Magistrsko besedilo opredeljuje in povzema proces lastne umetniške produkcije v obdobju zadnjih treh let, ki je potekalo v času študija druge stopnje. Osnovna forma se drži kronološkega zaporedja izbranih del in projektov, znotraj katerih izvedem podrobnejšo raziskavo konceptualnih izhodišč ter vsebinskih sklopov. Posledično se besedilo v prvem delu osredotoča na slikarsko produkcijo ter raziskavo prvih zastavkov koncepta del »na prelomu«. Serijo slikarskih del analiziram in primerjalno definiram preko referenčnega opusa nemške sodobne slikarke Charline von Heyl ter koncepta slabega slikarstva. Abstraktna dela z vizualnim izhodiščem v arhitekturnih in lokacijsko specifičnih dražljajih določenega okolja vodijo k prostorsko bazirani umetnosti. V drugem delu besedila se fokus prevesi v medij instalacije ter novih medijev (video, interaktivna umetnost), kjer se osredotočim predvsem na razumevanje fenomenov, povezanih z odnosom med človekom in okoljem: gibanje, spomin, zgodovina, čas in časovnost. Gre torej za razumevanje koncepta prostor-čas kot nerazločljivega področja človeške akcije. V tem delu se srečamo z glavnimi misleci tega področja (med njimi Henry Bergson, Martin Heidegger, Gilles Deleuze, Edmund Husserl), fizikom Albertom Einsteinom ter referenčnimi umetniki, med njimi: Marcel Duchamp, Olafur Eliasson, Dan Graham in drugi. In my master’s thesis, I conduct the basic analysis of my artistic process and production which emerged during the last three years of my master’s study. The basic form of the following text is chronologically following my own projects through which I develop conceptual analysis, as well as include the main referential material as an extension to my own contextual research. Therefore, the text coherently follows the dialogue between theoretical and practical. It is roughly divided into two sections. With the initial chapters of each section, I present the base of inspirations within the philosophical and art historical references which are followed by the specific analysis of my own art practice. The first part is focused on my painting practice which is also the foundation of the conceptual field evident throughout the entire thesis. Abstract painting series is a basic starting point in terms of “breaking point” or “in-between” concept which I develop through contextualizing the oeuvre of German contemporary artist Charline von Heyl and the concept of Bad painting in the 20th century. The transition in the space-based art is manifested with the turn to sculpture and installation intertwined with new media (video and interactive art) in my practice. The second part, therefore, is focused mainly on the phenomena related to the relation between a subject and space. Here, I focus on the basic concepts of motion (as the basic interaction between being and space), memory and history, and time and temporality and its perception. The main topic of interest is the space-time as a platform of human action and perception through which understanding of the world emerges. In this research, I include the basic theories of well-known philosophers (i.e. Henry Bergson, Martin Heidegger, Gilles Deleuze, and Edmund Husserl), a physicist Albert Einstein, and several artists, among others Marcel Duchamp, Olafur Eliasson, and Dan Graham.