Juncan, Teodora-Paula, Manea, Alexandra-Daniela, Ciobanu, Iulia-Andreea, Lazar, Nicolae-Alexandru, Zoea, Bogdan, and Blidisel, Iulian-Ciprian-Alexandru
Background: Malignant melanoma, also known as simply "melanoma", the deadliest skin cancer, has a incidence that has been increased dramatically over the past few decades. According to World Health Organisation, it has been estimated about 60000 deaths each year worldwide, 2.6 for men compared with 1.8/100000 cases for women, noting that Australia and New Zealand had the highest rates of melanoma in the world. Objective: The aim of this report is to present a clinical case of a patient with a malignant melanona of left calcaneus, a rare location of this type of cancer. Material and methods: A 59 years old male patient was admitted in January 2017 to the Surgical Clinic of the Emergency Clinical Municipal Hospital of Timioara with an imprecise delimitated, brown tined, proeminent formation about 4/4cm on the left calcaneus, accusing pain on palpation. Our patient had, at that moment, a surgical excizion of the malignant melanoma (demonstrated after the histopathological examination). The CT scan and the IRM examination did not revealed metastasis in other organs. After that, in February 2017, the patient returns back, but this time with a 1/2cm recurrence of the melanoma, with the same location. Again, it is practiced the removal of the tumor, but also a fascio-cutaneous graft having as pedicle the sural nerve route. Results: The postoperative evolution was favorable and, so far, our patient did not put any "question mark" concerning his health, although this cancer has a low survival rate. Conclusions: Every cutaneous lesion, even if it is a small one and apparently insignificant, should be seriously treated, because it could be a melanoma. It can be diagnosed from an incipient stage by a simple and cheap investigation: the byopsy. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]