Digitonthophagus catta (Fabricius, 1787) (Figs. 10, 29���30, 58, 74, 93���94, 122, 144���146; Map 5) Scarabaeus Catta Fabricius, 1787a: 12 (original description) Scarabaeus Catta ��� Olivier 1789: 125 (redescription) Scarabaeus Catta ��� Gmelin 1790: 1534 (diagnosis) Scarabaeus Catta ��� Fabricius 1792: 44 (diagnosis) Scarabaeus Catta ��� Illiger 1800: 232 (monograph) Copris Catta ��� Fabricius 1801: 35 (diagnosis) Copris Catta ��� Illiger 1804: 149 (comment taxonomy) Copris Catta ��� Sch��nherr 1806: 49 (mentioned as synonym) Onthophagus Catta ��� Dejean 1821: 53 (mentioned as synonym) Copris Catta ��� LePeletier & Audinet-Serville 1828: 354 (comment taxonomy) Copris Catta ��� Klug 1833: 163 (mentioned as synonym) [Onthophagus] Catta ��� Dejean 1836: 157 (mentioned as synonym) Onthophagus Catta ��� Hope 1837: 32 (catalog) Ontophagus Catta ��� Reiche 1840: 243 (comment taxonomy) [Ontophagus] Catta ��� Laporte 1840: 85 (mentioned as synonym) Onthophagus Catta ��� Sturm 1843: 107 (mentioned as synonym) Onthophagus catta ��� Motschulsky 1860: 154 (comment taxonomy) Onthophagus catta ��� Harold 1869: 1029 (mentioned as synonym) Onthophagus catta ��� Gerstaecker 1871: 50 (distribution) Onthophagus catta ��� Gerstaecker 1873: 130 (monograph) Onthophagus catta ��� Quedenfeldt 1884: 272 (distribution) Onthophagus catta ��� Kolbe 1887: 246 (distribution) Onthophagus catta ���Kolbe 1897: 150 (mentioned as synonym) Onthophagus catta ��� P��ringuey 1901: 181 (mentioned as synonym) Onthophagus catta ��� Gillet & Boucomont 1927: 138 (mentioned as synonym) Onthophagus catta ��� Arrow 1931: 230 (monograph) Onthophagus catta ��� Boucomont 1934: 26 (mentioned as valid species) Onthophagus catta ��� Boucomont 1935: 284 (distribution) Onthophagus catta ��� Paulian 1937: 12 (distribution) Onthophagus catta ��� Paulian 1948: 151 (distribution) Onthophagus catta ��� Janssens 1953: 1549 (distribution) Onthophagus catta ��� Frey 1958: 73 (mentioned as synonym) [Scarabaeus] catta ��� Balthasar 1963: 365 (mentioned as synonym) Onthophagus catta ��� Ferreira 1967: 1169 (mentioned as synonym) Onthophagus catta ��� Ferreira 1968: 593 (mentioned as synonym) Onthophagus catta ��� Ferreira 1972: 780 (mentioned as synonym) Onthophagus catta ��� Paulian 1986: 107 (catalog) Onthophagus gazella ��� Veenakumari & Veeresh 1996: 252 (natural history) Onthophagus catta ��� Gaikwad & Bhawane 2015: 1538 (natural history) Digitonthophagus catta ��� G��nier & Davis 2017: 497 (comment taxonomy, distribution) Diagnosis. Species distributed from Pakistan eastward; left lateral apophysis of FLP sclerite moderately developed (Fig. 144). Description. Alloreferent ♂ (Fig. 10): Measurements. Length 11.5 mm, width 6.5 mm. Head (Figs. 29���30). Anterior clypeal edge straight on median fifth in dorsal view; clypeofrontal carina broadly arcuate and interrupted at gena; vertex lacking median tubercle, surface with punctures fine to small, separated by one to four diameters. Horns moderately long, arcuate in frontal view, parallel sided on basal four-fifths; distinctly tapering externally before apex and narrower on apical sixth; posterointernal edge unmodified basally; apicointernal surface lacking granules. Genal edge upturned and distinctly angulate on anterior third, forming a broad angle with clypeal edge. Pronotum (Fig. 58). Surface with granulate punctures restricted to anterior half medially, with smaller, irregularlyscattered, simple punctures on posterior half of disc; punctures lacking posterolaterally, with more-or-less distinct, minute punctures throughout. Anteromedian tubercle atrophied, simply round in lateral view; median longitudinal sulcus well defined; surface behind the eyes slightly concave, surface of anterior angles concave, anterior angles unmodified; anterior half of lateral edge arcuate in dorsal and slightly sinuous anteriorly in lateral