1. Computational fluid dynamics of ventricular catheters for hydrocephalus
- Author
Galarza y Vicentini, Marcelo, Departamentos de la UMH:Psicología de la Salud, Pellicer Porcar, Olga, and Amigó García, José María
- Subjects
Sistema nervioso ,1 - Filosofía y psicología:159.9 - Psicología [CDU] ,Fluidos ,Fisiología - Abstract
Normal-pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) was the first treatable type of dementia everdescribed. Hakim and Adams described the entity they called normal pressurehydrocephalus in 1965 (Hakim & Adams, 1965). Cerebrospinal fluid shunting forhydrocephalus was the first wide treatment available for the disease. In the followingyears, an initially uncritical enthusiasm for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunting wasgradually dampened because of the underdeveloped shunt technology, low clinicalsuccess rates, and frequent complications (Dippel & Habbema, 1993).The most frequent complication is ventricular catheter obstruction, which may accountfor 50 to 80% of newly inserted shunts (Bergsneider et al., 2006). Although many factorscontribute to this (Harris & McAllister, 2012), the main one is related to flowcharacteristics of the catheter within the hydrocephalic brain (Harris & McAllister, 2012;Lin, Morris, Olivero, Boop & Sanford, 2003). A landmark study in 2003 addressed theproblem of fluid characteristics in ventricular catheters (Lin et al., 2003) by using a 2-Dsimulation program of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). This study revealedimportant information related to this dreaded complication. That is, that the major part ofthe flow occurs through the most proximal catheter´s holes.Currently, to our knowledge, there is no research that has used simulation software in 3-D CFD to study different models of catheters currently in use, and, new designs ofcatheters for the treatment of this disease.So the main objectives of this dissertation are:- To study flow dynamics in five ventricular catheters models currently in use.- To create other five new designs of ventricular catheters having different holesdistributions and different hole sizes. In order that these variations in the geometriccharacteristics of catheters significantly alter the liquid mass flow that enters the catheter,avoiding or minimizing the obstruction thereof.- To study the flow patterns that can be found in the different configurations ofventricular catheters, by using new models of these.- To establish a set of universal mathematical parameters that can be used to develop newdesigns of ventricular catheters with improved flow dynamics.To achieve these objectives, current and new models of ventricular catheters will bestudied study by using, never used before for this purpose, a simulation program 3-Dcomputational fluid dynamics. The general procedure for the development of a CFDmodel involves incorporating the physical dimensions of the system to be studied into avirtual wire-frame model. The shape and features of the actual physical model aretransformed into coordinates for the virtual space of the computer and a CFDcomputational grid (mesh) is generated. The fluid properties and motion are calculatedat each of these grid points. After grid generation, flow field boundary conditions areapplied and the fluid’s thermodynamic and transport properties are included. At the end,a system of strongly coupled, nonlinear, partial differential conservation equationsgoverning the motion of the flow field are numerically solved. This numerical solutiondescribes the fluid motion and properties.In conclusion, it is intended to simulate the operation of the CSF flow in five ventricularcatheters currently in use and in other 35 new designs ventricular catheters through asystem never used before for this purpose. The parameters for the design of newventricular catheters will be established. These variable parameters along the catheterperforated tip will allow the fluid to enter the catheter more uniformly along its length,thereby reducing the probability of its becoming occluded. This finding will contributeto a better treatment of hydrocephalus, including, dementia complex hydrocephalus.