Noel León Albiter, Orlando Santana Pérez, Magali Klotz, Kishore Ganesan, Félix Carrasco, Sylvie Dagréou, Maria Lluïsa Maspoch, César Valderrama, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Ciència i Enginyeria de Materials, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Química, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. R2EM - Resource Recovery and Environmental Management
The use of recycled opaque PET (r-O-PET, with TiO2) as a reinforcement for the recycled polypropylene matrix (r-PP) was evaluated through the life cycle assessment according to different scenarios corresponding to two different recycled blends and considered two virgin raw plastic material as reference materials when comparing the environmental performance of the proposed treatments. The results indicate that the environmental performance was quite different for each blend, since the additional extrusion process required in scenario 2 (blend with TiO2) causes all impact categories analysed to report higher values when compared with scenario 1 (blend without TiO2). The stage that contributes the most corresponds to the different extrusion processes included in both recycling blends, representing at least 80% of the total for global warming. Compared with virgin raw materials, the blend with TiO2 showed better performance in all the impact categories analysed in comparison with virgin PA66, while the blend without TiO2 showed the opposite trend when compared to PP. Furthermore, the fact that the upcycling treatment was carried out on a pilot scale provides room for improvement when implemented on a full scale. It is worth noting the high energy consumption of the treatment processes and their associated cost, in addition to the market cost of virgin raw materials, however, when considering the environmental cost of raw materials, it is observed that when substituting virgin materials PP and PA66 for the blends evaluated in this study results in a reduction of the environmental price of up to 2.5 times This research was funded by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through the Project: EcoBlends’UP (Ref: PID2019-1006518RB-I00) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) within the POCTEFA 2014-2020 program through the project: REVALPET’UP (Ref.: EFA329/19)