view; posterior angles simply arcuate in dorsal view. Anterior hypomeral ridge broadly arcuate, anterior hypomeral depression surface slightly darker in color medially. Elytra (Fig. 10). Interval 2 with few fine granules on apical declivity, interval 4 lacking granules from base to apex. Legs. Protibial apicointernal tooth enlarged, with dorsal ridge extending to apex. Aedeagus (Fig. 122). Parameres with dorsal and ventral edges slightly diverging toward apex in lateral view. Internal sac sclerites (Figs. 144���146). Axial sclerite moderately sclerotized, shorter than subaxial sclerite, almost straight. Subaxial sclerite, larger basally and gradually tapering, extending straight and interrupted at apex of frontolateral peripheral sclerite apical portion, with villi on apical sixth. Frontolateral peripheral sclerite basoventral apophysis moderately developed, angular in lateral view; with a single acute medioventral carinae; right lateral fold produced into a uneven bifurcate process, lateral edge with few indentations; left lateral apophysis present, moderately developed; left lateral lobe absent; subapicodorsal lobe well sclerotized, reaching anterior edge, partly fused to apical lobe, with villi similar to apical lobe, right edge round before apex; apical lobe round apically, longitudinally folded and partly fused to subapicodorsal lobe, apical villi regular in shape; subapicoventral lobe atrophied, oriented ventrally. Variation. Measurements (107 ♂♂, 106 ♀♀). Length: male 7.0���13.0 mm (10.6 �� 1.0 mm), female 7.5���12.5 mm (10.2 �� 1.0 mm). Female specimen. Cephalic outline in dorsal view similar to Fig. 74; vertex with a broadly arcuate transverse carina, dorsal edge broadly arcuate in frontal view, lateral portion gradually sloping down posteriorly; anterior pronotal tubercles well developed, external lateral edges approximately parallel in dorsal view (Fig. 93), anterolateral surface obliquely concave, anterosuperior edge slightly arcuate in dorsal view, lateral portion of anterosuperior edge slightly upturned (Fig. 94). Protibia short, with external teeth more robust. Primary type data. Lectotype ♀ (ZMUK) present designation: [WORLD / SCARAB. / DATABASE / WSD00032221] barcode label; [LECTOTYPE ♀ / Scarabaeus / catta / Fabricius, 1787 / des. F. G��nier, 2016] red card. Material examined (188 ♂♂, 199 ♀♀, 855 sex no recorded), distribution (Map 5): AFGHANISTAN: KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA, Hazara, Abbottabad (39��10'N, 73��13'E), vi.2002, [anonymous] ���2 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂ (CEMT); BANGLADESH: RANGPUR, Dinajpur (25��45'N, 88��43'E), iv.1970, Barbe��� 1 ♂ (CMNC); INDIA: Coromandel Coast, [no date], Zschuck��� 4 ♀♀ (lectotype, 3 paralectotypes) (ZMUC); ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS, [unspecified locality] (12��30'N, 92��45'E), [no date], Roepstorff��� 1 ♂ (ZMUC); GOA, Calangute (15��32'30''N, 73��45'45''E), 15.xii.1976, [anonymous]��� 4 ♀♀, 3 ♂♂ (OMOC); [unspecified locality] (15��22'N, 74��4'E), 22���23.x.1986, J.L. & A. Nicolas��� 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (CMD); JHARKHAND, Ranchi (23��20'N, 85��19'E), 1970, Dr. Soběslavsk����� 1 ♀ (CVM); Ranchi (23��20'N, 85��19'E), [no date], R.P. Bretaudeau��� 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (MNHN); KARNATAKA, 15 km W Gadag, 670 m (15��25'48''N, 75��28'39''E), 13.viii.1984, B. Gill��� 1 ♀ (BDGC); 20 km SW Hubli, 650 m (15��12'3''N, 74��59'34''E), 11.vii.1984, B. Gill��� 3 ♀♀, 1 ♂ (BDGC); Bangalore, 970 m (12��58'N, 77��34'E), 17���19.vii.1984, B. Gill��� 7 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂ (BDGC); Chikkangalur, pr��s de Bangalore [=Chickmagaluru] (13��18'53''N, 74��46'29''E), vii���ix.1899, R.P. Tabourel��� 1 ♀ (MNHN); Hampi (15��20'6''N, 76��27'36''E), 18.x.1986, J.L. Nicolas��� 2 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂ (CMD); Harihar, 