43 results on '"WMS"'
Search Results
2. A review and research agenda for recent socially and environmentally sustainable practices for warehouse management systems
- Author
Minashkina, Daria
- Published
- 2024
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3. Warehouse Management Systems for Social and Environmental Sustainability: A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis.
- Author
Minashkina, Daria and Happonen, Ari
- Subjects
WAREHOUSE management systems ,BIBLIOMETRICS ,SUSTAINABILITY ,SOCIAL sustainability ,MANAGERIAL economics - Abstract
Background: With the continuing growth of warehouses globally, there is an increasing need for sustainable logistics solutions in warehousing, but research linking warehouse management systems (WMS) and sustainability is lacking. Methods: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis were conducted in Scopus and Web of Science databases from 2006 to 2022 to investigate academic knowledge of WMS contributing to warehouses' social and environmental sustainability. Results: Findings revealed only 12 topic-relevant articles from 2013 to 2022, primarily published recently. More recent articles have received more citations than earlier published works. The articles were from multiple research fields, such as business economics, engineering, computer science, and social sciences, with only one article on environmentally sustainable technologies. The top keywords were "warehouse management system", "internet of things", "industry 4.0" and "supply chain". Only six articles had environmental sustainability terms in the keywords. Findings show more discussions about social rather than environmental sustainability. Most studies suggest integrating WMS with other systems to support sustainability efforts in warehousing. Conclusions: The study addressed a gap in academic literature regarding WMS and sustainability. Research findings added knowledge of practical activities to achieve warehouse operations and performance sustainability and proactively reduce warehouse operations' environmental and social impacts. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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4. Warehouse Management Systems for Social and Environmental Sustainability: A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis
- Author
Daria Minashkina and Ari Happonen
- Subjects
warehouse management system ,wms ,social ,environment ,sustainability ,systematic literature review ,Transportation and communication ,K4011-4343 ,Management. Industrial management ,HD28-70 ,Transportation and communications ,HE1-9990 - Abstract
Background: With the continuing growth of warehouses globally, there is an increasing need for sustainable logistics solutions in warehousing, but research linking warehouse management systems (WMS) and sustainability is lacking. Methods: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis were conducted in Scopus and Web of Science databases from 2006 to 2022 to investigate academic knowledge of WMS contributing to warehouses’ social and environmental sustainability. Results: Findings revealed only 12 topic-relevant articles from 2013 to 2022, primarily published recently. More recent articles have received more citations than earlier published works. The articles were from multiple research fields, such as business economics, engineering, computer science, and social sciences, with only one article on environmentally sustainable technologies. The top keywords were “warehouse management system”, “internet of things”, “industry 4.0” and “supply chain”. Only six articles had environmental sustainability terms in the keywords. Findings show more discussions about social rather than environmental sustainability. Most studies suggest integrating WMS with other systems to support sustainability efforts in warehousing. Conclusions: The study addressed a gap in academic literature regarding WMS and sustainability. Research findings added knowledge of practical activities to achieve warehouse operations and performance sustainability and proactively reduce warehouse operations’ environmental and social impacts.
- Published
- 2023
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5. Evaluación sistémica de la implementación de un sistema de gestión de almacenes (WMS).
- Author
Jarlín Ortiz, Sol and Mauricio Paredes-Rodríguez, Andrés
- Subjects
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WAREHOUSES , *WAREHOUSE management , *WAREHOUSE management systems , *DYNAMICAL systems , *CASH flow , *ECONOMIC impact , *ORDER picking systems - Abstract
Currently, the execution of inventory tasks and order preparation within a warehouse are activities that have a high representation in the logistics costs of a company. Therefore, any decision made to increase productivity and decrease delivery time is needed. The execution of these operations is relevant to senior management and its implementation must be analyzed with a long-term financial sustainability of the strategy in mind. This study evaluates the economic impact of a warehouse management tool implementation (also known as WMS) in a company dedicated to the distribution of retail and wholesale hardware items. With the help of the dynamic systems tool, it is possible to evaluate the effect generated by the implementation of the project, considering the variables that directly and indirectly affect the cash flow of the company under study. Through the simulation carried out, it is possible to conclude that the warehouse management project has increase the company's cash flow in a period of five years. However, the results are only valid if senior management agrees to strengthen employee training processes and make a greater investment in technology that allows for faster and more efficient logistics processes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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6. Nachhaltig per WMS
- Author
Barlang, Maximilian and Publica
- Subjects
WMS ,Nachhaltigkeit ,warehouse management system ,Intralogistik ,warehouse management ,Energieeffizienz ,triple bottom line ,warehouse management systeme ,Logistikprozesse ,warehouse management systems ,Logistik - Abstract
Wer in der Intralogistik umfassende Nachhaltigkeit schaffen will, braucht Transparenz über die Prozesse und intelligente Strategien. Auf beides kann ein Warehouse Management System einzahlen.
- Published
- 2023
7. Avaliação da implantação do Sistema de Gestão de Armazém em uma empresa multinacional do ramo de acionamentos
- Author
Rafael de Assis and Juliana Keiko Sagawa
- Subjects
Warehouse Management System ,WMS ,Logistic ,Supply chain management ,Industrial engineering. Management engineering ,T55.4-60.8 - Abstract
Resumo A eficiência nas operações logísticas torna as empresas mais competitivas. Nesse aspecto, o uso de ferramentas para o gerenciamento e controle dessas operações é essencial para uma logística ágil e eficiente. O Sistema de Gestão de Armazém (Warehouse Management System , WMS) é uma das alternativas disponíveis no mercado capaz de automatizar as operações logísticas, buscando maior eficiência. A partir desse contexto, este estudo tem como objetivo central observar o processo de implantação de um Sistema de Gestão de Armazém em uma empresa de componentes mecânicos e analisar os impactos nas operações logísticas em termos de eficiência e qualidade de trabalho. Os resultados deste estudo estão focados na satisfação dos envolvidos, avaliada por meio de entrevistas, e nos resultados operacionais, fazendo-se um comparativo dos indicadores de desempenho logísticos em dois momentos distintos: o período anterior e o posterior à implantação do WMS. A partir da análise dos indicadores, foi possível observar um ganho de agilidade nas operações logísticas que, consequentemente, reflete-se em ganhos financeiros. Além disso, os relatos dos colaboradores envolvidos na mudança revelaram diminuição de atritos e aumento expressivo da confiabilidade e da credibilidade depositada nas informações por parte de clientes internos e externos.
- Published
- 2018
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8. Il magazzino del futuro
- Author
Schmeltzpfenning, Kira, Preetzmann, Tobias von, Goldner, Daniel, and Publica
- Subjects
WMS ,Warehouse Management System ,Lagerlogistik ,IT ,magazzino ,Logistik IT ,Logistik 4.0 ,Industrie 4.0 ,magazzino del futuro ,Software - Abstract
Negli ultimi anni, lo sviluppo tecnologico ha subito una rapida accelerazione. Grazie a questi progressi, la logistica ha un enorme potenziale che equipaggerà le aziende per le sfide del futuro. Date un'occhiata al magazzino del futuro con noi., In den letzten Jahren hat sich die technologische Entwicklung rasant beschleunigt. Dank dieses Fortschritts verfügt die Logistik über ein enormes Potenzial, das die Unternehmen für die Herausforderungen der Zukunft rüsten wird. Werfen Sie mit uns einen Blick auf das Lager der Zukunft.
