely convex anterior margin, and broadly convex lateral margins (Fig. 31B). Metanotal groove in dorsal view and lateral view strongly and broadly incised. Lateral mesopleural suture in lateral view deeply incised. Propodeal dorsum in dorsal view broad with straight lateral margins, narrow anteriad. Posterodorsal corner of propodeum in lateral view angular, propodeal dorsum and declivity forming approximatively a 120 degree angle. Metasoma. Petiolar node in dorsal view thick and arched, with slightly convex anterior margin, almost straight posterior margin, and broadly convex lateral margins (Fig. 31B). Petiolar node in lateral view moderately thick and rectangular, with straight anterior and posterior margins, and slightly convex dorsum, posterodorsal corner higher than anterodorsal corner (Fig. 31A). Subpetiolar process with big and oval fenestra, anteroventral corner blunt, concave ventral margin, and posteroventral corner concave with a pair of developed teeth. Third abdominal tergum distinctly broader than long (ATI: 85���89), with straight anterior margin and slightly convex lateral margins. Sculpture. Head densely punctate. Mandible sparsely punctate. Pronotum and mesonotum evenly punctate. Mesopleuron and metapleuron weakly striate. Propodeal dorsum sparsely punctate. Propodeum in lateral view with weakly striate lower portion and evenly punctate upper portion. Propodeal declivity smooth with few punctures. Lateral and anterior faces of petiole evenly punctate, smooth posterior face, dorsum with few punctures. The third and fourth abdominal segments evenly punctate, other segments smooth and shining with few punctures. Pubescence. Head, antennae, mesosoma, petiole, and gaster with evenly distributed short hairs; mesopleuron, metapleuron, propodeum and lateral face of petiole with scattered short hairs. Dorsal and ventral faces of head, anterior margin of clypeus, sides of mandibles, dorsum of petiolar node and gaster with many long erect hairs. Subpetiolar process with a few long erect hairs. Color. Body color reddish brown. Mandible, clypeus, antennae, legs, and apex of gaster lighter. Description of queen. Head. (Fig. 32C) Similar to worker caste, but with large and oval eye, maximum diameter of each eye about 0.20 mm with 11 ommatidia along the maximum diameter. Three ocelli present, and forming an equilateral triangle. Antennal scape similar to worker; average ratio of the length of antennomeres = 1.20: 1.54: 1.82: 2.07 (n=6). Mesosoma. Mesosomal dorsum in lateral view broadly convex (Fig. 32A). Pronotum in dorsal view with acutely convex anterior margin and broadly convex lateral margins (Fig. 32B). Scutum subtrapezoidal and narrow posteriad, with moderately convex anterior margin and straight posterior margin. Transcutal suture distinct. Scutellum oval. Anapleural sulcus distinctly incised. Propodeal-metapleural suture indistinct. Propodeal dorsum in dorsal view broad with straight lateral margins. Propodeal corner in lateral view angular; propodeal dorsum and declivity forming approximatively 115 degree angle. Metasoma. Petiolar node in dorsal view thin and broader than long, with broadly convex anterior margin and slightly convex posterior margin (Fig. 32B). Petiolar node in lateral view thin and trapezoidal, with straight anterior and posterior margins; posterodorsal corner higher than anterodorsal corner (Fig. 32A). Subpetiolar process with big and oval fenestra, anteroventral corner blunt, distinctly concave ventral margin, and posteroventral corner concave with a pair of developed teeth. The third abdominal segment similar to worker caste (ATI: 81���87). Sculpture. Similar to worker caste; except metapleuron and lateral propodeum with increased puncture and striation. Pubescence. Similar to worker caste; except metapleuron and lateral propodeum with increased short decumbent hairs. Wing. Forewing (Fig. 33A): Rsf1 and Mf1 forming a blunt angle; Rsf1 long, Mf1 distinctly straight. Mf2 long and straight, Rs+M juncture Mf2 with distad 1m-cu, cell dc1 subrectangular. 