Tema diplomske naloge je bila priprava predloga za vpeljavo funkcij za analizo podatkov v programu MiSmart. Program MiSmart je namenjen zbiranju podatkov iz raznih merilnikov proizvajalca Iskra d.d., ki so nameščeni na merilnih mestih uporabnika. V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili na njegovo uporabo v elektrodistribucijskih podjetjih, ki nameščajo merilnike električnih veličin v srednje/nizkonapetostne (SN/NN) transformatorske postaje (TP) za potrebe permanentnega monitoringa. V programu MiSmart se tako zbirajo meritve, alarmi ter podatki o kvaliteti električnega omrežja iz različnih merilnih mest. Omogočen je prikaz zbranih podatkov v grafični in tabelarični obliki, dodano uporabno vrednost uporabniku pa bi dala statistična obdelava teh podatkov. Funkcije za analizo, kot so histogram, percentil, deviacija parametra, simetrija, konična moč … dajejo uporabniku podrobnejšo sliko o delovanju omrežja ter pomoč pri analizi okvar, planiranju vzdrževanja, načrtovanju omrežja … Poleg tega podobna orodja vsebujejo tudi konkurenčni produkti. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil priprava dokumenta, ki je v pomoč razvojni ekipi podjetja Iskra d.d. in predstavlja osnovo za vpeljavo funkcij za analizo podatkov. Do njega smo prišli s pomočjo analize konkurenčnih produktov, lastnim poznavanjem problematike ter s prepoznavanjem težav in potreb končnih uporabnikov, ki so na koncu tudi potrdili uporabnost. The subject of thesis was preparation of proposal for integration of function for data analysis in MiSmart software. Software is intended for collecting the data from various measuring devices made by Iskra d.d., that are placed on users measuring points. Main focus is the use of software in electrodistribution utility companies, which are installing devices for monitoring electrical quantities in medium to low voltage (MV/LV) transformer stations for the purpose of permanent monitoring. In the software data about measurements, alarms and power quality from different measuring points are collected. Currently it is possible to view the data in tabular or graphical form added value would represent statistical analysis of those data. Functions such as histogram, percentile, parameter deviation, symmetry, peak power … offer the user better view on the operation of the electodistribution network. They serve as a great tool for analysis of faults, maintenance planning, development and planning of the network … Beside that, similar tools are integrated also in competitive software solutions. Main goal of the thesis was preparation of the document, that serves as a guidance for Iskra d.d. R&D team and represents the base for integration of functions for data analysis. During its preparation, we have analysed solutions that already exist on the market, used our knowledge and understanding of the problem and discovered the problems and needs through the discussions with the main users, which at the end also confirmed the usability of the product.