Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease of the basal ganglia primarily involving the degeneration of dopamine neurons. Studies have shown that a number of disease processes including neuroinflammation, the clustering and aggregation of the protein -synuclein, as well as the dysfunction of certain organelles such as the mitochondria combine to cause the death of mainly dopaminergic neurons (Bloem et al., 2021) resulting in the classic symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. There are multiple symptoms of PD and symptoms can be motor or cognitive in nature. Studies have linked dopaminergic neuron death with motor symptoms including bradykinesia, tremor and muscle rigidity (Grosch et al., 2016; Maiti et al., 2017; Surmeier, 2018). Bradykinesia refers to slowed movements, tremor refers to shaking and muscle rigidity refers to the stiffness of muscles (Beradelli et al., 2001; del Rosario Ferreira-Sánchez et al., 2020; Heusinkveld, et al., 2018). In addition to this, a body of evidence has also linked dopamine neuron degeneration in the context of PD to non-motor symptoms such as cognitive impairment (Bloem et al., 2021; Decourt et al., 2021; Wu et al., 2017). Recent reports suggest that in addition to motor and cognitive difficulties people with Parkinson's (PwP) may experience socio-cognitive challenges (Eddy & Cook, 2018). Social cognition difficulties in PD can manifest in a wide range of ways from differences with the ability to recognise the thoughts and feelings of other people to challenges with face perception (Foley et al., 2019; Ricciardi et al., 2017). Over the last 60 years, there has been increasing interest in the recognition of emotions from facial expressions (Bidet-Ildei et al., 2020; Melzer et al., 2019; Tarnowski et al., 2017). Studies show that difficulties with recognising others’ emotions can have a significant and negative impact on PwP’s social relationships, and ultimately on their quality of life (Coundouris et al., 2022; Prenger et al., 2020). PD is diagnosed on the basis of motor symptoms. Currently there are a number of rating scales that can assess what stage of PD an individual is in (Goetz et al., 2008; Hoehn and Yahr, 1967). One of these scales is designed by the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (MDS). These diagnostic criteria can be referred to as the MDS-Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) (Goetz et al., 2008; Skorvanek et al., 2015). To be diagnosed with PD, bradykinesia must be present as well as rest tremor and/or muscle rigidity (Marsili et al., 2018). Although motor symptoms are crucial for a diagnosis of PD, non-motor symptoms have also been added into the diagnostic criteria, as there is more awareness surrounding the presence of non-motor symptoms in PD, and how debilitating these can be (Goetz et al., 2008). Non-motor symptoms may include emotion recognition difficulties. The literature suggests that the recognition of negative emotions such as anger and sadness is more difficult for PwP than positive emotions such as happiness. Nevertheless, findings supporting selective difficulties with the recognition of negative emotions in PD are mixed. A review by Argaud et al., collated evidence from 59 papers and made 97 comparisons between typical controls and PwP to surmise whether facial emotion recognition difficulties were seen in PwP, and assessed whether there was evidence of a specific difficulty in each of the six basic emotions. Argaud and colleagues found that the percentage of confirmed difficulties for negative emotions such as anger (44%) and sadness (51%) appear to be higher than the percentage of confirmed deficits for positive emotions such as happiness (27%) and surprise (30%). These percentages refer to the percentage of experiments reviewed that found a facial emotion recognition difficulty in PwP. In line with this, many papers argue that the recognition of angry expressions is particularly impaired in PwP (Clark et al., 2008, Lawrence et al., 2007; Lin et al., 2016, Mioni et al., 2015,). For example, in a study by Lawrence et al., they showed photographs of 10 models displaying six facial expressions (anger, disgust, fear, sadness, happiness and surprise) to 38 participants (17 PwP) and asked them to choose which label (anger, disgust, fear, sadness, happiness and surprise) best related to the photograph they saw displayed. They found that the identification of an angry expression was particularly difficult for PwP who had been temporarily withdrawn from their dopaminergic medication. Thus, illustrating that the recognition of angry expressions was significantly reduced in PwP relative to all other emotions. Surprise and disgust are more controversial, with different papers stating conflicting findings (Clark et al., 2008, Sprengelmeyer et al., 2003). One issue for this field is that studies have typically over-relied on static stimuli (Clark et al.,2008; Lawrence et al., 2007; Lin et al., 2016; Mioni et al., 2015; Sprengelmeyer et al., 2003; Waldthaler et al., 2019). Recent work from our lab has shown that the accurate labelling of others’ facial emotional expression depends on processing both spatial and temporal cues (Sowden et al., 2021). Spatial cues are based on positioning and location of features and temporal cues refer to timing. In addition to this, temporal information has also been found to be important in emotion recognition (Delis et al., 2016). One paper demonstrated that not only are particular movements of the features of the face important, but also the temporal order of these movements (Jack, Garrod and Schyns, 2014). Sowden et al., using point light display stimuli (white dots on a black background in the spatial configuration of the human face), manipulated spatial extent of facial expressions (meaning they changed the coordinates/positioning of the features of the