As a rare procedure, massive bronchoalveolar lavage (MBAL) is a large-volume lavage which necessitates general anesthesia and one-lung ventilation (OLV). During MBAL isotonic saline is instilled into one lung and drained through one lumen of a double-lumen tube. MBAL is the most effective treatment for symptomatic pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP). A 27-year-old male with PAP was scheduled for therapeutic MBALs. After standard preoxygenation, monitoring and anesthesia induction, a double-lumen tube was placed. Tube position was verified by a fiberoptic bronchoscope. The internal jugular vein, radial and pulmonary arteries were cannulated. A temperature probe and foley catheter were inserted. The nonventilated lung was filled with 1000 mL saline and then drained in each session. The left and right lung were lavaged with an interval of 2 weeks. A total of 20 L saline was used in each MBAL without retention. MBALs were terminated after the effluent became clear. Duration of the left and right MBALs were 325 and 275 minutes, respectively. Despite increased shunt fraction, oxygenation was within acceptable limits during OLV. The trachea was extubated in the operating room uneventfully after each MBAL. The patient's clinical and laboratory findings were evidently improved. Consequently, if proper conditions are provided, MBAL is safe and beneficial despite its risks and the long duration. Turkish Baslik: Nadir Gorulen Bir Hastalik Icin Nadir Bir Girisim: Bir Pulmoner Alveolar Proteinosis Hastasinda Masif Bronkoalveolar Lavaj Anahtar Kelimeler: Bronkoalveolar lavaj, pulmoner alveoler proteinoz, genel anestezi Nadir bir islem olan masif bronkoalveolar lavaj (MBAL) genel anestezi ve tek akciger ventilasyonu (TAV) gerektiren genis hacimli lavajdir. MBAL sirasinda, bir akcigere, cift lumenli tupun bir lumeni araciligiyla, izotonik salin infuze edilip drene edilir. MBAL, semptomatik pulmoner alveolar proteinosis (PAP) icin en etkin tedavi yontemidir. PAP tanisi olan 27 yasinda erkek hastaya terapotik MBAL planlandi. Standart preoksijenasyon, monitorizasyon ve anestezi induksiyonunu takiben cift lumenli tup yerlestirildi. Tup pozisyonu fiberoptik bronkoskopla dogrulandi. Internal juguler ven, radiyal ve pulmoner arter kateterizasyonu uygulandi. Ozafageal isi probu ve foley sonda yerlestirildi. Her seansta ventile olmayan akciger 1000 ml serum fizyolojik ile doldurulup, serbest direnajla bosaltildi. Sol ve sag akciger 2 hafta arayla yikandi. Sivi retansiyonu olmayan her bir MBAL sirasinda toplam 20 L serum fizyolojik kullanildi. Yikama sivisi berrak geldiginde islem sonlandirildi. Sol ve sag MBAL sureleri sirasiyla 325 ve 275 dk idi. TAV sirasinda arteriyel oksijenasyon, artmis santa ragmen, kabul edilebilir sinirlarda idi. Her bir islem sonunda, hasta ameliyathanede ekstube edilerek, sorunsuz olarak yogun bakim unitesine transfer edildi. Hastanin klinigi ve laboratuvar bulgularinda belirgin duzelme gozlendi. Sonuc olarak, MBAL uzun suresine ve risklerine ragmen, uygun kosullar saglandiginda guvenli ve yararlidir.