Interactive Health Network (IHN) has already played a significant role in arranging ISDN and satellite links for past world online health events, as of December 2003. These international events have required extensive satellite links with Africa, Asia and South America. Working with its international partners, speakers and participants have included health workers in developing countries as well as individuals such as president of World Bank James Wolfensen, director general of World Heath Organisation Gro Brundtland, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and other prominent members of the international medical community, including many health ministers. This year has seen IHN's global communications strategy for promoting such exchanges make significant progress. On January 19, 2003, further evidence emerged. The venue was the Geneva International Conference Centre in Geneva, Switzerland. Of the nine candidates invited for the public forum, two withdrew from the race, one was unable to attend for medical reasons and three elected not to participate shortly beforehand. INSET: THE INTERACTIVE HEALTH NETWORK..