- Published
- 2023
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9. WMS-Einführung vor dem Hintergrund der Nachhaltigkeit
- Author
Barlang, Maximilian
- Subjects
WMS ,Nachhaltigkeit ,GILA ,Ökonomie ,Soziales ,emissions ,Ökologie ,RPS ,warehouse management system ,CSRD ,warehouse management ,sustainability ,Ressourcenplanung - Abstract
Im Vortrag wird behandelt, wie die Einführung oder die Ablösung eines bestehenden WMS zur Nachhaltigkeit in der Intralogistik beitragen kann.
- Published
- 2022
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10. Development of mobile WMS and integration with ERP
- Author
Kolarac, Kia Milan and Đukić, Goran
- Subjects
sustav planiranja resursa poduzeća ,Warehouse Management System ,sustav upravljanja skladištem ,logistics ,logistics management ,WMS ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Strojarstvo ,logistički menadžment ,GoSoft ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Mechanical Engineering ,upravljanje skladištem i zalihama ,warehouse and inventory management ,ERP ,logistika ,Enterprise Resource Planning - Abstract
Ovaj diplomski rad na temu „Razvoj mobilnog WMS-a i integracija s ERP-om“ temelji se na prikazu projektnog razvoja WMS sustava i integracije samog WMS sustava s GoSoft ERP sustavom. U prvom dijelu diplomskog rada će se objasniti temeljni pojmovi i važnost logističkog menadžmenta u današnjem svijetu, upravljanju skladištem i zalihama. Nakon toga se prikazuju funkcionalnosti i važnost sustava za upravljanje skladišta i sustava za planiranje resursa poduzeća. U modernom dobu je opstanak i konkurentnost poduzeća gotovo nezamisliv bez uvođenja modernih tehnologija, automatiziranih sustava i velikih baza podataka koje služe za detaljnu i prediktivnu analizu, optimalni i profitabilni rad poduzeća. U praktičnom dijelu diplomskog rada će biti opisan rad i cijeli skladišni proces s GoSoft ERP sustavom i o samoj funkcionalnosti ERP sustava, dok se u završnom dijelu diplomski rad bazira na projektnom prikazu razrade koncepta WMS aplikacije i integracije s GoSoft ERP sustavom. This thesis on the topic "Development of mobile WMS and integration with ERP" is based on the presentation of project development of WMS system and integration of WMS system with GoSoft ERP system. The first part of the thesis will explain the basic concepts and importance of logistics management in today's world, warehouse and inventory management. After that, the functionalities and importance of the warehouse management system and the enterprise resource planning system are presented. In the modern age, the survival and competitiveness of enterprises is almost inconceivable without the introduction of modern technologies, automated systems and large databases that serve for detailed and predictive analysis, optimal and profitable operation of the enterprise. The practical part of the thesis will describe the work and the whole warehousing process with the GoSoft ERP system and the functionality of the ERP system, while the final part of the thesis is based on a project presentation of the concept of WMS and integration with GoSoft ERP system.
- Published
- 2022
11. Análise de viabilidade de implementação de um warehouse management system num centro de distribuição: caso de estudo ALDI
- Author
Valente, Carlos Eduardo Almeida and Batista, Carlos
- Subjects
WMS ,Cadeia de Abastecimento ,Warehouse Management System ,Supply Chain ,Sistema de Gestão de Armazém ,Armazém ,Warehouse - Abstract
A evolução tecnológica é uma realidade incontornável nas nossas vidas e cada vez mais sentimos a necessidade de nos mantermos atualizados com os novos desenvolvimentos para não ficarmos para trás. O mesmo acontece com as empresas, sobretudo em setores competitivos e exigentes como no comércio a retalho onde os métodos tradicionais das mercearias de bairro parecem ser coisa do passado. Este projeto olha para uma empresa que teve as suas origens precisamente numa mercearia de bairro e que cresceu até se tornar uma multinacional de relevo, mantendo, no entanto, os seus valores e princípios de gestão firmemente assentes nas suas origens. Contudo, existe um momento em que é necessário quebrar com os paradigmas do passado e abraçar uma nova realidade com as ferramentas tecnológicas e sistemas informacionais que permitem atingir uma escala e eficiência que de outro modo seriam impensáveis. Este caso de estudo focou-se nas operações no centro de distribuição do Aldi em Portugal e como a implementação de um Warehouse Management System (WMS) poderá contribuir para resolver várias ineficiências e ineficácias nos processos atuais baseados em papel, trazendo consigo uma modernização das operações que será essencial para cumprir os ambiciosos planos de expansão que o Aldi traçou para os próximos 4 anos. Identificou-se quais os processos chave onde é possível, com um WMS, reduzir custos (como na gestão de mercadorias perecíveis), aumentar significativamente a produtividade (em operações críticas do armazém como o picking, arrumação e reabastecimento) e melhorar o nível de serviço aos clientes internos (através da redução de erros e ruturas), que atualmente, são as mais de 100 lojas em funcionamento em Portugal (com o objetivo de serem 200 em 2025) que todos os dias dependem do abastecimento regular e sem falhas proveniente do Centro de Distribuição. Contudo, os custos associados à implementação destes sistemas de informação são significativos e é necessário ponderar a viabilidade financeira do investimento. Este projeto procurou quantificar os custos e as poupanças resultantes da implementação de um WMS através de uma projeção dos custos operacionais baseados nos planos de expansão do Aldi nos próximos anos e avaliar a rentabilidade do investimento através do cálculo do ROI (retorno sobre o investimento) e tempo de payback (tempo de recuperação do investimento). Deste modo, este projeto pretende dar uma resposta definitiva ao Aldi, à questão de que se deve ou não investir num WMS e o que se pode esperar no futuro resultante dessa decisão. Technological evolution is all around us in our daily lives and we often feel the need of keeping up to date with what’s going on, just so we won’t be left behind. The same is true for businesses, especially ones trying to survive in highly competitive industries like the retail sector, where things like the local grocery store seem like a thing of the past. This project looks at a company that started out precisely as a local grocery store and has grown to become a very relevant multinational company, whilst maintaining its values and management principles firmly rooted in its humble origins. However, there comes a time when it becomes necessary to break with the past and embrace the future, by adopting new technological tools and informational systems that can allow us to attain all new levels of scale and efficiency that would otherwise be unthinkable. The case study focuses on Aldi’s warehouse operations in Portugal and how implementing a Warehouse Management System (WMS) can help to deal with considerable efficiency and effectiveness issues with its current paper-based operational processes and bring about a much-needed modernization that will be essential in achieving Aldi’s ambitious expansion goals for the next 4 years. It also identifies key areas were a WMS can lower costs (such as with perishable goods management), increase productivity (in critical warehouse activities like picking, put away and replenishment) and improve internal client service levels (through error reduction and less stock-outs), who in this case are the over 100 stores in Portugal (with plans to become 200 by 2025) who depend on regular, error-free deliveries every day to satisfy their customers. However, costs associated with a WMS are quite significant and it is wise to ponder and evaluate the investment carefully. So, this project looks to calculate what Aldi stands to gain from the implementation and exactly how much it will cost, by making a forecast of operational costs for the next few years, based on Aldi’s strategic expansion plans and measure the ROI (return on investment) and payback time to determine if the investment is financially viable. In sum, this project looks a give a definitive answer to the question of whether Aldi should invest in a WMS and what it can expect in the future if it does.
