The purpose of this study was to explore men's food behaviours using interviews and photographs. The research specifically looks at the importance of certain individual factors as determinants of food behaviours, namely food preferences, lifestyle, ability to cook, involvement with health and nutrition. Each man received two cameras and a guide describing the elements to be photographed. They each participated in a one-hour interview where they commented on their photographs. Data were collected on 15 single men between 19 and 25 years of age, living in apartments. The results present their preferred foods and beverages, and the food products they identified as always present in the food cupboard, the refrigerator or the freezer. With regard to lifestyle, our results confirm the importance of convenience. In terms of their ability to cook, the cooking equipment available to them and the ready-to-serve foods they selected are listed. Finally, their perceptions on healthy eating are reported. Our findings are discussed, and research avenues are suggested. (Contains 4 figures.)