Richard J. Jones, Hyam I. Levitsky, Leo Luznik, Heather J. Symons, Ephraim J. Fuchs, Wendy Ying, Ashley T. Munchel, Ferdynand Kos, Christopher J. Thoburn, Allan D. Hess, and Chimene Kesserwan
Abstract 1009 Delayed immune reconstitution with increased risk of opportunistic infection is a major complication of HLA-haploidentical stem cell transplantation, especially in protocols employing extensive T cell depletion of the graft. Previous studies at our institution with high-dose, post-transplantation Cy (PT/Cy) have reported low rates of non-relapse mortality and serious opportunistic infections. Here we characterize immune reconstitution in fifty-three consecutive hematologic malignancies patients receiving nonmyeloablative conditioning, T cell-replete, HLA-haploidentical bone marrow transplantation (BMT), and graft versus host disease prophylaxis including PT/Cy. Patients with advanced hematologic malignancies (median age 51, range 14–71; 5 AML, 2 ALL, 4 MDS, 2 CML, 4 CLL, 1 CMML, 25 NHL, 7 Hodgkins, 3 mantle cell) received Cy 14.5 mg/kg/day IV on days −6 and −5, fludarabine 30 mg/m2/day IV on days −6 to −2, 200 cGy of TBI on day -1 and T cell replete bone marrow from donors with a median age of 44 (range 14–68). GVHD prophylaxis consisted of Cy (50 mg/kg/day) on days 3 and 4, mycophenolate mofetil for 30 days, and tacrolimus for 6 months. Grafts contained an infused median TNC/kg of 4.1 e8 (range 2.6–6.6 e8), CD3+/kg 3.6 e7 (range 1.7–6.7e7) and a CD34+/kg of 3.5e6 (range 1.4–7.0e6). Sustained engraftment of donor cells occurred in 86% of evaluable patients (44/51).The median times to neutrophil (>500/μL) and platelet recovery (>20,000/μL) were 17 days (range, 13–92 days) and 28 days (range, 13–580 days), respectively. Post-transplantation recovery of lymphocyte subsets is shown in Table 1 and Figure 1 and is notable for the following: 1) The median lymphocyte count at day 30 after transplantation is >180/ml and recovers to over 800/ml by day 60; 2) CD4+ T cell counts recover to a median >120/ml by day 60 and >220/ml by day 180 after transplantation; and 3) recovery of CD31+ recent thymic emigrants and CD45RA+ naïve T cells is delayed compared to recovery of memory T cells. T cell receptor spectratyping analysis on a subset of 10 patient/donor pairs chosen specifically for having no relapse/no GVHD (n=4), GVHD and no relapse (n=3), or late relapse (n=3) revealed that patients without relapse, GVHD, or recent viral infection had excellent reconstitution of the T cell repertoire to the level of the pre-transplant donor, as early as 6 months post-transplant (Figure 2). CMV specific T cell response using ELISPOT measured on a subset of 17 patients whose donors were reactive to CMV, revealed that donor-derived immunity to CMV returns by Day 60 in about 70% of patients (12/17) (Figure 3). In conclusion, immune reconstitution after non-myeloablative haploidentical T cell replete BMT with PT/Cy compares favorably with other reduced intensity conditioning alternative donor regimens and suggests that PT/Cy selectively preserves pathogen-specific memory T cells necessary to protect against infection. Further correlations of immune reconstitution with specific infectious and overall outcomes are being analyzed.Figure 1T-, B-, and NK-cell ReconstitutionFigure 1. T-, B-, and NK-cell ReconstitutionFigure 2T cell receptor spectratypingFigure 2. T cell receptor spectratypingFigure 3CMV-specific T cell frequencyFigure 3. CMV-specific T cell frequencyTable 1.Post-transplantation Lymphocyte Subset RecoveryMedian (cells/μL) (N)Interquartile range (cells/μL)ALCDonor1765 (46)1480–2100Recipient pre-BMT840 (45)425–1295Day 30184 (49)54–402Day 60820 (38)470–1260Day 180915 (34)670–1560Day 3653060 (22)820–2030CD3+CD4+CD45RA+ (naïve)Donor119 (33)82–189Recipient pre-BMT22 (34)4–38Day 300.33 (35)0.07–1Day 603 (29)1–9Day 18011 (23)5–31Day 36523 (13)13–92CD3+CD4+CD45RA−CCR7+ (central memory)Donor135 (33)95–158Recipient pre-BMT54 (34)11–79Day 302 (35)0.5–11Day 6034 (29)10–79Day 18061 (23)35–117Day 36589 (13)60–122CD3+CD4+CD45RA−CCR7− (effector memory)Donor187 (33)130–245Recipient pre-BMT87 (34)14–134Day 303 (35)1–18Day 6059 (29)14–122Day 180102 (23)43–179Day 365142 (12)64–204CD3+CD4+CD45RA+CD31+ (recent thymic emigrants)Donor61 (33)30–97Recipient pre-BMT6 (34)1–16Day 300.9 (35)0.03–0.4Day 601 (29)0.5–2Day 1804 (23)1–11Day 3657 (13)2–12CD3+CD4+Foxp3+Donor28 (33)23–35Recipient pre-BMT13 (34)6–24Day 301 (35)0.1–5Day 608 (29)4–16Day 18013 (23)7–25Day 36514 (13)7–17ALC, absolute lymphocyte count; WBC, white blood cell count; Treg, regulatory T cell Disclosures: Jones: Aldagen: Patents & Royalties.