31 results on '"strukturální fondy"'
Search Results
2. Funding options for cultural events and institutions in the town of Písek
- Author
- Subjects
regionální politika ,možnosti financování ,Structural Funds ,Strukturální fondy ,rozpočet ,cultural institutions ,cultural events ,budget ,kulturní instituce ,regional development ,funding options ,kulturní akce ,regional policy ,regionální rozvoj - Abstract
The thesis aims to analyze the current stage of the funding options for cultural events in the town of Písek. The theoretical part comprises basic information on the Structural funds, the budget of the European Union and the budget of Czech Republic. This part features basic concepts of structural policy, regional policy and regional development, analysis of program documents and funding options of cultural events and institutions. The practical part of the bachelor thesis focuses on assessing and describing the current stage of the funding options for cultural events in this town. The last part describes three cultural institutions in terms of drawing funds from the European Union, the state and private resources. It also contains some options for the development and innovation of these three cultural institutions.
- Published
- 2016
3. Analysis of the programming period 2007 - 2013 in V4 countries
- Author
- Subjects
regionální politika ,program period ,strukturální fondy ,structural funds ,alokace ,Visegradská skupina (čtyřka) ,allocation ,programovací období ,operational programmes ,regional development ,projects ,operační programy ,Visegrad group ,projekty ,regional policy ,regionální rozvoj - Abstract
The subject of this thesis is to analyse the disbursement of funds the European Union on the territory of Visegrad countries within the programming period 2007 2013. Primarily the work deals how much was been reached from expected financial allocation resources and the resulting drawdown of funds divided into areas in which the finance income in countries and whether there really to fulfilled the commitments made by the country in the operational programs at the beginning of the programming period 2007 2013.
- Published
- 2015
4. The use of EU funds in a certain region
- Author
Čikl, Martin, Breňová, Lubomíra, and Makovský, Petr
- Subjects
Regional policy ,Regionální politika ,Funding ,Structural funds ,Dotace ,Monínec ,Operational programs ,Operační programy ,Strukturální fondy - Abstract
European structural funds, which for the programming period 2014 -- 2020 are so called "the European Structural and Investment funds (ESI funds) are the main instrument for implementing the policy of economic and social cohesion (ESC) of the European Union. The main purpose of these funds is to reduce economic and social disparities between EU Member states and their regions. The aim of this work is to assess the influence and impact of EU funds in the development of a particular region in the country, especially in the field of tourism. This bachelor thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical part focuses on regional policy (also the economic and social cohesion) of the European Union and the Czech Republic. It also discusses the issue of ESI funds in detail and focuses on each fund individually. This section is followed by describing the situation in the use of structural funds in the Czech Republic during the programming period 2007 - 2013. Finally, the thesis also mentions the current programming period 2014 - 2020, the basic programming documents such as the Agreement on Partnership and new operational programs. The practical part is devoted to the analysis of a specific project in the field of tourism in Central Bohemia. Conclusion contains the evaluation of the impact of European funds in a specific region and presents a summary of the pros and cons of their use.
- Published
- 2014
5. Analysis of Příbram's activities in the field of efficient use of EU funds
- Author
PROKŠOVÁ, Veronika
- Subjects
regional policy ,strategický plán obce ,strukturální fondy ,Evropská unie ,municipality ,strategic plan of the municipality ,rozvoj obce ,municipality development ,structural policy ,obec - Abstract
The aim of my thesis was to describe and analyze the current state of the city of Příbram in terms of the efficient use of the European, state and regional funding and suggest new solutions for the city development.