- Published
- 2022
12. WMS Market Report Compact 2022
- Author
Wings, Linda Maria, Schmeltzpfenning, Kira, Erdogan, Aleyna, Otto, Jonathan, Kus, Jonas, Barlang, Maximilian, Dietze, Günter, Grünewald, Norman, Helaoui, Bacem, Ljucovic, Mirko, Napierala, Mauro, Perelló Riera, Juana, and Thill, Sidney Carina
- Subjects
WMS ,Benchmarking ,IT ,logistics ,Logistik IT ,intralogistics ,Studie ,study ,warehouse management system ,Intralogistik ,logistics IT ,warehouse management ,Logistik - Abstract
With the »WMS MARKET REPORT COMPACT 2022« the »Team warehouse logistics« of the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics continues its research series on market-determining factors as well as current developments and research trends of »Warehouse Management Systems« (WMS). As a continuous long-term study, the »WMS MARKET REPORT COMPACT 2022« provides a transparent and comprehensive overview of trends and developments of the increasingly complex WMS market. The focus is on the influences and future changes for the WMS market, standard WMS and WMS projects. The market study provides information on various questions: Which criteria are particularly relevant for WMS users when selecting a WMS? Does the providers' product portfolio contain IT software to complement the WMS? How often is which type of project carried out? Which development trends will be significant in the future? What are the most demanded K.O.- criteria in the WMS selection? Which cloud architectures are preferred for implementation? Detailed analyses, answers and questions on these and many other topics can be found in the »WMS MARKET REPORT COMPACT 2022«., Mit dem »WMS MARKTREPORT KOMPAKT 2022« führt das »Team warehouse logistics« des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Materialfluss und Logistik IML seine Untersuchungsserie über marktbestimmende Faktoren sowie aktuelle Entwicklungen und Forschungstrends von »Warehouse Management Systemen« (WMS) fort. Als kontinuierliche Langzeitstudie bietet der »WMS MARKTREPORT KOMPAKT 2022« eine transparente und umfangreiche Übersicht über Trends und Entwicklungen des immer komplexer werdenden WMS-Marktes. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den Einflüssen und zukünftigen Veränderungen für den WMS-Markt, Standard-WMS und WMS-Projekte. Die Marktstudie gibt Aufschluss über diverse Fragestellungen: Welche Kriterien haben bei der Auswahl eines WMS für WMS-Anwender eine besonders hohe Relevanz? Enthält das Produktportfolio der Anbieter zum WMS ergänzende Logistik IT-Software? Wie häufig wird welche Projektart durchgeführt? Welche Entwicklungstrends werden zukünftig maßgebend sein? Was sind die gefragtesten K.O.-Kriterien bei der WMS Auswahl? Welche Cloud-Architekturen werden bevorzugt implementiert? Detaillierte Analysen, Antworten und Fragestellungen zu diesen und vielen weiteren Themen finden Sie im »WMS MARKTREPORT KOMPAKT 2022«.
- Published
- 2022
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13. Desenvolupament d'un sistema per a la gestió de magatzems automàtics
- Author
Bertran Gardella, Sergi, Mayol Sarroca, Enric, Toldrà Fernández, Pol, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de Serveis i Sistemes d'Informació, and Tavil
- Subjects
WPF ,Warehouses--Management ,sistema de gestió de magatzems ,Informàtica::Sistemes d'informació [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,magatzem automàtic ,Magatzems--Direcció i administració ,Idoc ,c# ,WMS ,SGM ,transelevador ,stacker crane ,warehouse management system ,automated warehouse ,SAP ,Enterprise Resource Planning ,ERP ,OPC UA - Abstract
La millora constant de la cadena de subministrament està sent un dels factors determinants a l'hora d'incrementar la competitivitat de moltes empreses. Per consegüent, l'automatització dels processos involucrats en la gestió dels magatzems i la integració de les dades generades amb els sistemes d'informació de les empreses són alguns dels àmbits en els quals les organitzacions hi estan destinant més recursos. Aquest treball té com a objectiu dissenyar i implementar un sistema capaç de gestionar un magatzem automàtic format per transelevadors a més d'integrar-lo amb un sistema ERP. El sistema ha estat desenvolupat amb la col·laboració de l'empresa TAVIL IND. S.A.U. utilitzant C Sharp i la tecnologia Windows Presentation Foundation. El sistema final permet introduir i retirar materials del magatzem de forma automàtica tenint en compte les característiques dels productes així com controlar l'inventari. El producte final resulta notablement competitiu per a gestionar específicament els magatzems formats per transelevadors. En aquest sentit, de cara al futur aquest projecte es podria ampliar de tal manera que el sistema fos capaç de gestionar el conjunt de processos que tenen lloc en un magatzem. The constant improvement of the supply chain is being one of the determining factors when it comes to increasing the competitiveness of many companies. Consequently, the automation of the processes involved in the warehouses, as well as the integration of the data generated with the information systems of companies are some of the areas in which organizations are allocating more resources. This project aims to design and implement a system capable of managing an automated warehouse made up of stacker cranes as well as integrating it with an ERP system. The system has been developed in collaboration with the company TAVIL IND. S.A.U. using C Sharp and Windows Presentation Foundation technology. The final system allows materials to be entered and withdrawn automatically from the warehouse, considering the characteristics of the products, as well as controlling the inventory. The final product is remarkably competitive for specifically managing warehouses made up of stacker cranes. In this sense, in the future this project could be expanded so that the system would be able to manage the set of processes that take place in a warehouse.
- Published
- 2022
14. WMS - Warehouse Management System: Benfeitorias Proporcionadas pela Implantação em um Centro Distribuidor e Atacadista.
- Author
Fávero, Lévistone, Nascimento, Sabrina, Antonieta Lizote, Suzete, and Angel Verdinelli, Miguel
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2016
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15. A Systematic Literature Mapping of Current Academic Research Connecting Sustainability into the Warehouse Management Systems Context
- Author
Minashkina, Daria and Happonen, Ari
- Subjects
supply chain management ,industry 4.0 ,3PL ,software ,logistics ,third-party logistics ,systematic mapping study ,systematic literature review ,sustainability ,digitalization ,WMS ,automatization ,warehousing ,Warehouse management system ,environment - Abstract
Globalization, digitalization and rapid development of technology have made supply chains more complex than ever before. Complexity has forced many organizations to outsource their warehouse activities to Third-Party Logistics service providers. They, in turn, deploy automatization solutions and tools such as warehouse management system (WMS) software to manage in-house logistics services. However, research into third-party logistics (3PL) and WMS has so far been scarce, especially, regarding WMS and its sustainability supporting aspects. Large-scale outsourcing has recently received increasing attention from high-level decision-makers, in particular as regards the overall sustainability of logistics-related actions and processes. This systematic mapping-based study examines the current state of the art of academic literature considering WMS and its intersections with topics related to sustainability. As a result of the specific focus of the work, only a small set of 22 studies was found to add value to the topic, which opens up additional research opportunities in this direction. The majority of the studies were journal articles (13) rather than conference papers (9). The most frequently used keywords in these studies addressed the topics of WMS, ICT, sustainability, warehouse technology and operations. The content-based analysis revealed five main thematic areas, namely, WMS concept development, optimization and improvement, Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0, safety, and sustainability. Surprisingly, only one publication was devoted purely to WMS and indices built on the triple bottom line approach. The study considered neither the functions of WMS, nor sustainability-related features of WMS. The remaining studies discussed sustainability mainly from the safety perspective. It is concluded on the basis of this study that there are significant opportunities for further research in WMS and sustainability.
