1. Assessment of the association between periodontitis and idiopathic infertility in women by detection of salivary matrix metalloproteinase 8
- Author
Šumilin, lada and Lončar Brzak, Božana
- Subjects
matriksna metaloproteinaza 8 ,Stomatology ,Infertility ,parodontitis ,Stomatologija ,BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE. Dental Medicine. Oral Medicine ,Periodontitis ,udc:616.31(043.3) ,neplodnost ,BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO. Dentalna medicina. Oralna medicina ,Metrix Metalloproteinase 8 - Abstract
Literaturni podaci upućuju na to da neplodne pacijentice imaju lošiji parodontni status, što može biti uzrok komplikacijama začeća. Matriksna metaloproteinaza 8 (MMP-8) je enzim u slini koji je izravno povezan s parodontnom upalom. Cilj ove studije bio je validacija ordinacijskog testa koji detektira aktivni oblik MMP8 (aMMP8) iz ispirka usne šupljine u populaciji žena s neobjašnjivom neplodnošću u usporedbi s plodnim ženama odgovarajuće dobi s i bez parodontitisa. Pretpostavljali smo da će neplodne žene imati lošiji parodontni status i veći broj pozitivnih aMMP-8 testova u usporedbi s plodnim ženama. Istraživanje je uključilo 50 zdravih žena s urednim ovulacijskim ciklusima u dobi od 25-45 godina i strogo definiranom neobjašnjivom (idiopatskom) neplodnošću i 50 zdravih žena s urednim ovulacijskim ciklusima iste dobi koje su zatrudnjele i rodile prirodnim putem. Svim sudionicama napravljen je klinički parodontološki pregled i ordinacijski test na aMMP-8 iz ispirka usne šupljine. Polovici pacijentica u svakoj skupini dijagnosticiran je parodontitis, dok je druga polovica bila bez parodontitisa. Osjetljivost i specifičnost testa za otkrivanje parodontitisa iznosila je 84% i 72% u skupini neplodnih, 88% i 68% u skupini plodnih pacijentica te 86% i 70% u ukupnoj populaciji pacijentica. Neplodne pacijentice s parodontitisom imale su manje uznapredovali parodontitis od kontrolne skupine, iako ta razlika nije bila statistički značajna. Rezultati su pokazali da su neplodne bolesnice imale bolji parodontni status i manje uznapredovali parodontitis od plodnih žena iste dobi te da osjetljivost i specifičnost testa rastu sa stupnjem uznapredovalosti parodontitisa. Testom se može razmjerno dobro identificirati pacijentice s parodontitisom, ali je, s obzirom na naše rezultate, korist od tog testiranja u obradi i liječenju idiopatske neplodnosti upitna. Aim: Literature data suggest that infertile patients present worse periodontal status, which may be a factor that complicates conception. Matrix metalloproteinase 8 (MMP-8) is an enzyme in saliva that is directly related to periodontal inflammation. The aim of our study was to validate a chairside mouth rinse test for detection of active form of MMP8 (aMMP8) in a population of women with unexplained infertility compared to age-matched fertile women, with and without periodontitis. Our hypothesis was that infertile women will have worse periodontal health and more positive MMP8 tests, compared to fertile women. Materials and methods: The study included 50 healthy norm-ovulatory females ages 25-45 with strictly defined unexplained infertility, and 50 healthy norm-ovulatory women at the same age who have conceived and delivered naturally. All participants underwent clinical periodontal examination and a chairside aMMP-8 oral rinse test. One half of the participants in each group was diagnosed with periodontitis, while the other half was without periodontitis. Results: The sensitivity and specificity of the test for the detection of periodontitis in the group of infertile patients was 88% and 68%, in the group of fertile patients 84% and 72% and 86% and 70% in the total patient population. Infertile patients with periodontitis had less advanced periodontitis than the control group, although the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Our results have shown that infertile patients had better periodontal status and less advanced periodontitis than fertile women of the same age. Sensitivity and specificity of the test increase with the degree of progression of periodontitis. Patients with periodontitis can be relatively well identified, but based on our results, the benefit of this test in the treatment of idiopathic infertility is questionable.
- Published
- 2022