- Published
- 2013
6. Are subsidies really needed?: the case Of EU regional policy in the Czech and Slovak republics
- Author
Šipikal, Miroslav, Pisár, Peter, and Labudová, Viera
- Subjects
regional government ,regional competitiveness ,public support programmes ,deadweight effect ,efekt mrtvé váhy ,regionální politika ,strukturální fondy ,regionální vedení ,programy veřejné podpory ,structural funds ,regionální konkurenceschopnost ,regional policy - Abstract
Regional policy is one of the most important EU policies. Large amounts of resources used for support programmes automatically put forward the question of their effectiveness and efficiency. These aspects can be examined both from macro and micro perspectives. In this article we focus on one aspect of inefficiency – "deadweight". This effect occurs if public subsidy is spent on activities that would have happened even without these resources. We examine the effect on selected projects for small and medium-sized enterprises in the Czech and Slovak Republics. The article consists of four parts. First we discuss theoretical background for using the subsidies as development tool. Then we look more closely on the definition of deadweight effect and previous studies analyzing it. In the methodology part we discuss different approaches how to measure this effect and introduce methodology in our research. We also discuss potential problems with interpretation of the results and in the final part we present the results of our research and some policy implications. We found out that the deadweight effect is quite substantial and represents more than 35 % of public subsidies. The project characteristics itself (type of project, amount of budget) has the highest significance for the deadweight effect. The deadweight effect is higher for investments projects compared to the support of education or employment. The probability of the deadweight effect is also decreasing with the total amount of subsidies.
- Published
- 2013
7. Southern Europe and regional policy
- Author
Brožová, Jana, Bič, Josef, and Tunkrová, Věra
- Subjects
regional policy ,regionální politika ,comparative analysis ,strukturální fondy ,structural funds ,jižní Evropa ,Southern Europe ,efektivita ,politiky EU ,hospodářská a sociální soudržnost ,komparace ,effectiveness ,EU policy ,economic and social cohesion - Abstract
The aim of the diploma thesis is to analyse European policy of economic and social cohesion in the southern states of the European Union. The import of regional policy consists in the strengthening of cohesion through the diminution of existing differences in socioeconomic level between EU member states and theirs regions. Significantly high budget item assigned to the regional policy on the European level affirms its importance. States of the southern Europe (Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece) gained long-standing experience in the implementation of the cohesion policy, therefore they are suitable for the evaluation of the effectiveness. The thesis seeks to deliver potential recommendations for the effectiveness improvement on the national as well as on the European level.
- Published
- 2012
8. Possibilities of utilisation of financing from European Union funds by chosen municipality
- Author
NETRDOVÁ, Michaela
- Subjects
regionální politika ,regional policy ,The municipality ,strukturální fondy ,structural funds ,region ,the municipality Ocmanice ,operational programmes ,operační programy ,obec Ocmanice ,Obec - Abstract
In his thesis, I am focusing on the possibility of withdrawals of funds from European Union funds for the municipality Ocmanice. The whole work is divided into 2 parts, theoretical and practical. In the first part are listed mainly theoretical knowledges concerning the municipalities, the regions, regional policy and subsidies. Practical part focuses on the characteristics of the selected municipality Ocmanice, SWOT analysis, using the implementation are defined by the development potential of the municipality, also describes the individual operational programmes from which the municipality would be able to draw on the financial support of Ocmanice and listed specific examples of their use. At the conclusion of the work on the project is designed for the construction of sewerage and wastewater TREATMENT PLANT financed by the rural development programme. The whole work can merge as a methodological manual for drawing subsidies for municipalities to 500 inhabitants.
- Published
- 2012
9. The imaportance of support from European Structural Funds to the development of the town Rožmitál pod Třemšínem
- Author
- Subjects
regionální politika ,Regional policy ,strukturální fondy ,structural funds ,operational programs ,municipality ,city Rožmitál pod Třemšínem ,operační program ,Regionální rozvoj ,regional development ,město Rožmitál pod Třemšínem ,obec - Abstract
This thesis deals with subsidy received city Rožmitál pod Třemšínem, as a territorial authority unit. The work consists of two parts. First theoretical part is composed of individual chapters that help to create complex ideas about the problems regional policy of the European Union and the Czech Republic, the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, municipalities and their economic relationship. The second part is in the beginning created the profile of the city Rožmitál pod Třemšínem. Other chapters have dealt with the practical part of the subsidy policy city Rožmitál pod Třemšínem and description of financial stimuli for the area. It is designed to work in a project that seeks to improve the quality of life in rural areas and increasing the level of public services of the city.
