- Author
Pirjavec Mahić, Aleksandra, Grebić, Damir, Čargonja, Paola, and Kustić, Domagoj
- Subjects
punila za implantat ,silikonski implantati za dojku ,BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO. Temeljne medicinske znanosti. Povijest medicine i biomedicinskih znanosti ,tekstura površine ,implant filler ,BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE. Basic Medical Sciences. History of Medicine and the Biomedical Sciences ,silicone breast implant ,surface texture - Abstract
Autori daju širok pregled povijesti silikonskih implantata za dojke punjenih fiziološkom otopinom i silikonskim gelom. U povijesti medicine niti jedna vrsta implantata nije bila toliko pomno i temeljito proučavana kao implantati za dojke. Iako plastični kirurzi prepoznaju i cijene koristi koje pacijentice imaju od ovih vrsta implantata, društvo u cijelosti ne prestaje biti skeptično. Razlozi za to su kompleksni i multifaktorijalni, ali čini se da su uveličavani od medija, nekih organizacija, pa čak i lobija odvjetnika. Do 1990., kada su započele polemike oko silikonskih implantata za dojke, tek se osam članaka u indeksiranim časopisima bavilo tom temom, a 1990. do danas objavljeno ih je više od 500. U vrijeme moratorija 1992. plastič- ni kirurzi nisu imali čvrstog uporišta zbog nedostatka znanstvenih dokaza koji bi podržavali stajalište da su silikonski implantati za dojke sigurni i djelotvorni., The authors have provided an in-depth review of the history of saline and silicone gel–filled breast implants. In the history of medicine, no devices have been more scrutinized and thoroughly studied than breast implants. Although we as plastic surgeons recognize and appreciate the benefits that our patients derive from these devices, society as a whole continues to remain skeptical. The reasons for this are complex and multifactorial but appear to be fueled by the media, oppositional organizations, and several trial lawyers. Prior to 1990, when the silicone gel implant controversy began, there were only eight indexed publications that dealt with the issue of silicone gel breast implants. Since 1990, there have been more than 500 indexed publications dealing with silicone gel implants. At the time of the moratorium in 1992, we as plastic surgeons did not have a leg to stand on because there was a paucity of scientific evidence to support our observations that silicone breast implants were safe and effective devices.
- Published
- 2020
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