This study shows some of the entrepreneurial attitudes of some professionals from Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, in Bogota, based on behaviors, emotions and beliefs they have after creating their own companies. First, the description of a behavior model by Ajzen is presented, being the concept and the instrument applied to interpret results. Besides a study made about entrepreneurship in Colombia is included, in which similarities and differences between Colombian and French students when they create their own companies are manifested. Secondly, the methodology used is presented to collect information and data. Thirdly, the results of found evidences on the entrepreneurs' beliefs that make them act and feel to take risks, have self- control and self- satisfaction, applying permanent innovation and having motivation to reach goals. The concluding part of this study shows the fact that not only social norms intervene in the creation of an own business but it can also influence individuals to reach a favorable acceptance of an entrepreneurial behavior, allowing a double- via feedback process [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]