Standing meanders are a key component of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) circulation system, and numerical studies have shown that these features may locally enhance subduction, upwelling, as well as lateral and vertical tracer transport. Yet, observational data from these regions remain sparse. Here, we present results based on measurements made by a group of autonomous platforms sampling an ACC standing meander formed due to the interaction of the Polar Front with the Southwest Indian Ridge. Two Seagliders were deployed alongside a Biogeochemical‐Argo float that was advected through the standing meander. In the high eddy kinetic energy region of the standing meander, the glider observations reveal enhanced submesoscale frontal gradients as well as heightened tracer variability at depth, as compared to the more quiescent region further downstream. Vertical gradients in spice and apparent oxygen utilization are reduced in the standing meander despite similarities in the large‐scale vertical stratification, suggesting greater ventilation of the surface ocean. These observations are consistent with numerical studies that highlight standing meanders as hotspots for ventilation and subduction due to enhanced mesoscale stirring and submesoscale vertical velocities. Our results emphasize the need to account for spatial heterogeneity in processes influencing air‐sea exchange, carbon export, and biogeochemical cycling in the Southern Ocean. Plain Language Summary: The Southern Ocean plays a vital role in taking up carbon dioxide and heat from the Earth's atmosphere. Yet, historically, this region has suffered from a lack of direct observations, making it difficult to quantify rates of exchange. In regions where the strongest currents of the Southern Ocean interact with underwater topography turbulence and mixing may be locally enhanced. Data collected from two different types of robotic vehicles, including steerable ocean gliders, were used to study one of these mixing "hotspots." The instrumented platforms provided expanded data as compared to typical Southern Ocean observational techniques. The results show that these turbulent regions allow water properties, such as temperature and oxygen, to mix vigorously. In particular, at these hotspots the exchange of waters between the ocean surface and interior increases. It is important to document the magnitude and regional patterns of this exchange because only surface waters interact with the atmosphere to take up or release carbon and heat, while interior waters store these properties for centuries or longer. Numerical models of the ocean have indicated that these turbulent regions of the Southern Ocean are particularly influential, and we provide some of the first observational evidence confirming these hotspots' importance. Key Points: Observations with high spatial and temporal resolution were collected from two ocean gliders following a Biogeochemical‐Argo floatPhysical and biogeochemical tracer variance is enhanced within a standing meander of the Antarctic Circumpolar CurrentThe standing meander shows evidence of heightened exchange of water properties between the ocean surface boundary layer and the interior [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]