Robyn, Eakle, Gabriela B, Gomez, Niven, Naicker, Rutendo, Bothma, Judie, Mbogua, Maria A, Cabrera Escobar, Elaine, Saayman, Michelle, Moorhouse, W D Francois, Venter, and Helen, Rees
Background Operational research is required to design delivery of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and early antiretroviral treatment (ART). This paper presents the primary analysis of programmatic data, as well as demographic, behavioural, and clinical data, from the TAPS Demonstration Project, which offered both interventions to female sex workers (FSWs) at 2 urban clinic sites in South Africa. Methods and findings The TAPS study was conducted between 30 March 2015 and 30 June 2017, with the enrolment period ending on 31 July 2016. TAPS was a prospective observational cohort study with 2 groups receiving interventions delivered in existing service settings: (1) PrEP as part of combination prevention for HIV-negative FSWs and (2) early ART for HIV-positive FSWs. The main outcome was programme retention at 12 months of follow-up. Of the 947 FSWs initially seen in clinic, 692 were HIV tested. HIV prevalence was 49%. Among those returning to clinic after HIV testing and clinical screening, 93% of the women who were HIV-negative were confirmed as clinically eligible for PrEP (n = 224/241), and 41% (n = 110/270) of the women who were HIV-positive had CD4 counts within National Department of Health ART initiation guidelines at assessment. Of the remaining women who were HIV-positive, 93% were eligible for early ART (n = 148/160). From those eligible, 98% (n = 219/224) and 94% (n = 139/148) took up PrEP and early ART, respectively. At baseline, a substantial fraction of women had a steady partner, worked in brothels, and were born in Zimbabwe. Of those enrolled, 22% on PrEP (n = 49/219) and 60% on early ART (n = 83/139) were seen at 12 months; we observed high rates of loss to follow-up: 71% (n = 156/219) and 30% (n = 42/139) in the PrEP and early ART groups, respectively. Little change over time was reported in consistent condom use or the number of sexual partners in the last 7 days, with high levels of consistent condom use with clients and low use with steady partners in both study groups. There were no seroconversions on PrEP and 7 virological failures on early ART among women remaining in the study. Reported adherence to PrEP varied over time between 70% and 85%, whereas over 90% of participants reported taking pills daily while on early ART. Data on provider-side costs were also collected and analysed. The total cost of service delivery was approximately US$126 for PrEP and US$406 for early ART per person-year. The main limitations of this study include the lack of a control group, which was not included due to ethical considerations; clinical study requirements imposed when PrEP was not approved through the regulatory system, which could have affected uptake; and the timing of the implementation of a national sex worker HIV programme, which could have also affected uptake and retention. Conclusions PrEP and early ART services can be implemented within FSW routine services in high prevalence, urban settings. We observed good uptake for both PrEP and early ART; however, retention rates for PrEP were low. Retention rates for early ART were similar to retention rates for the current standard of care. While the cost of the interventions was higher than previously published, there is potential for cost reduction at scale. The TAPS Demonstration Project results provided the basis for the first government PrEP and early ART guidelines and the rollout of the national sex worker HIV programme in South Africa., In an observational study, Gabriela Gomez and colleagues report on provision of pre-exposure prophylaxis and antiretroviral treatment for female sex workers in South Africa., Author summary Why was this study done? Female sex workers are a vulnerable population at risk of HIV, and, in some areas of South Africa, nearly 3 out of 4 sex workers are already infected. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and early antiretroviral treatment (ART) are interventions being piloted by national programmes to test whether (and how) they can be successfully delivered in clinics and the public sector. We conducted a study in existing sex-worker-specific clinics to see if female sex workers would take up and use PrEP and early ART if these interventions were offered. We partnered with the South African government to align and incorporate our results into national HIV programming. What did the researchers do and find? We offered PrEP to HIV-negative female sex workers and early ART to HIV-positive female sex workers in 2 clinics located in Johannesburg and Pretoria in South Africa. Over time, we assessed how many women were contacted for the intervention, how many came to the clinic for HIV testing, how many were HIV-negative and -positive, and how many took up the interventions. We then monitored those who participated for at least 12 months to see whether they stayed in the programme and used PrEP or early ART. We found an HIV prevalence of 49% among the 692 women tested. Among those returning to clinic after HIV testing and clinical screening, 93% were confirmed eligible for PrEP, and 94% for early ART. From those eligible, 98% and 94% took up PrEP and early ART, respectively. At the end of the 12-month assessment, 22% remained on PrEP, while 60% remained on early ART, at our clinic sites. It is possible that some women moved to other sites without our knowledge, as other sites started offering PrEP and early ART. The drugs were safe to use with few side effects. We also found that women who stayed in the study reported taking their pills regularly. None of the women who remained in the study in the PrEP group got HIV, and very few women taking early ART had issues supressing the virus. The overall cost of the programme came to approximately US$126 for PrEP and $406 for early ART per person-year. What do these findings mean? These findings suggest that female sex workers may be interested in both PrEP and early ART and that the interventions work well when taken, but longer term commitment may be a challenge. These interventions have already been introduced by the South African government into sex worker programmes, including those for male, female, and transgender people.