- Published
- 2021
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16. Estudio de prefactibilidad para una empresa que presta servicios tecnológicos a centros de distribución que atienden consumidor final
- Author
Zuleta Aristizábal, Luis Fernando and Escalante Goméz, Juan Esteban
- Subjects
Cadena de suministro ,Centro de distribución ,Administración de almacenes ,NUEVAS EMPRESAS ,Distribution center ,Sistema de administración de almacenes ,SISTEMAS DE INFORMACIÓN ,Feasibility ,Logistics ,Supply chain ,ESTUDIOS DE FACTIBILIDAD ,Information system ,Warehouse management ,WMS ,COMERCIO ELECTRÓNICO ,Logística ,Warehouse management system ,Prefactibilidad ,TECNOLOGÍA DE LA INFORMACIÓN - Abstract
El crecimiento del comercio electrónico y las tendencias en los servicios prestados a los clientes ha creado la necesidad de incrementar las capacidades y mejorar la eficiencia en los centros de distribución. Para hacer frente a estos desafíos las empresas se han apoyado de herramientas tecnológicas como los Sistemas de Administración de Almacenes, los cuales permiten controlar el inventario y las operaciones de una forma más precisa y eficiente. En las empresas colombianas un porcentaje bajo utiliza Sistemas de Administración de Almacenes y entre más pequeñas las empresas, menor es el uso de esta tecnología. Teniendo en cuenta los desafíos y la baja apropiación de tecnología en los centros de distribución, se realizaron los estudios de mercado, técnico, organizacional y financiero para determinar la prefactibilidad de una empresa que presta servicios tecnológicos. Los resultados positivos alcanzados a nivel de rentabilidad revelaron la conveniencia del proyecto.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Klun, Žiga and Bajec, Patricija
- Subjects
wms ,svs ,sistem za vodenje zalog ,sistem za vodenje skladišč ,warehouse management system ,svz ,skladiščni informacijski sistem ,warehouse management - Abstract
Rešitve na področju informatizacije in elektronske podpore poslovanja se danes zelo hitro razvijajo. Podjetja, ki ponujajo tovrstne rešitve, so nastala iznenada in se hitro razširila na način, da do sedaj ponujajo mnogo različnih programskih rešitev za kar vse industrijske in obrtne panoge. Teh podjetij je veliko, temu bi lahko rekli kar eksplozija ponudnikov programskih rešitev. Zaradi množičnosti in razvejanosti ponudnikov elektronske podpore poslovanja za vsako panogo pa se na trgu pojavlja zmeda v raznovrstnosti informacijske podpore, ki pa zaradi nepoznavanja tovrstnih programov in sistemov vodi v neracionalne in stroškovno neupravičene izbire. Mnogo ponudnikov preprosto ponuja preveč funkcij oziroma tudi take, ki za podjetje niso ključne in ne bodo nikoli uporabljene. Tovrstna problematika pomeni, da je posamezne skupke programskih orodij smiselno raziskati in jih teoretično razvrstiti oziroma njihove funkcije standardizirati. Today the solutions in the field of computerization and electronic business support are developing rapidly. Companies that offer such solutions have emerged suddenly and spread rapidly in a way that they currently offer a variety of software solutions to all industrial and commercial sectors. There are many of these companies, you could call it the explosion software solution providers. Multiplicity, variety of information support and branch diversification of electronic business support providers leads to the confusion in the market. This due to the lack of familiarity with such programs and systems leads to irrational and unjustified choices. Many providers simply offer too many features or ones that are not key to the business and will never be used. This problem means that it is reasonable to research varying types of software tools, to theoretically classify them and to standardize their functions.
- Published
- 2020
18. Developing recommendations to improve the warehouse management system
- Subjects
логиÑÑика ,WMS ÑиÑÑема ,WMS ,IT infrastructure ,ÐТ инÑÑаÑÑÑÑкÑÑÑа ,logistics ,Ñклад ,warehouse ,warehouse management system ,cloud system ,ÑиÑÑема ÑпÑÐ°Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñкладом ,облаÑÐ½Ð°Ñ ÑиÑÑема - Abstract
ЦелÑÑ ÑабоÑÑ ÑвлÑеÑÑÑ ÑазÑабоÑка ÑекомендаÑий по ÑовеÑÑенÑÑÐ²Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð½ÑоÑмаÑионной ÑиÑÑÐµÐ¼Ñ ÑпÑÐ°Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÑкладÑким Ñ Ð¾Ð·ÑйÑÑвом ÐÐР«ÐÐÐÐÐ ÐоÑд». ÐадаÑи ÑабоÑÑ: опÑеделение возможноÑÑи пÑÐ¸Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð½ÑоÑмаÑионнÑÑ ÑиÑÑем Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²ÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÑкладÑÐºÐ¸Ñ Ð¾Ð¿ÐµÑаÑий; изÑÑение ÑоÑÑийÑкого ÑÑнка WMS-ÑиÑÑем и ÐТ-аÑÑÑоÑÑинга; анализ ÑÑÑеÑÑвÑÑÑей WMS-ÑиÑÑÐµÐ¼Ñ Ð² ÐÐР«ÐÐÐÐÐ ÐоÑд»; ÑазÑабоÑка ÑекомендаÑии по ÑлÑÑÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÑиÑÑÐµÐ¼Ñ ÑпÑÐ°Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÑкладÑким Ñ Ð¾Ð·ÑйÑÑвом ÐÐР«ÐÐÐÐÐ ÐоÑд» и анализ Ð¸Ñ ÑкономиÑеÑкой ÑÑÑекÑивноÑÑи. РабоÑа вÑполнÑлоÑÑ Ð½Ð° маÑеÑÐ¸Ð°Ð»Ð°Ñ ÐÐР«ÐÐÐÐÐ ÐоÑд», ÐР«ÐÐÐÐл. ÐеÑодÑ: ÑÑавниÑелÑнÑй анализ, моделиÑование пÑоÑеÑÑов, меÑод клаÑÑиÑикаÑии, меÑÐ¾Ð´Ñ Ð¾Ñг. пÑоекÑиÑÐ¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ оÑенки инвеÑÑ. пÑивлекаÑелÑноÑÑи пÑоекÑов. ÐÑновнÑе ÑезÑлÑÑаÑÑ ÑабоÑÑ: опиÑÐ°Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð¾Ð·Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ð½Ð¾ÑÑи ÑовÑеменнÑÑ WMS-ÑиÑÑем; пÑоведен анализ ÑоÑÑийÑÐºÐ¸Ñ ÑÑнков WMS-ÑиÑÑем и ÐТ аÑÑÑоÑÑинга; поÑÑÑоена Ð¼Ð¾Ð´ÐµÐ»Ñ WMS-комплекÑа ÐÐР«ÐÐÐÐÐ ÐоÑд» и опÑÐµÐ´ÐµÐ»ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð·Ð°ÑÑаÑÑ Ð½Ð° его ÑодеÑжание; пÑедложен ÑкономиÑеÑки обоÑнованнÑй пÑÐ¾ÐµÐºÑ Ð¿Ð¾ ÑлÑÑÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ WMS-ÑиÑÑÐµÐ¼Ñ ÐÐР«ÐÐÐÐÐ ÐоÑд» пÑи помоÑи облаÑнÑÑ ÑÐµÑ Ð½Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð³Ð¸Ð¹. ÐÑакÑиÑеÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð°ÑимоÑÑÑ ÑабоÑÑ Ð¾Ð¿ÑеделÑеÑÑÑ Ð²Ð¾Ð·Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ð½Ð¾ÑÑÑÑ ÑеализаÑии пÑоекÑа по пеÑÐµÑ Ð¾Ð´Ñ Ð½Ð° облаÑнÑÑ Ð²ÐµÑÑÐ¸Ñ WMS-ÑиÑÑемÑ., The title of the bachelor graduate qualification work: Developing recommendations to improve the warehouse management systemâ. The aim of the graduate qualification work is developing relevant recommendations to improve the warehouse management system. Tasks of the graduate qualification work: determining the possibility of applying information systems to perform warehouse operations; studying the Russian WMS and IT-outsourcing markets; analyzing âALIDI Nordâ LLCâs current WMS; developing recommendations to improve the âALIDI Nordâ LLCâs WMS and giving a business case. The graduate qualification work was carried out on the basis of the âALIDI Nordâ LLC, âALIDIâ Group of Companies. Methods: comparative analysis, classification, process modeling, project management methods, methods for evaluating the effectiveness of projects. The main results of the graduate qualification work: description of the modern WMS productsâ capacity; analysis of Russian WMS and IT-outsourcing markets; building a model of âALIDI Nordâ LLCâs current WMS complex, itsâ analysis and calculation of the ownership costs of âALIDI Nordâ LLCâs current WMS; offering an economically justified project to improve the WMS via cloud technologies. The practical significance of the work is determined by application of the results of the work to introduce a project in âALIDI Nordâ LLC.