face). This created the impression of spatially reduced and spatially exaggerated facial expressions. They also manipulated the speed of the point light displays of faces that depicted angry, sad and happy emotions. They then investigated if manipulating the speed and spatial extent affected how participants ‘rated’ these emotions on visual analogue scales. They found that increasing the speed of facial expressions increases ratings for happy and angry facial expressions, whereas slowing down the speed of facial expressions inclines people to choose a sad rating (Sowden et al., 2021). Thus, illustrating that in addition to static cues, dynamic cues (such as speed) causally impact on emotion recognition. One study using dynamic stimuli found no significant differences between general controls and PwP in terms of the recognition of the six basic emotions. In this study, which is one of the only so-called dynamic expression recognition in PwP, Coundouris and colleagues used one second videos which began with a neutral stare before progressing into either a high intensity emotion, a low intensity emotion or staying neutral. Following this, participants had to select which emotion each video represented when given a choice between neutral, one of the basic emotions (happiness, surprise, fear, sadness, anger and disgust) or a ‘self-conscious’ emotion (contempt, embarrassment and pride). In contrast to other studies however, they found no significant difference between PwP and general controls in recognising any of the six basic emotions (Coundouris et al., 2022). Dopamine has been implicated in the recognition of facial expressions. In one paper by Sprengelmeyer et al., they found that deficits in facial expression recognition were more pronounced in unmedicated, compared to medicated, PwP. In this study participants were asked to label static facial expression stimuli presented on a computer screen. An Emotion Hexagon was used, which consisted of a series of morphed images. The images were made by ‘blending’ two emotions together in various proportions: 90:10, 70:30, 50:50, 30:70 and 10:90. For example, 90:10 could represent 90% happy and 10% sad (Sprengelmeyer, 1996). The images of the facial expressions were adapted from Ekman and Friesan (1976) and were ordered as follows: happiness – surprise – fear – sadness – disgust – anger (Sprengelmeyer et al., 2003). This order was selected because it groups emotions together which are likely to be confused with one another. It is called an Emotion Hexagon because each of the six emotions, which are grouped in an order as described above, are joined together like a hexagon. These morphed images were individually presented, and participants had to label these images using one of the six basic emotions they thought it represented best. Facial expression recognition for disgust and anger in unmedicated PwP was significantly different from medicated PwP. In a separate study 38 participants were asked to label 60, randomly presented static facial expression stimuli (from Ekman and Friesen, 1976) using one of the six basic emotions they thought it represented best (Lawrence et al., 2007). Lawrence and colleagues found that when PwP were withdrawn from dopamine replacement therapy, the recognition of anger was significantly lower than age-matched controls (Lawrence et al., 2007). These two studies together suggest that dopamine plays a role in the recognition of facial expressions. One point that must be noted is that although we see differences in emotion recognition in PwP, it does not necessarily mean that these differences are due to dopaminergic signalling changes. Currently, there are no mechanisms that explain how dopaminergic signalling changes may influence emotional perception. One recent paper by Schuster and colleagues speculated whether dopamine may affect emotion recognition by influencing temporal perception (Schuster et al., 2022). Therefore, the first study is going to investigate the role of spatial and temporal cues in emotion recognition when PwP are both on and off their dopaminergic medications. To summarise: previous work suggests that PwP experience difficulties with accurately recognising facial expressions of emotion. Preliminary evidence, wherein emotion recognition has been assessed ON versus OFF dopaminergic medication (Lawrence et al., 2007; Sprengelmeyer et al., 2003), suggests that such difficulties may be directly associated with dopaminergic signalling. A second line of work also suggests that such difficulties may be particularly pronounced for negative, as opposed to positive, emotions. To date, however, this literature has largely relied upon static expression stimuli and therefore there is little evidence suggesting that emotion recognition also typically relies upon the processing of dynamic cues, such as movement kinematics (Sowden et al., 2021). To give a brief overview: this study will use a well-validated emotion recognition task (Keating et al., 2021; Sowden et al., 2021). This is the Point Light Faces task which we will run in PwP who are ON and OFF their dopaminergic medication. This will help us to answer important questions such as: what is the role of dopamine in expression recognition? We will also look at positive and negative emotions to further validate whether it is really the case that it is just the negative emotions that are a problem, even when we use dynamic stimuli since this has predominantly been validated in static images (Waldthaler et al., 2019; Lin et al., 2016; Mioni et al., 2015; Clark et al.,2008; Lawrence et al., 2007; Sprengelmeyer et al., 2003). Within this task, we will manipulate speed and spatial extent to investigate which one of those are really feeding into the difficulties seen in PwP. We have a working hypothesis that speed will be especially affected because speed and timing are known to be affected in PwP.