This guide is intended to help the reader understand: the value of teacher induction programs designed to orient, support, train, and assess novice teachers; what makes induction programs work; the essential ingredients of an effective induction program; and how to get started improving efforts to support and assess novice teachers. Six sections present: "Introduction" (e.g., what teacher induction is, why induction programs are needed, why new teacher leave the profession, common barriers for new teachers, and the future of induction programs); "Guidelines for Success" (e.g., view induction as a multiyear, developmental process; provide a first-class mentoring program; invest in technology; and evaluate program effectiveness); "How to Develop an Effective Teacher Induction Program" (getting started and program components); "A Program That Works: An In-Depth Look" (California's Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment projects); "Checklist for Developing an Induction Program" (e.g., understand the value of developing an induction program, put together a planning team, collaborate with partner organizations, provide quality mentoring, and link inductee evaluation to district and state level standards); and "Resources." (SM)