Chancroid, caused by the gram-negative bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi (for reviews, see references 2, 47, and 60), is one of the sexually transmitted genital ulcer diseases. Although outbreaks are more prevalent in developing countries, sporadic outbreaks have occurred in the United States. Up to 50% of patients visiting sexually transmitted disease clinics in sub-Saharan Africa may have chancroid (12, 23). Additionally, it is an independent risk factor for the heterosexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (34; F. A. Plummer, M. A. Wainberg, P. Plourde, P. Jessamine, L. J. DCosta, I. A. Wamola, and A. R. Ronald, Letter, J. Infect. Dis. 161:810-811, 1990); therefore, the interest in chancroid has recently intensified. In the last 10 years, several laboratories have begun to define the molecular biology of this pathogen. The study of virulence factors, the body's immune response to infection, and potential vaccines for H. ducreyi have all made significant contributions to the understanding of this bacterium (3-10, 13-16, 22, 24, 26-28, 32, 33, 36, 38, 39, 46, 50, 53, 54, 59, 61, 64). With the genome sequence completed, the process of annotation will, undoubtedly, further accelerate progress on this strictly human pathogen ( At present, there are several laboratory methods for the diagnosis of chancroid, including Gram stain, culture, and PCR. Various rates of sensitivity have been reported for the Gram stain, all approximating 50% (51, 57). The presence of other organisms in the polymicrobial chancroid ulcer reduces the specificity of the Gram stain, as these bacteria may be confused with H. ducreyi morphologically, especially by inexperienced personnel. Thus, the Gram stain has little clinical utility in the diagnosis of chancroid. Before the advent of reliable PCR methods, culture was the widely accepted standard of laboratory diagnosis (43, 57). H. ducreyi is a fastidious bacterium that has an absolute requirement for heme because it lacks a heme biosynthetic pathway (60); therefore, use of a special medium is required. Many strains require the addition of fetal bovine serum for growth. Furthermore, H. ducreyi requires a CO2 or microaerophilic atmosphere, and its optimal growth temperature (33°C) is lower than those of most human pathogens, mandating an additional dedicated incubator if it is to be routinely cultured. On primary isolation, small colonies of H. ducreyi usually appear after 2 to 3 days of incubation. Because ulcers are often secondarily contaminated with other more rapidly growing bacteria, cultures can be lost due to contamination (41). Culture is relatively insensitive, with the sensitivity ranging between 56 and 84% (25). The use of more than one primary isolation medium improves isolation rates, but not substantially (25). Culture is thought to be 100% specific; however, traditional biochemical identification of a presumptive H. ducreyi isolate is problematic due to its relative biochemical inertness. Furthermore, H. ducreyi fails to grow on standard biochemical media used to test other bacteria. Thus, for culturing, optimum sensitivity and specificity require microbiologists with specific training and experience with H. ducreyi. Such personnel are lacking both in underdeveloped areas where the organism is endemic and in developed countries such as the United States where it is not endemic. Two advantages that culture offers are the abilities to perform sensitivity testing of isolates and strain typing for epidemiological studies. Despite its limitations, culture will remain a valuable tool in the future. As technology has improved, PCR has become the most sensitive method for the diagnosis of chancroid (19, 40, 44, 58; K. A. Orle et al., Abstr. 94th Gen. Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol. 1995, abstr. C-247, p. 43, 1995). It has a sensitivity approaching 100%. Although some surmise that false-positive results occur, this has been very difficult to prove. To date, PCR studies are done in laboratories remote from the clinic setting and therefore are not useful for establishing a diagnosis in a time frame that would benefit patient treatment. At present, multiplex PCR is not available for commercial use; rather, it is used for limited research purposes only. The need to maintain trained personnel to perform and interpret cultures and PCR in the resource-poor settings where chancroid is endemic makes these tests economically prohibitive. Furthermore, the costs of media, equipment, and reagents for culture and PCR are considerable. Because of these limitations, culture and PCR in their current formats are not suitable for on-site, immediate detection of H. ducreyi in clinical specimens in areas where the organism is endemic. Therefore, a stable, inexpensive, and rapid test that is simple to perform and interpret at the bedside would be a valuable tool in chancroid control, so long as it maintains its sensitivity and specificity. The immunochromatography (IC) test described in this report is based on novel monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to the hemoglobin receptor, HgbA, which is an abundant outer membrane protein (OMP) that is required for the acquisition of heme from hemoglobin (26, 27; C. Elkins, unpublished data, 1999). The ability of H. ducreyi to obtain heme from hemoglobin is required for pustule formation. An isogenic hgbA mutant which is unable to utilize hemoglobin was unable to form pustules in a human experimental model of infection (5). As HgbA is conserved in geographically diverse isolates, we developed an IC test based on these MAbs to this protein. In the present report, we describe progress in the initial development of a rapid diagnostic test for H. ducreyi.