- Published
- 2012
10. The Future of the Structural Funds
- Author
Hokešová, Kateřina, Černá, Iveta, and Čajka, Radek
- Subjects
regional policy ,regionální politika ,strukturální fondy ,structural funds ,Evropská unie ,EU cohesion policy ,kohezní politika EU ,European Union - Abstract
The diploma thesis deals with the new form of the upcoming programming period of the EU cohesion policy which will cover the time interval of 2014-2020. The first part of the thesis focuses on the concept of regional policy as a general theoretical background then it shifts to a description of the EU Common regional policy and its functioning. The next part deals with the evaluation of the economic impacts of the realization of this policy on the EU member states. Consequently, the last two parts clarify the new form of the EU cohesion policy 2014-2020 programming period, firstly from the EU point of view, secondly also from the perspective of the Czech Republic as one of the member states. In the Conclusion the thesis evaluates all possible impacts of the proposed legislative changes for the next programming period.
- Published
- 2011
11. European structural funds and their potential gain for establishment of a bussiness
- Author
Tlachová, Veronika, Abrhám, Josef, and Němcová, Ingeborg
- Subjects
Principles of Regional policy ,Strukturální fondy ,Nástroje regionální politiky ,History of Regional policy ,Community Strategic Guidelines on Cohesion ,Národní strategický referenční rámec ,Historie regionální politiky ,Regionální politika ,OP Podnikání a inovace ,Operational programme ,Podnikatelský plán ,Principy regionální politiky ,Business Plan ,Regional policy ,Objectives of Regional policy ,Regional policy instruments ,Structural Funds ,OP Enterprises and Innovations ,Strategické obecné zásady Společenství ,Cíle regionální politiky ,Operační program ,National Strategic Reference Framework - Abstract
Master thesis analyses current state of European Union's Regional policy. Part of research is represented by historic overview and characteristic of basic principles, instruments and defined objectives. For futher purpose of thesis, the attention is focused on czech business environment, national programme documents and Operational programme Enterprises and Inovations, which was chosen as the the most convenient. Practical part is represented by business plan San Gimignano, which could possibly apply for european resources. The output of this master thesis is analysis of potentional abovementioned gain and factors of possible success.
- Published
- 2011
12. Structural policy in the Czech Republic - possibilities and limits of multi-level governance concept
- Author
Nigová, Eva, Polášek, Martin, and Jireš, Jan
- Subjects
strukturální politika ,regionální politika ,strukturální fondy ,structural funds ,multi-level governance ,víceúrovňové vládnutí ,structural policy ,regional policy - Abstract
This thesis is a case study which in the theoretical part deals with the concept of multi-level governance and its usefulness for study of the structural policy in the Czech Republic In the empirical part the basic postulates of this approach are applied to the functioning of the structural policy in the CR and subsequently reviewed. The projects funded by EU structural funds are used for the empirical review. On these examples it is examined, if and to what extent and in what way it is possible to consider the multi-level governance's concept basic postulates valid. According to set criteria and subsequent evaluation of completed projects, this concept to the operation of the structural policy in the CR does not endorse. Key words: multi-level governance, structural policy, regional policy, structural funds
- Published
- 2011
13. Structural funds EU with the focus on the Vysočina region
- Author
Bártová, Adéla, Abrhám, Josef, and Tunkrová, Věra
- Subjects
regional policy ,regionální politika ,strukturální fondy ,structural funds ,operation program ,operační program - Abstract
The diploma thesis is dealing with the reginal policy in European union in the first part, the second part is focused on the regional policy in Czech republic, the third part is dealing with the structural funds in the Vysočina region and the last part of the diploma thesis is presenting a concrete project which was realised within the Vysočina region with the structural funds help.
- Published
- 2011
14. Spain: territorial differentiation and regional policy
- Author
Nowaková, Zuzana, Abrhám, Josef, and Jelínek, Tomáš
- Subjects
regional policy ,regionální politika ,strukturální fondy ,structural funds ,Španělsko ,komparativní profil ,comparative profile ,regionální diferenciace ,regional differentiation ,Spain - Abstract
This thesis examines the regional differentiation of Spain and the regional politics in the context of Spanish economic situation within the EU. The first chapter looks at Spain as an EU member, focusing on its profile from the perspective of economic level and growth. Included comparative analysis of the Spanish economy emphasizes the nominal and real convergence with the Eurozone based on the most influential variables. The second chapter deals with the causes and development of the Spanish regional disparity, highlighting various economic sector specializations of distinct regions, impacting employment and productivity. This chapter also touches the topic of social and information inequality. The third and final chapter is dedicated to structural and cohesive policies of Spain during the past program periods as well as the current financial perspective of 2007-2013, focusing on the tools of the EU providing regional aid. Spain within the process of fund redistribution, existing successful results as well as concrete impact on Andalucia's regional economy are also described.
