U radu su prikazani eksperimentalni rezultati natkritične ekstrakcije etarskog ulja bobicakleke (Juniperus communis L.) i ulja iz semena uljane tikve golice (Cucurbita pepo L.). Ispitan je uticaj pritiska, temperature, stepena usitnjenosti čestica i protoka natkritičnogugljendioksida na promenu prinosa ulja sa vremenom. U cilju poređenja, usitnjeno seme uljane tikve ekstrahovano je i u ekstraktoru većih dimenzija, NOVA-SWISS, Highpressure extraction plant, kao i heksanom i petroletrom u ekstraktoru tipa Sokslet.Praćena je i promena kvaliteta ekstrakata sa vremenom: u etarskom ulju kleke, GC-FID i GC-MS metodama, određen je relativni sadržaj 50 terpenskih jedinjenja i sve komponente ulja su svrstane u 5 osnovnih grupa (monoterpene, seskviterpene, oksidovane monoterpene, oksidovane seskviterpene i ostale komponente). U tikvinom ulju ekstrahovanom natkritičnim ugljendioksidom određen je masnokiselinski sastav GC-MS analizom, sadržaj tokoferola HPLC analizom, sterola i skvalena GC-MS metodom. Određeni su uslovi koji favorizuju ekstrakciju ispitanih jedinjenja za obe sirovine. Dat je dateljan prikaz matematičkih modela koji se koriste za opisivanje natkritične ekstrakcije etarskih ulja i masnih ulja, počevši od najopštijeg modela koji uključuje diferencijalne bilanse mase za rastvorak u masi natkritičnog fluida, u fluidu unutar pora čestica usitnjenog matrijala i u čvrstoj fazi, koji se uvođenjem određenih pretpostavki pojednostavljuje i svodi na modele koji su izabrani da budu ispitani u okviru ovoga rada. Ispitani su modeli kreireni po analogiji sa hlađenjem vrele kugle u masi fluida, tj. modeli tipa jedne sfere i to: Model jedne sfere-1 (MJS-1), koji pored uticaja koeficijenta efektivne difuzije ulja u materijalu na brzinu prenosa mase uzima u obzir uticaj koeficijenta prenosa mase kroz film natkritičnog fluida oko čestice, pri čemu je njegova vrednost procenjena preko postojećih korelacija; MJS-1 (2 par), u kome je spoljašnji koeficijent prenosa mase uzet kao drugi prilagodljiv parametar modela; MJS-2, gde je koeficijent efektivne difuzije jedini prilagođeni parametar, Model karakterističnog vremena i prošireni model klipnog toka koji je predložila Sovová. Za modelovanje natkritične ekstrakcije ulja semena tikve korišćen je i kombinovani model Honga i sar. Softverskim paketima Mathcad 2001 Professional i Solver dodatka unutar Microsoft Excel 2003, određeni su parametri ispitanih modela u cilju najboljeg slaganja modela sa ekperimentalnim podacima. Za obe ispitane sirovine, među ispitanim modelima, izabrani su modeli koji najbolje opisuju njihovu ekstrakciju natkritičnim ugljendioksidom. Prošireni model klipnog toka koji je predložila Sovová pokazao se podjednako dobrim za modelovanje natkritične ekstrakcije obe sirovine i nešto bolji od ostalih primenjenih modela., This study provides results of supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) extraction of juniper berries (Juniperus communis L.) and pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita pepo L. convar.citrullina) in a laboratorysupercritical fluid extraction apparatus. The influenceof pressure, temperature, particle size and carbon dioxide flow on the extraction kinetics of pumpkin seed oil and juniper berry essential oil was studied. Ground pumpkin seeds were also extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide in NOVA-SWISS, High Pressure Extraction Plant, and with hexane and petroleum ether in a laboratory Soxhlet extractor. This work was also aimed to investigate the evolution of the composition of juniper fruit supercritical CO2 extracts with time, at different extraction pressures and to emphasize the most favorable condition for the extraction of different terpene hydrocarbon groups, reporting the qualitative differences among extracts collected during successive extraction time periods. Juniper berry extracts were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography, using flame ionization (GC-FID) and mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS). More than 200 constituents were detected in the extracts and the contents of 50 compounds were reported in the work. Dependence of the percentage yields of monoterpene, sesquiterpene, oxygenated monoterpene and oxygenated sesquiterpene hydrocarbon groups on extraction time was investigated and conditions that favored the yielding of each terpene groups were emphasized. GC-MS analysis of FAME, prepared by transesterification of pumpkin seed oil with KOH in methanol, was performed. Fatty acid compositions of supercritical CO2 pumpkin seed extract fractions collected in successive time intervals over the course of the extraction were determined. The same fractions were analyzed by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), using diode-array detector (DAD) in order to determine a- and g-tocopherol contents. Sterol and squalene contents were determined by GC-MS analysis, as well. Conditions that favored the yielding of tocopherols, squalene and sterols were emphasized. A general mass transfer model and its simlifications were analysed. Extraction curves were evaluated by “hot sphere” mathematical models SSM-1 (Single Sphere Model 1 – in which the external mass transfer coefficient also influences the extraction profile and film mass transfer coefficients were estimated by the correlations), SSM-1 (2 par) (film mass transfer coefficient is used as the second adjustable parameter), SSM-2 (only effective diffusivity influence is considered), Characteristic time model and by the extended Lack’s plug-flow model given by Sovová. A combined model of Hong et al. was also fitted to the experimental data for pumpkin seed oil SCCO2extractions. Relative merits of the models are demonstrated. Good agreement between the extended Lack’s plug-flow model and the experimental measurements was obtained.