750 m (14��30'30''N, 75��48'30''E), 15.vii.1984, B. Gill��� 2 ♀♀, 5 ♂♂ (BDGC); Hubli, 670 m (15��21'42''N, 75��5'6''E), 7���14.vii.1984, B. Gill��� 5 ♀♀, 8 ♂♂ (BDGC); Sindhanur (15��46'N, 76��45'E), 21.xii.1989, C. Mahalingappa��� 1 ♀, 2 ♂♂ (OUMNH); Mysore District, Mysore (12��18'N, 76��39'E), [no date], [anonymous]��� 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (MNHN); Shimoga District, Bhadravati (13��50'24''N, 75��42'7.2''E), 13.v.1935, [anonymous]��� 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (CMNC); Shimoga (13��55'N, 75��34'E), v.1897, [anonymous]��� 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (MNHN); Shimoga (13��55'N, 75��34'E), vi.1897, [anonymous]��� 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (MNHN); Shimoga (13��55'N, 75��34'E), iv.1936, [anonymous]��� 1 ♂ (PMOC); KERALA, Chembra Peak, 1067 m (11��33'12''N, 76��5'14''E), iv.1970, T.R.S. Nathan��� 1 ♂ (CMNC); Thenmala (8��58'N, 77��4'E), v.1988, T.R.S. Nathan��� 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (CMNC); Thiruvananthapuram District, Poonmudi Range, 914 m (8��45'27''N, 77��6'54''E), v.1989, T.R.S. Nathan��� 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (CMNC); KERALA / TAMIL NADU, Anaimalai Hills, 1067 m (10��22'N, 77��7.5'E), v.1963, P.S. Nathan��� 1 ♀ (CNC); Anaimalai Hills, 1067 m (10��22'N, 77��7.5'E), v.1977, [anonymous]��� 4 ♀♀, 4 ♂♂ (CNC); Anaimalai Hills, 1067 m (10��22'N, 77��7.5'E), iv.1963, P.S. Nathan��� 2 ♂♂ (CNC); Anaimalai Hills, 1067 m (10��22'N, 77��7.5'E), x.1977, T.R.S. Nathan��� 1 ♂ (RMNH); Cinchona, Anaimalai Hills, 1067 m, iv.1964, P.S. Nathan��� 1 ♂ (CNC); MADHYA PRADESH, Jabalpur (23��10'N, 79��56'E), x.1957, Nathan��� 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (CMNC); Maihar (24��16'10''N, 80��45'24''E), x.1972, [anonymous]��� 1 ♀ (ZMUC); Pachmarhi, Satputa Hills, 1067 m (22��28'.12''N, 78��25'59.88''E), x.1970, T. Nathan��� 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (CNC); Ratlam (23��20'N, 75��2'E), [no date], [anonymous]��� 1 ♂ (MNHN); Satna (24��36'N, 80��50'E), [no date], Stloukal��� 1 ♂ (CMNC); MAHARASHTRA, Pune (18��31'N, 73��51'E), viii.1984, S. Pokorn����� 2 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂ (CVM); ODISHA, Brahmapur (19��19'N, 84��47'E), xi.1972, [anonymous]��� 1 ♂ (ZMUC); ORISSA, Berhampur (19��18'30''N, 84��47'26''E), [no date], Atkinson��� 1 ♂ (OUMNH); Balasore District, Balasore (21��30'N, 86��56'E), [no date], R.P. Gengler��� 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (MNHN); PONDICHERRY, Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), viii.1991, T.R.S. Nathan��� 1 ♀ (CMNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), x.1991, T.R.S. Nathan��� 1 ♂ (CMNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), iv.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), x.1963, P.S. Nathan��� 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), ix.1952, P.S. Nathan��� 2 ♀♀ (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), vi.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 1 ♂ (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), vii.1963, P.S. Nathan��� 1 ♂ (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), i.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 11 specimens (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), ii.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 36 specimens (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), iii.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 34 specimens (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), vii.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 40 specimens (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), viii.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 74 specimens (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), ix.