- Published
- 2011
15. Use of the EAFRD in the development of rural areas
- Author
- Subjects
regionální politika ,Regional Policy ,EAFRD ,strukturální fondy ,Rural areas ,Programming period 2007 - 2013 ,SWOT analýza ,Venkovský prostor ,programovací období 2007 - 2013 ,SWOT analysis ,Structural Funds - Abstract
The master thesis deals with a question of rural development funding in the Czech Republic. It acquaints the reader with Regional Policy and Structural Funds of the European Union and with the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) It also describes area grants and forms of subsidy granted from the EAFRD in the 2007 ? 2013 programming period. There is also a description of conditions for obtaining subsidies within the framework of the Rural Development Programme in the rural areas of the Czech Republic. The aim of this study is to evaluate utilization of the EAFRD in a selected locality. The main research area is the village of Plav, which is defined and shortly described in the text. In case of this village the SWOT analysis was carried out as well as evaluated. The written materials from the Plav´s municipal office and the transcript of a tape-recorded semi-structured interview with a representative of Plav were used for evaluation of the EAFRD utilization. Another part of the study is focused on comparison of the use of the EAFRD with other subsidy instruments for funding of the development in a selected locality. At the end of the study there are evaluations of expected benefits in particular rural regions and proposed projects being potentially successful for obtaining subsidies.
- Published
- 2011
16. Regional Policy EU and Regional Development - the Instance of Town Vlašim
- Author
- Subjects
Regionální politika ,Regional Policy ,strukturální fondy ,Structural Funds ,Operational Programme ,operační program ,Regional Development ,regionální rozvoj - Abstract
The starting point of this diploma thesis is a general characteristics of the Regional Policy of the European Union, with a special focus on the relation to the Czech Republic. The fundamental part of the thesis consists in the description of present experience of the town Vlašim with drawing finances from the EU´s Structural Funds, as well as the characteristics of successfully realized projects on its territory. The thesis aims to elaborate the gathered materials into a clearly organized methodical material which can also be used as an aid for those persons who are interested in the Regional Policy of the EU.
- Published
- 2011
17. Utilization of EU Structural Funds in the period 2007 - 2013 in communities of Rakovník district, focusing on the Regional Operational Programme NUTS II Central Bohemia
- Author
Loudová, Martina, Ševčíková, Michaela, and Vebrová, Ludmila
- Subjects
Regional policy ,regionální politika ,strukturální fondy ,Structural Funds ,Regionální operační program ROP NUTS II Střední Čechy ,Evropská unie ,Regional Operational Programme ROP NUTS Central Bohemia ,European Union - Abstract
The aim of my Bachelor thesis is to analyse using of financial resources from the EU Structural Funds in Rakovník in the programming period 2007 -- 2013. Specifically I focus on pumping of financial resources in terms of the Regional Operational Programme NUTS II Central Bohemia, where Rakovník district belongs. At the first part I will explain mechanism of Structural Funds. Then in the theoretical part I will be concerned mainly with the Regional Operational Programme. I will explain the aims, which projects could be financed, in which way proceeds financing and pumping from grants. On the basis of these knowledges and answers from questionnaire, I will aim, in the practical part, at analysis of this problem. I will ask 83 communities in Rakovník district. A this part I analyse using europeans's financial resources and dependence on factors (size of the community, education of mayors) which is essentials for getting a grant.
- Published
- 2010
18. The Structural Funds and Their Influence to Královéhradecký Region
- Author
Droznová, Klára, Abrhám, Josef, and Tunkrová, Věra
- Subjects
Regional Policy ,Regionální politika ,Strukturální fondy ,Structural Funds ,Regionální operační program ,Regional Operational Programme - Abstract
The Thesis deals with the Structural Funds and their impact to a particular region of the Czech Republic, Královéhradecký region. It also deals with Regional Policy of the European Union at all the levels (European,regional and local). The thesis also presents a concrete project realized in a small town called Železnice to show a particular impact of Structural Funds to a local region of the Czech Republic.
