Slor, Hanoch, Batko, Sima, Khan, Sikandar G., Sobe, Tama, Emmert, Steffen, Khadavi, Arash, Frumkin, Azriel, Busch, David B., Albert, Roberta B., and Kraemer, Kenneth H.
Summary An Ashkenazi Jewish Israeli family with two children affected with severe xeroderma pigmentosum was investigated. A son, XP12TA, developed skin cancer at 2 y and died at 10 y. A daughter, XP25TA, now 24 y old, was sun protected and began developing skin cancers at 10 y. Their cultured skin fibroblasts showed reductions in post-ultraviolet survival (11% of normal), unscheduled DNA synthesis (10% of normal), global genome DNA repair (15% of normal), and plasmid host cell reactivation (5% of normal). Transcription-coupled DNA repair was normal, however. Northern blot analysis revealed greatly reduced xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C mRNA. A plasmid host cell reactivation assay assigned the cells to xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C. Cells from both parents and an unaffected child exhibited normal post-ultraviolet-C survival and normal DNA repair. Sequencing the xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C cDNA of XP12TA and XP25TA revealed a homozygous deletion of two bases (del AT 669–670) in exon 5 with a new termination site 10 codons downstream that is expected to encode a truncated xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C protein. Sequence analysis of the xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C cDNA in cells from the parents found identical heterozygous mutations: one allele carries both the exon 5 frameshift and an exon 15 polymorphism and the other allele carries neither alteration. Cells from the unaffected brother had two normal xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C alleles. This frameshift mutation in the xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C gene led to reduced DNA repair with multiple skin cancers and early death. Sun protection delayed the onset of skin cancer and prolonged life in a sibling with the same mutation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]