- Published
- 2020
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19. Lager-IT für Einsteiger
- Author
Dietze, Günter, Haus, Mareike, and Publica
- Subjects
Warehouse Management System ,WMS ,digitalisiertes Lager ,Transport-Management-System ,TMS ,Logistik-IT ,Lagerverwaltung - Published
- 2020
20. IoT-based risk monitoring system for safety management in warehouses
- Author
Hassen Chekir, Sourour Trab, Eddy Bajic, Ahmed Zouinkhi, Mohamed Naceur Abdelkrim, Modélisation, Analyse et Commande de Systèmes - MACS (Gabès, Tunisie), Université de Gabès, Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy (CRAN), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Lorraine (UL), and Université de Lorraine (UL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
IoT ,Computer science ,Computer Networks and Communications ,020209 energy ,[SCCO.COMP]Cognitive science/Computer science ,02 engineering and technology ,[SPI.AUTO]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Automatic ,intelligent product ,Hazardous waste ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,Product (category theory) ,Architecture ,Parametric statistics ,020208 electrical & electronic engineering ,risk monitoring system ,020206 networking & telecommunications ,internet of things ,Warehouse ,Computer Science Applications ,WMS ,Risk analysis (engineering) ,Safety assurance ,020201 artificial intelligence & image processing ,warehouse management system ,[INFO.INFO-ET]Computer Science [cs]/Emerging Technologies [cs.ET] ,[INFO.INFO-ES]Computer Science [cs]/Embedded Systems ,safety management ,Smart products ,Risk assessment ,Software ,Information Systems - Abstract
International audience; This paper relies on the concepts and architecture of IoT to design a risk monitoring system for a hazardous product warehouse. The enhancement of product into smart product as a sensor-equipped communicating device allows controlling and monitoring the product interactions in the objective of risks prevention and avoidance. A generic warehouse safety policy supported by the smart products is presented that relies on a set of parametric safety rules for storage, picking and handling of products. Our proposal aims to provide the benefits of information availability, communication and decision-making, deep in the warehousing physical world, and oriented toward a global safety assurance. We present an implementation case for chemical products warehousing, that uses ZigBee wireless sensor network platform and LabView software. The achievement of smart products and remote monitoring allows dynamic risk assessment by analysis of product's information and status, and ambient condition parameters of warehouse for safety assurance.
- Published
- 2018
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21. Avaliação da implantação do Sistema de Gestão de Armazém em uma empresa multinacional do ramo de acionamentos
- Author
Juliana Keiko Sagawa and Rafael de Assis
- Subjects
Warehouse Management System ,lcsh:T55.4-60.8 ,Gestão da cadeia de suprimentos ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ,WMS ,Warehouse management system ,Logística ,Logistic ,lcsh:Industrial engineering. Management engineering ,Sistema de Gestão de Armazém ,Business ,Business and International Management ,Humanities ,Supply chain management - Abstract
Resumo A eficiência nas operações logísticas torna as empresas mais competitivas. Nesse aspecto, o uso de ferramentas para o gerenciamento e controle dessas operações é essencial para uma logística ágil e eficiente. O Sistema de Gestão de Armazém (Warehouse Management System , WMS) é uma das alternativas disponíveis no mercado capaz de automatizar as operações logísticas, buscando maior eficiência. A partir desse contexto, este estudo tem como objetivo central observar o processo de implantação de um Sistema de Gestão de Armazém em uma empresa de componentes mecânicos e analisar os impactos nas operações logísticas em termos de eficiência e qualidade de trabalho. Os resultados deste estudo estão focados na satisfação dos envolvidos, avaliada por meio de entrevistas, e nos resultados operacionais, fazendo-se um comparativo dos indicadores de desempenho logísticos em dois momentos distintos: o período anterior e o posterior à implantação do WMS. A partir da análise dos indicadores, foi possível observar um ganho de agilidade nas operações logísticas que, consequentemente, reflete-se em ganhos financeiros. Além disso, os relatos dos colaboradores envolvidos na mudança revelaram diminuição de atritos e aumento expressivo da confiabilidade e da credibilidade depositada nas informações por parte de clientes internos e externos. Abstract The companies may gain competitive advantage when they have an efficient logistics. In this aspect, the use of tools for the management and control of material handling and storage are essential for a fast and efficient logistics. The Warehouse Management System (WMS) is one available alternative for the automation of the logistic operations. In this context, this study has the central objective of analyzing the results of the implementation of a WMS system in a manufacturer of mechanical parts, in terms of operational efficiency and quality. The results of this study are focused on the satisfaction of the workers involved with the logistic operations, evaluated by means of interviews, and on the operational results, evaluated by means of a comparative analysis of the logistic performance indicators at two different times, the time before and the time after the implementation of the WMS. The analysis of the performance indicators demonstrated that the logistic operations have become more agile, what has reflected on financial gains. In addition, the workers involved with the change have reported a decrease in the functional conflicts and an increase in the reliability and credibility of information available to internal and external customers.
- Published
- 2018
22. Mit Lean Warehousing zum Erfolg
- Author
Fohrmann, Theresa, Schmeltzpfenning, Kira, Schickling, Jonas, and Publica
- Subjects
WMS ,Warehouse Management System ,Mensch im Fokus ,Lean Warehousing - Abstract
Mit der sich wandelnden Umgebung ändern sich die Anforderungen sowohl an die logistischen Prozesse als auch an die Mitarbeiter. Auf dem Weg zur Industrie4.0 wächst auf der einen Seite der Anspruch, stabile organisationale und prozessuale Rahmenbedingungen zu schaffen, sowie auf der anderen Seite die Bedeutung, den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung zu rücken.