- Published
- 2010
19. Use of Structural Funds in municipalities with authorized municipal office focused on the South Bohemian Region
- Author
Velíšková, Jana, Tomešová, Jana, and Weingärtnerová, Markéta
- Subjects
Regional policy ,regionální politika ,strukturální fondy ,Regional development ,Structual Funds ,regionální rozvoj - Abstract
The aim of this thesis is to determine how successful the municipalities with authorized municipal office in South Bohemia region are in drawing financial resources from the EU structural funds. The first part is a theoretical insight into regional policy and a description of the structural funds. it introduces the goals of regional policy and outlines an overview of funds that may be used in the czech republic during the current programming period 2007-2013. The South bohemia region and its strategy for regional development introduction follows. The practical part of the thesis is an analysis of publicly available data, which is supplemented by an analysis of data collected by survey of municipalities with authorized municipal office and the comparison of the three selected communities in which the data on the utilization of structural funds, implemented plans, etc. were obtained through interviews. based on the results of this analysis, the success of funds utilization is evaluated in selected municipalities
- Published
- 2010
20. The regional policy in eastern enlargement context
- Author
Jagošová, Petra, Abrhám, Josef, and Tunkrová, Věra
- Subjects
Regional policy ,Regionální politika ,strukturální fondy ,structural funds ,eastern enlargement ,Evropská unie ,východní rozšíření ,programming periods ,programová období ,European Union - Abstract
The bachelor thesis "The regional policy in eastern enlargement context" is primarily dealing with development of regional policy from enlargement point of view. The main focus is on the greatest enlargement of EU history -- the eastern enlargement. The aim of the thesis is to examine the changes which were implemented in regional policy due to the eastern enlargement. The first part refers to the development of the policy EU from early years. Afterwards, the thesis is focused on aspects of eastern enlargement, in other words examines changes of aims of regional policy, change of redistribution of financial resources, new challenges after enlargement, and the main developing trends in summary. The last part is focused on Poland as one of the eastern enlargement state. It examines the attitude to the regional policy and its implementation from the state point of view.
- Published
- 2010
21. Common regional operational program of the EU
- Author
Šindlerová, Zuzana and Urbánek, Václav
- Subjects
regional policy ,regionální politika ,operational program ,strukturální fondy ,structural funds ,operační program - Abstract
The impact evaluation of European regional policy's existence and performing has been often discussed but still unsolved task. The budget of European Union provides member countries with financial support to their projects which have sometimes very doubtful effect. This paper concerns about the system of grants drawing from the European structural funds within the frame of Common regional operational program. This program along with the other ones contributed to fulfillment of the regional policy's aims in the period 2004 -- 2006. The project that has been carried out within the Common regional operational program in Šternberk is analyzed on the background of development and characteristic of EU's regional (structural) policy. This analysis is focused on the criteria which are taken into account when the town applies for the grant and also on the indicators needed for an ex-post control. Finally the paper brings to light some impacts of the realized project on the life in the town and also proposes the indicators that should be followed up from now on to generate an exhaustive evaluation.
- Published
- 2009
22. The development of the enployment in the region of Klatovy with the usage of the operating program The development of the human sources
- Author
- Subjects
regionální politika ,regional policy ,Evropean Union ,strukturální fondy ,Structural Funds ,unemployment ,projekt ,employment ,Evropská Unie ,plan ,nezaměstnanost ,zaměstnanost - Abstract
Unemployment of people who are in disadvantage on the labour market is a nationwide problem. Such disadvantages concern low qualifications, women returning from maternity leave, elderly people, disabled people, national minorities, young people and people who have problems to become adapted to the ``normal life{\crqq} (homeless people or people who had drug problems in the past or were imprisoned). This long-term unemployment is one of the biggest problems Czech Republic has to face since 1989. Comparing to the other EU countries where the long-term unemployment is decreasing, Czech Republic belongs to countries with the highest unemployment. The situation is becoming even worse. This thesis concentrates on the issue of long-term unemployment. First it highlights basic theoretical background to this issue and mentions the function and principles of the regional and structural politics of the European Union. The second part of this thesis offers a possible solution for solving this problem. This is a creation of project design which concentrates on employment support by means of a new requalification program for long-term unemployed people. At the end this thesis also offers a possible project financing.
