Dissertation follows up cluster analysis of European Union states using social and economical indicators. In the first part all the social and economical indicators are defined. In the second part of the dissertation all these indicators in time of economical and financial and later debt crisis in years from 2007 to 2012 in European Union states are analysed. In the third part the cluster analysis is applicated for the social and economical indicators of the European Union states. Five clusters were identified using cluster analysis. Structure of these clusters was changing during years 2007 and 2012. First cluster contained developed Western European countries (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, France, Netherlands, Austria, Finland, Sweden and United Kingdom). The second cluster was created from countries, that entered to European Union after year 2004 (Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia). The third cluster contained Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovakia and Slovenia. In the fourth cluster were Southern European countries Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus and Malta and the fifth cluster contained only Luxembourg.