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 146 specimens (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), x.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 83 specimens (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), xi.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 39 specimens (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), xii.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 9 specimens (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), i.1963, P.S. Nathan��� 16 specimens (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), ii.1963, P.S. Nathan��� 12 specimens (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), iii.1963, P.S. Nathan��� 34 specimens (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), iv.1963, P.S. Nathan��� 12 specimens (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), vi.1963, P.S. Nathan��� 4 specimens (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), x.1966, P.S. Nathan��� 13 specimens (CNC); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), viii.1963, T.R.S. Nathan��� 2 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂ (MMUE); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), i���ii.1964, T.R.S. Nathan��� 4 ♀♀, 4 ♂♂ (MMUE); Karaikal District, Karaikal (10��56'N, 79��50'E), vii.1970, P. Susai Nathan��� 1 ♂ (RMNH); Nedungadu (10��58'N, 79��46'E), [no date], [anonymous]��� 1 ♂ (NMPC); RAJASTHAN, Barmer (25��45'N, 71��23'E), ix.1973, T.R.S. Nathan��� 1 ♀ (RMNH); Kota, 250 m (25��10'28''N, 75��50'14''E), x.1981, T.R.S. Nathan��� 2 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂ (OUMNH); Thar desert around Jaisalmer (26��55'N, 70��56'E), 2.viii.2007, I. N��dai��� 4 ♀♀, 7 ♂♂ (PMOC); TAMIL NADU, 20 km SE Sagar, 600 m (14��6.37'N, 75��8.93'E), 12.v.2005, M. Halada��� 1 ♀ (OUMNH); 20 km SW Karamadai, 450 m (11��12.6'N, 76��44.9'E), 27.iv.2005, M. Halada��� 1 ♂ (OUMNH); Cap Comorin [=Kanyakumari] (8��5'N, 77��32'E), 1888, R.P. Castets��� 16 specimens (MNHN); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), xi.1969, P.S. Nathan��� 1 ♀, 3 ♂♂ (CMNC, CNC); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), iv.1959, P.S. Nathan��� 1 ♀ (CNC); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), iv.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 25 specimens (CNC); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), v.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 19 specimens (CNC); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), vii.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 18 specimens (CNC); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), ix.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 14 specimens (CNC); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), x.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 3 specimens (CNC); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), xi.1962, P.S. Nathan���20 specimens (CNC); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), xii.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 5 specimens (CNC); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), i.1963, P.S. Nathan��� 6 specimens (CNC); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), iv.1963, P.S. Nathan��� 50 specimens (CNC); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), xi.1966, P.S. Nathan��� 20 specimens, 2 ♂♂ (CNC, PMOC); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), viii.1963, T.R.S. Nathan��� 6 ♀♀, 6 ♂♂ (MMUE); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), ix.1964, T.R.S. Nathan��� 1 ♀, 5 ♂♂ (MMUE); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), x���xi.1964, T.R.S. Nathan��� 4 ♂♂ (MMUE); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), xi.1967, P.S. Nathan��� 1 ♀ (PMOC); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), ix.1972, T.R.S. Nathan��� 2 ♀♀, 1 ♂ (PMOC, RMNH); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), x.1972, T.R.S. Nathan��� 2 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂ (PMOC); Coimbatore, 427 m (11��0'N, 76��57'E), xii.1976, T.R.S. Nathan��� 1 ♂ (RMNH); Gingee (12��15'N, 79��25'E), [no date], M. Andr����� 1 ♂ (PMOC); Madurai (9��55'N, 78��7'E), x.1975, M. Coe��� 1 ♀, 4 ♂♂ (OUMNH); Maravakkadu (10��38'N, 79��27'E), v.1962, T.R.S. Nathan��� 2 ♀♀ (CNC); NE of Madurai, 200 m (10��8.7'N, 77��46.5'E), 6.v.2005, M. Halada��� 1 ♀ (OUMNH); Palni Hills (10��12'N, 77��30'E), 1898, R.P. Castets��� 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (MNHN); Point Calimere (10��17'35''N, 79��52'6''E), 1972, T.R.S. Nathan��� 1 ♀ (RMNH); Pudukkottai (10��23'N, 78��49'E), x.1984, T.R.S. Nathan��� 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (CMNC); Singara, Nilgiri Hills (11��22'N, 76��46'E), v.1963, T.R.S. Nathan��� 2 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂ (MMUE); Thambikkottai (10��23'N, 79��27'E), vi.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 3 ♀♀ (CNC); Tirunelveli (8��44'N, 77��42'E), x.1986, [anonymous]��� 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (OMOC); Tranquebar [= Tharangambadi] (11��2'N, 79��5'E), [no date], [anonymous]��� 1 ♂ (ZMUC); Vellore (12��55'N, 79��8'E), [no date], L��venthal��� 2 ♂♂ (ZMUC); Chennai District, Madras Airport [= Chennai Airport] (12��59'38''N, 80��9'28''E), v.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 64 ♀♀, 42 ♂♂ (CNC); Chennai District, Madras Airport [= Chennai Airport] (12��59'38''N, 80��9'28''E), viii.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 19 specimens (CNC); Chennai District, Madras Airport [= Chennai Airport] (12��59'38''N, 80��9'28''E), ix.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 9 specimens (CNC); Chennai District, Madras Airport [= Chennai Airport] (12��59'38''N, 80��9'28''E), x.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 14 specimens (CNC); Coimbatore District, Coimbatore (11��0'N, 76��57'E), x.1958, P.S. Nathan��� 1 ♀ (CNC); Coimbatore District, Coimbatore (11��0'N, 76��57'E), vi.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 1 ♀ (CNC); Coimbatore District, Coimbatore (11��0'N, 76��57'E), x.1976, [anonymous]��� 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (CNC); Coimbatore District, Coimbatore (11��0'N, 76��57'E), xi.1976, [anonymous]��� 1 ♂ (CNC); Coimbatore District, Coimbatore (11��0'N, 76��57'E), iv.1976, [anonymous]��� 1 ♂ (CNC); Coimbatore District, Coimbatore (11��0'N, 76��57'E), xi.1957, P.S. Nathan��� 3 specimens (CNC); Coimbatore District, Coimbatore (11��0'N, 76��57'E), xi.1962, P.S. Nathan��� 12 specimens (CNC); Coimbatore District, Coimbatore (11��0'N, 76��57'E), xi.1965, P.S. Nathan��� 10 specimens (CNC); Marudamalai Hills (11��2'46''N, 76��51'7''E), xi.1969, P.S. Nathan��� 29 specimens, 1 ♀, 1 ♂ (CMNC, CNC); Marudamalai Hills (11��2'46''N, 76��51'7''E), x.1969, P.S. Nathan��� 2 ♀♀ (CNC); Kancheepuram District, Manapakkam (13��0'N, 80��10'E), 20.ix.2002, S. Saluk��� 1 ♂ (PMOC); UTTAR PRADESH, Babina, 300 m (25��15'N, 78��28'E), viii.1984, T.R.S. Nathan��� 1 ♀, 2 ♂♂ (CMNC); Babina, 300 m (25��15'N, 78��28'E), viii.1987, T.R.S. Nathan��� 3 ♀♀, 3 ♂&male, Published as part of G��nier, Fran��ois & Moretto, Philippe, 2017, Digitonthophagus Balthasar, 1959: taxonomy, systematics, and morphological phylogeny of the genus revealing an African species complex (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), pp. 1-110 in Zootaxa 4248 (1) on pages 24-28, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.439444, {"references":["Fabricius, J. C. (1787 a) Mantissa insectorum sistens eorum species nuper detectas adiectis characteribus generici, differentiis specificis, emendationibus, observationibus. Tom. I. Christ. Gottl. 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