- Published
- 2009
23. The impacts of chosen realized projects from the programme JROP in South Bohemia area
- Author
Kroniková, Michala, Wokoun, René, and Císlerová, Jaroslava
- Subjects
regional policy ,Regionální politika ,Společný regionální operační program ,Structural Funds ,monitorovací ukazatele ,JROP ,Joint Regional Operational Programme ,Strukturální fondy ,monitoring indicator ,SROP - Abstract
This thesis deals with regional and structural policy. The main objective of regional policy is to lower the differences between regions. The thesis describes priorities, aims and instruments of regional policy. Further it deals with the chance to draw a financial subvention from Structural Funds in contracted program period 2004 - 2006 in the Czech republic. The main aim is to evaluate real impacts of realized projects that were cofinanced from Joint Regional Operational Programme (JROP) in South Bohemia area.
- Published
- 2009
24. Subsidies from the EU on human resource development - Case Study
- Author
Barešová, Eliška, Urbánek, Václav, and Šťavová, Jindra
- Subjects
regional policy ,subsidy ,dotace ,operational program ,strukturální fondy ,structural funds ,OPPA ,ESF ,regionální politika ,operační program - Abstract
The bachelor thesis deals with the EU Structural Funds, the EU's regional policy, its history, principles and legislation. The thesis focuses on both past and current the operational programs. The greatest attention is devoted to running programs on human resources, particularly the operational program in Prague - Adaptability. As one of the two operational programs in Prague, which applicants can take advantage of the subsidy. The work has three objectives - analysis of the real project, which was realized during the previous programming period of Structural Fund. Experience and challenges gained by applicants of grants (questionnaire) and the existence of countries with similar economic development as the Czech Republic, where the capital city fell into a different objective than other areas of the country.
- Published
- 2009
25. The use of European structural funds by the Czech companies after the entry to the EU
- Author
- Subjects
Regional policy ,programové období ,Strukturální fondy ,Structural funds ,žadatel ,programming period ,final receiver ,Common commercial policy ,Operation program ,Společná obchodní politika ,Jednotný vnitřní trh ,realizátor ,Římská smlouva ,The Treaties of Rome ,Evropský sociální fond ,Operační program ,Inner market ,konečný příjemce ,demander ,European Social Fund - Abstract
At first the thesis focuses on describing historical context of Czech Republic{\crq}s entry to the European Union. It also specifies evolution of the relations of the Czech Republic and European Union, common commercial policy of Union, its Inner market and after-effects of the entry of Czech Republic to EU. It is foremost aimed at characterization of historical evolution of European Structural Funds that serves as the financial instruments of the regional policy of the European Union. I paid attention to every individual structural fund and also to the principles of programming periods. It mainly concerns about the European Social Fund. This thesis also describes the possibilities of Czech companies to apply for financial support from the EU. The practical part recounts the process from the beginning (which means decision to apply for financial support) through the completion of application form, evaluation of projects till the signature of agreement and the realization. This work should be able to serve as a guide for Czech companies, which would like to apply for the finance support from EU.
- Published
- 2009
26. Utilisation of the financial resources of European structural funds by municipality
- Author
Valentová, Kristýna, Zemplinerová, Alena, and Bůvová, Ludmila
- Subjects
Regional policy ,Regionální politika ,Strukturální fondy ,Structural funds ,Long-term unemployment ,Dlouhodobá nezaměstnanost - Abstract
This thesis deals with problems of European structural funds, especially it is focused on utilisation of the financial resources of the European Social Fund from 2004 to 2006. The first part of the thesis is a theoretical view of the economics on the regional policy. Following part is a description of the structural funds system and then there is an evaluation of the effectivity of the structural funds on the base of one soft project, which was realized in the Prague by non-profit organization established by Magistrate of Prague. In conclusion I discuss advantages and disadvantages of the European structural funds.