- Published
- 2017
23. Implantació d'un sistema Warehouse Management en entorns industrials com a suport pel procés OTC
- Author
Sicília Colomer, Jordi, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Organització d'Empreses, Cañabate Carmona, Antonio, and Corcoles, Josep Maria
- Subjects
Information storage and retrieval systems ,WMS ,SGA ,Magatzems ,Warehouse Management System ,Order-to-Cash ,OTC ,Informació -- Sistemes d'emmagatzematge i recuperació ,Informàtica::Sistemes d'informació [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Warehouses ,Sistema de Gestio de Magatzems ,Sistemes d'Informació - Abstract
El projecte amb l'objectiu de cobrir les necessitats dels diferents stakeholders a partir dels problemes detectats en la traçabilitat interna de l'empresa. Per tal de soluciona-ho es vol implantar una solució de Warehouse Management que permeti ampliar la informació disponible en el sistema. The project born in order to meet the needs and requirements of different stakeholders from the problems detected in the internal traceability. In order to solve this problems is to be implemented a Warehouse Management Solution to increase the amount information that exists in the information syste
- Published
- 2016
24. Product allocation planning with safety compatibility constraints in IoT-based warehouse
- Author
Radhouane Hadj Ltaief, Hassen Chekir, Eddy Bajic, Ahmed Zouinkhi, Sourour Trab, Mohammed Naceur Abdelkrim, Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy (CRAN), Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy 1 (UHP)-Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (INPL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), MACS ENIG, Université de Gabès, and Bajic, Eddy
- Subjects
IoT ,Computer science ,NetLogo ,[SPI.NANO] Engineering Sciences [physics]/Micro and nanotechnologies/Microelectronics ,Multi-agent system ,Computer security ,computer.software_genre ,[SPI.AUTO]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Automatic ,WMS ,[SPI.AUTO] Engineering Sciences [physics]/Automatic ,Warehouse management system ,Risk analysis (engineering) ,Software deployment ,Hazardous waste ,Service level ,Compatibility (mechanics) ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,[SPI.NANO]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Micro and nanotechnologies/Microelectronics ,computer ,Simulation ,General Environmental Science ,computer.programming_language ,Multi-agent ,Negociation mechanisms - Abstract
International audience; One of the most relevant topics in warehouse management system (WMS) is the security issue and concerns the optimal placement allocation of products with respect of product and human safety in a sustainable system. Knowing that differences often exist between virtual view of products placements in centralized WMS and the real situation in the facility due to unplanned movements resulting from human errors or products’ misplacements, we propose a reactive and compatibility constraint approach for product storage allocation. Our aim is to reduce the size of floating locations largely used in WMS and to avoid the inherent risks of hazardous accidents which can be generated by incompatibility between products and then to minimize the total logistic costs and to guarantee higher warehousing service levels in a safety monitored environment. This work proposes a multi-agent architecture for product allocation planning with compatibility constraints (PAP/CC), which uses a decision mechanism for product’s placement, based on negotiations between agents associated to compatibility tests. This approach represents an improvement key for decentralized management of warehouses in a dynamic and reactive environment. Negotiations mechanisms relying on an Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure and multi agent systems are defined in order to solve security problem of product allocation operations. Industrial deployment of IoT platform represents an ideal solution for decentralized management and to support collaboration between products and shelves. A simulation case of the proposed interactions mechanisms is provided with the use of NetLogo environment which offers many advantages to control agents and to describe their interactions in a graphical environment.
- Published
- 2015
25. Warehouse Management System and its implementation
- Author
Kovařík, Šimon, Gála, Libor, and Basl, Josef
- Subjects
WMS ,warehouse management system ,KARAT ,firma Novum ,řízený sklad ,inventory management ,Novum company - Abstract
This bachelor thesis deals with Warehouse management system and its implementation in certain company. The first theoretical part of this thesis describes WMS in general and its software solutions. The practical part analyzes particular solution KARAT WMS in company Novum, spol. s.r.o. and compares it with theoretical findings from first part.
- Published
- 2014
26. Avaliação de um sistema de gestão de armazenamento : um estudo de caso
- Author
Mendes, Sara Bruna Felício and Sarrico, Cláudia S.
- Subjects
WMS ,Warehouse Management System ,3PL company ,logistics activities ,atividades logísticas ,empresa 3PL ,Sistema de gestão de armazenamento ,Evaluation ,Avaliação - Abstract
Mestrado em Gestão e Estratégia Industrial As atividades logísticas foram desde sempre dependentes de informação. Esta realidade não mudou. Contudo, acentuou-se ao longo do tempo com a necessidade de informação exata e em tempo real. Para tal, as empresas de atividades logísticas deparam-se com a necessidade de avaliar os seus sistemas de gestão de informação, decidindo estrategicamente os investimentos sobre os mesmos. O presente trabalho de projeto debruça-se sobre a avaliação da adequação de um sistema de gestão de armazenamento às operações. Fá-lo através da adaptação de uma matriz para avaliação da adequação do sistema de gestão de armazenamento aos processos, a qual permite comparar as avaliações atribuídas. Esta matriz é composta por 11 processos, para os quais é avaliada a adequação do sistema atual, e a adequação desejada num horizonte de dois anos. Os dados recolhidos permitiram concluir quais os processos mais críticos em que a empresa terá de investir. Através da combinação dos dados recolhidos, com as sessões de trabalho em grupo e visitas aos armazéns, foi possível identificar diversas falhas extra sistema. O presente trabalho de projeto mostra o exemplo de uma empresa que percecionava deter um sistema mais adequado às suas operações do que o que foi demonstrado no estudo, demonstrando a importância da avaliação dos sistemas de informação. Logistics activities have always been dependent on information. This reality has not changed. However, it has been accentuated arisen over time with the need for accurate information and in real time. To do this, logistics companies are faced with the need to evaluate their information management systems, making strategic decisions about its investments. This research project focuses on assessing the suitability of a warehouse management system. It does so by adapting a matrix for assessing the adequacy of the warehouse management system to its processes, which allows a comparison with the resulting ratings. This matrix is composed of 11 processes, for which the adequacy of the current system is assessed, as well as the desired adequacy on a two year horizon. The data collected permits to point the most critical processes in which the company will have to invest. By combining the data collected with group work sessions and visits to the warehouses, it was possible to identify several extra system failures. This work shows the example of a company that thought it held a system that was best suited to its operations than the one that was shown in the study, thus demonstrating the importance of evaluating the information systems.
- Published
- 2014
27. Warehouse Management System 'Maelstrom'
- Author
Tichonovas, Tomas, Sakalauskas, Leonidas, Sirius, Vaclovas, Stoncelis, Mindaugas, Šiaučiūnas, Darius, Žilinskas, Kęstutis, Grebenkovaitė Aganina, Rasa, Šeputis, Tomas, Margienė, Asta, and Siauliai University
- Subjects
WMS ,Informatics ,SVS ,Warehouse management system ,Delphi ,Sandėlio valdymo sistema - Abstract
Sukurta firmai „West END Knitwear Ltd.“ Sandėlio vadymo sistema „Maelstrom“. Ši programą optimizuoja įmonės darbą pateikdama ataskaitas apie produkciją bei darbuotojų veiksmus. Darbas atliktas optimizuojant programą pagal tam tikras, darbe aprašytas taisykles. Warehouse Management System “Maelstrom” is created for “West END Knitwear Ltd.” Company. This program optimizes company's work by providing accurate reports on sales and employees actions. Also it was done in an efficient way by following some rules that were defined in this work.
