Xu X, Guo L, Yang C, Teng H, Shen G, Wang S, Zhao J, Yang X, Zhang L, Wang X, Zhao J, and Xiang W
Winter jujube originated from China and had an extremely high nutritional value. In 2021, symptomatic winter jujube fruits were collected from eight locations in Zhanhua District of Binzhou City, Shandong Province. In total, 108 fungal isolates were obtained and grouped into 11 species based on morphological characteristics and multilocus phylogenetic analysis, including Nothophoma quercina (43.52%), Fusarium lateritium (20.37%), Alternaria alternata (12.03%), F. proliferatum (7.41%), F. graminearum (4.63%), Botryosphaeria dothidea (3.70%), Fusarium sp. (2.78%), A. tenuissima (2.78%), Diaporthe eres (1.85%), Nigrospora oryzae (0.93%), and Cercospora nicotianae (0.93%). All fungal isolates obtained in this study showed aggressiveness on detached winter jujube fruits except N. oryzae and C. nicotianae isolates, of which F. proliferatum was the most virulent, while A. alternata isolates, which have been considered the major pathogen of winter jujube fruit rot, showed a relatively low-level virulence in this study. Furthermore, D. eres , F. graminearum , F. lateritium , and an unclassified Fusarium species were first reported as causal agents of winter jujube fruit rot. The typical symptoms of winter jujube fruit rot observed in this study could be distinguished into two types. N. quercina , A. alternata , A . tenuissima , Fusarium sp., D. nobilis , and F. lateritium isolates caused reddish brown to dark gray lesions on the peel, while B. dothidea , F. graminearum , and F. proliferatum isolates caused peel and pulp decay, resulting in red to reddish brown and water-soaked lesions. In addition, haplotype analysis of N. quercina isolates obtained in this study and validly published articles showed that there were 11 haplotypes worldwide; the isolates obtained in the current study were grouped into three haplotypes (Hap 1, Hap 2, and Hap 11), and two of them (Hap 2 and Hap 11) were confirmed as new haplotypes.