- Published
- 2008
27. The Structural Funds of the EU on the Example of the Cohesion Region Stredni Morava
- Author
Říkovský, Miroslav and Abrhám, Josef
- Subjects
Regional Policy ,Regionální politika ,Strukturální fondy ,Structural funds ,Cohesion policy ,Střední Morava ,Evropská Unie ,Stredni Morava ,Kohezní politika ,European Union - Abstract
The thesis is dealing with the Regional policy in the EU and its application on the conditions in the Czech Republic, based on example of the cohesion region Stredni Morava. The emphasis was made on the current period from 2007 to 2013. Hence the content of this work is not only the Cohesion policy at the European level and the analysis of its current state but consideration of its further development as well. The main topic is however the analysis of the region Stredni Morava in terms of economic development in the context of the Regional policy and setting of this policy in mentioned region including funding of various regional projects. The goal of the thesis is thus description of this complex task and application of the findings on the specific region.
- Published
- 2008
28. The Possibilities of Receiving Structural Funds in the Area of Tourism in the Course of the Development of a Destination
- Author
Čiháková, Adéla, Indrová, Jarmila, and Raabová, Tereza
- Subjects
regional policy ,regionální politika ,strukturální fondy ,Structural Funds ,tourism ,Evropská unie ,cestovní ruch ,European Union - Abstract
The thesis is devoted to regional politics of the European Unnion. It characterizes its aims, principals, mechanisms, and financial instruments. It also focuses on its application on the area of the Czech Republic. It particularly concerns the town of Nová Ves I where two local projects are presented. The aims of the thesis are as follows: to introduce the basics of the regional politics, of the system of the structural and other funds, and the possibilities of their usage; to find out whether the inhabitants of Nová Ves I know about the means of funding; to what extent they are aware of the usage of the allocations from the European Union; and to present the ways in which the funds improve the inhabitants'lives and how they contribute to a higher level of attractiveness of the town in the are of tourism.
- Published
- 2008
29. The European Union Structural Funds and their use in the South-Bohemian Region
- Author
- Subjects
regionální politika ,finanční pomoc ,Strukturální fondy ,Structural Funds ,South-Bohemian Region ,Evropská unie ,Regional policy ,European Union ,Jihočeský kraj ,financial assistance - Abstract
The bachelor thesis deals with the European Union Structural Funds and their use in the South-Bohemian Region. The first part attends to the regional development strategy of the European Union and to the drawing financial assistance from its funds during the pre-structural period of the Czech Republic and after its entry into the Union. The second part analyses the drawing of the structural aid in the South-Bohemian Region during the 2004-2006 programming period. Based on the acquired figures the analysis is elaborated in the form of tables and graphs.
- Published
- 2008
30. Structural Funds EU in the Czech Republic with a focus on the tourist trade
- Author
Košuličová, Martina, Abrhám, Josef, and Jelínek, Tomáš
- Subjects
regional policy ,strukturální fondy ,regionální politika EU ,operational programmes ,operační programy ,cestovní ruch ,tourist trade ,Structural Funds - Abstract
First chapter contains the characterictic of programming period 2007 - 2013, main objectives and instruments of regional policy EU. There is also description of the situation concerning European Funds in the Czech Republic including main strategic documents and operational programmes. Second chapter deals with particular programmes that include subvention of projects in tourist trade in programming period 2007 - 2013. For illustration there are also introduced some examples of successfully realized projects. Last chapter provides an overview of using financial resources from the Structural Funds in the Czech Republic both in the previous programming period 2004 - 2006 and in the new period 2007 - 2013.
- Published
- 2008
31. The Budget of Europen Union and relation to Structural Funds
- Author
Volfová, Michaela, Peková, Jitka, and Jetmar, Marek
- Subjects
Regional Policy ,Regionální politika ,Finanční perspektiva ,Strukturální fondy ,Structural Funds ,Financial Perspektive ,EU Budget ,Strukturální politika ,Structural Policy ,Rorpočet EU - Abstract
European integration means for the member states many duties but on the other hand also many advantages. Among the most significant belongs the possibility to use financial means from EU Budget. The most significant budget items are the structural funds. Structural funds are the financial instrument of regional and structural policy EU with them EU tries to help member states regions to develop. The aim of my works is present the system of functioning EU Budget and also evaluate the system of the financial flows from the budget by the medium of structural funds. I am going to demonstrate this problem on the Czech Republic.
- Published
- 2007
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