- Published
- 2013
28. Warehouse Management Systeme - Das Vitamin C der Lagerverwaltung
- Author
Geißen, T. and Publica
- Subjects
Warehouse Management System ,WMS ,Lager- und Logistikkonzept ,Lagerverwaltung ,flüssiges Obst - Abstract
Die Logistik ist ein zentraler Wettbewerbsfaktor in der Getränkeindustrie. Daher ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, auf dem dynamischen und an vielen Stellen unübersichtlichen und komplexen Markt für Warehouse Management Systeme den Überblick zu bewahren, möchte man nicht vorhandene Optimierungspotentiale liegen lassen oder gar neue Möglichkeiten verpassen. Der gerade in seiner aktuellen Auflage erschienene WMS Marktreport des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Materialfluss und Logistik IML in Dortmund erweist sich hierbei als idealer Wegbegleiter.
- Published
- 2011
29. Durchblick bei der Lagerverwaltung
- Author
Geißen, T. and Publica
- Subjects
Warehouse Management System ,WMS ,WMS-Marktreport ,Warehouse Management System (WMS) ,Lagerverwaltung ,Entwicklungen und Trends WMS-Markt ,Getränkeindustrie - Abstract
In Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz gibt es mehr als 150 Anbieter von Warehouse Management Systemen (WMS). Neue Anbieter betreten ständig den Markt und im Rahmen von Projekten werden Funktionalitäten kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt. Der Markt ist in Bewegung und damit an vielen Stellen unübersichtlich und komplex. Mit dem Ziel die Komplexität des WMS-Marktes transparent darzustellen, startete das Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik erstmalig 2007/2008 eine Untersuchungsreihe, die in diesem Jahr umfangreich aktualisiert wurde: den WMS-Marktreport.
- Published
- 2011
30. Ständig in Bewegung
- Author
Wolf, O., Spee, D., and Publica
- Subjects
WMS ,Marktuntersuchung ,Warehouse Management System ,LVS ,Marktspiegel ,Lagerverwaltung ,Beratung ,Auswahl ,Marktstudie - Abstract
Die Logistik stellt in der Getränkeindustrie den größten Kostenfaktor dar und wird damit zum zentralen Wettbewerbsfaktor. Durch den Einsatz intelligenter Warehouse Management Systeme (WMS) und einer Optimierung der Wertschöpfungskette (Supply Chain) können Kosten reduziert werden. Aber welche Funktionen sollte das WMS erfüllen?
- Published
- 2010
31. An evaluation of change of WMS in ČSAD Hodonín a.s
- Author
Kůdelová, Zuzana, Pernica, Petr, and Černý, Josef
- Subjects
informační systémy ,information systems ,WMS ,warehouse management system ,logistics service providers ,poskytovatelé logistických služeb - Abstract
The diploma thesis is focusing on a warehouse management system of the ČSAD Hodonín a.s. company. This corporation is a logistics service provider mostly offering to its customers services associated with goods storage. The first objective of this thesis is an evaluation of change of WMS in this company and the second one is to design a method for selection of WMS and its supplier.
- Published
- 2010
32. Tool der Entscheidungshilfe
- Author
Wolf, O., Wölker, M., and Publica
- Subjects
WMS ,Marktuntersuchung ,Warehouse Management System ,LVS ,Marktspiegel ,Lagerverwaltung ,Beratung ,Auswahl ,Marktstudie - Abstract
Überraschend vielfältig Ein modernes Warehouse Management System (WMS) ist modular aufgebaut, die einzelnen Funktionen lassen sich in Kern- und Zusatzfunktionen sowie Erweiterungsmodule zusammenfassen. Grundsätzlich definiert der Anwender den Umfang des WMS: Jede Funktion, die er für notwendig erachtet, gehört zu seinem WMS: Die vom Team warehouse logistics entwickelte, jährlich aktualisierte WMS Datenbank mi 90 Teilnehmern schafft eine Übersicht und Transparenz auf dem WMS - Markt. Das Team warehouse logistics wurde 2000 von dem Fraunhofer - Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML gemeinsam mit dem niederländischen IPL Consultants b.v. gegründet.
- Published
- 2009
33. Drehbuch für ein WMS-Projekt
- Author
Michael ten Hompel, Wolf, Oliver, and Publica
- Subjects
WMS ,Marktuntersuchung ,Warehouse Management System ,LVS ,Marktspiegel ,Lagerverwaltung ,Beratung ,Auswahl ,Marktstudie - Abstract
Ohne Software bewegt sich auch in der Intralogistik seit Jahrzehnten nichts mehr. So ist auch die Einführung neuer Logistiksoftware eine viel geübte Praxis, die jedoch ihre Tücken hat. Dies liegt vor allem daran, dass es die Standardlösung für alle Belange der Intralogistik nicht gibt. Neue serviceorientierte Softwaretechnologien bieten das Potenzial, in Zukunft Vieles einfacher zu gestalten. Eines wird sich jedoch nicht ändern: Jedes größere Softwareprojekt in der Intralogistik ist ein Unikat und erfordert eine stringente Vorgehensweise.
- Published
- 2009
34. Planen mit System
- Author
Wolf, O. and Publica
- Subjects
WMS ,Marktuntersuchung ,Warehouse Management System ,LVS ,Marktspiegel ,Lagerverwaltung ,Beratung ,Auswahl ,Marktstudie - Abstract
Die Ausawahl des perfekten Warehouse Management Systems ist aufwändig und teuer. Eine Datenbank des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Materialfluss und Logistik soll dem abhelfen.
- Published
- 2009
35. Überraschend vielfältig
- Author
Wolf, O. and Publica
- Subjects
WMS ,Marktuntersuchung ,Warehouse Management System ,Verwaltung ,LVS ,Marktspiegel ,Lagerhaltung ,Auswahl ,Marktstudie - Abstract
Die WMS Online Auswahl, auf Grundlage der weltweit einmaligen WMS Datenbank, bietet umfassende Entscheidungshilfe bei der Vorauswahl eines Warehouse Management Systems (WMS). Innerhalb kürzester Zeit werden über 81 WMS miteinander verglichen.
- Published
- 2009
36. Die WMS-Online-Auswahl - überraschend vielfältig
- Author
Wolf, O. and Publica
- Subjects
WMS ,Marktuntersuchung ,Warehouse Management System ,LVS ,Marktspiegel ,Lagerverwaltung ,Beratung ,Auswahl ,Marktstudie - Abstract
Die WMS-Online-Auswahl auf Grundlage der weltweit einmaligen WMS-Datenbank bietet umfassende Entscheidungsverfahren bei der Vorauswahl eines WMS. Und so funktionier`s: Innerhalb kürzester Zeit werden über 86 WMS miteinander verglichen. Dabei geht die Datenbank auf knapp 3.500 Einzelaspekte ein und schafft somit die Voraussetzung, eine passgenaue Auswahl treffen zu können.
- Published
- 2009
37. Via Internet die passende Lagerverwaltung finden
- Author
Wolf, O. and Publica
- Subjects
WMS ,Marktuntersuchung ,Warehouse Management System ,LVS ,Marktspiegel ,Lagerverwaltung ,Beratung ,Auswahl ,Marktstudie - Abstract
Das Warehouse Management System entscheidet heute sehr stark mit über die Effizienz der Lagerlogistik. Oftmals fällt es Unternehmen jedoch nicht leicht, aus der Vielfalt der angebotenen Systeme das für ihre Bedürfnisse passende zu finden. Dabei soll nun eine Datenbank des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Materialfluss und Logistik helfen. Oliver Wolf, der das Team Warehouse Logistics bei Fraunhofer leitet, und Dr. Martin Wölker von der Fontys Hogeschool in Venlo, Niederlande, beschreiben als Autoren des nachstehenden Beitrags ihre Sicht des Weges, zum passenden WMS zu finden.
