In accordance with Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the Air Force must institute a program to identify, locate, evaluate, nominate cultural resources eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), and then protect them from adverse effects in accordance with Section 106 of the NHPA. The Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst (JBMDL) has partnered with US Forest Service (USFS) TEAMS Enterprise Unit for a Phase II evaluation of 15 archaeological sites. Fieldwork took place from July 16, 2015 through February 5, 2016 and involved shovel testing, pedestrian survey, trenching, and test units. Archaeological survey was focused entirely on the Fort Dix portion of JBMDL. Of the 15 sites evaluated, 9 sites were determined eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Sites 28-Bu-133 and 28-Bu-549 were determined to represent the same mid-late 19th century historical occupation. Sites 28-Bu-547, 28-Bu-548, and 28-Bu-134 also represent the same early-late 19th century domestic occupation. Site 28-Bu-526 contains Late Archaic through Early Woodland components that provide evidence of temporary settlement. Site 28-Bu-689 contains Late Archaic through Early Woodland components that represent seasonal occupation and resource procurement. Site 28-Oc-67 is an ephemeral lithic scatter attributed to the Late Archaic through Early Woodland periods and represents an under-documented site-type in a poorly understood geographical area. Site 28-Bu-551 represents a mid-late 19th century historical farmstead. Site 28-Bu-913 represents a mid-late 19th century domestic residence and farmstead. This site is recommended eligible for listing on the NRHP and would be a contributing resource to the recommended Pointville Archaeological Historic District. The Pointville Cemetery, the NRHP-eligible Site 28-Bu-413, NRHP-eligible 28-Bu-473, NRHP-eligible 28-Bu-542, and Texas Avenue and Pointville Road would be contributing resources to the recommended Pointville Archaeological Historic District. Future evaluation of sites 28-Bu-471, 28-Bu-472 and 28-Bu-474 may also be determined as contributing resources the Pointville Archeological Historic District even though they have not been determined as individually eligible for listing on the NRHP. Because no specific plans for development have been identified in these areas, the USFS recommends avoidance of these sites. Phase II evaluation recommends that sites 28-Bu-685, 28-Bu-698, 28-Oc-149, and 28-Bu-151 should not be considered eligible for listing on the NRHP. No further avoidance is recommended for these sites. Phase II evaluation of Site 28-Oc-152 identified intact archaeological deposits. However, recent construction and development may have adversely affected portions of the site. The USFS recommends additional survey at the Phase II level before an evaluation can be determined. This is volume one of this report, volume two can be found at