2rs-m juncture with Rsf4 distad 2r-rs; Rsf4 and Rsf2���3 with triangular gap. Mf1 diverging from M+Cu distad cu-a. Cell smc2 distinctly shorter than cell mc1. Hindwing (Fig. 33B): A vein reaching wing outer margin, but Rsf, Cuf, Mf almost reaching outer margin. Color. Similar to worker caste. Description of male. Head. In full-face view, head circular and longer than broad (CI: 88), excluding eye (Fig. 34C). Three ocelli present, and forming an equilateral triangle. Compound eye in lateral view big and oval, with convex anterior margin and straight posterior margin, the maximum diameter of each eye about 0.28 mm with 20 ommatidia along the maximum diameter. Labrum suboval, with convex anterior margin, and as long as the mandible. Palpal formula 4, 2; third maxillary palpomere slightly shorter than fourth maxillary palpomere; second labial palpomere broader than first labial palpomere, and 1/3 times as long as first labial palpomere. Mandible subtriangular with convex medial margin and straight lateral margins, masticatory margin edentate with sharp apex. A total of 13 antennal segments, scape short; the average ratio of the length of antennomeres approximately 1 st to 13 th = 1.0: 1.3: 4.1: 3.4: 3.9: 3.7: 3.7: 3.7: 4.2: 3.6: 3.6: 3.6: 5.9 from base (n=1). Mesosoma. Mesosomal dorsum in lateral view uneven, with sub-right anterior corner (Fig. 34A). Scutum in dorsal view well-developed and large, with broadly convex anterior margin, slightly convex lateral and posterior margins (Fig. 34B). Scutum in lateral view broadly convex. Transcutal suture distinct and broad. Scutellum subcircular. Anapleural sulcus distinctly and clearly incised. Propodeal-metapleural suture weakly incised. Propodeal dorsum in dorsal view broad. Propodeal corner in lateral view angular; propodeal dorsum and declivity forming approximatively a 130 degree angle. Each fore, middle and hind leg bearing one pectinate tibial spur. Metasoma. Petiolar node in dorsal view thin, and broader than long. Petiolar node in lateral view look subtriangular (broken), with straight and sloping anterior and posterior margins (Fig. 34A). Subpetiolar process subtriangular without fenestra. Third abdominal tergum arched (ATI: 64), and third abdominal sternum prior with a small spine. Helcium broad and crossribbed. Pygidium triangular, apex forming a median spine. Hypopygium subtriangular. Sculpture. Head sparely punctate. Pronotum in dorsal view with abundance short striae forming two striped lines, with longitudinal striate on their posterior portion. Posterior portion of scutum with longitudinal striae. Anepisternum evenly punctate. Katepisternum and mesopleuron with scattered striae. Posterodorsal portion of propodeum evenly punctate. Propodeal declivity smooth with few punctures. Dorsal face of petiole smooth evenly punctate, smooth posterior face. The third and fourth abdominal segments with sparsely punctate, other segments smooth and shining with few punctures. Pubescence. Body with evenly distributed short hairs. Dorsal and ventral faces of head, anterior margin of clypeus, sides of mandibles, dorsum of petiolar node and gaster with many long erect hairs. Subpetiolar process with a few long erect hairs. Wing. Similar to gyne caste, except for Cu1f1 slightly convex in forewing (Figs. 33, 35). Color. Body color reddish brown; mandible, antennae, legs, and apex of gaster lighter. Distribution. Japan (Yakushima Island), Taiwan (Chiyai county: Fenchihu)., Published as part of Leong, Chi-Man, Gu��nard, Benoit, Shiao, Shiuh-Feng & Lin, Chung-Chi, 2019, Taxonomic revision of the genus Ponera Latreille, 1804 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Taiwan and Japan, with a key to East Asian species, pp. 1-86 in Zootaxa 4594 (1) on pages 21-27, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4594.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/2667081, {"references":["Terayama, M. (1986) Two new ants of the genus Ponera (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Taiwan. Kontyu, 54, 591 - 595.","Yoshimura, M., Hosoishi, S., Kuboki, Y., Onoyama, K. & Ogata, K. (2009) New synonym and new Japanese record of the ant genus Ponera (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomological Science, 12, 194 - 201. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1479 - 8298.2009.00325. x"]}