- Published
- 2009
38. Entscheidungshilfe online
- Author
Wolf, O. and Publica
- Subjects
WMS ,Marktuntersuchung ,Warehouse Management System ,LVS ,Lagerverwaltung ,Beratung ,Auswahl ,Marktstudie - Abstract
Ein Software - Tool auf der Grundlage der weltweit einmaligen WMS Datenbank bietet umfassende Entscheidungshilfe bei der Vorauswahl eines Warehouse Management Systems. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit werden über 86 WMS miteinander verglichen. Dabei geht die Datenbank auf knapp 3.500 Einzelaspekte ein und schafft somit die Voraussetzung eine passgenaue Auswahl treffen zu können. Entwickelt wurde das Werkzeug WMS - Online - Auswahl am Fraunhofer - Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik (IML), in Zusammenarbeit mit IPL Consultants, einem Beratungsbüro für ERP- und Lagerverwaltungssysteme in niederländischen Veldhoven
- Published
- 2009
39. Wettbewerbsfähig bleiben
- Author
Wolf, O. and Publica
- Subjects
WMS ,Marktuntersuchung ,Warehouse Management System ,LVS ,Marktspiegel ,Lagerverwaltung ,Beratung ,Auswahl ,Marktstudie - Abstract
Als ein zentraler Aspekt für den Leistungsumfang eines WMS (Warehouse Management System) in der Getränkebranche gilt die Verwaltung von Chargen. Zwar ermöglicht dies mittlerweile fas jedes WMS, dennoch bleibt die tatsächliche Unterstützung der meisten WMS bei der Rückverfolgung von Chargen hinter den gesetzlich geforderten Anforderungen zurück. Um die Rückverfolgbarkeit umfassend zu gewährleisten, ist sowohl die Erfassung der Chargen im Wareneingang als auch eine lagerplatzgenaue Verfolgung bei internen Transporten notwendig.
- Published
- 2009
40. Warehouse Management Systems. Flexible and platformindependet
- Author
Wolf, O. and Publica
- Subjects
WMS ,Marktuntersuchung ,Warehouse Management System ,LVS ,Marktspiegel ,Lagerverwaltung ,Beratung ,Auswahl ,Marktstudie - Abstract
Der Markt für WMS ist ständig in Bewegung. Neue Anbieter mit neuen Produkten betreten den Markt. Im Rahmen von beauftragten Projekten kommt es zu Weiterentwicklungen und Innovationen. Diese Faktoren tragen dazu bei, dass der Markt immer mehr an Komplexität gewinnt und seine Überschaubarkeit daher immer schwieriger wird. Das Team warehouse logistics hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, diesen Mangel an Informationen zu beseitigen. Betrachtet wurden dabei zahlreiche Aspekte wie beispielsweise die Marktgröße, die zukünftigen Ausrichtungen der Anbieter, oder die Motive der Anwender in ein WMS zu investieren. Der WMS-Marktreport 2007-2008 fasst die zentralen Erkenntnisse kompakt und informativ zusammen und liefert ein breites Spektrum von interessanten Ergebnissen. Es befasst sich nicht nur mit den Entwicklungen des WMS-Marktes, sondern richtet auch einen übergreifenden Blick in die Zukunft, indem die künftigen Trends des Marktes dargestellt werden. Der Markt für WMS ist ständig in Bewegung. Neue Anbieter mit neuen Produkten betreten den Markt. Im Rahmen von beauftragten Projekten kommt es zu Weiterentwicklungen und Innovationen. Diese Faktoren tragen dazu bei, dass der Markt immer mehr an Komplexität gewinnt und seine Überschaubarkeit daher immer schwieriger wird. Das Team warehouse logistics hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, diesen Mangel an Informationen zu beseitigen. Betrachtet wurden dabei zahlreiche Aspekte wie beispielsweise die Marktgröße, die zukünftigen Ausrichtungen der Anbieter, oder die Motive der Anwender in ein WMS zu investieren. Der WMS-Marktreport 2007-2008 fasst die zentralen Erkenntnisse kompakt und informativ zusammen und liefert ein breites Spektrum von interessanten Ergebnissen. Es befasst sich nicht nur mit den Entwicklungen des WMS-Marktes, sondern richtet auch einen übergreifenden Blick in die Zukunft, indem die künftigen Trends des Marktes dargestellt werden.
- Published
- 2008
41. Software rund ums Lager
- Author
Wolf, O. and Publica
- Subjects
WMS ,Marktuntersuchung ,Warehouse Management System ,LVS ,Marktspiegel ,Lagerverwaltung ,Beratung ,Auswahl ,Marktstudie - Abstract
Der Markt für WMS ist ständig in Bewegung. Neue Anbieter mit neuen Produkten betreten den Markt. Im Rahmen von beauftragten Projekten kommt es zu Weiterentwicklungen und Innovationen. Diese Faktoren tragen dazu bei, dass der Markt immer mehr an Komplexität gewinnt und seine Überschaubarkeit daher immer schwieriger wird. Das Team warehouse logistics hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, diesen Mangel an Informationen zu beseitigen. Betrachtet wurden dabei zahlreiche Aspekte wie beispielsweise die Marktgröße, die zukünftigen Ausrichtungen der Anbieter, oder die Motive der Anwender in ein WMS zu investieren. Der WMS-Marktreport 2007-2008 fasst die zentralen Erkenntnisse kompakt und informativ zusammen und liefert ein breites Spektrum von interessanten Ergebnissen. Es befasst sich nicht nur mit den Entwicklungen des WMS-Marktes, sondern richtet auch einen übergreifenden Blick in die Zukunft, indem die künftigen Trends des Marktes dargestellt werden.
- Published
- 2008
42. Wer setzt auf Software?
- Author
Wolf, O., Seebauer, P., and Publica
- Subjects
Warehouse Management System ,WMS ,Lagersoftware ,LVS ,Lagerverwaltungssoftware ,Marktspiegel ,Logistik Datenbank ,Lagerverwaltung ,Logistik EDV ,Beratung ,Auswahl ,Marktstudie - Abstract
Welche aktuellen Veränderungen gibt es bei Warehouse Management Systemen (WMS)? Regelmäßig bringen WMS-Anbieter neue Systemversionen mit verbesserten und erweiterten Funktionen auf den Markt. Zudem entstehen neue Firmen, die passende Software entwickeln und vertreiben. Um hier Transparenz zu schaffen, führt das Team Warehouse Logistics, bestehend aus dem Dortmunder Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik und der niederländischen IPL Consultants B.V., seit dem Jahr 2000 die jährlich aktualisierte Internationale Marktstudie Warehouse Management Systems durch. In den beiden letzten Teilen unserer Serie "Transparenz auf dem Markt" hat LOGISTIK HEUTE das Internetportal www.warehouse-logistics.com, dessen Nutzen für WMS-Anbieter und potenzielle WMS-Kunden sowie den zugrunde liegenden Fragenkatalog vorgestellt. In der aktuellen Ausgabe beleuchten wir die teilnehmenden WMS-Anbieter hinsichtlich Zertifizierung, Leistungsangebot, Kosten und Produktspektrum.
- Published
- 2004
43. Neubeginn an der Quelle: Reform-Ansatz für Lagerverwaltungs-Software
- Author
Ten Hompel, M. and Publica
- Subjects
Warehouse Management System ,WMS ,Electronic Business ,3PL ,4PL ,Lagerverwaltungssystem ,Logistik-Dienstleister ,standard ,Electronic Commerce ,electronic logistics ,MyWMS - Published
- 2002
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