The paper presents the study done on the frame model technology used for adapting the bees the pedoclimate conditions of Romania. It is based on the observation done on four models, two widely used ones (Dadant and Layenes) and two models than provide conditions closer to the ones the bee hive experiences in nature (Warre and Dellon). Considering the current weather conditions and taking into account that bee family should have a strong development in the spring time to acquire a large quantity of bee forage in the first major harvesting of the year (harvesting canola), we concluded that the pattern of the hive most used in Romania (Dadant hive) no longer meets the requirements. To better understand the development of bee colonies in natural conditions, we began to study swarms of bees who have found shelter in hollow trees in the wilderness. By studding a swarm of bees that form a family in natural conditions (in a hollow tree and without any human intervention), we can see that they prefer a round enclosure and stat building combs from the top down. As bees begin to bring in nectar reserves, honeycomb building will continue so that the queen cans oviposition, while food reserves will be stored in the top of the hive. Bees prefer not to overcome the honeycombs with honey, and concentrate in the center where the area is more easily heated. Best results were observed in hives with an inner diameter of 25-35 cm and a height of 70-120 cm. If we take into account that the winter mat has a diameter of 26 to 30 cm, we can see that these families enclosures in the winter conditions were entirely occupied by the wintering ball and that the displacement occurred only vertically. Higher temperatures were observed above the wintering ball so than honey is kept a higher temperature, and thus keep its liquid state and be ready for consumption by the bees. If the temperature drops below a certain level and the bees only have food reserves in one side of the ball, they cannot move left or right to consume the honey and starve, even though they have food reserves in the hive. The conclusion reached after the research is that the Layens frame with the internal dimensions of 310x370 mm and a total area of 11.47 dm2 best suits this purpose, but the technology of the Layens frame model can be adapted to the pedoclimate conditions of Romania. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]