Central Nervous System Diseases and Conditions, Cerebral Ventricles, Health and Medicine, Hydrocephalus, Infant and Newborn Diseases and Conditions, Intracranial Hypertension, Pediatrics, Surgery, Third Ventriculostomy, Choroid Plexus, Bamako, Ventriculostomy, Mali, Africa, Brain Diseases and Conditions, Central Nervous System Keywords: Bamako; Mali; Africa; Brain Diseases and Conditions; Central Nervous System; Central Nervous System Diseases and Conditions; Cerebral Ventricles; Choroid Plexus; Health and Medicine; Hydrocephalus; Infant and Newborn Diseases and Conditions; Intracranial Hypertension; Pediatrics; Surgery; Third Ventriculostomy; Ventriculostomy EN Bamako Mali Africa Brain Diseases and Conditions Central Nervous System Central Nervous System Diseases and Conditions Cerebral Ventricles Choroid Plexus Health and Medicine Hydrocephalus Infant and Newborn Diseases and Conditions Intracranial Hypertension Pediatrics Surgery Third Ventriculostomy Ventriculostomy 563 563 1 06/12/23 20230616 NES 230616 2023 JUN 17 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Pediatrics Week -- New research on Central Nervous System Diseases and Conditions - Hydrocephalus is the subject of a report. [Extracted from the article]