Naloga obravnava ustanavljanje širših zavarovanih območij oziroma naravnih parkov v Sloveniji in presoja njegovo uspešnost. Raziskavo ustreznosti teoretičnih izhodišč ter metode ustanavljanja, dveh ključnih dejavnikov uspešnosti, opira zlasti na preverjanje celovitosti naravovarstvenega pristopa ter prisotnosti projektnega delovanja in participacije javnosti. Celovitost pristopa ocenjuje glede na vlogo, priznano temeljnim vsebinam varstva narave: naravnim znamenitostim oziroma naravnim vrednotam, krajini kottemeljni substanci naravnih parkov in biotski raznovrstnosti. Analiza Zakona o ohranjanju narave je pokazala, da je ta zastavljen izrazito ekocentrično in ne obravnava dveh ključnih vlog človeka v povezavi z varstvom narave: človeka kot oblikovalca vrednot, ki določajo kaj in zakaj varujemo in človeka kot sooblikovalca kvalitet prostora, ki ga varujemo. Zakon je izključil vsa merila, ki vsebujejo človekov odnos do narave, vključno z estetskim in doživljajskim, krajino pa obravnava le v povezavi z biotsko raznovrstnostjo. Ob neustrezni zakonodaji naloga odkriva vzroke za neuspešnost pri ustanavljanju naravnih parkov tudi v nekaterih zgodovinskih okoliščinah, poleg tega pa še v odsotnosti koherentne politike, v neustrezni organizacijski strukturi naravovarstvene službe in v odsotnosti izdelane metode, ki bi ob upoštevanju družbene percepcije naravnih parkov ustrezno usmerjala procese njihovega nastajanja in upravljanja. Naloga naposled predlaga model učinkovitejšega ustanavljanja naravnih parkov, ki bi terjal prenovo naravovarstvene zakonodaje, formulacijo ustrezne splošne politike ustanavljanja naravnih parkov in z njo povezano reorganizacijo naravovarstvene službe. The Thesis deals with the creation of "broader protected areas", i.e. nature parks, in Slovenia, with the goal to evaluate its level of success. The study into the relevant theoretical bases and methodology applied in creating natural parks, which are seen as crucial success factors, rests upon the examination of the comprehensiveness of the approach to nature protection as well as the verification of the extent to which action has been project-mindedand the public has been involved in the relevant processes. Comprehensiveness of the approach is evaluated against the role accorded to the three fundamental objects of nature protection, viz. natural attractions (natural values), the landscape as the essential substance of nature parks, and biodiversity. An analysis of the Nature Conservation Act reveals that the approach has been markedly ecocentric in outlook, failing to acknowledge the two principal human roles in the context of nature protection: man as the source of values that define what is to be protected and why, and man as contributor to the qualities of space under protection. The Act is found not to refer to any criteria relevant to man's attitude towards nature, including its aesthetic aspect and the experience it conveys, while referring to landscape only in connection with biodiversity. As causes for poor success in creating nature parks, the Thesis establishes inappropriate legislation, historical circumstances, the absence of a coherent policy, inadequate organisation of the nature protection service and in particular the absence ofa full-fledged method to guide the processes of natural park creation and management, with due consideration for the perception of nature parks in society. The Thesis proposes a model for a more successful creation of naturalparks in Slovenia, which, however, would require amending legislation, formulating an appropriate nature-park creation policy, and a corresponding reorganisation of the nature protection service.