This paper examines how educational radio has been used to disseminate agricultural information to farmers in rural communities of Manitoba (Canada), and discusses implications for educational uses of radio in developing countries. In-depth interviews were conducted with 15 communication experts involved in rural extension services in Manitoba. The experts felt that they did not use radio to educate but to make farmers aware of timely and useful technical information and to inform farmers of practices that would improve farming and their quality of life. Experts planned radio programs cooperatively and, at times, in consultation with the target audience. Various program formats were used, and ideal program length was 30-45 minutes. Evaluation of radio programs was informal, with orientation toward listener feedback. Experts recommended that programming for farmers in developing countries should emphasize simplicity, community involvement, indigenosity, the Farm Radio Forum approach, and multimedia approach. A five-phase framework is proposed for educational uses of radio in the agricultural extension services of Nigeria and other developing nations. The five phases are needs assessment; cooperative planning and development by committees; production, which takes into account local problems, attitudes, beliefs, practices, language use, misconceptions, and government policies; implementation or delivery, which focuses on organizing listening groups and group discussions and gathering feedback; and evaluation of each of the other phases. Specific recommendations for implementation are listed. Contains 21 references. (SV)