The Novo Gama municipality, Goiás, through the Law 1516/2015, prohibited the teaching of gender identity in its municipal schools, as well as the circulation of materials dealing with the subject referred. It did not take long for the Federal Supreme Court to recognize the local rule unconstitutionality, in the judgment of ADPF no. 457, for offending several textualized norms in the Federal Constitution, among them the dignity of the human person, equality, and the constitutional principles of education, provided for in art. 206. In addition, the aforementioned court understood that the rule of the municipality in Goiás strengthens the heteronormativity, which is the premise that only the "heterosexual way of being" is correct. Furthermore constitutional transgressions, it is also clear that Law 1516/15, by Novo Gama, goes against Rousseau's ideals, especially with regard to the concept of the common good, which should guide the State's political decision-making. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]