Fernandez-Triana, Jose L., Whitfield, James B., Smith, M. Alex, Braet, Yves, Hallwachs, Winnie, and Janzen, Daniel H.
The Microgastrinae genus Prasmodon is revised and the following 16 new species are described: erenadupontae and verhoogdenokus (authored by Braet and Fernández-Triana), and almasolisae, aureus, bobpoolei, bobrobbinsi, dondavisi, johnbrowni, masoni, mikepoguei, nixoni, paulgoldsteini, scottmilleri, silvatlanticus, subfuscus, and tijucaensis (authored by Fernández-Triana and Whitfield). The greatest species richness is found in the Amazon basin, but the genus extends throughout the rain forests of Central and South America. Leaf-rolling and webbing caterpillars of Crambidae and Elachistidae are the only known hosts for these parasitoids. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]